
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 7 - Clefairy's Dance

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  3. Ch. 7 - Clefairy's Dance
  5. After gaining his first Badge in Pewter City, Ash and Pikachu, now accompanied by Brock and his girlfriend Holly, make their way to Cerulean City for his next badge, and so they can meet an old friend. In order to get there though, the group must go through a notable landmark, Mt. Moon. Ash, Pikachu and Brock remember this place very well.
  7. After walking up to the majestic mountain, the group decided to stop just outside the caverns and take a break. Ash and Holly were getting along fine, and she proved to be just as well a cook as Brock.
  9. "Holly, this is great!" Ash stated as he took another bite of the meal the pink haired trainer had prepared.
  11. "Thank you Ash," Holly beamed.
  13. "And you're poke-food is still the best Brock!" Pikachu screamed as she swallowed the brown food pieces from the silver bowl. Brock didn't respond since he didn't understand what Pikachu said.
  15. "So Ash," Brock began. "Have you already planned out what you're going to do when you battle Misty?"
  17. "I think I've come up with a good battle plan," Ash began, "But Misty's one of the best trainers I know. She'll be tough."
  19. "I can't wait to meet her," Holly stated. "From what Brock told me about her, she seems pretty strong."
  21. Ash chuckled. "I bet he did, considering every time he would go gaga for some girl Misty would drag him away by the ear!" Ash broke out into laughter while Holly and Pikachu giggled.
  23. "Yuck it up, Ash," Brock said sarcastically.
  25. "Remind me to thank her then," Holly joked. Ash replied with a goofy nod.
  27. "Okay," Brock said with an annoyed tone. "Now that everyone's had a good laugh at my expense, how about we clean up and get moving?"
  29. "Okay Brocky," Holly said in a squeaky voice, causing Brock to blush brightly. Ash stifled his laughter. The four began to clean about when…
  31. "Help!" a voice caught Ash's ear. Ash quickly turned his head and looked around.
  33. Brock noticed. "You okay, Ash?"
  35. "I thought I heard a voice," Ash replied.
  37. "Help!" the voice called again. Ash's eyes widened that someone was calling for help, and he needed to help them.
  39. "Someone's in trouble!" Ash exclaimed as he dropped the blanket he was holding and ran off to find the source of the voice.
  41. "Ash!" Pikachu exclaimed as she ran off after her partner.
  43. "Come on Holly," Brock exclaimed as he grasped Holly's hand and lead her behind Ash.
  45. Ash quickly ran through the forest and around the mountain side in search to find the source of the voice. After a few seconds, Ash came upon a frightening sight. A group of Clefairy and Clefa were surrounded by a pack of Ekans, all apparently wanting to attack. Ash's eyes were caught by one Clefairy that had been ensnared by the largest of the Ekans. Ash figured it was the Clefairy and Clefa that were calling for help.
  47. Ash looked around and found he was alone. Ash looked at his Poke-Tector and said, "Tepig, I need you." Soon, the fire pig Pokémon appeared right next to Ash. She was now 4' 2" with 5" ears. She had longer arms and legs, opposable thumbs, a neck and chin, small tufts of black on her forehead and back of the head, a cute curly tail, and a set of B-cups. Ash thought she was pretty cute.
  49. "Hey Ash!" Tepig beamed, but Ash shushed her.
  51. "Quiet Tepig, look." Ash pointed at the group of Clefairy and Clefa and the Ekans surrounding them. Ash then pointed at the one Clefairy under the snare of the larger Ekans. "You think you can free that Clefairy with your Fire Oath without hurting the Clefairy?"
  53. "Of course!" Tepig whispered. Ash nodded, indicating she could go. "Fire Oath!" Tepig summoned a small vortex of fire at the Ekans, hitting the largest in the head.
  55. "AH!" the Ekans screamed as it was hit with the fire attack. Its coils loosened, dropping the Clefairy on the floor. "Who dare attack me!"
  57. "That would be me," Ash said as he swiftly ran from the bushes, punching the Ekans in the face before grabbing the Clefairy and running back. "They're all yours Tepig!"
  59. "Right!" Tepig exclaimed. "Flamethrower!" the fire pig then breathed a stream of fire, severely burning the group of Ekans without hurting the Clefairy and Clefa.
  61. Meanwhile, the Clefairy in Ash's arms was staring intently at him. It seemed to be entranced for some reason. "Alright Tepig!" Ash exclaimed, snapping the Clefairy in his arms out of its trance. "Finish it with Nitro Charge!"
