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Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <configuration>
  3. <!--
  4. Perhaps we should find a way to copy and use web.config and config/ from website
  5. However, we may not want to use live values so this could be for the best
  6. Request.PhysicalPath after MockHttpContext gives us:
  7. E:\projects\DeltaNetSite\Jun07\DeltaNet\default.aspx
  8. This could be useful for knowing where to copy from
  9. -->
  10. <configSections>
  11. <sectionGroup name="common">
  12. <section name="logging" type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging" />
  13. </sectionGroup>
  14. <sectionGroup name="spring">
  15. <section name="typeAliases" type="Spring.Context.Support.TypeAliasesSectionHandler, Spring.Core" />
  16. <section name="parsers" type="Spring.Context.Support.NamespaceParsersSectionHandler, Spring.Core" />
  17. <section name="context" type="Spring.Context.Support.WebContextHandler, Spring.Web" />
  18. <section name="objects" type="Spring.Context.Support.DefaultSectionHandler, Spring.Core" />
  19. </sectionGroup>
  20. <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />
  21. <section name="cacheService" type="CacheServiceConfiguration, IntelliClass" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" />
  22. <section name="learningAidConfig" type="DeltaNetUtils.Assignment.LearningAidConfiguration, DeltaNetUtils" requirePermission="false" />
  23. </configSections>
  24. <appSettings file="deltanetAppSettings.config">
  25. <add key="StatusLogDirectory" value="c:\deltaneterrorlog" />
  26. <add key="StatusLogServers" value="mxlfe-dev01" />
  27. <add key="StatusLogStagingServers" value="mxlfe-dev01" />
  28. <add key="ErrorAuditLogDirectory" value="c:\deltaneterrorlog" />
  29. <add key="ErrorAuditLogFromEmail" value="" />
  30. <add key="ErrorAuditLogToEmail" value="" />
  31. <add key="ErrorAuditSeverities" value="Critical,Normal,Info,Audit,Timeout" />
  32. <add key="ErrorAuditServerNames" value="" />
  33. <!--<add key="ContentReportToEmail" value=","/>-->
  34. <add key="ContentReportToEmail" value="" />
  35. <add key="AuthTicketTimeout" value="30" />
  36. <add key="AuthTicketPersistDays" value="7" />
  37. <add key="MathServer" value="http://dell1300:9100/mathserver/MathServ" />
  38. <add key="IASubmitServer" value="" />
  39. <add key="IARedirector" value="" />
  40. <add key="LastBlobResultId" value="17234" />
  41. <add key="HostAB" value="" />
  42. <add key="HostLegacy" value="" />
  43. <add key="Cache.StudyPlanDuration" value="00:10:00" />
  44. <add key="Cache.BookInfoDuration" value="01:00:00" />
  45. <add key="Cache.CourseInfoDuration" value="00:30:00" />
  46. <add key="Cache.SchoolsDuration" value="00:30:00" />
  47. <!-- 0 = none 1 = courseinfo 2 = courseinfodbfallback 3 = dbdirect (2 is recommended while kinks are worked out, then 1) -->
  48. <add key="Course.SecurityCheck" value="2" />
  49. <add key="Schools.UseCache" value="true" />
  50. <add key="Debug.DoubleCheckBookCourse" value="false" />
  51. <!--This is the overLIBLocation for use by the OverlibPageControl and the OverlibPopupAnchor-->
  52. <add key="overLIBLocation" value="../Common/OverLibScripts" />
  53. <add key="playerinfoLocation" value="~/Books/_Players/PlayerInfo.xml" />
  54. <add key="playerArchiveLocation" value="~/Books/_Players/Archive" />
  55. <add key="SocraticStatsFolder" value="~/Books/_SocraticStats" />
  56. <add key="ImageGeneratorScratchFolder" value="~/lscr" />
  57. <add key="DesignTime.ImageGeneratorScratchFolder" value="c:\DeltaNetScratch" />
  58. <add key="CacheFolder" value="c:\DeltaNetScratch" />
  59. <add key="LifeCycleMessageFolder" value="C:\MathXL\src\DeltaNet.Web\App_Data\CourseLifeCycle" />
  60. <add key="ErrorAuditLogDirectory" value="c:\deltaneterrorlog" />
  61. <add key="ErrorPage" value="~/CustomErrors/Error.aspx" />
  62. <add key="ErrorAuditSec" value="22" />
  63. <add key="AppParamsLocation" value="C:\MathXL\src\DeltaNet.Web\App_Data\AppParams.xml" />
  64. <add key="ClosePage" value="closeme.htm" />
  65. <add key="CCLinkPage" value="cclink.aspx" />
  66. <add key="CCManagePage" value="ccmanage.ashx" />
  67. <add key="CCTokenPage" value="ccgettoken.ashx" />
  68. <add key="BBChalkLinkPage" value="bbchalklink.aspx" />
  69. <add key="TPILinkPage" value="tpilink.aspx" />
  70. <add key="WebCtInitPage" value="webctinit.ashx" />
  71. <add key="WebCtLinkPage" value="webctlink.aspx" />
  72. <add key="WebCtAuthPage" value="webctauth.ashx" />
  73. <!-- Note that this isn't the page in FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl because that has to be the SSO page to check
  74. for transparent SSO login. This is the page the SSO page goes to if there is no transparent login -->
  75. <!--<add key="LoginPage" value="login_sms.aspx"/>-->
  76. <add key="LoginPage" value="login.htm" />
  77. <add key="CheckLoginPage" value="checklogin.aspx" />
  78. <add key="CheckLoginSSOPage" value="checklogin_sso.aspx" />
  79. <add key="LoginErrorPage" value="loginerror.aspx" />
  80. <add key="LoginExpiredPage" value="expireduser.aspx" />
  81. <add key="LoginDisabledPage" value="disableduser.aspx" />
  82. <add key="AuthTicketTimeout" value="30" />
  83. <add key="AuthTicketPersistDays" value="7" />
  84. <add key="MathServer" value="http://dell1300:9100/mathserver/MathServ" />
  85. <!-- Interact Submit Server (needs to be something different for spider and live site -->
  86. <add key="IASubmitServer" value="" />
  87. <!-- Intellipro (demomml) site -->
  88. <add key="LastBlobResultId" value="17234" />
  89. <!-- Below id is for live site -->
  90. <!--<add key="LastBlobResultId" value="467343" />-->
  91. <add key="DisableTestGenDetect" value="0" />
  92. <!-- Cache Duration Settings.
