
>>> Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-07 1820 +David Martin

Jan 7th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-07 1820 +David Martin (SuperDave)
  4. __
  7. +David Martin (SuperDave) __ You are not making any sense. You are arguing for the sake of arguing. *You have an "oppositional defiance disorder".*
  9. *If this message does no display in full search for:* +"Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-07 1820"
  11. If I were to tell you that the Earth is a ball you would assure me it's flat.
  13. If I tell you that the Earth is spinning you would insist it is stationary.
  15. If I allege that the Earth orbits the Sun you would become angered and rant about how the Sun orbits the Earth.
  17. It doesn't matter what I write - _you instantly and instinctively reject it._
  19. *You probably aren't even aware that you are doing this.*
  21. You have NO UNDERSTANDING of the points I am making. You have made an emotional judgment about me and that is the lens you now see me through.
  23. For these reasons there can be no productive discussion to be had with you. You are literally a waste of my time.
  25. What on _God's flat Earth_ are you talking about *"inefficient for zero gravity"?* Just what the F_KC are you talking about?
  27. In this video I point out that the "sauce bottle" is inappropriate for a super serious micro/zero gravity research facility with an alleged design, development, assembly and maintenance cost now allegedly exceeding some HUNDRED BILLION f_kcing dollars/euros or whatever the f_kc form of slave tokens are being used.
  29. However - such an inefficient and wasteful "sauce bottle" makes perfect sense if it is just a *propaganda prop* to entertain and amuse *children* and *adults who have remained as children.*
  31. Everyone knows that "Santa" isn't real. But did ANYONE sit children down and EXPLAIN to them that "Santa" isn't real? No - of course not. Children eventually FIGURE IT OUT.
  33. And it's an EASY one to figure out. No one is SUPPOSED to keep believing it. You're SUPPOSED to figure it out and "stop believing" (as though "belief" is a choice!)
  35. However - you seem to think there are no other equivalents. You seem to think the "benevolent"(!) "government" which YOU believe routinely drop bombs on large numbers of innocent men, women and *children* for the "greater good" would NEVER EVER DARE lie about anything EVER (also for the "greater good").
  37. Oh no - never. Kill lots of innocent children? Sure thing! You require no convincing of that. *You auto-believe that.* But lie to lots of innocent children? No way! NEVER! It's taboo! It's out of bounds! It's NOT POSSIBLE! That can NEVER be done for the "greater good"!
  39. You think that the biggest deceit is "Santa". You have not yet figured out that you are a farmed animal. You are belief controlled and through that entire populations are farmed like cattle and crops.
  41. *You have been encouraged to have reality-based fetishes.*
  43. You so badly want to believe there REALLY IS an "ISS" and that it's humanities greatest crowning achievement. A f_kcing SPACE STATION!
  45. I bet you feel SO PROUD even though you played no role whatsoever in it (nor could you have).
  47. Yet you have NEVER seen this alleged "space station" except as a bright flash which whizzes past in the sky. Like countless OTHER slightly smaller bright objects that *also* whiz past in the sky.