  63. "You got it Ash!" Tepig exclaimed as she began to run. Her body became coated in flames as she rammed into each Ekans, sending each one flying into the sky. "Bye Bye!" Tepig said as she slammed the last Ekans away. "That takes care of them."
  65. "Good job Tepig," Ash said to his fire pig. He then turned his attention to the Clefairy in his arms. "Are you okay Clefairy?"
  67. "Y-Yeah," the fairy Pokémon stated. "Thank you for saving me and my friends."
  69. "My pleasure," Ash said with a smile as he set the little normal type down. Clefairy kept its stare on Ash.
  71. "Ash!" called out a group of voices. Ash turned to see Pikachu, Brock and Holly panting as they finally reached him. "Damn Ash," Brock panted, "How do you run so fast?"
  73. "Training," Ash replied. "Sorry I left you guys in the dust, but I heard someone calling for help. It turned out to be these Clefairy and Clefa; they were surrounded by a group of Ekans. Tepig made quick work of them!"
  75. "Yep!" The fire pig smirked.
  77. "Wow!" Holly beamed as she looked at Tepig. "I've never seen a Unova Pokémon before. Well, other than your Jalorda Ash."
  79. "Yeah," Ash said with a smile. He then turned to the group of Clefairy and Clefa that were walking towards them. "Are you guys okay?"
  81. "Yes, we're fine," one of the Clefairy stated. "Thank you for helping us."
  83. "No problem," Ash smiled. "But why were those Ekans attacking you?"
  85. "We seemed to take a wrong turn, and landed in their territory." one of the Clefairy explained. "We were trying to find the entrance to Mt. Moon so we could get back to our friends."
  87. "What happened?" Ash asked.
  89. "We were getting ready for the Evolution Ceremony, when some strange Pokémon attacked. A lot of us got lost and fell out of the mountain through other holes. We managed to slide down all the way to the bottom, and the closest entrance is the big one, the one humans use." the Clefairy explained. "But we got lost."
  91. "Well, we can lead you to the entrance," Ash explained. "How about if we help you guys get to the entrance, you help us get through the mountain?"
  93. The Clefairy and Clefa looked at each other before nodding. "We'd be glad to," they replied.
  95. "Great!" Ash exclaimed. He turned to Brock and Holly who were completely clueless. "Did I forget to mention I can understand Pokémon now?"
  97. "You kinda did," Brock replied.
  99. "Anyways, the Clefairy and Clefa were lost and trying to find the entrance to Mt. Moon. I agreed that we would help them if they help us get through the mountain." Ash explained. "Sounds good?"
  101. "I'll say it is," Brock stated. "Now let's get back to the camp and get going."
  103. "Alright," Ash agreed. "Come on guys!"
  105. "Yay!" exclaimed most of the Clefairy and Clefa as they followed group. The Clefairy that Ash had saved was walking next to Pikachu and Tepig.
  107. "Hey there," Pikachu greeted. "I'm Pikachu."
  109. "H-Hi," the Clefairy said rather timidly.
  111. "You're the one that Ash saved," Tepig realized.
  113. "Y-Yeah," Clefairy replied. "You're trainer is very brave."
  115. "He is," Pikachu replied. "He may be a little slow at times, but he has a good heart." Clefairy nodded as they walked, thinking she would like to get to know Ash better.
  117. After a short walk, the group made it back to camp, and with the help of the Clefairy and Clefa they managed to clean everything up. Ash was helped especially by the Clefairy he had saved. As soon as they were all done Ash and the group head inside the mountain. While Pikachu and Tepig follow by Ash's sides, Clefairy manages to jump onto his head. Since all of Ash's Pokémon were now too big to fit on his head, it reminded him of one of the things he missed before the transformation.
  119. "Which way Clefairy?" Ash asked the fairy Pokémon on top of his head.
  121. "That way," it said, pointing at a larger tunnel.
  123. "So Ash," Holly began, "looks like that Clefairy really took a shine to you."
  125. "I guess," Ash said with a smile. Clefairy wasn't paying attention.
  127. "Ash," Brock began, "you mind telling me again why is it were going down this tunnel. My Poke-Tector says we should have taken the one on the left."
  129. "Oh that," Ash said as he rubbed his head in embarrassment. "I kinda told Clefairy that we would stay to watch the Evolution Ceremony tonight. That's okay, right guys?"