  93. Negative time spans (i.e., -00:00:01, -01:30:00, etc) will result in no caching.
  94. Time span of zero (i.e., 00:00:00) disables time expiration of cache. -->
  95. <add key="Cache.CourseInfoNumberBins" value="20" />
  96. <add key="SMS.Pools" value="sms=1,sms4cert=6,smscert=5" />
  97. <add key="IsUnitTest" value="true" />
  98. <add key="PlayerIntf.SecurityCheck" value="true" />
  99. <add key="AssignmentSecurity.UseSessionCache" value="true" />
  100. <add key="AssignmentIdentifier.UseSessionCache" value="true" />
  101. <add key="ExportPickupHost" value="" />
  102. <add key="Player.SplitReviewData" value="true" />
  103. <add key="LTI.RegisterToolPass" value="io4c9drl4n" />
  104. <add key="CourseID.EnvironmentID" value="0" />
  105. <!-- 0=DeltaNet, 1=Spider, 2=MathXL, 3=School, 4=Global -->
  106. <add key="ConvertBooleanStrict" value="true" />
  107. <add key="ForceDbStringVarCharAdhoc" value="true" />
  108. <add key="ForceDbStringVarCharSP" value="false" />
  109. <add key="ForceMaxLengthDbStrings" value="true" />
  110. <add key="Outcomes.DisplayOutcomeData" value="true" />
  111. <!-- Supported values: nunit, xunit and mstest -->
  112. <add key="FluentAssertions.TestFramework" value="mstest" />
  113. <add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />
  114. <add key="capabilitiesLocation" value="~\DeltaNetTests\App_Data\capabilities.xml" />
  116. <!-- CA Req C12-32 Self Study Settings -->
  117. <add key="SelfStudy.MaxEnrollmentPerCourse" value="2" />
  118. <!-- For production, change to 200 -->
  119. <add key="SelfStudy.InstructorIdentifyingSuffix" value="001" />
  120. <!-- "Identifier" referenced in spec for user settings-->
  121. <add key="SelfStudy.InstructorLastNameFormat" value="{0}{1}" />
  122. <!-- {0} = product name; {1} = identifier-->
  123. <add key="SelfStudy.InstructorFirstName" value="SelfStudy" />
  124. <add key="SelfStudy.InstructorUserNameFormat" value="SS{0}{1}" />
  125. <!-- {0} = product ID; {1} = identifier -->
  126. <add key="SelfStudy.InstructorPasswordFormat" value="SelfStudy{0}" />
  127. <!-- {0} = identifier -->
  128. <add key="SelfStudy.InstructorEmailAddress" value="" />
  129. <add key="SelfStudy.InstructorSchool" value="PearsonSelfStudy" />
  130. <!-- PKT Integration Service Settings - Dec12 - BEGIN -->
  131. <add key="PktService.UserName" value="mwl" />
  132. <add key="PktService.Password" value="tkplwm" />
  133. <add key="PktService.ServiceUrl" value="" />
  134. <!-- PKT Integration Service Settings - Dec12 - END -->
  135. <!-- TutorVista setting-->
  136. <add key="TutorVista.SecretKey" value="FakeKey123" />
  137. <add key="TutorVista.IndividualStudentUrl" value="" />
  138. <add key="TutorVista.InstitutionStudentUrl" value="" />
  139. <add key="MFLAnnouncementsPostedWithinDays" value="5" />
  141. <!-- These settings define the global state for the CloudTransfer feature (XL-1926) -->
  142. <!-- Timeout & expiration settings are stored in CacheApiConfig.xml -->
  143. <!-- You can override each of them at the topic level by changing CloudTransfer. to CloudTransfer.Topic. -->
  144. <!-- For exmaple, CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Enabled. -->
  146. <!-- When Buffer.Enabled is true, this application will buffer requests until either the buffer is full -->
  147. <!-- (BufferSize) or the BufferTimeWindow has elapsed, whichever comes first. If only one setting is -->
  148. <!-- defined, then it will buffer requests until that condition is satisfied. It will then send a batch -->
  149. <!-- of messages to the cloud in one atomic operation. Note that this will have negative consequences -->
  150. <!-- in terms of memory consumption and should be avoided or kept to small buffer size/time window if -->
  151. <!-- you anticipate sending large payloads. -->
  152. <add key="CloudTransfer.Enabled" value="false" />
  153. <add key="CloudTransfer.Sqs.Username" value="AKIAILMYQC6JI5ZZN5FQ" />
  154. <add key="CloudTransfer.Sqs.Password" value="yjUux/Un1qNABXFMYc32j/hxgEgT8Abs+rRKgBN3" />
  155. <add key="CloudTransfer.Sqs.RegionEndpoint" value="us-east-1" />
  157. <!-- Each topic (CourseInfo, BookInfo) will inherit global settings defined above or you can override. -->
  158. <!-- Global Enabled setting overrides the topic-specific settings defined below. -->
  159. <add key="CloudTransfer.CourseInfo.Enabled" value="false" />
  160. <add key="CloudTransfer.CourseInfo.Sqs.QueueName" value="CourseInfo" />
  161. <add key="CloudTransfer.CourseInfo.Buffer.Enabled" value="false" />
  162. <add key="CloudTransfer.CourseInfo.Buffer.Size" value="5" />
  163. <add key="CloudTransfer.CourseInfo.Buffer.TimeWindow" value="00:00:30" />
  165. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Enabled" value="false" />
  166. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Sqs.QueueName" value="BookInfo" />
  167. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Buffer.Enabled" value="false" />
  168. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Buffer.Size" value="2" />
  169. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Buffer.TimeWindow" value="00:00:10" />
  171. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Enabled" value="false" />
  172. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Sqs.QueueName" value="dev-use1-25-BookInfo-dev-0001" />
  173. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Buffer.Enabled" value="false" />
  174. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Buffer.Size" value="2" />
  175. <add key="CloudTransfer.BookInfo.Buffer.TimeWindow" value="00:00:10" />
  177. <add key="CloudTransfer.AdaptiveQuestion.TransferEnabled" value="true" />
  178. <add key="CloudTransfer.AdaptiveQuestion.Sqs.QueueName" value="dev-use1-25-AdaptiveQuestionResults-dev-0001" />
  179. <add key="CloudTransfer.AdaptiveQuestion.BufferRequests" value="false" />
  180. <add key="CloudTransfer.AdaptiveQuestion.BufferSize" value="5" />
  181. <add key="CloudTransfer.AdaptiveQuestion.BufferTimeWindow" value="00:00:30" />
  183. <add key="CloudTransfer.AdaptiveDeleteAttempt.Sqs.QueueName" value="dev-use1-25-Adaptive-DeleteAttempt-dev-0001" />
  184. <add key="Environment" value=""/>
  186. <!-- MMT Adaptive Setting C14-1 -->
  187. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Base" value="" />
  188. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.Readiness" value="/attempt" />
  189. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.AllAttempts" value="/historicalattempts" />
  190. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.BestAttempt" value="/bestattempt" />
  191. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.RecentAttempt" value="/recentattempts" />
  192. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.AllAttemptsWithDate" value="/historicalattemptswdate" />
  193. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.BestAttemptWithDate" value="/bestattemptwdate" />
  194. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.RecentAttemptWithDate" value="/recentattemptswdate" />
  195. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Get.ReviewData" value="/reviewdata" />
  196. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Delete.Attempt" value="/deleteattempt" />
  197. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Delete.ReviewData" value="/deletereviewdata" />
  198. <add key="MMT.Adaptive.Url.Post.SaveReviewData" value="/savereviewdata " />
  200. <!-- Flashless Player Settings-->
  201. <add key="Html5Player.ConsumerKey" value="xl_html5_player"/>
  202. <add key="Html5Player.SecretKey" value="MyKeyIsLargeIKnowButItsNotYoursItIsMyOwn"/>
  203. <add key="Html5Player.EnableServices" value="true" />
  204. <add key="Html5Player.DebugLaunch" value="false"/>
  205. <add key="Html5Player.LaunchUrl" value="http://xlplayer/assignment/assignmentplayer.aspx"/>
