
戦士たちの追憶 - "Warriors' Memories" FFBE Story Event Summary

Dec 10th, 2016
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  3. Prologue:
  5. ~100 years ago~
  7. Wind/Water/Light/Thunder(Sakura) are meeting in an unknown location. They talk about exacting their revenge against the 8 Sages of Hess, and Wind suggests that based on their experiences so far, the key to their revenge is the crystals. However, Thunder is unsure, wondering if the crystals aren't connected to the Veritas themselves, and noting that destroying the crystals may endanger this world and the people living in it.
  9. Light says that's an expected outcome, and that she doesn't care about the people living in this world.
  11. Wind and Water agree that there are a lot of things they still don't understand about the crystals. Wind asserts that for the time being, they should split up to search the various continents like the other Veritas are already doing. Light and Thunder go together, and the Wind/Water act independently.
  13. -Warriors' Memories-
  15. ~Hundreds of years before~
  17. In an area that is likely Dirnado, Veritas of Wind encounters a refreshing wind that reminds him of the past, recalling the days long gone when he married his wife and had children. He reflects on his long life, before reminding himself that all that remains for him is revenge. He decides to head in the direction of the wind.
  19. After clearing out some monsters, he encounters some dwarves. The dwarves are grateful to Wind, as the monsters were impeding their mining operation. Wind realizes he may be able to make use of the dwarves' skill, and agrees to go to their workshop. As they're heading back to the workshop, the dwarves talk about how they occasionally help humans by fixing watches and other small items.
  21. This conversation reminds Wind of his long-broken pocket watch, which he contemplates showing to the dwarves. He realizes this might be exposing his weakness to them, but he does it anyway and the dwarves agree to fix the old watch for him. At their forge, the dwarves fix the inner workings and the lid of the pocket watch, which Wind opens to reveal a picture of his family on the inside of the watch.
  23. Wind thanks the dwarves, before realizing that words aren't enough to express his gratitude. He sees a bit of himself in the lively but intellectually curious dwarves. Since the dwarves are inclined towards engineering, he decides to share his knowledge of airships with them, and sets to drawing the blueprints and explaining the principles to them.
  25. Later, Earth Veritas shows up and interrupts their meeting. He chides Wind on his lack of communication, and criticizes him for fooling around making 'toys' with the dwarves. When Wind tells Earth that he's constructing an airship with the dwarves, Earth is taken aback, then realizes Wind hasn't forgotten the Veritas' mission after all, leaving him to his work. At the end of Wind's story segment, the screen fades to black as the airship takes its first flight, to the amazement of the dwarves.
  27. ----
  29. ~Hundreds of years ago~
  31. The story shifts to a location somewhere likely in Olderion. Veritas of Water muses about just how far she has been driven from her homeland. She keeps herself moving, not allowing herself to dwell on her hatred or sorrow. Her duty is to survey the area for the crystals the Veritas seek, but she notices that the water within the area has an unusual feeling to it that seems to be somehow in harmony with her. She decides to seek out the source.
  33. Later, she runs into Veritas of Fire. She is initially surprised to see him, given his poor affinity for water. Fire claims that he was feeling restless and was concerned about Water wearing herself out. Water claims she's fine, and that she now understands that the pure water of this region suppresses the monsters and protects the land. Olderion's water has become tainted, which has weakened that power-- the cause being a particular region of monsters.
  35. Fire expresses his concern again, but Water says that the water itself of the region is granting her strength. Fire hesitantly agrees to let Water continue searching on her own. Later, Water enters a cave where she senses the presence of monsters is especially strong, then noticing the tainted water in the area. She ponders if defeating the monsters will cleanse the water, before setting off to do just that.
  37. Sometime after that, deeper in the cave, Water has tired herself out from clearing away the monsters. An unknown voice remarks that she looks exhausted, which turns out to be Veritas of the Dark. Dark remarks that he had heard Water was preoccupied with worries, but Water simply claims she forgets all of that when she's fighting. Water vows to destroy everything and take revenge, no matter what. She tells Dark not to worry about her, and then walks off.
  39. Water eventually reaches a large lake where she senses the water's power is particularly strong, confirming her suspicion that the purity of this water is what protects the land. She muses that for the water to have such power, a crystal might be somewhere deep inside of it. However, rather than an inanimate crystal, she senses a living presence in the water. She asks for the mysterious presence to guide her and teach her about this land.
  41. After yet another journey, Water comes to another lake where she sees a serpentine shadow darting around beneath the surface of the water-- she realizes this is not a monster, but a 'living god', a water dragon (Leviathan). This 'water god' purifies the water and protects the continent. The beautiful lake captivates Water, and she reminisces about how long it has been since she felt at peace by the waterside.
  43. She is quickly reminded that that peace was stolen from her, and she swears that when the time for vengeance comes, she will use this newly-discovered source of power-- no matter the sacrifice, she will see the Veritas' revenge fulfilled.