  131. "ARE YOU KIDDING?" Holly exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes. "Brock told me about the Clefairy here and about some sort of giant moon stone. I'd love to see it! Please Brocky?"
  133. Ash smirked. "Well Brocky?"
  135. "I hate you," Brock mouthed to Ash. "Alright, we can watch Evolution Ceremony." Holly screamed loudly in joy, scaring the Clefairy and Clefa.
  137. "Is she always this energetic?" Clefairy asked Ash.
  139. "So far, yes," Ash replied.
  141. Meanwhile, Tepig and Pikachu were having a little mini-conversation that was quiet enough that Ash couldn't hear. "So what do you think Tepy?" Pikachu asked the fire pig. Ever since the transformation, Ash's Pokémon prefer to give each other nicknames.
  143. "I think that we might get a new member of our family in a few hours, Pika," Tepig replied. "Clefairy really seems interested in Ash."
  145. "I'll say," Pikachu replied. "This reminds me of Bayleef, and when Daikenki was still an Oshawott."
  147. "I remember," Tepig replied. "Do you think Clefairy will come willingly, or will Ash ask it to come?"
  149. "Not sure," Pikachu replied. "But I'm positive by the end of this, Clefairy will be just like us."
  151. Sometime later
  153. After less than an hour walk, the group made it to where the massive Moon Stone existed. When they arrived, they were greeted by a large group of Clefa, Clefairy, and Clefable, all happy to see their friends and happy to have Ash and the others witness the event. While the Clefairy continued to prepare the celebration, the group sat down to rest. Ash was asking the Clefairy that had taken a shine to him a few questions.
  155. "So Clefairy," Ash began, "A few years ago when Brock, Pikachu and I came through here there was an old scientist here who seemed obsessed with you guys. What happened to him?"
  157. "Oh, he left a few years ago." Clefairy replied. "He was crazy, I could barely understand half the things he said."
  159. Ash and Clefairy laughed at the joke. Ash then felt an interesting question catch him. "So Clefairy, is there any chance I'm going to be calling you Clefable by tonight?"
  161. Clefairy looked at Ash, then down. "I-I don't know," she replied. "I know that it's every Clefairy's dream to evolve to Clefable, but I just don't think I want to evolve. I like myself just the way I am."
  163. Ash smiled at the little fairy Pokémon. "Well that's just fine too." Clefairy looked at him in surprise. "It's perfectly fine for a Pokémon to not want to evolve into a higher level. A lot of my Pokémon still haven't evolved, that's including Pikachu and Tepig."
  165. "R-Really?" Clefairy asked with gleaming eyes. "You'd be okay with me not evolving?"
  167. "I'd be just fine," Ash said truthfully. Clefairy smiled before hugging Ash. Ash was surprised by the hug, but gladly returned him. Behind his back though, Pikachu and Tepig were giggling silently.
  169. "Hey Ash," Brock called. "Looks like they're ready."
  171. "Yay!" Holly beamed.
  173. Ash looked and saw the glowing moon stone, surrounded by a circle of Clefairy, Clefable and Clefa, and resonating with full moon high above them. The Clefairy next to Ash decided to watch since it didn't want to evolve. As soon as the Moon was perfectly aligned with the Moon Stone, the Pokémon began to dance.
  175. "Hail to the Moon! Hail to the Moon!" the Clefairy, Clefa, and Clefable chanted over and over again. They danced in different directions. As they continued to chant and dance, Ash and the group were entranced by amazing event before them.
  177. "I can't believe I actually get to see this!" Holly exclaimed silently, so not to disturb the Clefairy. Pikachu, Brock, Tepig and Clefairy were all enjoying the sight as well, but Ash had a tense expression.
  179. Pikachu noticed. "Something wrong Ash?" she asked.
  181. "I'm not sure," Ash replied. "I just sense something, something dangerous is coming, but I'm not sure what it is." Then, right before the fairy and star shaped Pokémon could finish, the moon stone exploded. "Sometimes, I hate it when I'm right." Ash quickly got on his feet to find the source of the explosion.
  183. "Rarrr!" roared a large violet scorpion like Pokémon.
  185. "A Drapion!" Ash exclaimed in shock. "What's a Drapion doing in Kanto?"
  187. "I don't know Ash," Brock replied as he got next to Ash. "But I do know we need to stop it!"
  189. "Right, leave this to me," Ash said to his friend. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt, Tepig use Flamethrower!"
