
Live-fire hugging exercise

Apr 5th, 2019
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  1. [8:16 PM] SwaDM: Well, there it is. There has been very significant progress on the building of Lous' leg, to the point where it isn't that far off of being finished. In the interim, the group did move off of the temporary camp that was set up, and instead, over towards the forward outpost that was erected near the mountain chain that divides the Helyrothian Desert, and the Northern plains, albeit it only took a few hours of travel - nothing really major. Plus, Kiran - like the others, were given actual (small) dwellings, instead of just tents - which, in turn, makes working on things far easier.
  2. [8:17 PM] SwaDM: Gemini has been accompanying them and assisting Kiran in small ways regarding directions on the prothesis itself - but, for the moment, this is hopefully all the work that they have to do for the day. Unless Kiran wants to drop from exhaustion. Or overdose in coffee. Well, he probably wants to do the latter regardless.
  3. [8:18 PM] Kiran: is seated on a small workstool, staring down into the soul of his notebook.
  4. [8:19 PM] Kiran: "Gemini, what was the Kriendyh approach to religion?"
  5. [8:19 PM] Kiran: "Other than-"
  6. [8:19 PM] SwaDM: The floating construct tilts itself slightly towards Kiran
  7. [8:19 PM] Kiran: "You know. Tara."
  8. [8:19 PM] SwaDM: "User must specify the question."
  9. [8:19 PM] SwaDM: "What does "religion" entail?"
  10. [8:20 PM] Kiran: "Did the Kriendyh practice any kind of organised faith or worship, generally involving a god, saint, or other holy or unholy figure?"
  11. [8:20 PM] SwaDM: "Negative. Not in the way user is describing."
  12. [8:21 PM] SwaDM: "Krien and his advances in the application of Anima Technology were revered at a scientific and technological level, but it was not worshipped."
  13. [8:22 PM] SwaDM: "That is not to say a fraction of the Kriendyh did not choose to worship concepts such as deities, albeit reports indicate that these quickly separated from the empire due to a disagreement in proccedure."
  14. [8:22 PM] Kiran: "Huh. You had religious separatists? Do you know where they went afterwards?"
  15. [8:23 PM] SwaDM: "Data inconclusive. This specific information was not deemed necessary for our functionality."
  16. [8:23 PM] Kiran: "Huh."
  17. [8:23 PM] Kiran: looks toward wherever Raven/Aparto's hut thing is.
  18. [8:23 PM] Kiran: "Pity."
  19. [8:24 PM] SwaDM: Funny story about that - if Kiran were to remember the small , dome-like wooden lodgings in Lumo, erected by the aid of Dryads?
  20. [8:24 PM] SwaDM: It's the same thing.
  21. [8:24 PM] Kiran: Oh, nice
  22. [8:26 PM] Kiran: "I found myself wondering. In times like the Kriendyh faced, it would make sense to turn to something you could put your faith in. Despite... everything going on around you. Although if Krien was already as amazing as he was, you might not need to."
  23. [8:26 PM] Kiran: "Specifically I had hoped for some sort of a sign."
  24. [8:27 PM] Kiran: "If you had all had a connection with the deity that I follow, it might have meant that there was some more meaningful connection - that despite the years, Mother Essati saw the innovations of the Kriendyh and smiled."
  25. [8:27 PM] SwaDM: "We lack the specific data to fully empathize with users in subjects like "Religion" or "Faith". However, observation indicates these to be a flawed concept."
  26. [8:28 PM] SwaDM: "User questioned why the Kriendyh did not turn to worshipping something when the empire was faced with a crisis. Correct?"
  27. [8:28 PM] Kiran: "Yes."
  28. [8:28 PM] SwaDM: "We have a follow-up query for user."
  29. [8:29 PM] SwaDM: "In spite of the observable evidence of the effectiveness of deities - what would have worshipping and hoping for something to take away the problems that plagued the empire contributed to, in any way or form?"
  30. [8:30 PM] Kiran: "If your problems can be caused by a deity, does it not stand to reason that it is possible they could also be solved by one?"
  31. [8:31 PM] SwaDM: "A deity does not manifest itself from thin air. Observation has indicated the existance of many others after the fall of the Empire, but at the time you speak of, we have scant records of tribal deities in the far eastern landmass, of Tara, and Elven deities that had no connection to the Empire."
  32. [8:31 PM] SwaDM: "Worshipping these deities would directly subjugate the empire towards their rule. Furthermore, if one requires the aid of a deity to suceed in their objectives, then the civilization itself is deemed incapable on it's own terms."
  33. [8:32 PM] Kiran: grins.
  34. [8:32 PM] Kiran: "I agree."
  35. [8:32 PM] SwaDM: "We sum up user's query as "Why didn't you ask someone else to do it for you?"
  36. [8:32 PM] SwaDM: "That is a sub-optimal way to approach any problems."
  37. [8:33 PM] Kiran: "I would observe that I did not comment on giving up while someone else fought. I simply asked why there was no crisis of faith. This tells me more about the Kriendyh approach to problems than I knew before asking."
  38. [8:33 PM] SwaDM: "We understand. User is correct."
  39. [8:34 PM] SwaDM: "We have already exchanged data with user Lous regarding this fact. The reason for the lack of - as user puts it, "A crisis of faith", is because what user Kiran may define as "faith" is perhaps what was held by every Kriendyh in their society as a whole."
  40. [8:34 PM] SwaDM: "A belief in the strength of metal, and those who wield it, as opposed to a deity."
