
Samaria 15

Aug 16th, 2017
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  1. app based sum. not very accurate since it has slang(i hate this shit..). thanks to wakkosocko and unuQsapro for their help.
  3. Ch starts with ex gf going all '...!' from kissing. Fat guy tells Vittorio he's a really good soon and goes how he will really enjoy eating(fucking FMC ..). FMC pushes fatty of and makes a sound. Vittorio goes 'father!!' and 'you ..!' but she kicks him in the face. Grabs her phone, guys go'??' and calls ex and goes all 'answer it!!' and 'why do you now answer it?!!'. She goes off how she's here selling her body for him and and what is he doing now(not sure, slang) and calls him a motherfucker and for him to pick up her call. Then she shouts ' Please accept it!!'. Fatty tells her to calm down and how he's so damn hungry and she tells him not to get near her and calls him a fuckin' pig. Fatty angery goes 'pig?' and she tells him not to get any closer or she'll jump. Fatty calls her a crazy bitch and who does she think she's threatening. Pushes him off, he goes 'uh..?' and she jumps yelling 'Hey Min Ho!!' and 'Again, you were a bastard! You have been playing with me as much as you can!! Surely if you see tears in my eyes, will I bloom in you eyes!!'(wakko tled this part perfect) and tells him she'll wait for him in the afterlife where she'll make him her slave and have him lick her feet. Ex gf goes '...!!'. FMC tells ex 'Hurry and come, Ju Min Ho, you bastard!' and then a loud 'Kyaaaaa' scream from ex gf. Ex rushes there, ex gf goes 'Chae Young unni..!!' and cries. Then you get that face close up. Tbc ..
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