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a guest
Dec 1st, 2013
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text 1.64 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: theforgottenserver, Configuration: Release x64 ------
  2. 1> otpch.cpp
  3. 1> actions.cpp
  4. 1> admin.cpp
  5. 1> ban.cpp
  6. 1> baseevents.cpp
  7. 1> beds.cpp
  8. 1> chat.cpp
  9. 1> combat.cpp
  10. 1> commands.cpp
  11. 1> condition.cpp
  12. 1> configmanager.cpp
  13. 1> connection.cpp
  14. 1> container.cpp
  15. 1> creature.cpp
  16. 1> creatureevent.cpp
  17. 1> cylinder.cpp
  18. 1> database.cpp
  19. 1> databasemanager.cpp
  20. 1> depotchest.cpp
  21. 1> depotlocker.cpp
  22. 1> fileloader.cpp
  23. 1> game.cpp
  24. 1> globalevent.cpp
  25. 1> groups.cpp
  26. 1> guild.cpp
  27. 1> house.cpp
  28. 1> housetile.cpp
  29. 1> inbox.cpp
  30. 1> ioguild.cpp
  31. 1> iologindata.cpp
  32. 1> iomap.cpp
  33. 1> iomapserialize.cpp
  34. 1> iomarket.cpp
  35. 1> item.cpp
  36. 1> items.cpp
  37. 1> logger.cpp
  38. 1> luascript.cpp
  39. 1> mailbox.cpp
  40. 1> map.cpp
  41. 1> monster.cpp
  42. 1> monsters.cpp
  43. 1> mounts.cpp
  44. 1> movement.cpp
  45. 1> networkmessage.cpp
  46. 1> npc.cpp
  47. 1> otserv.cpp
  48. 1> outfit.cpp
  49. 1> outputmessage.cpp
  50. 1> party.cpp
  51. 1> player.cpp
  52. 1> position.cpp
  53. 1> protocol.cpp
  54. 1> protocolgame.cpp
  55. 1> protocollogin.cpp
  56. 1> protocolold.cpp
  57. 1> quests.cpp
  58. 1> raids.cpp
  59. 1> rsa.cpp
  60. 1> scheduler.cpp
  61. 1> scriptmanager.cpp
  62. 1> server.cpp
  63. 1> spawn.cpp
  64. 1> spells.cpp
  65. 1> protocolstatus.cpp
  66. 1> talkaction.cpp
  67. 1> tasks.cpp
  68. 1> teleport.cpp
  69. 1> thing.cpp
  70. 1> tile.cpp
  71. 1> tools.cpp
  72. 1> trashholder.cpp
  73. 1> vocation.cpp
  74. 1> waitlist.cpp
  75. 1> weapons.cpp
  76. 1> wildcardtree.cpp
  77. 1> Generating code
  78. 1> Finished generating code
  79. 1> theforgottenserver.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Dominique\Downloads\forgottenserver-master\vc12\x64\Release\theforgottenserver.exe
  80. ========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
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