
New Year wishes from Anonymous - FBI Hacked and Leaked

Jan 6th, 2017
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  1. VOTE FOR THE NEXT TARGET - goo.gl/17gE9a
  2. Shout-out to TruthIzSexy (twitter.com/TruthIzSexy) for keeping the soul of "Anonymous" intact.
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  45. Greetings from CyberZeist,
  46. This leak is totally devoted to the Anonymous Movement.
  47. Going back to 22nd December 2016, I tweeted about a 0day vulnerability in Plone CMS which is considered as the most secure CMS till date. This CMS is used by many top
  48. agencies including FBI:
  49. https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/811926048266817536
  51. The vulnerability is in the CMS's various python modules and is not discovered by me, I was assigned to test out the 0day vulnerability on FBI and Amnesty website:
  52. https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/812653560336781312
  54. Other Vulnerable websites include EU Agency for Network Information and Security along with Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center:
  55. https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/812641407512952836
  57. Since the 0day vendor was too afraid to test it out on FBI himself, so I did it and the findings are published in the below sections. The interesting thing to see was that, media from many
  58. countries including Germany and Russia where publishing about the hack but none of the US based publishers had the courage to write a story against FBI hack (fear?).
  60. I was contacted by various sources to pass on the leaks to them that I obtained after hacking FBI.GOV but I denied all of them. Why? just because I was waiting for FBI to
  61. react on time. They didn't directly react and I don't know yet what are they upto, but at the time I was extracting my finds after hacking FBI.GOV,
  62. I was constantly presented with this screen, even when I normally visited the site:
  63. https://pixady.com/img/2017/01/701635_screenshot_from_20170101_002242.png
  64. (Are they tracking me?)
  66. Anyway, while they where busy apparently in fixing the vulnerability, the Plone 0day was still working in their CMS backend, but they where hosting the site on a VM so
  67. I couldn't gain a root access (obviously!), but I was able to recon that they were running FreeBSD ver 6.2-RELEASE that dates back to 2007 with their own custom
  68. configurations. Their last reboot time was 15th December 2016 at 6:32 PM in the evening.
  69. While exploiting FBI.GOV, it was clearly evident that their webmaster had a very lazy attitude as he/she had kept the backup files (.bck extension) on that same folder
  70. where the site root was placed (Thank you Webmaster!), but still I didn't leak out the whole contents of the backup files, instead I tweeted out my findings and thought to
  71. wait for FBI's response:
  73. https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/815141077233471488
  74. https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/815223886060978177
  76. It was clearly evident by now that FBI would have known by this time that they are being actively compromised as many foreign media agencies where actively publishing
  77. their reports on this hack:
  79. https://deutsch.rt.com/newsticker/44630-fbi-webseite-gehackt/
  80. https://lenta.ru/news/2016/12/23/le4ky
  81. http://www.depo.ua/ukr/svit/haker-zayaviv-shcho-zlamav-sayt-fbr-ssha-23122016172700
  82. http://www.vladtime.ru/kriminalnie_novosti/530920
  83. https://rg.ru/2016/12/23/haker-soobshchil-o-vzlome-sajta-fbr.html
  84. (Russians seem very much excited in publishing against USA ;D )
  86. But till now I haven't seen a reaction from FBI or any of the US News Agencies regarding this hack that I announced on twitter in last 6 -7 days.
  87. As a result, I am publishing my findings that will interest many of the geeks and black-hat enthusiasts out there. I obviously cannot publish the 0day attack vector myself as
  88. it is being actively sold over tor network for bitcoins. So if you want the p0c or the attack vector itself, please find the 0day yourself over the tor N/W (find "lo4fer") or wait till the 0day is
  89. obsolete. Once this 0day is no longer being sold, I will tweet out the Plone CMS 0day attack vector myself.
  91. Now moving on to the findings on the FBI.GOV site. I have leaked the FBI.GOV accounts that I found out several backup files (acc_102016.bck, acc_112016.bck, old_acc16.bck, etc)
  92. There may be many more backup files, but I couldn't get hold of them all because file name enumeration and guessing was taking too much time and FBI.GOV was
  93. experiencing a constant downtime error. I am still trying to enumerate more backup files and will continue to do so till FBI.GOV is patched. If I find more details then I will
  94. update this paste accordingly. The account details published below contain details in format - (email, SHA1 Encrypted Pass, SHA1 salt).