  191. "Right!" the two Pokémon cried before launching their respective attacks. Drapion managed to jump, avoiding the attacks.
  193. "Cross Poison!" the giant scorpion cried as it dove down, with a giant poison X.
  195. "Get out of there girls!" Ash exclaimed. Tepig was able to dodge, Pikachu was not as lucky though.
  197. "AH!" Pikachu screamed as she was hit with poison type attack.
  199. "PIKACHU!" Ash screamed in shock as he witnessed the action. Pikachu fell to the floor and Ash ran as fast as he could to her. Ash picked up Pikachu in his arms. "Pikachu? Pikachu? Pikachu speak to me!"
  201. Pikachu weakly opened her eye. "I-I'm sorry Ash. T-That Drapion is really s-strong." She said with winces in pain.
  203. Ash nodded. He turned to Tepig who was right next to him. "Tepig, I'm sending you and Pikachu back to the ranch. Get Bayleef so she can use Synthesis on Pikachu."
  205. "But Ash, what about you?" Tepig asked.
  207. "Just tell Snorlax to get ready." Ash replied. Tepig nodded. "Tepig, Pikachu return." The two Pokémon then disappeared. Ash slowly got back up to his feet and stared at Drapion.
  209. After Ash's Pikachu had fallen, Brock and Holly took up the battle with the combined team of Brock's Crobat and Holly's Farfetch'd. They were doing well until Drapion unleashed another Cross poison, severely damaging Crobat and knocking out Farfetch'd. "Snorlax I need you!" Ash exclaimed, summoning his sleeping Pokémon.
  211. Snorlax was now 6' 8", she had longer arms, thick legs, long green hair, MMM-cups and open, sapphire eyes. "I'm here Ash!" she exclaimed in a strong voice.
  213. Ash was entranced by Snorlax's transformation, mostly focusing his vision on to specific areas – her eyes, and breasts. Ash quickly shook his head and snapped back to reality. "Alright Snorlax, time to get in there and avenge Pikachu." he said.
  215. "Ash!" a voice called. Ash turned to see Clefairy right next to him. "Ash, I want to fight to! I want to be your partner!" Ash was surprised by the sudden exclamation.
  217. He nodded. "Alright Clefairy, tell me your attacks and we can figure this out!" Clefairy quickly nodded. Ash leaned down and Clefairy whispered into his ear her list of attacks. Ash looked at Clefairy in surprise. "Really?" Clefairy nodded.
  219. "Crobat no!" Brock cried out. Ash snapped back to the battle to see Crobat had been knocked out.
  221. "Okay you two, time to fight!" Ash exclaimed. Snorlax and Clefairy nodded, both running to battle. "Snorlax, start things strong with Ice Punch!"
  223. "Face my Frozen Fury!" Snorlax screamed as she slugged Drapion with her Icy fist. Ash was surprised by Snorlax's activism, thinking it was mostly due to the Lust Stone's transformation. The Drapion fell back a good ten feet before stopping.
  225. "Venom Shock!" the poison type roared, spitting a stream of poison at Snorlax.
  227. "Okay Clefairy, Metronome!" Ash commanded.
  229. "Clefai-" Clefairy began as it wiggled its fingers before… "-RY!" From Clefairy's fingers a powerful fire stream shot out, forming into a large fire star.
  231. "That's Fire Blast!" Brock realized. The Fire Blast struck Drapion hard, sending it back even more so.
  233. "Okay, Snorlax use Hyper Beam, Clefairy you use Ice Beam!" Ash exclaimed. Both Pokémon unleashed their respective beams, and the two combined into a much more massive beam.
  235. "Oh Shi-!" Drapion tried to say before it was blasted by the immense attack and shot out of the mountain far, far way.
  237. "YES!" Ash exclaimed with a fist pump into the air. He quickly ran to the two Pokémon to congratulate them. "Snorlax, Clefairy, you two were awesome!""
  239. "Oh Ash!" Snorlax said in a sweet tone before pulling Ash into a bear hug. Ash was pressed in between Snorlax's large breasts, and he was as red as a Pokeball top. He was also having difficulty breathing.
  241. "Sno-Snorlax… c-can't… breathe," Ash gasped/stuttered.
  243. Snorlax gasped and quickly released Ash. "Oh! I'm so sorry Ash!" she exclaimed as Ash gasped for air.
  245. "That's okay Snorlax," Ash said once he finally got his breathing back. He then turned to the Clefairy smiling at him, "You were great to Clefairy."
