
Rise of Murlocs

Apr 26th, 2015
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  1. Quiet.
  3. The world was quiet now that winter was here. The air accursedly dry as you wondered about in the thin layer of white which sometimes accompanied the time of year. You’d never liked it much yourself, the dryness forcing you back into the waters far more often than you’d normally need to spend, leaving much more of the land inaccessible in general than normal because it. Not completely so because of the hardened water which fell from the skies, but enough that it wasn’t pleasant to do much in the way of physical activity.
  5. “…and then he BASHED its brains in with his hammer!” You could hear the youngsters chattering away outside at play, some of them your sister’s children out there.
  7. You on the other hand had managed only one child for the year, better than your previous track record, but still ridiculous; a clutch with no clutch mates, a child which had caused its mother pains to slide out, coming out without the protection of the egg purse to keep it safe. And it was bigger than it should have been too. Your daughter it was, a daughter covered in the same iridescence pearl that began to crawl its way all over your body, though not really changing her basic form as a Murloc as your changes had done to you. Opal-Ocean-Pearl, her mother had named her. Ocean-Tide-Red had all but held you down to have her way with you after the ship incident. You were supposing that this was when your child had been conceived.
  9. She had her mother’s fins.
  11. And now, here in the quiet and the cold and the snow, you would let yourself go, staring further into the welcoming light.
  15. [20:08] <@Xicree> Roll 1d100+19 Lessons in Light
  16. [20:08] <+qqbot> Xicree rolled 1d100: 105 = [86] + 19
  18. Your mind goes blank as you attempt to delve deeper into the paradox of the light as the crystal shard before you gave hint after tantalizing hint as to its deeper mysteries. Once more you focus, this time on the rightness of your cause, on the fact that you could create something better for your people, something truer.
  20. And at first it collapses before you...
  22. Frustration sets in as you press your sharp pearlesque fangs against your lip; your mind working hard to try to figure out just what you’d done wrong, what was wrong with your approach. Again and again you churned the idea over, going through the unaccustomed process of self-analysis. You were never one to look too far inward, but after a year of staring into the brilliant depths of the crystal, you couldn’t help but wonder into the depths of your own mind.
  24. And suddenly almost as if inspiration had been planted directly into your head, you could feel it; a thought which occurred to you about the very nature of the light which flowed from the object and though you. The power which you held wasn’t motivated by your desire to heal. Not by your desire to protect, nor by your need to do harm upon your enemies. No, none of these things were anything but a simple facet of what you did when you opened yourself to channeling this power.
  26. Willful and strong, you’d wrestled the light into setting right a grave wrong upon the world the very night you found it. To mend flesh from the state that it was in, to the state that you felt it SHOULD have been in. To live and prosper were what you had latched on to, what you decided that was needed for this world. Your sister’s death would have been a grave wrong done onto the world, a wrong which you could fix.
  28. A wrong which you did fix.
  30. It all began to come together, to make sense. Your focus was never to be on the results of doing the right thing, it was to be on the act of doing the right thing because it was the right thing. Because it set the world into being more correct with what your heart told your mind. And with this, you forged yourself an understanding of the light which was Ironclad. Piece by piece you’d searched through your thoughts, your memories, to understand just what you thought of as correct in all things which you did; an obsession which you could not let go.
  32. It was just as your sister had said months ago. You were not one to let go of anything. And that was the only right course. You had become what you became not because of some freak action. This was deliberate, and with every glimmer into your understanding of the world, you came to the startling conclusion that you’d done much of this to yourself.
  34. You’d wanted to be stronger, larger, and taller. And in doing so you reached into the heart of the light before you, taking in shadows of a memory, creatures two legged and powerful who used the light to make their way clearer, to press their way through the world and force back all which would bring them down. Shadows at the edge of your heart gave you notions of what could be more correct, perfect, and beautiful. A sense of aesthetic which came from the crystal as it looked back upon you looking upon it, shaping you even as you shaped yourself.
  36. And with that realization, you knew something more. That you could make your people more, that as you had shaped your own destiny, you could give them the power to shape theirs. It was an understanding which touched you, touched the deepest parts of your soul as you let the Light flood your being, like an ocean tide.
  38. And in the blaze of the night, your eyes opened wide and before you a sigil formed, free floating before your forehead. It had no meaning to you, not really. And yet you could see it for exactly what it was, as you marked yourself with the blazing symbol of your new pledge to forever uphold to what was Right in your mind.
  40. After two years of constantly staring... you had seen the LIGHT!
  43. Results
  44. Reward: You have unlocked greater skill with the Light. You may now teach the light to any and all of your people. Being around you allows you to enhance your fellow Murloc thus giving all Murlocs access to Basic mutations. Unlocked Blessing of The Mind [+4 to learning] A vision of how the world SHOULD be for you forced to be real.
  48. [21:11] <@Xicree> roll 1d100+4 Build build build!
  49. [21:11] <+qqbot> Xicree rolled 1d100: 13 = [9] + 4
  51. On the other hand, despite your success in learning more about the power which you wielded, the
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