  96. Now something off-topic, I have been in the Anonymous scene since 2011 and at that time too I hacked FBI Accounts and details, which was copied by many wannabes over the years:
  97. http://news.softpedia.com/news/CyberZeist-Claims-to-Have-Gained-Access-to-Hundreds-of-Federal-Accounts-276384.shtml
  99. But at that time, I used spear phishing to harvest the account details and back then I was devoted for the anonymous movement. And once again I owned FBI and devoting
  100. this leak to Anonymous movement.
  102. I have also started a poll to cast your vote for my next target, the target getting the most votes will be hacked next:
  103. https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/802485264748642304
  105. Link to Vote: goo.gl/17gE9a
  107. I would also like to mention that, twitter has a bad tendency of suspending my accounts due the nature of my leaks like vulnerabilities in top banking corporations:
  109. (List of my hacks)
  110. Barclays & RBS Bank : https://www.scmagazineuk.com/lfi-vulnerability-allegedly-found-in-website-of-barclaysrbs/article/573599/
  111. Tesco Bank Vulnerability : https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/805017655694344192
  112. Alaska Election Hack : https://www.cyberwarnews.info/2016/11/08/alaskan-elections-website-hacked-by-cyberzeist-2/ (Presidential Election 2016)
  113. MI5 Vulnerability : https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2/status/804313275982745600
  114. DNC Hacks : http://gizmodo.com/hackers-claim-they-wiped-john-podestas-iphone-1787757594 (http://pastebin.com/fYCWmNGU)
  115. (for more lulz, view my tweets at - https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2)
  117. So in case my twitter account (twitter.com/cyberzeist2) is suspended again after this leak, then you can visit my pastebin account at - http://pastebin.com/u/CyberZeist2
  118. Here you can find a way to get in touch with me or keep an eye on my next account if I get suspended.
  120. PS: I hold no responsibility on what you do with the accounts leaked below, just be as stealthy as possible ;) -- sail safe, pirate!
  121. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. (Email, Pass(SHA1 Encrypted), Salt):
  124. matthew.giacobbi@ic.fbi.gov - a374090d426651ef8a8338775378406eaf8bb294, bl3XNyDs62
  125. erickbolt@ic.fbi.gov - 49ea1d8fc96f105e62f79f84c86f3189e385b960, 5wWCUipzt@
  126. cywatch@ic.fbi.gov - 3f0291d3a60edb29cd6f168369fd8ae9581f65cd, ArSmrfIY8h
  127. sacramento@ic.fbi.gov - 971636691d06c3e641150ddd661db9a8517d0827, 69CwW$wePL
  128. kevin.oconnor@ic.fbi.gov - f0964c1bffaf353920e89b2da2799ce509b7cc42, inpG1N&RSC
  129. andrea.krauth@ic.fbi.gov - 129dad5ea12de65aafe750b92d7dfc494edadb62, @K0%lqNrAg
  130. justina.acayan@ic.fbi.gov - abc5d98fa429263c380491d19174f2e767c0e8fd, tZcIwAgvvO