  41. [8:35 PM] Kiran: "I can certainly appreciate that. I think it describes my own approach to faith quite well."
  42. [8:35 PM] SwaDM: "Ellaborate."
  43. [8:36 PM] Kiran: "I am a follower of Mother Essati - she is the goddess of innovation and invention."
  44. [8:37 PM] SwaDM: "This "deity" is unknown to us."
  45. [8:37 PM] SwaDM: "However, the utilization of maternity in five of the currently fourteen newfound deities of humans and other species indicates a potential issue. Logging information. Continue."
  46. [8:39 PM] Kiran: "To clarify, it is considered to be the greatest act that a follower of her can perform - to create something that improves the world. While I agree with this principle, I do not need a holy book to tell me that this is the correct thing to do."
  47. [8:39 PM] Kiran: "In addition, she is said to appear to people in their dreams to offer them inspiration, and guide their hands to invention of something that fulfils this cause."
  48. [8:40 PM] Kiran: "It is a source of personal pride that I have never felt the need to ask her to appear in mine."
  49. [8:40 PM] SwaDM: "Processing information."
  50. [8:40 PM] SwaDM: "The atribution of inspiration to a third party lessens the credit and merit of an inventor."
  51. [8:40 PM] SwaDM: "We dissaprove of this deity."
  52. 8:42 PM] Kiran: "She is also a god with purview over travel, and knowledge, and luck. She inspires people to take action and risks for themselves in the pursuit of improving themselves and the world around them. I can hardly begrudge her for helping some who can't start their journey to do so."
  53. [8:42 PM] SwaDM: "Those that cannot start in their own terms are not fit to continue."
  54. [8:43 PM] Kiran: "With respect, GEM, I have almost died several times, and without the help of others to pick me back up, we would not be sitting here having this conversation."
  55. [8:44 PM] SwaDM: "User misunderstands our intention."
  56. [8:44 PM] SwaDM: "Co-operation with other users is vital to the functioning of a group. The empire itself always concerned itself over the collective."
  57. [8:44 PM] SwaDM: "We refer to those of weak will that possess all that they need, but do not act."
  58. [8:45 PM] SwaDM: "Those who desire but do not act breed stagnation."
  59. [8:46 PM] Kiran: frowns, contemplating this for a moment.
  60. [8:47 PM] Kiran: "There are many ways to act. Not everyone knows that they can do amazing things until they are told. I certainly didn't."
  61. [8:47 PM] Kiran: "I think that in some cases you are correct - but not in all, and likely not in most."
  62. [8:48 PM] SwaDM: "Processing quote."
  63. [8:49 PM] SwaDM: "As stated by lord Krien regarding the perfection of Anima technology, and the need for strong volunteers for the activating of the Grand-Krien class frames."
  64. [8:49 PM] SwaDM: "Even the strongest of shields cannot defend the weakest of wills."
  65. [8:49 PM] SwaDM: "It is possible we may have to agree to disagree with user."
  66. [8:50 PM] Kiran: huffs out a quiet laugh.
  67. [8:50 PM] Kiran: "I think we will."
  68. [8:51 PM] SwaDM: "Affirmative."
  69. [8:54 PM] Kiran: "Gemini, I am going to go chat with Allyah. I know things are..."
  70. [8:54 PM] Kiran: gestures vaguely
  71. [8:54 PM] Kiran: "Tense. With the two of you. Or something."
  72. [8:55 PM] Kiran: mutters "Whatever the word for this is."
  73. [8:55 PM] SwaDM: "That is somewhat incorrect. For the moment, we are co-operative. However, it is true that our presence may cause some measure of discomfort."
  74. [8:55 PM] Kiran: "Yeah. Something like that."
  75. [8:55 PM] Kiran: "Uh. Do you..."
  76. [8:56 PM] Kiran: scrutinises them.
  77. [8:56 PM] Kiran: "Need anything?"
  78. [8:56 PM] SwaDM: "Analyzing."
  79. [8:56 PM] SwaDM: "Negative. Current chassis status is optimal."
  80. [8:56 PM] SwaDM: Gemini's flying form tilts from side to side repeatedly.
  81. [8:56 PM] SwaDM: It does not even wobble up and down a little in the air.
  82. [8:57 PM] Kiran: smiles down at the adorable robot.
  83. [8:57 PM] Kiran: "Okay. Well, I'll be back later."
  84. [8:57 PM] SwaDM: "Affirmative."
  85. [8:57 PM] Kiran: pushes himself to his feet, stretches his arms up above his head, and vacates the premises.
  86. [8:57 PM] Kiran: Time to go visit a lady I almost burned to death.
  87. [8:58 PM] SwaDM: Kiran would know that Tallyah was given a similar dwelling - an even bigger one, actually - certainly more on the comfortable side. Thusfar, people have actually been interacting with her - surprisingly so Linda being one of the people that are seen the most wtih them.
  88. [8:59 PM] Kiran: I question whether that is actually surprising
  89. [9:00 PM] SwaDM: As they approach the two-story wooden dome, they can spot that Tallyah still retains some measure of popularity, given that they spot who can they identify as Sigvard wearing a rather fancy blue coat just leaving the dome after exchanging a small farewell with the Not-evil-deity, who is by the open door. As for Linda being around Tara a lot...yes, I suppose that is not surprising. The woman is very personable and helpful.
  90. [9:01 PM] Kiran: Is this old Sigvard?
  91. [9:01 PM] SwaDM: Tharail described that the one he had available was old, but he frankly looks like he's on his mid thirties at best, not late eighties.