  206. <add key="Html5Player.ContainerLaunchUrl" value="http://xlplayer/assignment/containerassignmentplayer.aspx"/>
  207. <add key="Html5Player.SequenceUrl" value="http://xlplayer/api/pafhub/v1/Sequences"/>
  208. <add key="Html5Player.ShowWorkUrl" value="http://xlplayer/api/v1/showwork/"/>
  209. <add key="Html5Player.UseHtml5ShowWorkForFlash" value="true"/>
  210. <add key="Html5Player.SequenceUrl.Adaptive" value=""/>
  211. <add key="Html5Player.EssayUrl" value="http://xlplayer/player/essay.aspx"/>
  212. <add key="Html5Player.EnableDeveloperAdminPage" value="true"/>
  213. <add key="Html5Player.PlayerSites" value=",,,,,,,,,xlplayer" />
  214. <add key="Html5Player.UseEnvironmentForRepo" value="true"/>
  215. <add key="Html5Player.PlayerContentEnvironment" value=""/>
  216. <add key="Html5Player.OAuthConsumerKeysJsonPath" value="~/App_Data/"/>
  217. <add key="Html5Player.SiteLevelPlayerMode" value="1"/>
  218. <add key="Html5Player.AdaptiveRemediation.SupportedLearningAids" value="guidedsolution"/>
  219. <add key="Html5Player.AdaptiveRemediation.SupportedContentTypes" value="application/vnd.pearson.xl.v1.activity,application/vnd.pearson.tdx.v1.guided"/>
  220. <add key="Html5Player.LastHomeworkResultIdWithoutNumberAttempts" value="90501"/>
  222. <!-- Cache.Lib -->
  223. <add key="Cache.Lib.ConfigFile" value="~\DeltaNetTests\config\cache\CacheApiConfig.xml"/>
  224. <add key="Cache.Lib.ThrowExceptions" value="true"/>
  225. <!-- This should be false in production -->
  226. <add key="Cache.Lib.LogEnabled" value="true"/>
  227. <!-- This should be false in production -->
  229. </appSettings>
  230. <spring>
  231. <parsers>
  232. <parser type="Spring.Data.Config.DatabaseNamespaceParser, Spring.Data" />
  233. </parsers>
  234. </spring>
  235. <!-- Lots of problems getting the config directories working -->
  236. <common>
  237. <logging>
  238. <factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Log4Net.Log4NetLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging.Log4Net">
  239. <arg key="configType" value="INLINE" />
  240. </factoryAdapter>
  241. </logging>
  242. </common>
  243. <log4net xmlns="urn:log4net" debug="true">
  244. <appender name="LifeCycleFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
  245. <file value="c:\deltaneterrorlog\lifecycle.txt" />
  246. <appendToFile value="true" />
  247. <staticLogFileName value="true" />
  248. <lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
  249. <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
  250. <conversionPattern value="%date - %message%newline" />
  251. </layout>
  252. </appender>
  253. <!-- Set default logging level to DEBUG -->
  254. <root>
  255. <level value="DEBUG" />
  256. </root>
  257. <logger name="LifeCycle">
  258. <level value="DEBUG" />
  259. <appender-ref ref="LifeCycleFileAppender" />
  260. </logger>
  261. </log4net>
  262. <connectionStrings>
  263. <!--<add name="unittest" connectionString="Data Source=LocalDeltaNetDb;Initial Catalog=deltanetDb;Integrated Security=False; uid=deltanetdb; password=a+SjuYqxob" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />-->
  264. <add name="unittest" connectionString="Data Source=deltanetunittestingdb;Initial Catalog=deltanetunittestingdb;Integrated Security=False; uid=imath; password=imath;Packet Size=512" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  265. <add name="unittestlive" connectionString="Data Source=mxldb-dev01,1433;Initial Catalog=deltanet;Integrated Security=False; uid=imath; password=imath" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  266. <add name="default" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=LIVEDEVDB-DONOTUSEHERE;Integrated Security=False; uid=imath; password=imath;Packet Size=512" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  267. <add name="reporting" connectionString="Data Source=mxldb-dev01,1533;Initial Catalog=deltanetreporting;Integrated Security=False; uid=imath; password=imath" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  268. <add name="reportingcache" connectionString="Data Source=mxldb-dev01,1533;Initial Catalog=deltanetreportingcache;Integrated Security=False; uid=imath; password=imath" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  269. <add name="DeltaNetUtils.Properties.Settings.LTIConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=mxldb-dev01,1433;Initial Catalog=deltanet;Integrated Security=False; uid=imath; password=imath" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  270. </connectionStrings>
  271. <>
  272. <mailSettings>
  273. <smtp deliveryMethod="SpecifiedPickupDirectory" from="">
  274. <specifiedPickupDirectory pickupDirectoryLocation="C:\deltanetscratch\unittestmail" />
  275. </smtp>
  276. </mailSettings>
  277. </>
  278. <runtime>
  279. <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
  280. <dependentAssembly>
  281. <assemblyIdentity name="ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib" publicKeyToken="1b03e6acf1164f73" />
  282. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  283. </dependentAssembly>
  284. <dependentAssembly>
  285. <assemblyIdentity name="Common.Logging" publicKeyToken="af08829b84f0328e" culture="" />
  286. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  287. </dependentAssembly>
  288. <dependentAssembly>
  289. <assemblyIdentity name="Common.Logging" publicKeyToken="af08829b84f0328e" culture="neutral" />
  290. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  291. </dependentAssembly>
  292. <dependentAssembly>
  293. <assemblyIdentity name="PostSharp" publicKeyToken="b13fd38b8f9c99d7" culture="neutral" />
  294. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  295. </dependentAssembly>
  296. <dependentAssembly>
  297. <assemblyIdentity name="WebGrease" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
  298. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  299. </dependentAssembly>
  300. <dependentAssembly>
  301. <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Http" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
  302. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  303. </dependentAssembly>
  304. <dependentAssembly>
  305. <assemblyIdentity name="System.Net.Http.Formatting" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
  306. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  307. </dependentAssembly>
  308. <dependentAssembly>
  309. <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
  310. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  311. </dependentAssembly>
  312. <dependentAssembly>
  313. <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
  314. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  315. </dependentAssembly>
  316. <dependentAssembly>
  317. <assemblyIdentity name="EnvDTE" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
  318. <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
  319. </dependentAssembly>
  320. </assemblyBinding>
  321. </runtime>
  322. <learningAidConfig>
  324. <!--
  326. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
  327. *** WHEN MAKING CHANGES TO THIS FILE, DON'T FORGET TO MAKE THEM TO THE SITE'S CONFIG AND THE ADMIN SITE'S CONFIG ****************************************************
  329. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
  331. NOTE: Sample links are currently unused by the application as of Dec14. They have been left here in case they are needed for some other feature going forward. If by Dec15 they
  332. are no longer used, support for them in LearningAid.cs can be removed entirely, and the entries in this file can be removed accordingly.
  334. typeId: unique integer identifying the learning aid. This integer is the ID used in the CSV values for show- or has- learningaidtypes fields in the database.