  131. myloshia.robinson@ic.fbi.gov - 63236eedddbb3b803714c629323b2f2bf5fc25df, @Q590WwTK8
  132. james.laflin@ic.fbi.gov - f4c6f59d534b67d338c18e4992f68e7b62594d0c, 8SDZ%kQZO6
  133. washington.field@ic.fbi.gov - 7d47638011e6a12e343123e9f9740d70cbd459a8, 6TFKCzkJ1k
  134. j.colleen.brown@ic.fbi.gov - 00a084333f997849e38c353d08c670b2bc8404fa, FWRfO3t1Z5
  135. lorraine.kratzer@ic.fbi.gov - 868bc98486968c23c0e34b1fdce6b0ae2b523f9b, jqqMPJytAH
  136. markgiuliano@ic.fbi.gov - c89751625dabc5699262727a62e8697600c1bee0, ZIgEp8JkwL
  137. andrew.mccabe@ic.fbi.gov - c4c261406f09f057f19ea816317e75b5d25cb9df, V$JrIwbVWF
  138. jason.pack@ic.fbi.gov - 841aabc3f1e09acf671e25ae84bf0a51a52b5f3d, z$vDVU4O65
  139. daniel.garrabrant@ic.fbi.gov - ce1a3900f44ac96e4dc9707f69d8c1cdb0759937, kn2DfThA5H
  140. julie.rosploch@ic.fbi.gov - 854e9bba1fe309419663c51f0cd29b1406cd9096, cPPf%0hvLc
  141. celia.longoria@ic.fbi.gov - 1d0db1fef602ba79b4375520bdebe18055b85b05, ZCIaU$Xla2
  142. joshua.campbell@ic.fbi.gov - 10e39531cda0e8478203f250ec41a4461130e6bd, USoEDJ@2&a
  143. shawn.scott@ic.fbi.gov - a981436d2b9ca8d8c4130fc9bd93a0131ee44a08, &c$gUzgtbh
  144. john.dziedzic@ic.fbi.gov - 46311ba2bee14b95749dd71ae0ae02f8bd7d4e70, v5n9Ek8lS1
  145. kathleen.hotakainen@ic.fbi.gov - 777ef8c5bd9d947228b7732e23d0c5d2dda9cca2, KRmQuIhkC&
  146. richard.lara@ic.fbi.gov - 214039fd957891597dc731452cbe047a12c228da, ibDiay8MEE
  147. theresa.powell@ic.fbi.gov - 934bd6f879749ba66e7c46eb355f477f2504e799, jJk3Ngb#EV
  148. mueller.cv@ic.fbi.gov - 9746633027a1e45a21fba5e02a476edd35ea2fa0, jzVxsuP4%S
  149. marc.cappellini@ic.fbi.gov - 7d3d3978c540e72a57fc7ad644da4cadd4f01f17, pLh4SxCW0t
  150. ron.avila@ic.fbi.gov - ef1da87cc7abdb956a2ec3614f532b5da263953a, @amk8qVBiY
  151. leoka.statistics@ic.fbi.gov - 488c7eb05d7b7e6abe7f0c11c7dc20dfd310aab7, btl4!DUw48
  152. jeanette.harper@ic.fbi.gov - c49b7ad104f0e68cfea7ba3da3205feeb930dcda, cEt1oAGiUY
  153. selwyn.jamison@ic.fbi.gov - 2dad125c0c244a8cad69951515ecdeb75b0b1daa, OU5JmVw1R&
  154. craig.betbeze@ic.fbi.gov - 762a4d4bc0c6cdd0a2bcf6b7c7e125f35cb3bb88, IrxpnX390I
  155. bdc@ic.fbi.gov - 302daef773e9d85087924a8b970d0dc00192712a, VZhbpLX$xl
  156. renee.blei@ic.fbi.gov - 76cbeddf273fafb5fd71a8afdd98f2b8254af0fc, VvnYe1n9NT
  157. sanantonio@ic.fbi.gov - 1c7c587cb86945f0025b60501faeaf83f1278b08, wvD3v7&G3N
  158. james.olson@ic.fbi.gov - 04739af0f97d9be4480be4c753b94780e4079f53, wTLy5cXqMb
  159. memphis@ic.fbi.gov - 6aba3a9229091971786f8f931d34c8aa97f4e0ef, gjIEyg&%z6
  160. joseph.mcqueen@ic.fbi.gov - 2077bc579facdf699451680b5cba0eb3a2712be5, 3VR%ZTaBnV
  161. sherri.funk@ic.fbi.gov - 786d27cc983da7a5e03181ad5c909a6aab38b085, SplzDfKerK
  162. birmingham@ic.fbi.gov - 07d0c4de383d1ca9af29b05ffafd400b60604022, !p35WAjOHx