  92. [9:01 PM] Kiran: Mostly trying to work out if it's the one Kiran sparred with or not
  93. [9:02 PM] SwaDM: It is not, no.
  94. [9:02 PM] Kiran: Because Kiran's etiquette flowchart separates into two distinct responses around there
  95. [9:02 PM] SwaDM: Kiran must learn to identify big blue capes.
  96. [9:02 PM] Kiran: pauses awkwardly as old Sigvard emerges and half-raises a hand in greeting before aborting it.
  97. [9:03 PM] SwaDM: He does tilt his head towards Kiran as he passes by, at least smiling and nodding at him as he walks along. However, Tallyah obviously spots Kiran aswell, given that they also tilt their head and fold their arms while looking at him. With her three, white eyes.
  98. [9:03 PM] SwaDM: Concern.
  99. [9:04 PM] Kiran: waits until he's gone, and then approaches Allyah.
  100. [9:05 PM] Kiran: turns to look at Sigvard's retreating back.
  101. [9:05 PM] Kiran: "If the state that they were a lord of for like fifty years never existed in this dimension, am I still supposed to bow?"
  102. [9:06 PM] SwaDM: One thing to be readily noticied when it comes to Allyah is that they actually have physical clothes now, instead of depending on Sandra's disguise hat. What may be awful, however - and explain Linda's visit - is that Tallyah is wearing what seems to very much be a gaudy sweater - the kind that Kiran may have received in Bromas, but never wore out of sheer embarassment. Actually, it's Kiran. They probably can't be embarassed by gaudy clothes.
  103. [9:06 PM] SwaDM: "From what I gather, no."
  104. [9:06 PM] Kiran: "Ohthankgod."
  105. [9:06 PM] Kiran: visibly relaxes.
  106. [9:07 PM] SwaDM: "Certainly didn't act like one eitherway. Still - good evening."
  107. [9:07 PM] Kiran: "Hello! I see Linda made you a sweater."
  108. 9:07 PM] SwaDM: "...How did you guess?"
  109. [9:07 PM] Kiran: "I have a red one!"
  110. [9:08 PM] SwaDM: "I see. Well ,yes - she is rather helpful when the matter is clothes. She got me quite a few, and some of those supporting devices for your chest, too."
  111. [9:08 PM] SwaDM: "It is...thankful."
  112. [9:08 PM] Kiran: frowns at her, trying to figure out why Linda got someone a heart monito-ohhh
  113. [9:09 PM] Kiran: "Ohh."
  114. [9:09 PM] SwaDM: They're actually stable now. And not bouncing around. Ohhh.
  115. [9:09 PM] SwaDM: "Still - do you want to come in?"
  116. [9:09 PM] SwaDM: "Given it's you, I'd wager you didn't drop by to just say hello."
  117. [9:09 PM] Kiran: "I... actually did, but more of an in-depth hello?"
  118. [9:10 PM] SwaDM: "..."
  119. [9:10 PM] SwaDM: Tara looks at Kiran. Then towards the back of Sigvard. Then back at Kiran.
  120. [9:10 PM] SwaDM: "Well, fair enough."
  121. [9:10 PM] Kiran: "Cool!"
  122. [9:11 PM] SwaDM: They step out of the doorframe itself, walking into the dome-shaped house.
  123. [9:11 PM] Kiran: enters.
  124. [9:12 PM] Kiran: What has science done?
  125. [9:12 PM] SwaDM: Kiran will find that it is similarly fashioned with "furniture" made out of the wood of the house itself, which grows out of the floor - or even walls, albeit what passes as couches and seats actually have pillows or matresses upon them for proper comfort.
  126. [9:13 PM] SwaDM: He can even spot a tray with drained teacups off to the side in one rising piece of wood at an oval shape - probably a table.
  127. [9:13 PM] SwaDM: "Make yourself comfortable. Not what I'm used to, but it serves well enough."
  128. [9:13 PM] Kiran: scrutinises the furniture, and then selects a seat on the couch.
  129. [9:14 PM] Kiran: "What would a comfortable room have looked like for you? I'm sure we could talk to the dryads if there's something that would work better."
  130. [9:14 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, that's not going to remotely work."
  131. [9:15 PM] SwaDM: "We'd need some metal around here , and from what I'm aware, they're adverse to that idea."
  132. [9:15 PM] SwaDM: "Sturdy as they seem, I'm used to more..."
  133. [9:15 PM] SwaDM: "Resilient housing."
  134. [9:15 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah raises up one of their taloned hands, tapping the top of it up against one of the wooden walls, causing it to clonk.
  135. [9:16 PM] Kiran: "Hm."
  136. [9:19 PM] Kiran: "I have..."
  137. [9:20 PM] Kiran: retrieves a few articles of technological gear from about his person and places them down onto the table (hypogun, charge packs, vaporiser and commset)
  138. [9:20 PM] SwaDM: "...What are you doing?"
  139. [9:21 PM] Kiran: "I'd need more notice before making any of the furniture look like metal, but if I had a couple of days, I'm pretty confident that I could make something work."
  140. [9:21 PM] Kiran: "So for now let's just imagine."
  141. [9:21 PM] SwaDM: "No, I-"
  142. [9:21 PM] SwaDM: "I don't want you to actually make me furniture, I was just commenting. This is temporary housing."
  143. [9:21 PM] SwaDM: "Do relax."
  144. [9:21 PM] Kiran: "I know."
