

May 26th, 2018
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  3. <meta name="description" content="#There is no place like" />
  4. <title>Hacked By Security007</title>
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  20. var text="<tt>{WELCOME TO MY CONSOLE}<br><br>I will tell you something :-), Do you think the weakness of a server is in the system?<br>if your answer is 'YES', then you are wrong<br>The biggest weakness in the server is from the human factor<br>Humans who make the system, humans are also using the system<br>Remember, everything human made is not perfect<br>Don't think by making new security your system is safe<br>Because of new security bring new vulnerability<br><br>THERE'S NO PATCH FOR HUMAN STUPIDITY :)<br><center><h1>BELIVE ME I'M THE BEST :V</h1><br>GREETS :<br>DIR-64~Mr.L3gacy~./Mr k4mpret~KAW3~MR.G313_420~213_90N6~Mr.Xcyber~-C#!545_~G3MB3ZT001~-+D3D3M1T+-<br><br>SPECIAL THANK'S TO :<br>PROBLEM CYBER TEAM & ALL FRIENDS</center></tt>";
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  55. <table align="center" border="0" width="100%" height="100%" ">
  56. <tr>
  57. <td align=center>
  58. <center><tt><font color="#00ff00" size="20px">SECURITY007 STAY HERE</font></center>
  59. <table align="center" border="0" style="background:white; border-radius:3px;" width="70%" height="25px">
  60. <tr>
  61. <td align=center><b>root@security007</td><td align=right width=50px>- [] x</td></b>
  62. </td></tr></table>
  63. <table align="center" border="3" class="transparan" width="70%" height="330">
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  65. <td>
  66. <font size="3px" color="red">root@security007~#</font><font color="white" size="3px"> ./console</font>
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  71. </td></tr></table>
  72. <center><font color="red">Contact Us :</font></center>
  73. </tt></tr></table>
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  75. <source src="">
  76. </audio>
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