  163. sandra.carroll@ic.fbi.gov - 0a94bb6e2749e1dc38f5317597145dad1f911945, hPbslpxtbF
  164. kara.sidener@ic.fbi.gov - 2dd4a0bf027a7861630d445c522bd733633ab9f3, @FJ15mSK9q
  165. roahn.wynar@ic.fbi.gov - 79aea73c29db2a9b10dfeb6587629332395487be, XmxT3xKpaN
  166. romel.velasco@ic.fbi.gov - 2335fb51201d4c89e21341fefbb22746acfc70c1, ODUbebk3Aw
  167. stephen.fischer@ic.fbi.gov - 32e42707b8deb2f85a9858da8b987e15f7396b63, c9u93ZG4lq
  168. christopher.allen@ic.fbi.gov - ebd9a457826bf43ced9a5befe20e9ae9738c0e47, tZ!91IFpM%
  169. nevine.aziz@ic.fbi.gov - 4832e5257fb38a96d492e9d417be5462a1d1b2d2, jcusJ&!NsQ
  170. douglas.leff@ic.fbi.gov - 77015ca946ed1b918dfe799a31650bdd8c96b3d7, beFSAnz4XK
  171. david.rubincam@ic.fbi.gov - b116d9a2b033621a3149dc3e8b922da5fb15a41b, pJKWG8sw5K
  172. robert.gladwin@ic.fbi.gov - 48055a7419b9b257a0fa3a95bf7e88591e323237, bCqrq97Qja
  173. buffalo@ic.fbi.gov - c163359706762613ffeddd2e9fc73f0f05976da1, l!foFch#hf
  174. shawn.vanslyke@ic.fbi.gov - b93da8c43761efa14f80484a0737ef5e9c120055, rXOFKZIcOq
  175. yolanda.loya@ic.fbi.gov - 2464504af6bdd9eb6ff1326c2e203201eae3f307, Cfow0zWLTf
  176. jeffery.barnes@ic.fbi.gov - 6a679817a99654dedf9adce420546b14e864885d, P6W%1KMHY!
  177. minneapolis@ic.fbi.gov - f63e423e3b4af1a7a56f39bf9569de7002839da0, HXNM98xCSz
  178. catherine.milhoan@ic.fbi.gov - 842e6dfcd901cbe299fb60d784bb449ef14943d0, gx8KJ7Tc!h
  179. troy.smith@ic.fbi.gov - aa96c55df4fb94b964fd228d776e5b23ec2c6ce6, z$zWtGi5nT
  180. john.bonhage@ic.fbi.gov - aa77efe17dcb8ccfb6fc9711ae5dae2750f17f03, QbKQDl6$lT
  181. rita.willis@ic.fbi.gov - a9072bd807727b72673c70a611f22471c4b5b9ce, YwiEbuC6pw
  182. jenny.shearer@ic.fbi.gov - 620045db79a0f3cd05a82a016e60588afa99f0ae, tSKX9qVUY#
  183. paul.konschak@ic.fbi.gov - e4dbdc143dd6e5655809c91b3039b48c95ec0dc6, r9skX6gm4Z
  184. aguirre@ic.fbi.gov - 4eaf84abdf997c8929345ef0b7c3d9b11b265cf5, NnX!$yMcJH
  185. colleen.moss@ic.fbi.gov - 87330b7a0e8ce3f61f44afd77755e3a2e1974320, Nxau4c50hv
  186. rpo_recruiting@ic.fbi.gov - cbbe26d7b5e1ef006b2e361d6b0014e0cb71de75, A2F3uW#xj2
  187. sos_program@ic.fbi.gov - a51bc727e9e68d56c5f6fd9219f7e7b280f7727a, 2r!X!O@nz3
  188. seattle.fbi@ic.fbi.gov - 8a7cc1f9bf3e03cd59012e854f6d8d4e32af655b, Z4nY9CSzRK
  189. james.comey@ic.fbi.gov - 379e6f1412a001421ad91e491b280c608c8005f9, EI%oo9cIvQ
  190. jennifer.unger@ic.fbi.gov - 38538e6163b460767bb0c72caeba0a5ac5ee057f, yav36kU%XS
  191. maureen.bradley@ic.fbi.gov - dbb87004d3508397a523bafd23e616fa80055c42, i3lDyzc2et
  192. bruce.hartung@ic.fbi.gov - 631f4dc5028a62966e4ad8b02db621c5ebf49004, GCrNxX7521
  193. mark.levett@ic.fbi.gov - c23a4b1a11781de8240c2d13527e139c60495462, JgxKbbPFOo
  194. david.porter@ic.fbi.gov - 7c1b4d9f4446019ae78afe8370d3b89e1c4ffd28, B70#c2@7XB