  145. [9:22 PM] Kiran: "But being away from... home is still really hard. Especially when you don't really know the people."
  146. [9:22 PM] SwaDM: "It-..."
  147. [9:22 PM] SwaDM: "I will be honest. It hasn't been that bad."
  148. [9:22 PM] Kiran: nods.
  149. [9:22 PM] SwaDM: "Everyone is quite co-operative. And this is far more space then I ever had in my personal lodgings, as far as I can remember."
  150. [9:23 PM] Kiran: "We're all a good team. I figure everyone's pretty excited to get to know you."
  151. [9:24 PM] Kiran: looks up at the ceiling.
  152. [9:24 PM] Kiran: "Other than metal, what were your personal lodgings like?"
  153. [9:25 PM] SwaDM: "Like everyone elses, mostly. A seat. A worktable that dobles as a dining area. Personal storage lockers. And my keto."
  154. [9:25 PM] SwaDM: "Not much else was needed."
  155. [9:26 PM] Kiran: tilts his head.
  156. [9:26 PM] Kiran: "Keto?"
  157. [9:26 PM] SwaDM: "...Right - sorry. It roughly translates to life fabric. Those hanging beds you saw in the living quarters?"
  158. [9:26 PM] SwaDM: "The patterned ones?"
  159. [9:26 PM] Kiran: "Oh!"
  160. [9:26 PM] SwaDM: "Every Kriendyh made their own, added to it overtime."
  161. [9:27 PM] Kiran: "Oh, I get the name. That's... really lovely. Did everyone pick their own colours and things?"
  162. [9:28 PM] SwaDM: "Colours, shapes. Whatever they pleased, albeit every one of them was meant to represent their life in a way the creator could interpret it."
  163. [9:28 PM] Kiran: "What were they made of?"
  164. [9:28 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah shrugs.
  165. [9:28 PM] SwaDM: "Wool. Any kind of fabric - silk, sometimes. Depended on the creator, and what they had in mind."
  166. [9:29 PM] SwaDM: "I know some used metal threads in a few places."
  167. [9:29 PM] Kiran: "That's fascinating. Was it freeform, or were particular designs meant to evoke specific things about its creator?"
  168. [9:30 PM] SwaDM: "As I said, essentially freeform. That's not to say certain patterns weren't accepted as a standard, but anyone could do their own take on things."
  169. [9:31 PM] Kiran: "Wow. That sounds like it would've meant a lot to the designer. Did people show off their keto, or was it a more personal thing?"
  170. [9:32 PM] SwaDM: "So-so. It was kept in our lodgings so we could sleep on them, so we weren't exactly displaying them."
  171. [9:32 PM] SwaDM: "They were used for...storage though. In K and GK units. I've explained this to Lous already."
  172. [9:33 PM] Kiran: "I see. I suppose that makes sense."
  173. [9:33 PM] Kiran: sits further back in the couch.
  174. [9:33 PM] SwaDM: "It's-...hm."
  175. [9:33 PM] SwaDM: "How do I explain this."
  176. [9:33 PM] SwaDM: "You...saw. What happened with Erez, I mean."
  177. [9:34 PM] Kiran: nods.
  178. [9:34 PM] SwaDM: "Anima isn't meant to sit unnatended for long periods of time, abandoned like that - especially not in units that specifically don't have back-up functions to soothe the essence within."
  179. [9:35 PM] SwaDM: "All units - especially K-Type ones, which don't have those functions, require yearly maintenance. This would take form in former friends or family of the unit visiting them. But, when we're speaking of long-term deployment where that isn't possible, the invidual's Keto was placed on the unit itself while it waited deployment."
  180. [9:36 PM] SwaDM: "The theory was that given the specific individuality and effort put into it's creation, it provided some measure of relaxation and stabilization to the Anima within the unit. And for all accounts, it did work."
  181. [9:36 PM] SwaDM: "That's why we made them."
  182. [9:36 PM] Kiran: "They were home."
  183. [9:36 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah nods.
  184. [9:36 PM] Kiran: "I understand."
  185. [9:37 PM] Kiran: "So, you met the Fagians."
  186. [9:38 PM] SwaDM: "Between Linda, Sigvard, Damien and Sandra - yes."
  187. [9:38 PM] SwaDM: "I would say so."
  188. [9:38 PM] Kiran: "It's weird, right?"
  189. [9:39 PM] SwaDM: "What do you mean?"
  190. [9:39 PM] Kiran: "My entire team, bar Raven, is from a part of the world that's a desolate wastela- oh my god, we're all Fagians to you."
  191. [9:39 PM] Kiran: stares blankly into the centre of the room.
  192. [9:39 PM] SwaDM: "...What?"
  193. [9:39 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah just looks confused.
  194. [9:39 PM] Kiran: "Wow, I'm terrible at this."
  195. [9:39 PM] Kiran: shakes his head.
  196. [9:40 PM] SwaDM: "...It's okay, take it slow."
  197. [9:40 PM] Kiran: "I was going to say it's bizarre that so many people in the team seem to be from a part of the world that never even existed here - and then I remembered that, from your perspective... everyone is like that."
  198. [9:40 PM] SwaDM: "...Quite so, yes."
  199. [9:40 PM] Kiran: exhales.
  200. [9:40 PM] SwaDM: "None of this is remotely familiar to me."
  201. [9:41 PM] Kiran: "Shit."
  202. [9:41 PM] SwaDM: "I mean - by this point, I at least believe that whole...dimension business you were all spouting."