  45. たとえ、この心が壊れても・・・
  46. 誰を巻き添えにしようとも。
  48. WV: "Even if my heart should break... No matter who gets in my way."
  50. ---
  52. ~Then, 100 years ago...~
  54. Veritas of Thunder (Sakura) and Veritas of Light are somewhere in a land that is likely Mysidia. They have come across a human village, and Thunder is amazed that people are living in such a desolate place. Light remarks that she almost overlooked it because it was so secluded, but now believes it is a clue that something important may be in this area.
  56. Thunder says that's not what she meant, and Light gets irritated, telling Thunder that she's too soft for sympathizing with the humans, and that she's going to just go on ahead if Thunder is going to stand around being sentimental. Thunder wonders if what they're doing is right, feeling like they will soon be left behind in the past.
  58. Having split off from Thunder, Light is walking by herself in a snowy forest. She bemoans her comrades, irritated by Thunder's softheartedness and Water's mental instability. She feels doubtful about Veritas of the Dark, wondering for how many years he has been deceiving and evading her.
  60. Despite her misgivings about the others, she realizes that precisely because the others are unreliable, she has to do her best to ensure the Veritas' revenge against Hess. She senses a powerful presence in Mysidia that reminds her of her homeland.
  62. Later, Light comes across two fishermen talking, and she hides behind a tree to eavesdrop on them. She learns that there's an odd building on a remote island off the coast, with mountains of books written in odd letters. Light immediately realizes that this may be the Magic Library, and that if she is the one to discover the Library, then Dark will certainly see her as more reliable.
  64. Elsewhere, Thunder is still at the human village, watching the villagers go about their lives. Veritas of the Dark shows up, asking her what she is looking at. They talk briefly about the humans, and then Thunder asks Dark what he will do once they have finally achieved their goal. He's unable to answer her, and then Light shows up, excitedly telling the two of them that a building matching the description of the Magic Library appears to be nearby.
  66. After a discussion about the possibility of acquiring useful information at the Library, the 3 of them set off together. On the way, they pass through another snowy forest, and Light remarks that working and fighting together reminds her of the old days back in the Veritas' homeland. Thunder stops, reminding them that this world isn't their homeland, it's an entirely different location where the people are struggling to get by.
  68. Thunder poses the question: What if the people living in this world are just like the ones from their homeland? She wants to see and learn more about the people living here, but Light retorts, saying Thunder will have all the time in the world to worry about that after they're done with taking revenge on Hess.
  70. They eventually arrive at the library, and Light's hunch is proven correct: It really is the Magic Library, where they should be able to obtain information about how to achieve their goal and return to their homeland. However, Light quickly realizes that the books themselves have powerful enchantments placed on them, and it won't be that easy to get the information they seek. Dark points out that the library is too dangerous to search on their own, so they should work together to thoroughly investigate.
  72. Light then proposes they call the other Veritas to help them search, and Dark agrees to summon Fire, Earth, and Wind. Light swears to herself that she won't let this chance for revenge on the Sages of Hess escape.
  74. -FINAL 2 STAGES TLs-
  75. Some time later, presumably after exploring the library, Light/Water/Wind find themselves sucked into a world inside of a book as a result of accidentally activating a powerful sealing magic on one of the books. Light Veritas believes that a book sealed with powerful magic surely contains critical information, but before they have time to investigate, they are beset by monsters.
  77. Later, after clearing out the monsters, they make their way further inside the book world. Wind thinks that the idea behind the world inside the book is that whoever activates the seal will be stuck inside, unable to take the book's contents out of it. Light, however, believes that the book only grants its knowledge to those who can break out of the sealed world, so the three decide to keep moving forward to find a way out of the book.
  79. Later, even deeper inside the book world, Water observes that the deeper they go, the more powerful the monsters become. Wind is fascinated by the way magic has been woven together to construct the world, but Light gets irritated and tells them to stop messing around. Wind and Water mostly ignore her and continue musing about the inner workings of the sealed world. Light wonders how she could possibly get eccentrics like Wind and Water to listen to her, wondering if she needs charisma like Dark Veritas'.
  81. Later, they eventually escape from the book's sealed world, and can finally investigate what the book actually says. Light is shocked to find that the contents of the book are actually the words and actions that the Veritas took while inside of it. Wind posits that the very act of opening the book itself is a form of 'information', and Water follows up by deducing that the experience of navigating the world of the book and defeating the monsters therein was the knowledge granted to them by the book.
  83. Wind supposes that the message of the book is "cast aside books and go out into the world." Light believes this is a ridiculous assertion, growing irritated again. However, Wind points out that it was a good experience, and fighting the monsters helped improve their skills.
  85. Claiming that their goal was supposed to be revenge, Light incinerates the book out of anger, proclaiming she has no spare time to waste on old magicians' tricks. Then, Veritas of Lightning appears to announce she's found some important-seeming information, but she can't understand it by herself. Naturally, Light wonders if this will just be another waste of time, but Wind believes it's important to trust in each other as allies.
  87. Light reluctantly agrees to go with Thunder, saying it's best to work together, lest they end up stuck in another book.
  88. -END-
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