  336. name: unique name identifying the learning aid. Formerly based on a stored procedure parameter.
  338. alternateName: If specified, the alternate name used by the Player when looking up book-level alternative learning aid display names. Note that this alternative name takes
  339. precedence over the name attribute when determining alternative display names. (XL-3734 Flexible Learning Aids)
  341. displayText: name of the resource key id that maps to the displayed text (final result depends on the current culture)
  343. imageUrl: pathname to the icon for the learning aid, relative to the theme folder
  345. isExerciseSpecific: controls whether learning aid is exercise specific. If true, the learning aid is only displayed
  346. as a choice if one or more exercises contain the learning aid.
  348. isNextGen: specify true if the learning aid applies to the NextGen player only. It will only display for books
  349. declared as NextGen.
  351. isYouTryIt: specify true if this learning aid is a You Try It option see /info/exercise_linker.aspx (defaults to false)
  352. youTryItId: ID given to each You Try It learning AID. DO NOT CHANGE AFTER PUBLISH OR EXISTING LINKS WILL BREAK!
  355. contentTypes: specify content types associated with the learning aid. Use content name exactly as it is named. Use | to separate multiple items.
  357. enabledInNewCourse: if false, the learning aid is shown as unchecked in the course manager for new courses.
  359. visibleInNewCourse: if false, the learning aid is not visible for new courses in the course manager. Set this attribute to false for learning aids that are no longer being
  360. used for new courses, but existing courses using the learning aid still need to support the learning aid.
  361. Note: If this attribute is set to false, editing a newly created course will still result in the learning aid being an option. Extra logic is needed
  362. in the CourseInfoGet procedure (to report whether any instances of the learning aid exist in the course) as well as LearningAidManager.cs (CourseLearningAidDisplayList
  363. constructor) to properly prevent the learning aid from being enabled at the course level.
  365. allowOtherBook: ReqC09-39: Exercise Sharing - if true, exercises in other books can use this learning aid (defaults to false)
  367. Media Assignment Media section:
  368. type: Two types of exclusions are allowed, ExerciseMedia (excludes only exercise media of the given content type) and Global (excludes all media of the given content type).
  369. Note that the type value is case sensitive; the first letter must be uppercase, e.g., "Global," not "global" or "GLOBAL"
  371. contentTypeGroup: refers to the name of the learning aid group (under learningAids/learningAid) where all content types (ContentTypes="~") are considered for exclusion.
  373. contentTypeExceptions: any content types of contentTypeGroup that should *not* be excluded, separated by pipe signs (|). Full content type names must be specified.
  375. contentTypeList: a list of individual content types that must be excluded. Note that contentTypeGroup and contentTypeList cannot be specified simultaneously.
  377. Media Assignment Media section (inclusions):
  379. type - only "Global" is supported at the present time.
  381. contentTypeList - Defect XL-3629 - indicates content types that MUST be listed in Available Media lists
  384. alwaysVisibleInAssignments - default false
  386. alwaysEnabledInCourse - if true, the player ignores the course settings when evaluating whether to display the learning aid (e.g., InstructorTip); in other words, it is
  387. assumed that the learning aid is always available at the course level.
  389. presentInPlayer: this player-level setting overrides book, course, and assignment level settings. It is designed for situations where
  390. the learning aid must always appear (e.g., spreadsheets or More Help) or situations where the learning aid is to be permanently removed for both new
  391. and existing courses/assignments (e.g., calculator for Deutsch)
  393. - if true, learning aid is enabled for all players (Practice, Homework, Test, Add/Remove, etc.)
  394. - if false, learning aid is disabled for all players.
  395. - if not specified, presence of learning aid depends on course and book level settings (usual behavior).
  397. isInBook - default true
  399. automaticBookOverride - default true
  401. neverVisibleInCourse - default false
  403. playerParamName - default "show" + learning aid name attribute value
  405. overviewIcon - specify an image filename to indicate that an overview icon should be displayed for the given learning aid next to an exercise.
  406. If overviewIcon is not specified, no icon is displayed for the given learning aid. Note: It is assumed that the path of the overview icon is
  407. (ThemeFolder)/images. Other paths are not supported at the present time.
  409. overviewTooltip - Localization resource in the learningaids resource set whose value is the tooltip text for the overview icon.
  411. isSpreadsheet - designates whether the overview screen should consider the learning aid as a spreadsheet. Note that there can only be one spreadsheet icon displayed at a time
  412. for a given exercise in the overview display.
  414. isExampleLearningAid - default false. Determines whether the learning aid should be treated as an Example learning aid. For instance, the allowshowworkexamplelearningaids option forces the
  415. example learning aids to appear when Show Work is enabled for a given question, subject to adjustment based on course and assignment settings. (Comment 19314)
  417. allowShowWorkPlayerParamName - default is "allowshowwork" + learning aid name attribute value. For determining whether the learning aid is to be always shown when presenting Show Work questions,
  418. subject to course and assignment settings. (Comment 19314)
  420. defaultToNullForBareCourse - default false - Normally, all learning aids are set to true (as in show) for "bare" courses created via an
  421. integration. If this attribute is set to true, the learning aid will instead be set to null. Such is the case with the calculator learning
  422. aid.
  424. NOTE: The HandleCalculatorAsterisk() method in the CourseInfo class dictates the behavior when the Calculator is null, i.e., has an asterisk next to its
  425. corresponding type ID in the showlearningaidtypes field for a given course. There is a short list of products (e.g., accounting, OM, and engineering as on Jun12) for which the
  426. null is to be interpreted as "true" or enabled at the course level. The condition to modify is present below:
  428. bool showCalculatorDefault = (_ProductID.HasValue && (Products.IsAccounting(_ProductID.Value) || Products.IsOperations(_ProductID.Value) || Products.IsEngineering(_ProductID.Value)));
  430. If other learning aids besides Calculator need to support this special logic as well, then we may need to consider adding a setting to the configuration file. Arbitrarily looking up a
  431. setting in this configuration at the product level without feeding in a course or book to the CourseLearningAidDisplayList class is not currently supported as of Jun12, however,
  432. so further modification would be needed in this case.
  434. bool showInSelfStudyMode - default true. Determines whether to display the learningaid for selfstudy mode. If this attribute set to true, it will display the learning aid on player otherwise not.
  436. bool enableForDevUser - default to false. Determines whether to display the learning aid for dev accounts.