  203. [9:41 PM] Kiran: nods.
  204. [9:41 PM] Kiran: "I can promise that it gets progressively less weird."
  205. [9:42 PM] Kiran: "Then weirder again after it's lulled you into a false sense of security."
  206. [9:42 PM] Kiran: "Ad nauseam."
  207. [9:42 PM] SwaDM: "Story of my life."
  208. [9:42 PM] Kiran: "What was the weirdest part for you?"
  209. [9:43 PM] SwaDM: "I don't...really know."
  210. [9:43 PM] SwaDM: "Becoming a whole different species?"
  211. [9:43 PM] SwaDM: "Being able to hear a bunch of abominations passively in my head?"
  212. [9:44 PM] Kiran: "Yeah. That'd probably do it."
  213. [9:44 PM] SwaDM: "And...other - things. I...suppose."
  214. [9:44 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah shuffles slightly in her own seat, shaking their head.
  215. [9:44 PM] Kiran: "Want to trade?"
  216. [9:45 PM] SwaDM: "...Depends on how good the trade is. Go on."
  217. [9:46 PM] Kiran: "During the last campaign, we deployed to the enemy aircraft by shooting ourselves out of a modified railgun."
  218. [9:46 PM] SwaDM: "I do not understand how you are not mush."
  219. [9:46 PM] Kiran: "The wonders of engineering."
  220. [9:46 PM] Kiran: waggles his fingers.
  221. [9:46 PM] SwaDM: "I see."
  222. [9:47 PM] SwaDM: "Mine is far less dire, I suppose."
  223. [9:47 PM] Kiran: "But that's not the weird bit."
  224. [9:47 PM] SwaDM: "Oh?"
  225. [9:47 PM] Kiran: "The leader of the enemy faction was an undead warrior who was thought to be dead, but had been in the aircraft in question, far above in the dark tapestry, coordinating the war on the ground to weaken all sides before she returned."
  226. [9:48 PM] SwaDM: "...Wait-"
  227. [9:48 PM] SwaDM: "You made it into the dark tapestry? Humans did, I mean?"
  228. [9:48 PM] SwaDM: "...Oh that is nonsense. Even we had trouble with this."
  229. [9:48 PM] Kiran: "Technically the aircraft was based in part on Kriendyh technology."
  230. [9:48 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, okay. Nevermind."
  231. [9:48 PM] Kiran: grins.
  232. [9:48 PM] SwaDM: "That explains it."
  233. [9:48 PM] Kiran: "That's also not the weird bit."
  234. [9:48 PM] SwaDM: "why"
  235. [9:49 PM] Kiran: "Before we fought her, the undead warrior transferred her consciousness into a transforming fighter jet mechsuit."
  236. [9:49 PM] SwaDM: "What is a "fighter jet"?"
  237. [9:49 PM] Kiran: contemplates the explanation.
  238. [9:50 PM] SwaDM: [Mechanized memories plays faintly in the background]
  239. [9:50 PM] Kiran: "It's an aerodynamic aircraft powered by a normally explosive fuel - ordinarily it has front-mounted weaponry, and benefits highly from maneuverability. They tend to be vehicles, piloted by one pilot and occasionally a gunner."
  240. [9:50 PM] SwaDM: "Huh."
  241. [9:51 PM] SwaDM: "That sounds rather admirable."
  242. [9:51 PM] Kiran: "If she hadn't been a genocidal maniac bent on murdering everyone, it would've been cool as shit."
  243. [9:51 PM] SwaDM: "I believe you still found it , as you put it - "Cool as shit"."
  244. [9:51 PM] SwaDM: "Given how you are describing it."
  245. [9:52 PM] Kiran: "I think hindsight benefits here. At the time, there was lots of screaming."
  246. [9:52 PM] SwaDM: "Hah."
  247. [9:52 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah cannot help but chuckle a little, which causes her immense maw to be exposed for a moment.
  248. [9:52 PM] Kiran: "She actually returned from beyond death after we removed her heart. We shot her with the railgun too."
  249. [9:52 PM] SwaDM: "Yes. That sounds..."
  250. [9:52 PM] SwaDM: "Admittedly, rather - ...incredible?"
  251. [9:52 PM] Kiran: shrugs expansively.
  252. [9:53 PM] Kiran: "You fight who you have to fight to save the people you have to save."
  253. [9:53 PM] SwaDM: "Well, yes."
  254. [9:53 PM] Kiran: "Anyway. Weird enough?"
  255. [9:53 PM] SwaDM: "That...may compare to the whole voices thing, if not surpass it, yes."
  256. [9:53 PM] Kiran: chuckles.
  257. [9:53 PM] SwaDM: "Perhaps not in a personal level, but certainly in general."
  258. [9:55 PM] Kiran: looks at her for a moment.
  259. [9:55 PM] Kiran: "I get what you mean. It's a good story, but it's not- not really the same thing."
  260. [9:55 PM] SwaDM: "It isn't, no."
  261. [9:57 PM] Kiran: "More seriously, I have some experience in weird. Not as much as you, certainly, but... you know."
  262. [9:57 PM] SwaDM: "Well, if you are going to be walking from reality to reality, I would expect that to be a major factor."
  263. [9:58 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah leans forward slightly, shaking their head in a small, dismissive motion for a moment.
  264. [9:58 PM] SwaDM: "Plenty of people here do, from what I gathered."
  265. [9:59 PM] Kiran: nods.