  247. "Thanks Ash!" Clefairy beamed.
  249. "Indeed," called a voice. The trio turned to see the Clefable, Clefairy and Clefa all looking at them. "Thanks to all of your efforts, we have saved our precious Moon Stone."
  251. "Moon Stones," Ash corrected as he picked up one of the fragments on the floor. "That Drapion completely shattered that big one, making all these little ones."
  253. "That's perfect," one of the Clefable stated. It quickly ran to the pile of Moon Stones and grabbed one. It ran back, presenting the Moon Stone to Ash. "As a token of our appreciation, we present you with this Moon Stone."
  255. Ash was surprised, but accepting. He grabbed the Moon Stone. "Thank you, this is a great honor."
  257. "Nice job Ash," Brock said to the his friend.
  259. "Thanks Brock, you and Holly handled that Drapion pretty well. Sorry I got distracted." Ash stated.
  261. "No problem Ash," Holly answered. "You were worried for Pikachu. Speaking of which, is she okay?"
  263. "Not sure," Ash replied. He turned to Snorlax. "Snorlax, tell Tepig I'm bringing her out for a report on Pikachu's condition."
  265. "Alright Ash," Snorlax replied.
  267. "Ash wait!" Clefairy exclaimed. "I-I want to check on Pikachu too."
  269. "But Clefairy, for that to happen, it means I have to catch you." Ash responded. Clefairy had a light blush on its cheeks. Ash got the idea. "Clefairy, would you like to come with me?"
  271. "YES!" Clefairy screamed as it hugged Ash. Ash returned the hug before setting the little fairy Pokémon down and activating the Capture mode.
  273. He took the Capture Ball in his hand and pressed it on Clefairy's head. Clefairy disappeared and the ball chimed at the successful capture. "Welcome to the team, Clefairy."
  275. "Congratulations Ash." Brock stated.
  277. "Thanks Brock," Ash replied. Ash then turned to his not-so-sleeping Pokémon. "Snorlax, you better go and explain things to Clefairy."
  279. "Alright Ash," the large Poke-girl replied.
  281. "Snorlax return," Ash said with a smile.
  283. The following day
  285. After the events with the moon stone and Drapion, Ash, Brock and Holly watched the end of Evolution ceremony, and witnessed a large group evolution of Clefa and Clefairy into Clefairy and Clefable respectively. According to Tepig's report, Ash learned that Pikachu was okay, and thanks to Bayleef and his recently caught Clefairy, she would be fine. Ash had learned that when a being is in contact with a Pokémon using a healing move, they are also healed. She was still too tried to come out so Ash decided to leave her in the Poke-Ranch for the time being. After the Ceremony, which took to the morning, Ash and the group said their goodbyes to the Mt. Moon Pokémon and continued on their way to Cerulean City. After a short trip, they decided to take the rest of the day off since they hadn't had a wink of sleep the night before.
  287. After dinner, Ash, Brock and Holly set up their tents and prepared for sleep. Ash wasn't surprised to see Brock and Holly sharing a tent, neither would he be surprised if he heard moans and screams emanating from the tent.
  289. "Goodnight Ash," Brock said to his friend.
  291. "Night Ash," Holly added.
  293. "Night guys," Ash said as he watched the couple enter their tent. Ash waited a few second to make sure whether they were going to sleep, or something else. He didn't hear anything for a few seconds before hearing whispering and a zip. At that moment, Ash took his leave.
  295. Before dinner, Ash had made a plan and route in case he was right about Brock and Holly. He would have done it anyways if he wasn't, but he was positive he was right. Ash silently walked through the route he had made up to a small area where there was soft grass and moss and a tree leaning to the side. Ash had earlier checked to make sure he was far enough for his friends to hear him.
  297. Ash listened around to check whether or not he was alone. After a few minutes of silence, Ash figured either all the wild Pokémon were asleep, or the area was deserted. Ash figured it was the latter. Ash then took out his Poke-Tector and said, "Clefairy, come on out."
  299. Clefairy indeed appeared, but like the others of Ash's Pokémon, she had transformed. She was the same height as Pikachu, in fact, same length arms and legs, a neck and a set of D-cups. "Ash!" she exclaimed as she ran and hugged Ash.
  301. "Hey Clefairy," Ash said as he returned the hug. "Is Pikachu doing good?"