  437. -->
  438. <learningAids>
  439. <learningAid name="video" typeID="1" displayText="Video" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_video.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="2" contentName="Video" contentTypes="Video|Chapter Test Prep Videos|Section Video Lectures|Video Clips" allowOtherBook="false"
  440. overviewIcon="overview_video.gif" overviewTooltip="Video.ToolTip">
  441. <sample url="" width="550" height="600" />
  442. </learningAid>
  443. <learningAid name="animation" typeID="2" displayText="Animation" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_animation.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="3" contentName="Animation" contentTypes="Animation" allowOtherBook="false"
  444. overviewIcon="overview_animation.gif" overviewTooltip="Animation.ToolTip">
  445. <sample url="" width="620" height="370"/>
  446. </learningAid>
  447. <learningAid name="statexplore" typeID="3" displayText="StatCrunch" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_statcrunch.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false" contentName="StatCrunch" contentTypes="StatExplore" allowOtherBook="false">
  448. <sample url="" width="820" height="560" />
  449. </learningAid>
  450. <learningAid name="fasttrack" typeID="4" displayText="Fast Track" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_fasttrack.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false" contentName="Fast Track" contentTypes="Fast Track" allowOtherBook="false">
  451. <sample url="" width="935" height="670" />
  452. </learningAid>
  453. <learningAid name="textbook" typeID="5" displayText="Textbook Pages" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_textbook.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false"
  454. contentName="Text" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="11" contentTypes="Text|Multimedia Textbook|Online Textbook|eText - Student Purchase Required"
  455. allowOtherBook="false">
  456. <sample url="" width="550" height="600" />
  457. </learningAid>
  459. <!-- Ask My Instructor is a special case as it exhibits custom control behavior, so we must mark it as "custom" -->
  460. <learningAid name="askinstructor" typeID="6" displayText="Ask My Instructor" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_askmyinstrctr.gif" hasCustomLogic="true" isExerciseSpecific="false" isNextGen="false" allowOtherBook="true"
  461. isInBook="false" showInSelfStudyMode="false">
  462. <sample url="sample_askmyinstructor.aspx" width="530" height="430"/>
  463. </learningAid>
  464. <learningAid name="demodoc" typeID="7" displayText="DemoDocs Example" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_demodocs.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false"
  465. contentName="DemoDoc" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="6" contentTypes="DemoDoc" allowOtherBook="false" sbContentName="demodocs">
  466. <sample url="" width="935" height="670" />
  467. </learningAid>
  468. <learningAid name="calculator" typeID="8" displayText="Calculator" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_calc.gif" isExerciseSpecific="false" isNextGen="true" contentName="Calculator" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="7" allowOtherBook="true"
  469. isInBook="false" defaultToNullForBareCourse="true">
  470. <sample url="../support/learningaids/calculator_sample.html" width="640" height="480"/>
  471. </learningAid>
  472. <learningAid name="keyconcepts" typeID="9" displayText="Key Concepts" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_demodocs.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false" contentName="KeyConcepts" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="8" contentTypes="KeyConcepts" allowOtherBook="false">
  473. <sample url="" width="935" height="670"/>
  474. </learningAid>
  475. <learningAid name="guidedsolution" typeID="10" displayText="Help Me Solve This" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_guidedsolution.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="4" allowOtherBook="true"
  476. isExampleLearningAid="true">
  477. <sample url="" width="700" height="460"/>
  478. </learningAid>
  479. <learningAid name="example" typeID="11" displayText="View an Example" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_sampleproblem.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="5" allowOtherBook="true"
  480. isExampleLearningAid="true" allowShowWorkPlayerParamName="allowshowworksampleproblem">
  481. <sample url="" width="700" height="460"/>
  482. </learningAid>
  483. <learningAid name="grapher" typeID="12" displayText="Grapher" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_grapher.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="DataGrapher" contentTypes="Datagrapher" allowOtherBook="true"
  484. automaticBookOverride="false">
  485. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/grapher.htm" width="900" height="600"/>
  486. </learningAid>
  487. <learningAid name="spreadsheet" typeID="13" displayText="Spreadsheet" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_spreadsheet.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Spreadsheet" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="10" allowOtherBook="true"
  488. presentInPlayer="true" isInBook="false" isSpreadsheet="true" overviewIcon="overview_spreadsheet.gif" overviewTooltip="Spreadsheet.ToolTip">
  489. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/spreadsheet.htm" width="900" height="600"/>
  490. </learningAid>
  491. <learningAid name="glossary" typeID="14" displayText="Glossary" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_glossary.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Glossary" enabledInNewCourse="true" allowOtherBook="false" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="19">
  492. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/glossary.htm" width="900" height="600" scrollbars="true"/>
  493. </learningAid>
  494. <learningAid name="annuitycalc" typeID="15" displayText="Annuity Calculator" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_annuitycalc.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="annuitycalc" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="9" allowOtherBook="true">
  495. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/annuitycalc.htm" width="900" height="600"/>
  496. </learningAid>
  497. <learningAid name="schaums" typeID="16" displayText="Step-by-Step Example" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_schaum.gif" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="false" contentName="schaums" allowOtherBook="false">
  498. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/schaums.htm" width="550" height="600" />
  499. </learningAid>
  500. <learningAid name="instructortip" typeID="17" displayText="Instructor Tip" imageUrl="images/icons/learnaid_view_tip.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="false" isNextGen="false" allowOtherBook="true"
  501. alwaysVisibleInAssignments="true" alwaysEnabledInCourse="true" isInBook="false" neverVisibleInCourse="true">
  502. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/instructortip.htm" width="550" height="600" />
  503. </learningAid>
  504. <learningAid name="boosterc" typeID="18" displayText="Practice Book" imageUrl="images/icons/learnaid_boosterc.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Booster C" contentTypes="Booster C" allowOtherBook="false">
  505. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/boosterc.htm" width="900" height="600"/>
  506. </learningAid>
  507. <learningAid name="powerpoint" typeID="19" displayText="PowerPoint Slides" imageUrl="images/icons/learnaid_powerpoint.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="PowerPoint Slides" contentTypes="PowerPoint Slides" allowOtherBook="false">
  508. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/powerpoint.htm" width="900" height="600"/>
  509. </learningAid>
  510. <learningAid name="financialcalc" typeID="20" displayText="Financial Calculator" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_financialcalc.gif" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Financial Calculator" allowOtherBook="true">
  511. <sample url="" width="900" height="600"/>
  512. </learningAid>
  513. <learningAid name="omexplorertutor" typeID="21" displayText="OM Explorer Tutor" imageUrl="images/icons/learnaid_omexplorertutor.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="OM Explorer Tutor" allowOtherBook="false">
  514. <!-- CA Comment 16361 -->
  515. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
  516. </learningAid>
  517. <learningAid name="econspreadsheet" typeID="22" displayText="Econ Excel Spreadsheet" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_spreadsheet.gif" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Econ Excel Spreadsheet" allowOtherBook="false"
