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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. Auric affliction curing
  3. We would like to remove the passive ability to cure bard auric afflictions [achromatic aura, egovice, manabarbs, powerspikes] while undeaf and in octave from the following skills: Aquamancy, Sweetfount; Aeromancy, Westwind; Harmonics, Emerald; Night, Drink; Necroscream, Vileblood; as well as any others we might have been overlooked. We feel that these skills circumvent the intended mechanic for curing bard auric afflictions [i.e. deafness and horehound], and effectively building aurics on users of said skills becomes problematic. As aurics are essential to the bard, the archtype's offense is crippled. Active power skills such as Green, Gedulah, Trueheal, Full, etc. should not be included, as their use is costly to the target as opposed to the easily maintained "set and forget" passive abilities.
  5. Solution 1: Remove bard auric afflictions from the list of cures of the above-mentioned and similar skills entirely.
  6. Solution 2: Make the above-mentioned and similar skills unable to cure bard auric afflictions while undeaf and in octave.
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