  303. "Yeah!" she replied. "She'll be better by tomorrow."
  305. "Good," Ash stated. "I take it you're taking the change well?"
  307. "Yeah," Clefairy replied again. "I actually like it a lot!"
  309. "That's good." Ash said in return. Ash then felt another question. "And I suppose the others have told you what I've done before with Pikachu and a few of the others, haven't they?"
  311. Clefairy then gained a light blush on her face. "Y-Yeah… they said it was one of the best experiences they ever had."
  313. Ash smiled. "I know how they feel." He said before bringing Clefairy in for a kiss. Clefairy was surprised by the kiss, but quickly melted into it. Ash felt it was strange that he had started it this time, but liked it. He also felt weird this would be his first time without Pikachu. After a few seconds, they released. "How was that?"
  315. "Great!" Clefairy said lovingly. "But you know, I think you owe Snorlax and Tepig a reward for their work."
  317. Ash smirked at Clefiary. "Tepig, Snorlax, come on out." The two Pokémon appeared before the two.
  319. "Hey Ash," the two said with smiled. They looked at the position Ash and Clefairy were in, then their facial expressions. Ash had a warm smirk while Clefairy had a somewhat dazed expression. They could only guess why they were here.
  321. "Ash, you sneak!" Tepig teased as she ran over before jumping and kissing Ash on the cheek.
  323. "Well Ash," Snorlax began as she walked over, "from what Pikachu says, she's usually the one that takes the first step."
  325. "I decided if I'm going to get used to this, I should try starting things," Ash replied. He was then surrounded by the three poke-girls and they were smothering him in kisses. Ash was beginning to suffocate before he felt something happening to his pants. Ash looked to see Tepig already succeeding in taking off his pant and boxers.
  327. "Snorlax, lift Ash up so we can get these shoes off!" Tepig exclaimed once Ash's pants and boxers were by his shoes.
  329. "On it," Snorlax replied. She got her claws under Ash's arms and easily lifted him off the ground. "Help Tepig out, Clefairy." Clefairy nodded.
  331. Clefairy got on her knees and removed Ash's right show and sock while Tepig did his left. As soon as those were off, Ash's pants and boxers were on the ground. They then both looked to Ash's manhood sticking out right in front of their faces. Tepig had a wide grin while Clefairy had a nervous expression.
  333. Ash was lifted up to Snorlax just enough so they make out. "MPH!" Ash moaned when he felt a wet warmness envelop his exposed cock. Ash cocked an eyebrow to see Tepig sucking him off. Ash should have known Tepig's mouth would be warm due to her being a fire type. Tepig continued to bob up and down Ash's cock, easily able to take every inch.
  335. "MPH!" Ash moaned again as he felt something wet spreading his ass cheeks and licking his anal hole. Clefairy had gone under Snorlax and went straight to licking Ash's anus. The sensation was overwhelming for Ash. Tepig continued to suck him off, causing Ash's build up to reach its peak. It wasn't until Tepig stopped sucking and licked Ash's tip that made him lose it.
  337. "AH!" Ash exclaimed as he released his essence all on Tepig's face.
  339. Tepig was caught off by the release, but quickly opened her mouth to catch as much of Ash's load as she could. After a few more seconds Ash's release ceased and Tepig licked the remains off. "Delicious," Tepig said as she licked some of Ash's seed.
  341. "Can I try?" Clefairy asked as she came into view. She stopped licking Ash's anus once she heard him yell in pleasure.
  343. "Sure," Tepig said before grabbing Ash's cock and began jerking him off.
  345. "Ah!" Ash moaned as he watched Tepig jerk him off. "AH!" Ash screamed in pleasure as he felt Clefairy's hand begin to jerk him off rhythmically along with Tepig. Snorlax had ceased making out with Ash because she enjoyed watching him cum. She held him high enough so Tepig and Clefairy would only need to kneel. Feeling she deserved a little fun as well, she used her finger-claws and began to lightly pinch and twist Ash's erect nipples. "AH!"
  347. Clefairy was clearly enjoying herself as she continued to pump Ash's cock along with Tepig while Snorlax would pinch and twist his nipples, all causing him to moan and scream in pleasure. This is what Pikachu had called "Being Dominant."
  349. "I-I'm… going to… CUM!" Ash moaned as he released his load for the second time. This time it splattered all across Tepig and Clefairy, splashing onto their faces and chests. Clefairy took a claw full of Ash's tongue and stuck it in her mouth. "MMM! Tasty!" Clefairy exclaimed.