  518. presentInPlayer="true" isInBook="false" playerParamName="showeconexcelspreadsheet" isSpreadsheet="true" overviewIcon="overview_spreadsheet.gif"
  519. overviewTooltip="Spreadsheet.ToolTip">
  520. <!-- CA Comment 17022 - no sample URL needed because this learning aid is not to appear in the course wizard screens. -->
  521. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/econspreadsheet.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  522. </learningAid>
  523. <!-- CA Comment 18094 -->
  524. <learningAid name="techhelp" typeID="23" displayText="Tech Help" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_techhelp.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Tech Help" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="17">
  525. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/techhelp.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  526. </learningAid>
  527. <learningAid name="review" typeID="24" displayText="Review" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_review.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Reviewinplayer" playerParamName="showreviewinplayer" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="14">
  528. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/reviewinplayer.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  529. </learningAid>
  530. <learningAid name="extrahelp" typeID="25" displayText="Extra Help" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_extrahelp.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Extra Help" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="12">
  531. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/extrahelp.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  532. </learningAid>
  533. <learningAid name="geogebra" typeID="26" displayText="Geogebra" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_geogebra.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Geogebra" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="13">
  534. <!-- CA Math family only -->
  535. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/geogebra.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  536. </learningAid>
  537. <learningAid name="calculateexcel" typeID="27" displayText="Calculate in Excel" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_spreadsheet.gif" enabledInNewCourse="true"
  538. isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="CalculateExcel" overviewIcon="overview_spreadsheet.gif" overviewTooltip="CalculateExcel.ToolTip" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="15">
  539. <!-- CA Accounting family only-->
  540. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
  541. </learningAid>
  542. <learningAid name="textbookextras" typeID="28" displayText="Textbook Extras" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_textbookextras.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Textbook Extras"
  543. overviewIcon="overview_textbookextras.png" overviewTooltip="TextbookExtras.ToolTip" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="18">
  544. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/textbookextras.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  545. </learningAid>
  546. <learningAid name="morehelp" typeID="29" displayText="More Help" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_morehelp.png" enabledInNewCourse="false" isExerciseSpecific="false" isNextGen="true" contentName="More Help" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="16"
  547. presentInPlayer="true">
  548. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/morehelp.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  549. </learningAid>
  550. <learningAid name="templates" typeID="30" displayText="TemplatesTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_templates.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Templates" contentTypes="Templates">
  551. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/template.htm" width="800" height="600" />
  552. </learningAid>
  553. <learningAid name="conceptbook" typeID="31" displayText="ConceptBookTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_conceptbook.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Concept Book" contentTypes="Concept Book">
  554. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/conceptbook.htm" width="800" height="600" />
  555. </learningAid>
  556. <learningAid name="mathtools" typeID="32" displayText="MathToolsTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_mathtools.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Math Tools" contentTypes="Math Tools">
  557. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/mathtools.htm" width="800" height="600" />
  558. </learningAid>
  559. <learningAid name="connecttotutor" typeID="33" displayText="Connect to a Tutor" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_tutorvista.gif" hasCustomLogic="true" isExerciseSpecific="false" isNextGen="false" contentName="Tutor Vista" contentTypes="Tutor Vista" isInBook="false" showInSelfStudyMode="false" enableForDevUser="true">
  560. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/tutor_sample.html" width="800" height="690" />
  561. </learningAid>
  562. <learningAid name="billofrights" typeID="34" displayText="BillOfRightsTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_billofrights.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Bill of Rights" contentTypes="Bill of Rights">
  563. <sample url="" width="800" height="600" />
  564. </learningAid>
  565. <learningAid name="usconstitution" typeID="35" displayText="UsConstitutionTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_usconstitution.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="U.S. Constitution" contentTypes="U.S. Constitution">
  566. <sample url="" width="800" height="600" />
  567. </learningAid>
  570. <!-- CA Equivalent to Textbook Extras but with different display text and content type. Utilized for BHP Products in order to avoid having to change too much logic in the legacy and new Players. -->
  571. <!-- NOTE: Logic in Overview.aspx.cs, UpdateTextbookExtras() method may need to be modified if Image needs to be section media as is the case with Textbook Extras. -->
  572. <learningAid name="image" typeID="36" displayText="ImageTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_textbookextras.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Image"
  573. overviewIcon="overview_textbookextras.png" overviewTooltip="TextbookExtras.ToolTip" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="18" isSectionMedia="true">
  574. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/textbookextras.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  575. </learningAid>
  577. <!-- CA Equivalent to PowerPoint but with different display text and content type. Utilized for BHP Products in order to avoid having to change too much logic in the legacy and new Players. -->
  578. <learningAid name="guidedlecture" typeID="37" displayText="GuidedLectureTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/learnaid_powerpoint.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Guided Lecture" contentTypes="Guided Lecture" allowOtherBook="false">
  579. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/powerpoint.htm" width="900" height="600"/>
  580. </learningAid>
  582. <!-- CA Equivalent to Review but with different display text and content type. Utilized for BHP Products in order to avoid having to change too much logic in the legacy and new Players. -->
  583. <learningAid name="flashcards" typeID="38" displayText="FlashcardsTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_review.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Flashcards" isYouTryIt="true" youTryItId="14">
  584. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/reviewinplayer.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  585. </learningAid>
  587. <!-- CA Same icon as the More Help learning aid but is functionally different. -->
  588. <learningAid name="labelingactivity" typeID="39" displayText="LabelingActivityTitle" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_morehelp.png" enabledInNewCourse="true" isExerciseSpecific="true" isNextGen="true" contentName="Labeling Activity">
  589. <sample url="~/support/learningaids/morehelp.htm" width="800" height="600"/>
  590. </learningAid>
  593. </learningAids>
  594. <mediaAssignmentMedia>
  595. <exclusions>
  596. <exclusion type="ExerciseMedia" contentTypeGroup="video"/>
  597. <exclusion type="Global" contentTypeList="Multimedia Textbook|Online Textbook|Economic News|Textbook Resources|Student Center|Instructor Resources|Chapter Resources|Download Center|SpreadsheetButton|Finance News|Financial Calculator|Student Resources|More Help|GL Practice"/>
  598. </exclusions>
  599. <inclusions>
  600. <inclusion type="Global" contentTypeList="Flashcards" />
  601. </inclusions>
  602. </mediaAssignmentMedia>
  603. <disciplines>
  604. <discipline name="math">
  605. <learningAids>
