
Una Nota Dolce Chapter 4 - Concorrenza

Apr 21st, 2012
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  1. >Anon.
  2. >Shut up brain.
  3. >The moon hangs high in the sky by the time you and Octavia return from the reservoir, her having accepted your offer of the use of your guest room.
  4. >ANON.
  6. >Octavia just sits patiently as you strain to unlock the door in the dark, cello and violin slung neatly over her shoulders.
  8. >Tra la la, I can’t hear you Brain.
  9. >You open the door and let Octavia in, flipping on a light. It’s not the most grand or elaborate of homes, but it’s yours.
  10. >Octavia doesn’t seem to mind, smiling slightly as she looks around at your various possessions, setting hers against the wall next to the fireplace.
  11. >You walk into the kitchen, pulling down some plates.
  12. “Are you hungry?”
  13. >Octavia blinks and trots over to you. Your countertop is a little taller than a standard p0ny one, so she has to stand on two hooves to look over it.
  14. >”Actually, I’m starving.”
  15. >Well, let’s see…you got…
  16. >Fish…
  17. >More fish…
  18. >Some various veggies and potatoes and such…
  19. >Guess it’s a salad night.
  20. “What do you like on your salad?”
  21. >Octavia scrunches her face. “I cannot say I enjoy salads…”
  22. >….well hell, this makes things a lot more complicated.
  23. >Only place open this time of night is Sugarcube Corner.
  24. >And that means dealing with…
  26. ----------
  29. >Pinkie Pie.
  30. “Hello, Pinkie.”
  31. >By all accounts, Pinkie is a sweet girl in more ways than one. She wastes no time dragging you by the arm to your usual table.
  32. >And by usual, you mean the only table with a chair that’s big enough to comfortably seat your primate ass.
  33. >It’s just one of the many small things Pinkie’s done to try to entice you to spend more time with her.
  34. >There’s all the parties and the pastries, but to be honest she does that for everyp0ny anyway.
  35. >You’re pretty certain Pinkie doesn’t break into other p0nies homes and clean them.
  36. >Or try to kiss you while hanging out down at the reservoir.
  37. >You’ve been here long enough to realize that the pink mare obviously has a thing for you, but…still.
  38. >Even if you’ve accepted that you’re going to wind up with a p0ny or nobody at all, Pinkie is more like a sister than a lover, and you just aren’t interested in her that way.
  39. >Still, she’s a fine friend.
  40. “Alright, alright Pinkie, you don’t need to pull so hard…”
  41. >You sit down and lean on the table, Pinkie bounding off. She’s probably off to get your usual.
  42. >Octavia quietly sits in the opposite chair, going unnoticed by the cotton candy tornado.
  43. >”See seems lively.”
  44. “Indeed, she is.”
  45. >The two of you just sit, glancing at each other awkwardly. The only sound in the mostly-empty bakery is the growling of Octavia’s stomach and the sound of dishes clanging in the back.
  46. >Then, without warning, a crash shakes the two of you out of your reverie, the crash of a plate hitting the table.
  47. >Oh boy, cherry pie! You love cherry pie!
  48. >”It’s your favorite, cherry pie!” Pinkie squeaks with joy as she sees your excitement.
  49. >This mare may come on strong, but damn if she doesn’t know you.
  50. >Pinkie comes around to sit down, as she usually does, not noticing the chair already has an occupant.
  51. >”So, Anon, what brings you around so late? Came to get some Pie…or just a slice of your fa*squeak*”
  52. >Pinkie looks behind her at the gray mare with the raven mane, whose thigh now supports her plot.
  53. >”Hello…” Octavia glances around nervously. “…would you mind not sitting on me?”
  54. >Pinkie’s pupils shrink to the size of pinpricks.
  55. >The party p0ny slowly backs away from Octavia, sliding up to your side.
  56. >”Anon…who is…THIS?”
  57. >You blink, surprised at the amount of hostility the normally peppy Pinkie Pie could pack into her high-pitched voice.
  58. “Pinkie Pie, this is Octavia…she’s…going to be staying with me.”
  59. >Octavia is the first to try and be gracious, extending a hoof to Pinkie with an awkward smile on her face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Pie.”
  60. >Pinkie does not respond, just staring at her.
  61. >Like a sleeping giant, your jimmies stir.
