
Two Guns

Jul 18th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was sitting behind the counter on the couch, with her laptop sitting on her legs while she worked on typing up an email to send off to her connections in the fashion industry. She had a few other tabs opened for other things she was working on looking up as well.
  2. Tsaaq: Remy was checking the jars of the marijuana, making sure they were nice and sealed. He looked over to Cadence a moment then heard the phone ring. He hurriedly answered and held the phone to his ear. "Toke, Mon. Remy speaking." He answered before falling silent a moment.
  3. Covet: Cadence looked up when she heard the phone ring, wathching him trying not to be nosey. She bit her lip and slid her computer over to the cushion next to her, her hand slipping down inbetween her legs basically teasing him with a little bit of a show while he was on the phone.
  4. Tsaaq: He nodded his head before sputtering his lips. "We're still in the process of making a delivery service but we're not exactly done with that yet." He muttered. "I mean we're open late so if you want to drop by I'm here. Okay, alright. Bye bye." He hung up then went to over to the vinyl player.
  5. Covet: "Aww.. I was hoping it was going to be a longer phone call so I could try to distract you." Cadence told him with a soft smile, "You okay babe?" She asked him raising her eyebrows as she leaned forward.
  6. Tsaaq: "Oh yeah nothing." He waved his hand at her then furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Why are you trying to distract me at work?" He asked her skeptically
  7. Covet: "Boredom more than anything. I thought it might be a little fun.. risky even." she said with a shrug "Maybe pick up the night for our own amusement?" She suggested lookin at him with a fake innocent look.
  8. Tsaaq: He shook his head and turned away from Cadence dismissively. "I'm not being paid to fuck around with your while I'm at work. We can do that at home." he said in a stern tone, going back to checking the jars.
  9. Tsaaq: ((*you))
  10. Covet: Cadence bit the inside of her cheek and nodded her head, "Yeah.. Sorry.. I'll just let you do your thing then." She told him and grabbed her computer feeling like a beat puppy at his comment, and went back to typing up her email.
  11. Tsaaq: "Yeah, Frankie's installed cameras now cause some stoned guys tried to rob the place. I don't really want to do anything innapropriate while I'm clocked in." He said dismissively.
  12. Covet: "I didn't know, I'm sorry Babe." She said feeling like an ass now. "Did it happen on your shift?" She asked curious about the robbery now.
  13. Tsaaq: He shook his head. "Of course not. Nobody is robbing shit while I'm here." he whispered. "They were stoned so of course they sucked. Nothing of value was lost but it still was a pain in the ass."
  14. Covet: "That's good. I mean, lucky they were stoned, but still pretty concerning. I'm glad it didn't happen with you here. Are Camera's the only things he installed for safety and protection?" She asked looking around a little hesitantly.
  15. Tsaaq: He sputtered his lips loudly. "Yeah!" He scoffed a moment. "I have to look into some type of security systems some shit." He shrugged. "I have to google some shit."
  16. Covet: "Jeeze. Course leave it to Portland to ruin something nice like the pot shop." She mumbled. "Just don't let Frankie get a gun... That's the last thing he needs to not pay attention to."
  17. Tsaaq: He shook his head and scracthed at the back of his neck. "I could always get the gun and actually pay attention?" He suggested.
  18. Covet: Cadence looked at him and tried not to show how not okay she was with this. Taking a deep breath. "It's not.. something I'm fond of, but what if next time it's not stoners that try to rob you."
  19. Tsaaq: "I'm totally getting a gun. I just need to be screened, that won't be hard. I have mental health records and shit. They'll see I'm not entirely crazy."
  20. Covet: Cadence swallowed and gave a forced smile, "Do they make you take a safety class when you get one?" She asked him.
  21. Tsaaq: Remy groaned loudly at the thought. "I guess that's okay. Even though I don't want to take a stupid class to buy a gun. I'm not those two guys a few years ago. I'm not gonna shoot up the school."
  22. Covet: "It's not about that, it's more along the lines of I don't want you to accidentally shoot something you don't intend to. Or someone for that matter." Cadence said softly.
  23. Tsaaq: "Who would I shoot?" He asked. "I wouldn't shoot you or anything." Remy said as he went to start counting his till. "Should I get like, a hand gun? Semi automatic?"
  24. Covet: "I don't know. It's not like you would do it on purpose. Which is why I said accidentally." She said then listen to him as he spoke about what kind of gun to get, "Something safe... I realize that this is a hand gun we're talking about. But something safe would be alright I think."
  25. Tsaaq: Remy furrowed his eyebrows. "Now I have to research guns." He said then speed counted his till. "Oh well..." He trailed off. "Get ready we're about to head home."
  26. Tsaaq: ((Sorry I forgot to press enter.))
  27. Covet: "Okay." Cadence said with a nod, sending her email, then shut down her laptop putting it in it's travel bag. "Is this gun thing going to be something that comes home with you? Or would it stay here?" She asked still concerned about all of this.
  28. Tsaaq: "I think maybe we should have a work gun and an at home gun." Remy said as he went towards the elevator, speaking like this was so normal.
  29. Covet: "Two guns?" Cadence said furrowing her brows as she got into the elevator. "Is that really necessary?"
  30. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders. "We'll see... I just need to be really really really safe." Remy told her with a soft pat.
  31. Covet: "Mhhm." She said with a nod looking over at him as he gave her a pat.
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