  606. <learningAid name="guidedsolution"/>
  607. <learningAid name="example"/>
  608. <learningAid name="video">
  609. <sample url="" width="550" height="600" />
  610. </learningAid>
  611. <learningAid name="animation"/>
  612. <learningAid name="textbook" displayText="Textbook">
  613. <sample url="" width="800" height="600" />
  614. </learningAid>
  615. <learningAid name="conceptbook" />
  616. <learningAid name="textbookextras"/>
  617. <learningAid name="mathtools" />
  618. <learningAid name="glossary"/>
  619. <learningAid name="review"/>
  620. <learningAid name="statexplore"/>
  621. <learningAid name="geogebra"/>
  622. <learningAid name="techhelp"/>
  623. <learningAid name="extrahelp"/>
  624. <learningAid name="calculator" enabledInNewCourse="false"/>
  626. <learningAid name="connecttotutor"/>
  627. <learningAid name="askinstructor"/>
  628. </learningAids>
  629. </discipline>
  630. <discipline name="mgmath">
  631. <learningAids>
  632. <learningAid name="guidedsolution"/>
  633. <learningAid name="example"/>
  634. <learningAid name="video"/>
  635. <learningAid name="animation"/>
  636. <learningAid name="textbook" displayText="Textbook"/>
  637. <learningAid name="textbookextras"/>
  638. <learningAid name="glossary"/>
  639. <learningAid name="review"/>
  640. <learningAid name="statexplore"/>
  641. <learningAid name="geogebra"/>
  642. <learningAid name="techhelp"/>
  643. <learningAid name="extrahelp"/>
  644. <learningAid name="conceptbook"/>
  645. <learningAid name="mathtools"/>
  646. <learningAid name="calculator" enabledInNewCourse="false"/>
  647. <learningAid name="askinstructor"/>
  648. </learningAids>
  649. </discipline>
  650. <discipline name="mathukhighered">
  651. <learningAids>
  652. <learningAid name="guidedsolution"/>
  653. <learningAid name="example"/>
  654. <learningAid name="video"/>
  655. <learningAid name="animation"/>
  656. <learningAid name="textbook" displayText="Textbook">
  657. <sample url="" width="830" height="610"/>
  658. </learningAid>
  659. <learningAid name="textbookextras"/>
  660. <learningAid name="glossary"/>
  661. <learningAid name="review"/>
  662. <learningAid name="statexplore"/>
  663. <learningAid name="geogebra"/>
  664. <learningAid name="techhelp"/>
  665. <learningAid name="extrahelp"/>
  666. <learningAid name="calculator" enabledInNewCourse="false"/>
  667. <learningAid name="askinstructor"/>
  668. </learningAids>
  669. </discipline>
  670. <discipline name="mathukschool">
  671. <learningAids>
  672. <learningAid name="guidedsolution">
  673. <sample url="" width="700" height="460"/>
  674. </learningAid>
  675. <learningAid name="example">
  676. <sample url="" width="700" height="460"/>
  677. </learningAid>
  678. <learningAid name="video">
  679. <sample url="" width="1000" height="645" />
  680. </learningAid>
  681. <learningAid name="animation">
  682. <sample url="" width="820" height="620"/>
  683. </learningAid>
  684. <learningAid name="textbook" displayText="Textbook">
  685. <sample url=";pend=138" width="820" height="620" />
  686. </learningAid>
  687. <learningAid name="textbookextras"/>
  688. <learningAid name="glossary"/>
  689. <learningAid name="review"/>
  690. <learningAid name="statexplore"/>
  691. <learningAid name="geogebra"/>
  692. <learningAid name="techhelp"/>
  693. <learningAid name="extrahelp"/>
  694. <learningAid name="boosterc">
  695. <sample url=";pend=27" width="820" height="620" />
  696. </learningAid>
  697. <learningAid name="powerpoint">
  698. <sample url="" width="900" height="600"/>
  699. </learningAid>
  700. <learningAid name="calculator" enabledInNewCourse="false"/>
  701. <learningAid name="askinstructor">
  702. <sample url="" width="530" height="430"/>
  703. </learningAid>
  704. </learningAids>
  705. </discipline>
  706. <discipline name="mathInternational">
  707. <!-- CA To reflect the differences (lack of a calculator as of 2009-05-29) between standard Math and international Math disciplines -->
  708. <learningAids>
  709. <learningAid name="guidedsolution"/>
  710. <learningAid name="example"/>
  711. <learningAid name="video"/>
  712. <learningAid name="animation"/>
  713. <learningAid name="textbook" displayText="Textbook"/>
  714. <learningAid name="textbookextras"/>
  715. <learningAid name="glossary"/>
  716. <learningAid name="review"/>
  717. <learningAid name="statexplore"/>
  718. <learningAid name="geogebra"/>
  719. <learningAid name="techhelp"/>
  720. <learningAid name="extrahelp"/>
  721. <learningAid name="askinstructor"/>
  722. </learningAids>
  723. </discipline>
  724. <discipline name="mathPortuguese">
  725. <learningAids>
  726. <learningAid name="guidedsolution">
  727. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
  728. </learningAid>
  729. <learningAid name="example">
  730. <sample url="" width="700" height="460"/>
  731. </learningAid>
  732. <learningAid name="video">
  733. <sample url="" width="750" height="780"/>
  734. </learningAid>
  735. <learningAid name="animation">
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  751. </learningAids>
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  753. <discipline name="mathEspanol">
  754. <!-- CA MyMathLab Spanish-->
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  759. <learningAid name="example">
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  763. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  766. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  768. <learningAid name="textbook" displayText="Textbook">
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  861. <learningAid name="guidedsolution" />C:\MathXL\src\DeltaNetTests\app.config
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  906. <!-- CA Invisible in course manager and create assignments step 3 -->
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  926. <sample url="" width="800" height="600" />
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  929. <sample url=""/>
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  951. <discipline name="foundations">
  952. <!-- TODO: Sort this out for real. This is just a copy of math for now name -->
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  989. <sample url="" width="800" height="600" />
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  992. <sample url="" width="550" height="600" />
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  1034. <sample url="" />
  1035. </learningAid>
  1036. <learningAid name="askinstructor">
  1037. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"></sample>
  1038. </learningAid>
  1039. </learningAids>
  1040. </discipline>
  1041. <discipline name="engineering">
  1042. <learningAids>
  1043. <learningAid name="guidedsolution">
  1044. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
  1045. </learningAid>
  1046. <learningAid name="example">
  1047. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  1057. <learningAid name="review"/>
  1058. <!-- Comment 19835 - MyEngLab: Remove More Help and Spreadsheet from LA page and Step 3 -->
  1059. <learningAid name="morehelp" visible="false" enabled="true" />
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  1063. <learningAid name="annuitycalc">
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  1066. <learningAid name="calculator" />
  1067. <learningAid name="financialcalc">
  1068. <sample url="" width="900" height="600"/>
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  1084. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1087. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1090. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1093. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1095. <learningAid name="textbookextras">
  1096. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1105. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1108. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1110. <learningAid name="morehelp">
  1111. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1113. <learningAid name="askinstructor">
  1114. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1142. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1148. <learningAid name="askinstructor">
  1149. <sample url="" width="800" height="600"/>
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  1152. </discipline>
  1153. <!-- bpqual is similar to econ in terms of learning aid samples but with a different learning aid configuration -->
  1154. <discipline name="bpqual">
  1155. <learningAids>
  1156. <learningAid name="guidedsolution">
  1157. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  1161. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  1175. <!-- special case grapher, same as OM -->
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  1211. <learningAid name="powerpoint" displayText="Interactive Lecture"/>
  1212. <learningAid name="textbook" displayText="eText" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_textbook_blue.gif">