  351. "I know!" Tepig agreed.
  353. "Okay you two," Snorlax began as she set Ash down. "You had your fun, but now it's my turn. And I don't do that soft stuff, I go hardcore!"
  355. Ash was barely able to comprehend what was happening as he was set down. That changed though he felt his energy returning to his body. As he got up, he noticed Clefairy smiling at him. "Good to see you're up Ash. I used Moonlight on you because Snorlax wants to have some fun." Clefairy pointed behind Ash.
  357. Ash turned to see Snorlax on her back, legs spread and pussy in view. "Come and get some Ash-y." Snorlax teased. Ash didn't need to be told twice. He quickly went over and positioned himself in front of Snorlax's pussy before plunging in. "AH!" Snorlax moaned.
  359. 'For such a large Pokémon, Snorlax is extremely tight,' Ash thought before he pulled out and thrusted in again. As he did this, he also played around with Snorlax enormous breasts. As he kept going in and out, Ash lowered his head right by Snorlax's right breast and latched his lips onto the pink nipple. Snorlax moaned loudly as she felt Ash sucked and licked her right nipple while his hand played with her left.
  361. "AH!" Snorlax moaned as Ash switched between the two nipples. Ash continued his thrusting, going faster with each thrust. While he was doing this, Tepig and Clefairy were playing with their own bodies. They each rubbed their paws against their dripping sex, getting aroused as Ash continued to thrust inside of Snorlax.
  363. "S-Snorlax," Ash moaned as he ceased his sucking. He felt his build up reaching its breaking point again. "I-I'm gonna cum."
  365. "Cum inside me Ash," Snorlax replied lustfully. Ash nodded along with long last hard thrust.
  367. "AH!" the two screamed as Ash released his load. After a few seconds, Ash's release ceased. Snorlax laid on her back as Ash slowly eased himself out of her.
  369. 'Phew,' Ash thought as he sat on his ass. He didn't have time to think though as he felt something warm and wet consume his cock once again. Ash lifted his head to see Tepig already setting herself onto Ash's member. "Ah!"
  371. "Now to have some 'hot' fun, Ash," Tepig playfully as she set herself onto Ash's cock before rising and coming down again. "AH!" the two moan. Tepig continued to bounce up and down Ash's cock until she found a nice steady pace she was comfortable with. This didn't satisfy Ash. Ash swiftly grabbed Tepig's thighs and forced her down hard. "AH!"
  373. 'That's better,' Ash thought before repeating the action over and over again. Each thrust resulted in another moan from Tepig, who was clearly enjoying herself. He made each thrust faster and harder, forcing himself into Tepig more than the last time. It only took a short time for him to reach his breaking point again. "Tepig, I'm going to cum again."
  375. "Cum in me Ash!" Tepig screamed in pleasure.
  377. "AH!" Ash screamed as he released his load within the fire pig girl. Tepig screamed so loud she breathed a stream of fire into the sky. After a few seconds, Ash's release ceased. Ash slowly lifted Tepig off his still hard member. He carried her over and set her next to Snorlax who was now sleeping. Ash smiled at the two sleeping Poke-girls.
  379. "A-Ash," Clefairy called Ash from behind. Ash turned to the blushing pink poke-girl. "I-If you're too tired from doing it with Snorlax and Tepig, that's fine. Just send me back to the ranch and I can take care
  380. of them."
  382. Ash was dumbfounded. Earlier, Clefairy seemed entirely ready to be with him, and now she's suggesting to put it off. Ash realized that Clefairy must have been nervous about having her first time with Ash. Ash smiled warmly before bringing Clefairy close to his body. Clefairy was surprised by the action as she looked up to Ash. "Clefairy, I know your scared. I was too when I had my first time. But I love my Pokémon, allof them. That includes you now. If you're too nervous to continue, I understand."
  384. Clefairy looked At Ash with awe. He was willing to let her be if she was not ready, and that he would wait till she was. That was all Clefairy needed. She looked into Ash's eyes with her own glistening eyes. Ash knew what that look meant. He gently grasped Clefairy's cheeks before lifting her face so their lips could meet.