  195. josephine.vandervoort@ic.fbi.gov - 908a2e0a6ccb5ff9071fbac003d94cd321c09dc2, xWaqSZ61OP
  196. pctips@ic.fbi.gov - 4a59841119dfabeb1d439777ed0534da874956af, nlPZ6pqBX$
  197. wfocop@ic.fbi.gov - 56b5e2a4f7e1e05b2ffdc6ff5f4bdcdc617d3d33, ovUObrxIno
  198. tampa.division@ic.fbi.gov - 7a1927404ff9dec09e5fe323eeea1cd783eb665a, bgDNUXK#eZ
  199. kevin.swindon@ic.fbi.gov - a2c43f0300db37622c36ea204150fe3acc3f4802, #gnE8tShw6
  200. matthew.braverman@ic.fbi.gov - 7cb4a35fd158db25bb3c0cdf297c1627b9506066, 8m#$G2Z41%
  201. richmond@ic.fbi.gov - 966e292f454ef397e1b8d5a02d97208a9d7de1d1, AjunCC7Cfy
  202. omaha@ic.fbi.gov - b53ac5bbe0c4f45dbf95a524e837698b51c5d4a2, C0wjXx8o7H
  203. theresa.griffiths@ic.fbi.gov - 36a07aafd122b4b84854c71d7a15eaffde112874, mMXQ@n&rc6
  204. larry.freeland@ic.fbi.gov - 715854e2d532e4e446627e40e859cd0fe5feb28e, vj$R#DsA01
  205. tracy.klein@ic.fbi.gov - 8384f4d2af93322e76600c791e2648d0ad078ed2, ni56sUe3Fy
  206. spp.bf@ic.fbi.gov - 5be21ba83176d9a3607b48c5cbc017c20f475a01, 76@xnXON@#
  207. john.samaha@ic.fbi.gov - d4dfe16b90c224e691177fcae37a7d81ba106d02, ulfHffvWg1
  208. roseliejean.custodio@ic.fbi.gov - 5ef7de3d192091fe5970ebd0f0115a80273179af, OEX8%tWuJS
  209. janice.stout@ic.fbi.gov - b01af6a732f2f4ed7323e4aa2d0c54a7dc69f5cb, f%WuymlaJX
  210. shannon.regil@ic.fbi,gov - bcc63efb852ded0984e79512012631795aae6ac9, #HQzWUTlLs
  211. joshua.canter@ic.fbi.gov - 8970e9442ff1009d26185e4486916ff3fd9d6bb2, UMtXlzPW01
  212. little.rock@ic.fbi.gov - 31513d6b4b562fff82f2fee4ea3e354dac6f0189, 0A7n7g0ny2
  213. geronimo.garcia@ic.fbi.gov - a27ff20a90856644454c2279c3e107cb41077c79, 5qz5ROLt40
  214. todd.werth@ic.fbi.gov - f4cf3604b2a476b7c56ad51acf2b8994a1f194f4, TIPBBTF7@g
  215. patricia.villafranca@ic.fbi.gov - 117d1bfe3cb929bb93142205f6728deaa1695a29, Nixifs!4TD
  216. chicago@ic.fbi.gov - ce4ed740399979c4d069d1f0b5f2246c20383b9f, nkE$SQ!EHH
  217. michelle.lee@ic.fbi.gov - 4a9e42e8768d298667a0ebc4f9a355f43945eb67, XEA%zVZlLr
  218. springfield@ic.fbi.gov - 02058c2c88363309f7f0d18b2805053f6e0b7cc1, hBpvkB0r9Z
  219. megan.moffitt@ic.fbi.gov - d81205b33a70e45b57947a49bea9addc1b91e79f, W%GMze98hk
  220. anita.shah@ic.fbi.gov - 024fc46aaa9426c83277394233a0502594236036, wUgZ&7!xwW
  221. san.francisco@ic.fbi.gov - b9dbcd90f451d4048224b9054ca5a3767ecf0702, Z7kwq4Fe$q
  222. paul.vitchock@ic.fbi.gov - 2f5af022db2ba7bb222f7ef99e9c66bf132a3298, nWHvo$@mFl
  223. newhaven@ic.fbi.gov - e899f07f44e4e99bcafc61b42859409139768f66, pvZ4zK1yF3
  224. carrie.sawicki@ic.fbi.gov - 1e517cd8c17fdcd2a49495acbe84130f7fbf2a36, EDFnz3mHeT
  225. sonia.hunt@ic.fbi.gov - 899ff1b7db52757c0fdfb83411aca8804fbb7872, F3mfsbaptg
  226. augenbaum@ic.fbi.gov - c7b3e98d98b330a0052c3ed13ed423ea5abf6f82, &ATLUE9C1j
  227. kimberly.brown@ic.fbi.gov - 2385512bc4b25362f479138ca585b48f124cf986, CVvuRtu#cL