  1213. <sample url="" width="830" height="610"/>
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  1233. <learningAid name="video">
  1234. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  1236. <learningAid name="animation">
  1237. <sample url="" width="935" height="670"/>
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  1248. <discipline name="universalmylabs">
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  1254. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  1257. <sample url="" width="750" height="480"/>
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  1260. <sample url="" width="935" height="670"/>
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  1264. <sample url="" width="830" height="610"/>
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  1266. <learningAid name="textbookextras"/>
  1267. <learningAid name="glossary"/>
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  1270. <!-- special case grapher, same as OM -->
  1271. <learningAid name="grapher">
  1272. <sample url="" width="550" height="480"/>
  1273. </learningAid>
  1274. <learningAid name="spreadsheet" visible="false" enabled="true" />
  1275. <!-- "Always on" spreadsheet -->
  1276. <learningAid name="calculateexcel" imageUrl="images/icons/coursemanager_icon_calculateexcel_alt.png" overviewTooltip="Spreadsheet.ToolTip"/>
  1277. <learningAid name="techhelp"/>
  1278. <!-- CA Defect XL-3721 -->
  1279. <learningAid name="morehelp" visible="false" enabled="true" />
  1280. <learningAid name="extrahelp"/>
  1281. <learningAid name="calculator" enabledInNewCourse="false"/>
  1282. <learningAid name="askinstructor"/>
  1283. </learningAids>
  1284. </discipline>
  1286. </disciplines>
  1288. </learningAidConfig>
  1289. <cacheService>
  1290. <cacheProvider defaultProvider="HttpContextCacheProvider">
  1291. <providers>
  1292. <!--<add name="CoherenceCacheProvider" type="CoherenceCacheProvider" CacheName="dist-contact-cache"/>-->
  1293. <!--<add name="VelocityCacheProvider" type="VelocityCacheProvider" CacheName="IproCache"/>-->
  1294. <!--<add name="StateServerCacheProvider" type="StateServerCacheProvider" CacheName="IproCache"/>-->
  1295. <add name="HttpContextCacheProvider" type="HttpContextCacheProvider" CacheName="IproCache" />
  1296. </providers>
  1297. </cacheProvider>
  1298. <settings>
  1299. <!-- enum SaveTimeStampMode DoNotSave = 0, SaveInternal = 1, // save in same object SaveExternal = 2 // save in separate object -->
  1300. <add name="Grid.SaveTimeStampMode" value="2" />
  1301. <add name="Grid.ExternalWriteBehindTrackerExpirationMinutes" value="360" />
  1302. <!-- 6 hours -->
  1303. <!-- 0 means set to max of homework and test expirations (sliding) -->
  1304. <add name="Grid.ExternalWriteBehindTrackerStoreUnloads" value="true" />
  1305. <add name="Grid.MaxInsertRetries" value="5" />
  1306. <add name="Grid.MaxWriteBehindRetries" value="5" />
  1307. <add name="Grid.WriteBehindSecondChance" value="false" />
  1308. <add name="Grid.MinRetryPauseSeconds" value="2" />
  1309. <add name="Grid.MaxRetryPauseSeconds" value="6" />
  1310. <add name="Grid.WriteBehindImpersonationEnabled" value="false" />
  1311. <!-- This is not needed in Jun11 when the identity is set on the app pool and not in web.config -->
  1312. <add name="GridLockedBrowserSession.ExpirationMinutes" value="75" />
  1313. <!-- CA Needs to be the same as the default session timeout in case the user doesn't click I am Ready to Start immediately -->
  1314. <add name="GridHighStakes.ExpirationMinutes" value="20160" />
  1315. <!-- 20160 is two weeks, if expired it will just re-read from db no harm done -->
  1316. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.UseLocalCache" value="true" />
  1317. <!-- Locking always required, so only option is local cache -->
  1318. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.AlwaysInvalidateCourse" value="false" />
  1319. <!-- If true doesn't use piecemeal invalidate logic, always invalidates whole course -->
  1320. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.EscalateThreshold" value="3" />
  1321. <!-- How many invalidates on the same level needed to escalate to next level -->
  1322. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.ExpirationMinutes" value="1" />
  1323. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.ExpirationSliding" value="false" />
  1324. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.DoubleCheckExpiration" value="true" />
  1325. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.LockOnExpire" value="true" />
  1326. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.LockOnRemove" value="true" />
  1327. <add name="GradebookInvalidate.SaveMetadata" value="true" />
  1328. <add name="GridResult.Test.LocalCacheAndLockMode" value="0" />
  1329. <!-- LocalCacheAndLockMode enum ClientCacheOffLockingOff = 0, ClientCacheOffLockingOn = 1, ClientCacheOnLockingOn = 2 -->
  1330. <add name="GridResult.Test.ExpirationMinutes" value="2" />
  1331. <add name="GridResult.Test.ExpirationSliding" value="false" />
  1332. <add name="GridResult.Test.WriteBehindEnabled" value="true" />
  1333. <!-- Only disable write-behind for debugging purposes, the results won't be persisted to the DB if this is off! -->
  1334. <add name="GridResult.Test.WriteBehindDelayMinutes" value="1" />
  1335. <add name="GridResult.Test.WriteThroughOnUnloadMode" value="1" />
  1336. <!-- This is for removing after preview only and won't be called during a usual test submit -->
  1337. <add name="GridResult.Test.WriteThroughOnUnloadMode.AsyncConstantDelay" value="2" />
  1338. <add name="GridResult.Test.SaveMetadata" value="true" />
  1339. <add name="GridResult.Homework.LocalCacheAndLockMode" value="1" />
  1340. <!-- LocalCacheAndLockMode enum ClientCacheOffLockingOff = 0, ClientCacheOffLockingOn = 1, ClientCacheOnLockingOn = 2 -->
  1341. <add name="GridResult.Homework.ExpirationMinutes" value="35" />
  1342. <add name="GridResult.Homework.ExpirationSliding" value="true" />
  1343. <add name="GridResult.Homework.WriteBehindEnabled" value="true" />
  1344. <!-- Only disable write-behind for debugging purposes, the results won't be persisted to the DB if this is off! -->
  1345. <add name="GridResult.Homework.WriteBehindDelayMinutes" value="15" />
  1346. <add name="GridResult.Homework.WriteThroughOnUnloadMode" value="1" />
  1347. <!-- WriteThroughOnUnloadMode enum None = 0, Sync = 1, Async = 2, AsyncConstant = 3 -->
  1348. <add name="GridResult.Homework.WriteThroughOnUnloadMode.AsyncConstantDelay" value="2" />
  1349. <add name="GridResult.Homework.SaveMetadata" value="true" />
  1350. <add name="GridResult.Homework.FlushOnExists" value="true" />
  1351. <add name="GridResult.WriteBehindTracker.SaveMetadata" value="true" />
  1352. <add name="GridResult.WriteBehindTracker.UseLocking" value="true" />
  1354. <!-- CA Study Plan Cache settings (used for Companion Study Plan Assignments) -->
  1356. <!-- No "AlwaysInvalidateCourse" setting because we always need to do piecemeal expiration -->
  1357. <!-- Locking always required, so only option is local cache -->
  1358. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.UseLocalCache" value="true" />
  1360. <!-- How many invalidates on the same level needed to escalate to next level -->
  1361. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.EscalateThreshold" value="3" />
  1362. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.ExpirationMinutes" value="3" />
  1363. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.ExpirationSliding" value="false" />
  1365. <!-- Changed from true to stop insane hundreds of thousands of logs from grid event pressure on 09/08/13 and 09/09/13 -->
  1366. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.DoubleCheckExpiration" value="false" />
  1367. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.LockOnExpire" value="true" />
  1368. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.LockOnRemove" value="true" />
  1369. <add name="StudyPlanInvalidate.SaveMetadata" value="true" />
  1371. </settings>
  1372. </cacheService>
  1373. <system.web>
  1374. <membership defaultProvider="ClientAuthenticationMembershipProvider">
  1375. <providers>
  1376. <add name="ClientAuthenticationMembershipProvider" type="System.Web.ClientServices.Providers.ClientFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" serviceUri="" />
  1377. </providers>
  1378. </membership>
  1379. <roleManager defaultProvider="ClientRoleProvider" enabled="true">
  1380. <providers>
  1381. <add name="ClientRoleProvider" type="System.Web.ClientServices.Providers.ClientRoleProvider, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" serviceUri="" cacheTimeout="86400" />
  1382. </providers>
  1383. </roleManager>
  1384. </system.web>
  1385. <startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7" /></startup></configuration>
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