  266. [10:00 PM] Kiran: watches her for a moment to see if she continues, but just moves on-
  267. [10:00 PM] Kiran: "Has Linda gotten you trying to bake yet?"
  268. [10:00 PM] SwaDM: "No, she hasn't. I am aware of baking, but..>"
  269. [10:00 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah holds up their taloned hands slightly, wriggling their clawed fingers.
  270. [10:00 PM] SwaDM: "These might make the matter somewhat difficult."
  271. [10:01 PM] SwaDM: "...Albeit strangely enough, Sigvard has told me that they do not get in the way as much as one would expect."
  272. [10:01 PM] SwaDM: She shrugs again.
  273. [10:01 PM] Kiran: "Has Sigvard had claws before?"
  274. [10:01 PM] SwaDM: "I do not know. Maybe he knows someone who does?"
  275. 10:02 PM] Kiran: "I guess Lous did for a while. Actually, I think the talon he used to have in place of his arm was actually Taran in origin."
  276. [10:02 PM] SwaDM: "I...think I heard about this?"
  277. [10:02 PM] SwaDM: "It's strange."
  278. [10:02 PM] SwaDM: "You...humans, I mean."
  279. [10:02 PM] Kiran: "How so?"
  280. [10:02 PM] SwaDM: "Well. I am not sure how much GEM told you - or how much I am even right in assuming this, but."
  281. [10:03 PM] SwaDM: "I am....certain at least in some manner that a species similar as yours was a part of the Taran brood."
  282. [10:03 PM] SwaDM: "And the brood - by itself, was incredibly destructive."
  283. [10:03 PM] SwaDM: "Yet, in spite of our...unfortunate initial encounter-"
  284. [10:03 PM] SwaDM: "None of you seem to be...that, at all."
  285. [10:04 PM] Kiran: "Destructive?"
  286. [10:04 PM] SwaDM: "Yes."
  287. [10:05 PM] SwaDM: "One's helping me with clothing and telling me all about...a manner of things. Some other is excitedly asking me about Anima technology and the Taran brood - then there's you, who's obviously...concerned, and to say nothing of the Damien boy, which I would sum up as a pet turtle in how endearing he can be."
  288. [10:05 PM] Kiran: chuckles.
  289. [10:07 PM] Kiran: "I'm sorry. I don't mean to seem concerned. I don't think there's any danger of you not finding yourself, even if it doesn't happen straight away. But you seem nice, and I wanted to get to know you better. Concerned is just how I am with people normally. I don't always know how to act, so it can come across... weirdly."
  290. [10:07 PM] SwaDM: "No, no, I didn't mean it that way I-"
  291. [10:07 PM] Kiran: "And as for how non-destructive we seem, I appreciate that. We're not all that way, though."
  292. [10:07 PM] Kiran: "Our group is full of good people. But humans... vary. A lot."
  293. [10:07 PM] SwaDM: "I did not mean to imply that you are here because you think I am one step away from twisting your head off. I meant concern as in the matter of...I suppose the right word would be care."
  294. [10:08 PM] SwaDM: "And...I see."
  295. [10:08 PM] Kiran: tilts his head.
  296. [10:08 PM] Kiran: "Why would you twist my head off?"
  297. [10:08 PM] SwaDM: "Oh, no big deal. For almost burning me alive, good stuff, honestly."
  298. [10:08 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah stares straight towards Kiran for a moment.
  299. [10:08 PM] Kiran: cringes.
  300. [10:08 PM] SwaDM: "...I am joking, by the way."
  301. [10:08 PM] Kiran: "... ohthankgod."
  302. [10:08 PM] SwaDM: "I meant it when I said that I forgive you, and that it's water under the bridge."
  303. [10:09 PM] Kiran: "I know. I just still feel guilty enough that it's hard for me to joke about it yet. I promise that eventually we can make jokes about it together."
  304. [10:10 PM] Kiran: furrows his brow.
  305. [10:10 PM] Kiran: "Do you know what happened to the religious offshoot that left the main body of the Kriendyh?"
  306. [10:10 PM] SwaDM: "The reli- oh? You mean the Cult of Blood?"
  307. [10:11 PM] Kiran: "Oh that sounds much less neutral than GEM described it."
  308. [10:11 PM] Kiran: "I... guess I do?"
  309. [10:11 PM] SwaDM: "Well... I doubt GEM's going to be given excessive information on that. Truth be told, I don't know a lot about it myself, but I know the general bits."
  310. [10:11 PM] SwaDM: "How can I sum this up-"
  311. [10:12 PM] SwaDM: "Anima Technology didn't appease everyone. Some of the Kriendyh thought that the creation of the K-Frames was...incorrect, is the way I'd put it. From what I'm aware, there was a whole discussion between members of multiple castes. Then there were talks about some form of deity that would bring about salvation via the blood of the Kriendyh. At which point, I believe they were pursued and exiled."
  312. [10:13 PM] SwaDM: "All of this is just basic history,I'm afraid, but it's what I know."
  313. [10:14 PM] Kiran: "Huh. Well, that sounds... is profane the right word?"
  314. [10:14 PM] SwaDM: "From what I gathered from your vocabulary - yes."
  315. [10:15 PM] SwaDM: "It sounded profane."
  316. [10:15 PM] Kiran: "I don't know that I'd trust my future to a blood deity. Then again, I'm not sure how I feel about confining my soul to a battery either."
  317. [10:15 PM] SwaDM: "At least your soul's still your own, in the latter."
  318. [10:15 PM] Kiran: nods.
