
Banshee for Megumi

Jul 15th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]The killing cold[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]The death-knell of the night hunters[/i][/right]
  14. She is old. Older than the ice at the Fortress of Ends from which she was pulled. She lived long, blessed by a vampire's longevity and power, and enjoyed an impossible grasp of Ice magic with which she could fell any beast or dragon. Those who knew her then called her [i]the killing cold[/i]: her otherworldly howling would begin at sundown, freezing living things in their tracks and leaving behind only still white statues in the following dawn. When her nocturnal tyranny became too much, she was sentenced to the ice.
  16. It was Elisheba who found her, Elisheba who came looking for the source of myths, rumours, and legends that swirled through her daytime slumber. Elisheba shattered her ice prison and offered Banshee what she wanted most: the freedom to howl to her heart's content again. In exchange, Elisheba asked for Banshee's loyalty and a single boon to call upon the killing cold of old, should she need it. Banshee did not consider the offer long before accepting it. Elisheba's manner was enthralling, and gave Banshee something she never thought she would have: hope for her fellow nightwalkers.
  18. It was under Elisheba's service as night hunter that Banshee found Husk, drawn to him one night as he rose phoenix-like from a field of fresh bodies. The smell of death was strong on him, and the pull of his spirit -- dead and alive, dead and alive -- was undeniable. She brought him before Elisheba, and was rewarded with his company during the night hunts. The two are seldom seen apart, acting almost as if a single organism.
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  23. [center][size=2]Bio by [url=]Rifter #2226[/url].[/size][/center]
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