  386. Clefairy wrapped her arms around Ash's neck as she forced her lips onto Ash's Ash harder. Her tongue began to act on its own as it struggled to gain access to Ash's mouth. Instead, it was greeted by Ash's tongue, which showed its dominant prowess. Ash's hand went to Clefairy's waist, but slowly made its way down past her curly tail and down to her ass. Ash gently squeezed the cheeks, causing Clefairy to moan into the kiss. As he continued to squeeze Clefairy's ass, Ash could feel his hardness returning to its full strength. Ash's hands then grasped Clefairy's thighs, lifting her off the ground.
  388. Before Clefairy has a chance to ask what was happening, she felt something rubbing against her wet pussy. "AH!" she moans as she feels Ash's cock slowly enter her. Ash was keeping his moans inside as he slowly moved his hard member into Clefairy. He had heard of a standing position before, but never tried it until now. Ash stopped when he felt that his entire member was inside the fairy Pokémon.
  390. Ash looked at the dazed normal type in concern. "Clefairy, are you alright?" he asked.
  392. Clefairy looked back with a face full of pleasure and lust. "Ash! Keep going! This is amazing!"
  394. Ash was surprised, but he never did like to disappoint. Using his strength, Ash lifted Clefairy off his cock before plowing into her again. "AH!" the two moan freely, Clefairy being the louder. Ash repeated this motion again and again, pumping his hard member into the moaning fairy Pokémon.
  396. Ash could feel himself ready to reach his peak once again, but so was Clefairy. She felt an enormous amount of pleasure just begging to burst out of her. "Cl-Clefairy!" Ash exclaimed. "I'm g-gonna cum!"
  398. "YES ASH!" Clefairy screamed. "CUM INSIDE ME! CUM WITH ME!"
  400. "AAAH!" The two screamed as they released in unison. Ash's surge collided with Clefiary's mixing to the point where neither knew who's load it was. After a full minute, Ash fell onto his back, still joined with Clefiary, and both welcoming sweet sleep.
  402. The next day
  404. After their exhausting experience, Ash and his Pokémon slept the rest of the night. Ash had grown accustomed to waking up before dawn, so when he did, he quickly cleaned any remains of his night with his Pokémon from himself and his girls before recalling them. He quickly made his way back to the camp to find that Brock and Holly were still asleep, probably from and having an eventful night themselves. Either way, ash proceeded to pack up his stuff and make breakfast for him and the others. When Brock woke up, he first asked how and why Ash was up that early. Ash replied by saying he had grown accustomed to waking up early for some time and he learned how to cook. Brock didn't bother to ask further after Holly woke up. After a quick breakfast, Ash and the group proceeded on their way to Cerulean city. As they walked, Ash had released Pikachu so she could walk with him again. They were far enough that Brock and Holly couldn't hear their conversation.
  406. "So Pikachu," Ash began, "How are you feeling now?"
  408. "Really good, thanks to Bayleef and Clefairy," she replied. Ash smiled in return, but changed when he noticed the devilish look on Pikachu's face. "And I could tell by Clefairy's face that you had a good night."
  410. Ash blushed, but smiled in return. "Well, I have to thank you for that," he said. Pikachu gave him a confused look. "If you hadn't shown me just how much you girls care for me that first night, I would never have realized what a great gift I got."
  412. Pikachu blushed, but smiled at Ash. "I love you Ash."
  414. "I love you two Pikachu."
  418. ---
  422. Author Notes
  423. Next Time – Cerulean Blue
  424. Ash and Brock reach Cerulean City, both happily anticipating a reunion with Misty. But while Brock is off on his woman hunt, Ash decides to catch the Cerulean Sisters show. He is astounded by Misty performance, but will he reveal to her what has happened to his Pokémon, and will he be able to battle someone who once broke his heart?
  426. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I got the idea of Ash catching a Clefairy because when Pokémon was first going anime, the original idea was to give Ash a Clefairy, but instead they went with Pikachu. And to cover some other things, I want you guys to know I apologize for any mistakes I make and if you can help, I'll fix. As for those of you that have problems with the Pokémon bust sizes, shut up. I'm the writer and I do as I please. Now for the Pokémon section.
  428. Tepig – Flamethrower, Nitro Charge, Superpower, Assurance, Fire Oath, Head Smash, Rock Tomb
  430. Snorlax – Body Slam, Ice Punch, Rest, Hyper Beam, Earthquake, Sleep Talk, Protect
  432. Clefairy – Moonlight, Metronome, Grass Knot, Ice beam, Brick Break, Attract, Charge Beam
  434. I still need ideas for other Pokémon Ash can catch. This of course includes other electric types. Till next time!
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