  319. [10:15 PM] Kiran: "That's true."
  320. [10:15 PM] SwaDM: "Plus - I..."
  321. [10:16 PM] SwaDM: "I understand your concern, but I'd appreciate it if you would not call it a...battery."
  322. [10:16 PM] SwaDM: "It was a sacrifice we all willingly took."
  323. [10:16 PM] Kiran: "I'm sorry. I hadn't intended to diminish things - it was just the closest word I could find for it."
  324. [10:16 PM] SwaDM: "I understand."
  325. [10:17 PM] Kiran: "I'd like to think that I would do the same thing, in the position the Kriendyh were in."
  326. [10:17 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah widens her eyes for a moment, afore nodding towards Kiran.
  327. [10:17 PM] SwaDM: "Hm."
  328. [10:18 PM] SwaDM: "Hopefully you will not have to. I would not like it."
  329. 10:18 PM] Kiran: smiles.
  330. [10:18 PM] Kiran: "I'd prefer to find an alternative solution myself."
  331. [10:19 PM] SwaDM: "I am aware you and yours are going to be heading off to the first Vault, yes. I wish you all the best of luck in that regard."
  332. [10:20 PM] Kiran: "I imagine that we'll need it, but I certainly don't intend to die. There's far too much to do for me to die just yet."
  333. [10:20 PM] SwaDM: "That's one way to see things..."
  334. [10:21 PM] Kiran: chuckles.
  335. [10:21 PM] Kiran: "And I would miss everyone far too much."
  336. [10:21 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah attempts smiling back. This only causes the maw full of multiple black needles to be exposed for a moment, afore they correct themselves and close said mouth.
  337. [10:21 PM] Kiran: does not flinch.
  338. [10:22 PM] SwaDM: "Well, I would wager that I would miss you too. You humans are surprisingly fascinating, after all."
  339. [10:22 PM] Kiran: "Just wait until we've rebuilt. We may not build things as sophisticated as the Kriendyh did, but the world was beautiful before all this. It will be again."
  340. [10:23 PM] SwaDM: "Well, I am no engineer, but you have GEM to aid you, at the very least..."
  341. [10:24 PM] Kiran: "I've already been speaking with them about the Kriendyh's plans to re-establish infrastructure. I've also been in contact with some outsiders and fey about how to make sure everyone is fed and cared for."
  342. [10:24 PM] Kiran: "Everyone is already coming together."
  343. [10:24 PM] SwaDM: "Outsiders. Hm. Well, Lous is one, so I suppose that might work."
  344. [10:25 PM] Kiran: "Okay. I thought of something weirder."
  345. [10:25 PM] SwaDM: "...Sure."
  346. [10:26 PM] Kiran: "So, the goblins that are working with us. They were utilising technology that looked similar to Kriendyh tech."
  347. [10:26 PM] SwaDM: "From what I observed from them, they were outright using...very jury rigged and adapted Kriendyh tech, yes."
  348. [10:27 PM] Kiran: "Yes. Goblins are ingenious - excellent at using makeshift technology, and scavenging what they need. But where did they get the knowhow for Kriendyh tech? We investigated."
  349. [10:27 PM] SwaDM: "Are you talking about Aparto? Because I spoke with him a little. Go on."
  350. [10:27 PM] Kiran: "This led to us fighting several large constructs in a pit, while the leader of the goblins - actually, did the Kriendyh even have rap?"
  351. [10:27 PM] SwaDM: "What is a "rap"?"
  352. [10:28 PM] Kiran: has a brief existential crisis while trying to work out how to explain rap.
  353. [10:28 PM] SwaDM: In the far off distance, both of them can hear Zander screaming "BOOM GOBBIEDOOM!"
  354. [10:29 PM] Kiran: "It's like... rhythmic spoken words - sort of part-way between singing and speaking, generally to a beat. It's sometimes laced with insults or exaltation of your own skill. It's like a jury-rigged rhythmic battle-cry."
  355. [10:29 PM] SwaDM: "Sounds...."
  356. [10:29 PM] SwaDM: "Tribalistic."
  357. [10:30 PM] Kiran: "I guess that's a good way to describe it. Anyway, the leader of the goblins is rapping while all this happens - Lous attempts to retaliate in kind - and the leader appears in one of those big scorpion units!"
  358. [10:30 PM] Kiran: "All the while the pit keeps spitting flames and spikes and circular saws at us."
  359. [10:33 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah is, admittedly, staring rather blankly at Kiran.
  360. 10:33 PM] Kiran: "And it turns out that the goblin is hearing Kriendyh voices that are giving him the knowledge he needs, because he found and ate an anima core because he had no idea what it was, and goblins are like that."
  361. [10:33 PM] SwaDM: "How-"
  362. [10:33 PM] SwaDM: "How do-"
  363. [10:33 PM] Kiran: "Goblins."
  364. [10:33 PM] SwaDM: "How do you eat an anima core?"
  365. [10:33 PM] Kiran: "Goblins."
  366. [10:33 PM] SwaDM: "I don't-..."
  367. [10:33 PM] SwaDM: "It's - it's mostly metal. And glass."
  368. [10:34 PM] Kiran: "Yes. Yes it is."
  369. [10:34 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah resigns themselves to merely sighing, and hanging their shoulders.
  370. [10:34 PM] Kiran: "So, long story short, we managed to transfer the anima from inside of him into a separate anima core, thus preserving everyone involved - along with their sanity."