  228. benjamin.stone@ic.fbi.gov - 0924fe2af2675c22f47f22f9c9e7b6b4b83a770c, ARvYrmIuMj
  229. juanita.miller@ic.fbi.gov - 94018ab41195e74600669412281b5cbb7d9a0822, k4&VI$vxUn
  230. edward.you@ic.fbi.gov - 1d3fefe83ee716b1ec8b048055cff2f83b2c538d, z1Kok1mqIf
  231. niall.brennan@ic.fbi.gov - 9eb855386ad7f6e3c926dedfafcde0c238d32c28, BZ88L$!coz
  232. janel.lobur@ic.fbi.gov - 3a0cdcada6100e09f1a6fe29519a1d024bfcc1a5, &Iy76AqmwL
  233. phoenix@ic.fbi.gov - 66ff9437bc568668e87d5ff1506a76f22340a8f7, v$bRGHE9mU
  234. john.whalen@ic.fbi.gov - 8096acd5503d9341bccfd8cefb54590f44b8bf27, A3qC@$kYT5
  235. scranton.complaints@ic.fbi.gov - 50babae3c083816984c581a1b58f28bebcd00d0d, w%YKw8JY8x
  236. richard.vorderbruegge@ic.fbi.gov - acf3a56eab392ac38518c4bdc012ded08c6977f7, $ll8j%&k4u
  237. boston@ic.fbi.gov - 8134ec97538322f97b2e8d2f29fa72269d79fab5, wqxayJSIyg
  238. kansas.city@ic.fbi.gov - 5bc16813e41e0b3b5d093d05e1a3dcda6f1dd340, CquYpfObfe
  239. diana.wright@ic.fbi.gov - 1829c810c31c1bdfbb6a1597bb4c797e1333747d, tJD#NXHPyJ
  240. william.mckinsey@ic.fbi.gov - f35681148b6c311c4e2ab6bd0f2ea8bd54c7421a, 3XmH$!&8Fl
  241. jerry.varnell@ic.fbi.gov - 47f5b56179bcb413987ae27a151fb342ca5493d9, I4mo2D9Dyu
  242. brian.abellera@ic.fbi.gov - 4c65035405bb295ce60f9edce01858adae9e9159, 6%%6zEI$Bk
  243. philip.wright@ic.fbi.gov - 6fcdf84ec4194b8e78f19b578a36299a3971e9be, UrQEAUsko6
  244. gerald.reichard@ic.fbi.gov - 628dd18faf3fc5194c6a72ba7503beefaa75edf9, f#ZXSlL2ZJ
  245. diego.redondo@ic.fbi.gov - ae1ed0cee50c20cd0dae229364f95fc8335598b6, Xpav2at5uA
  246. premiercru.complaints@ic.fbi.gov - d704d458f437bb5f39969dfb669248588d1d1c94, ysgYhsfHCO
  247. michele.ernst@ic.fbi.gov - 27d85dcd7c8c27f544ff2dddff5d051b240b054c, l#X6TLT@ex
  248. brandi.herron@ic.fbi.gov - 8b579280793c890f02c30bd53922727ce3bd03fe, D@tsSytF@@
  249. thomas.callaghan@ic.fbi.gov - 7ed5dcbc3d6810a7fa73f6c631876e6b0dbf5eb0, jnzbTSQphh
  250. nicky.megna@ic.fbi.gov - 66b68dd56e64598649f050f9f013b82f92defa5e, aQh8uGssBg
  251. karey.kirkpatrick@ic.fbi.gov - 6ed898fdd3e9834bd72f8d7ef5599b3afe7de338, NrbAoyUV#S
  252. kimberly.delgreco@ic.fbi.gov - e483ae26d1781373186c6f573df54dd8a9634922, a1vEgcuAW@
  253. peter.murphy@ic.fbi.gov - 0c1a2bddb61417d190b2825d847735b34c9be7ec, VUm&oykAj$
  254. maureen.bottrell@ic.fbi.gov - 8034467595ebe189bf02ef3c0647708212778c5d, THEG&n!$1i
  255. ndcac@ic.fbi.gov - b9766e504f81f262266835b72100c0615c8a66c3, YOgvu!Ae6Z
  256. richard.vanantwerp@ic.fbi.gov - dd2ae399f170424da93dfe8b7af6abccc1306259, Qgljgmx4xx
  257. andrea.firpo@ic.fbi.gov - 86c7b685c2a456b36527be8dc5896940f8b0fe30, 2vghkpMn#j
  258. marc.lebeau@ic.fbi.gov - 5d18dde31637bcb05cec71aecd3c9ce4ee0dcc49, 8lsc9lTDK$
  259. timothy.marsh@ic.fbi.gov - 32ef3de0d5963fbfa532104637cd9dc0bf7ac3e1, veHhHqmp$!