  62. >You give a halfhearted chuckle.
  63. “Say, Pinkie…could I get another slice?”
  64. >”Sorry, we’re all out.”
  65. >You gulp. Awkward…
  67. >Shut up Gallbladder.
  68. >Octavia flushes slightly, waving her hooves. “Oh no, don’t worry about me…”
  69. “Nonsense. We’re here because you were hungry. Here, have mine. You’ll love it, Pinkie Pie is the best confectioner in all of Equestria.”
  70. >You paste on a big smile for Pinkie as you push your slice of pie over to Octavia.
  71. >Pinkie’s expression changes from one of disbelief to more of a simmering anger.
  72. >Your jimmies perform the dance of their people.
  73. >”Well…you two enjoy your meal…sorry Anon, I have to get back to work.”
  74. >Pinkie walks backwards, up over tables and chairs…and the occasional diner.
  75. >Her gaze never leaving the two of you.
  76. >Octavia glances at you as Pinkie stares at the two of you from behind the counter, like a sniper.
  77. >”Well…this does look delicious.”
  78. >Octavia takes a bite.
  79. >And another.
  80. >And another…
  81. >Wow, for such a prim and proper p0ny, she seems to be enjoying that pie a lot.
  82. >A glob of cherry lands on your nose. Wiping it off with your finger, you eat it.
  83. >Mmmmm…..cherry.
  85. -----------
  87. “…and so I said to her, ‘That’s no pegasus, it’s just a chicken!’”
  88. >Octavia can barely contain her sides.
  89. >Wow, someone actually thinks your bad stories are funny.
  90. >Back with me now, brain?
  91. >I dunno, you ready to listen to me?
  92. >Nope.
  93. >You open the door, allowing Octavia to enter first.
  94. >Like a gent.
  95. >Octavia wipes a tear from her eye. “I’m amazed, I never imagined living in a place like this could be so…adventurous.”
  96. >Aww, shucks.
  97. “There’s something to be said for settling down, you know?”
  98. >Octavia looks down. “Yes…it would seem so.”
  99. >Your skin tingles at the awkward silence that falls between the two of you.
  100. “So…shall I show you to your room?”
  101. >Octavia responds with a large yawn, covering her mouth with her hoof.
  102. >”That sounds like a splendid idea.”
  103. >Anon.
  104. >In a minute, brain.
  106. >…Fine, what?
  107. >You don’t have a guest room.
  108. >….
  111. >You lead Octavia to your bedroom.
  112. >She’s amazed at the size of the bed, it is made for a human after all.
  113. “You can use my room, I’ll crash on my couch.”
  114. >Octavia blinks and turns to face you. “What? Oh, no I couldn’t. This is your home after al-“
  115. >You come down to Octavia’s level, not noticing the distance between her face and yours could only be measured in microns at this point.
  116. “Octavia, as a gentleman, I could not ask a lady to sleep on the couch while I slept in comfort.”
  117. >All you see are those big lavender eyes, and the pink tinge forming under them, seeping through the grey coat.
  118. >And a little red glob.
  119. “You got something on your snout there.”
  120. >You wipe it off with your finger.
  121. >Mmmm, cherry.
  122. >You stand up straight and smile.
  123. >”Good night, Octavia.”
  124. >Octavia’s face is so red it could stop traffic.
  125. >”G…good night, Anon.”
  127. -------------
  129. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  130. >You are the friendliest, most fun-loving p0ny in all of P0nyville.
  131. >And you are under attack!
  132. >Pinkie grits her teeth as she mops the floors of the shop, the customers gone, the lights dim as she cleans up after another day of business.
  133. >Sure, Anon’s rebuffed your advances before, but he’s always been friendly and happy to spend time with you.
  134. >There was always a glimmer of hope, that he would come around, and love you as much as you love him.
  135. >But then…that…
  136. “…that TRAMP!”
  137. >Your mopping grows angrier, gripping the handle so tightly you feel the wood strain in your hooves.
  138. >Sitting in YOUR seat.
  139. >Eating the pie YOU made HIM.
  140. >Laughing with HIM.
  141. >Leaving with HIM.
  143. >Your mane goes flat as the handle fractures under the strain.
  144. >You are not going to let some Manehattan hussy take your man from you!
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