  371. [10:35 PM] SwaDM: "Things appear to have gone rather stupid while the Kriendyh were gone."
  372. [10:36 PM] Kiran: "When war isn't happening all around you, there's enough time to make mistakes and be stupid."
  373. [10:36 PM] SwaDM: "I suppose you're right in that regard."
  374. [10:38 PM] SwaDM: "...By the metal, that is still insane, though."
  375. [10:39 PM] Kiran: "It was. If you stick around with us, it'll feel gradually much less insane by saturation, though."
  376. [10:39 PM] SwaDM: "Well, we'll see what happens with that..."
  377. [10:41 PM] SwaDM: It's a little awkward to measure. That's not to say it's impossible, mind you, but Kiran might have to work on what he's doing several times for adjustments. Her "fingers" are indeed excessively long, thick and - well. More claws then fingers, if one is to be honest.
  378. [10:41 PM] Kiran: Not an issue. We'll just make them adjustable.
  379. [10:41 PM] SwaDM: There's no separation between nail or finger.
  380. [10:41 PM] SwaDM: It's one whole "body".
  381. [10:41 PM] Kiran: Provided there's at least a change in width between hand and wrist, we'll be fine.
  382. [10:42 PM] SwaDM: Kiran decides that the wedding ring he wishes to craft will be difficult, indeed.
  383. [10:42 PM] Kiran: Heh
  384. [10:42 PM] SwaDM: Joking aside - there is one ,yes.
  385. [10:43 PM] Kiran: chuckles.
  386. [10:43 PM] Kiran: "I'm guessing that plans for the future have yet to be formed. A lot is happening right now."
  387. [10:43 PM] SwaDM: "It is, yes."
  388. [10:43 PM] SwaDM: "I have my own work cut out for me..."
  389. [10:44 PM] SwaDM: "I believe I will be able to manage, though."
  390. [10:44 PM] Kiran: "I agree."
  391. [10:46 PM] Kiran: sighs and glances out the window.
  392. [10:46 PM] Kiran: "But... speaking of work, I'm afraid I'm going to have to get back to my hut. There's a leg that isn't going to stress test itself."
  393. [10:46 PM] SwaDM: "Be mindful not to overwork yourself."
  394. [10:47 PM] Kiran: "I find the knowledge that I'm doing something useful comforting. It's how I relax. Mostly."
  395. [10:47 PM] SwaDM: "Hm. Not...entirely unlike the Kriendyh, in that aspect."
  396. 10:47 PM] Kiran: smiles, laughing quietly.
  397. [10:48 PM] Kiran: "I've been noticing that."
  398. [10:48 PM] SwaDM: "If only you had feathers, instead of..."
  399. [10:48 PM] SwaDM: "The weird...soft skin."
  400. [10:48 PM] Kiran: looks down at himself.
  401. [10:48 PM] SwaDM: "Oh-!"
  402. [10:48 PM] SwaDM: "Wait - wait."
  403. [10:48 PM] SwaDM: "I just remembered something."
  404. [10:48 PM] SwaDM: "Before you go -your arm-..."
  405. [10:48 PM] Kiran: looks back up at her blankly.
  406. [10:48 PM] Kiran: looks down at his arm.
  407. [10:49 PM] Kiran: "Oh. Yeah."
  408. [10:49 PM] SwaDM: "It's-.. I know the ...Grandmaster? He gave that to you, but-"
  409. [10:49 PM] SwaDM: "If you want, I... think I can take it back."
  410. [10:49 PM] Kiran: keeps looking down at it, flexing his hand and forearm.
  411. [10:50 PM] SwaDM: "I'm unsure how comfortable you are with it."
  412. [10:50 PM] Kiran: "I've never really been someone who cares that much about appearances. I asked for some way to help protect my friends, and that's what I got. So I'm happy with it."
  413. [10:51 PM] Kiran: looks back up at her.
  414. [10:51 PM] Kiran: "Thank you, though!"
  415. [10:51 PM] SwaDM: "Hm. Alright, as you wish."
  416. [10:52 PM] Kiran: "Unless it's weird for you to be able to sense me. I hadn't thought about that, sorry."
  417. [10:52 PM] SwaDM: "It's only a mild sense, don't...worry too much about it - it doesn't bother me."
  418. [10:52 PM] Kiran: nods.
  419. [10:52 PM] SwaDM: "I was, however, also going to offer you a hug - under Linda's recommendation, but you said your work is all you need for motivation, so."
  420. [10:53 PM] Kiran: snorts, before building into a belly laugh.
  421. [10:53 PM] Kiran: reins in the laughter, then clears his throat.
  422. [10:53 PM] Kiran: "I was actually going to do the same. For pretty much the same reason. I'm just not really the best at knowing when to hug people yet."
  423. [10:54 PM] SwaDM: "Well, the concept of physical comfort wasn't entirely common between the Kriendyh, if I am honest - but from what I understand, it differs greatly in your own species."
  424. [10:54 PM] SwaDM: "That being the case-"
  425. [10:55 PM] SwaDM: Tallyah rights themselves up, pausing for a moment, afore opening their arms towards Kiran. "Come along, then. I have practiced with Linda, so I shall hopefully not pierce your back."
  426. [10:56 PM] Kiran: gets up and reciprocates the hug.
  427. [10:57 PM] SwaDM: Kiran shall find that he indeed does not receive any piercing damage, even if massive talons cannot be considered comfortable. Still, it is enough reassurance that he is not hated and/or pursued, allowing him to work a little more clearly in Lous' leg.
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