  260. joline.caron@ic.fbi.gov - 202eb6649c6d303a22cd84fd73a39351bd108d89, ovJ!X&H1!9
  261. tracey.chase@ic.fbi.gov - 51be429365c9a3bc6978353eb3266e09ca180374, tFOZYOM1LJ
  262. houston@ic.fbi.gov - 46dc3051c6e41e102badd0bbcae11348dd8dbd84, B5N&ncZ!A#
  263. david.pennypacker@ic.fbi.gov - c7eb4288e65b8c238509d72fdfb6fa8a998375b4, $VKhwgXxzk
  264. nsf_grip@ic.fbi.gov - fed6539fd185777af29d2351d46731f0109fb7a3, 65b@DTuRxm
  265. stephen.morris@ic.fbi.gov - 9890cc963feac6148dc6d95a6231f95132cbe324, JhvSWReA3z
  266. kevin.parker2@ic.fbi.gov - 28e59ebcfe8d5bb87539429a2f127f128ae4c667, s2ZN5UvuSZ
  267. justin.cook@ic.fbi.gov - f65215e9032241be781ffb5c6d4ad481354606b9, y2HHT!pkfv
  268. portland@ic.fbi.gov - 88e6bdba742905ea22ae84d33a16529811795f35, 60KEPF&uOQ
  269. john.brown@ic.fbi.gov - 91e82e63ed9193a0dfaae964c029bbca472d854d, jYtzWyiGH7
  270. troy.murdock@ic.fbi.gov - 03fda83ac4754ae97c48e1a765ccaca19d9f0a0e, cbNb7rLjJs
  271. jay.darin@ic.fbi.gov - 25d4d29179c80b2f4c0d49fd539bb7d06883f65b, G%mtkgormA
  272. jaime.aguirre@ic.fbi.gov - 6f6313bae201b8c9dd9cf1574ef8e2f1099a5d7f, HNDfoUiCiW
  273. james.wynne@ic.fbi.gov - 8cddc9065f22f37f9385985a82a29aba03a9cfb5, yKKsCKDtm
  274. daniel.clegg@ic.fbi.gov - c580e2a16d9d21683aa2e41cb8366ad451bdfdb9, TcwDozV&Y9
  275. eyad.abusway@ic.fbi.gov - 7ebd7f87c44e6be63f6658e8b1f334f67c066756, exK&zHh74M
  276. keenan.robinson@ic.fbi.gov - 53041e8c4362198cd4c551b1ca8a08ccb4cfbf1d, HE7fQBhPVr
  277. susan.brandon@ic.fbi.gov - ef6df817ae60e81251dd98b40965dcaeec9d8089, %B1UX77JL4
  278. david.chaves@ic.fbi.gov - 82b2d6fbf39ebf484bb86e9524abca101a8245f3, QhQi6Zw3y4
  279. sandra.garcia@ic.fbi.gov - f98696466ed5b4b5dab765a7b124662105e4012c, uQ8P%uXH@m
  282. --
  283. Put forward by CyberZeist for Anonymous
  284. https://twitter.com/cyberzeist2
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