  49. Do you suppose all of those other bright objects that whiz past are manned? Of course you don't. But you don't doubt for a SECOND that the bright flash referred to by "NASA" as the "ISS" is manned. _No doubts at all._
  51. The only thing that NECESSARILY PROVES a manned "ISS" (which necessarily would be a PERMANENT micro/zero gravity environment) is *sustained duration genuine zero gravity that is free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans.*
  53. But you have NEVER SEEN such footage - you only THINK you have. You have not ever seen PROOF you have seen only proof's APPEARANCES. Oh, you will cite some "longer" videos to me and say _"Ah ha! SEE! There! There *is* such footage! It exists! It MUST *all* be real!"_
  55. You are *"belief controlled"* and like all stupid people you relentlessly *assume the conclusion.* In your empty head is the thought, *"It's real because it's real".* It's circular logic and it feels so good because everyone around you also thinks it. Consciously and outwardly you may deny it *but in your little tummy _"truth is a democracy"._*
  57. When I point out to you all of the various CLEVER CUTS and SNEAKY EDITS you invent *"plausible explanations"* for them and when you aren't able to do that you simply DENY. *DENY DENY DENY.*
  59. Since you BELEVE it is real ANYTHING - _any oddity or anomaly_ - that is pointed out to you that suggests it isn't is DISMISSED out-of-hand. It is dismissed because _"it can't be anything because it's real and therefore it must have a natural and logical explanation"._
  61. That's easy to do when you are always *assuming* it is real. As I say - _you and everyone else_ - are assuming the conclusion. Everything pointed out cannot be "anything" because - after all - _"It's just real!"._
  63. And when you come across someone like me (which you have not done before - _*I have no equal here*_ - there is no one even close to me) you will end up doing something like as follows:
  65. a) You will point to the MOST CONVINCING footage and say, _*"Lesta, PROVE to MY satisfaction that this is FAKE or you must concede it's all real!"*_ (Which is like paying attention to only the most convincing trick of a magician and saying _"You can't explain how it was done therefore it must be real!"_ While overlooking all of the lesser and more flawed tricks. That's worthless chump logic. *If the "ISS" is real then it should be able to stand on the strength of its most convincing footage as well as its least - if it is real it is all real, after all.* But if just one piece of footage is fabricated then we are justified in suspecting it is *all* fabricated _for an honest and legitimate organisation should never have a need to contrive anything._
  67. *and/or*
  69. b) You will cite some worthless fake "conspiracy theorist/channel" who has pointed out only NONSENSE and you will say, _*"That is rubbish and so even though I can't refute what Lesta is saying without misrepresenting - what Lesta is saying must surely be rubbish also. I can't say how or why - but it must be - because every other conspiracy theorist is wrong and so also must be Lesta".*_
  71. And so on it goes.
  73. You are *belief controlled* to the point where you can *only* interpret the footage as real (even if we were to find out it is not) and with me - _like several others_ - you have an *oppositional defiance disorder.*
  75. You can only waste my time and yours.
  77. You have NEVER scrutinised the footage properly. You have NEVER examined the footage from the perspective that you're looking at a magic trick. Why would you? "Because it's all real!" _And you wonder why I call you a retard._
  79. __
  81. You overlook that I was once like you in that I once believed it was all real (we *all* did) and I thought anyone who said otherwise was surely crazy. And since then I still think most (nearly all) who claim it isn't real are still largely crazy (they don't quite know what to believe; they don't quite know why or how to reject it - they just sense something is wrong). *But unlike everyone else I have independently figured out the lie system we were all born into.*
  83. Anyway - my words are lost on you. You do not have the mindset nor intellect to discuss this issue. If you want to talk about this issue then you must be prepared to examine the issue from the perspective that we could be watching a magic show (except it is one the audience are encouraged to believe is real).
  85. But you won't do that because you are belief controlled. In your mind it is like being asked to think of yourself having bought a truck when really you bought a car - the suggestion seems absurd. But I am not asking you to do that at all - it is just that your mind is framing it in that way so you don't have to play along even for a second.
  87. No one will say to children that "Santa" isn't real. And maybe that's because children will spit and hiss at those who do for ruining the fun. Certainly that reaction happens when you dare to suggest to adults that the "ISS" is not real or manned. They spit and hiss and call you all kinds of names. Just like you do.
  89. Ridicule and abuse are not arguments. If you had an argument you would have by now stated it. *If you want to reject what I am saying then you will need to present PROOF of a real and manned "ISS".* However, _I know that you have no such proof._
  91. I know this because I have examined this issue much closer and for much longer than you. I have already encountered all of the claims and counter-claims. There is nothing new about this for me. And I am not playing games - if someone were to provide sufficient proof I would accept it. Every now and then I am told "but you would reject anything offered" - no - I only reject what isn't sufficient proof. The instant sufficient proof is supplied my tune will change. Over the past year there have been moments when it seemed close. The moment I am in possession of sufficient proof I will post to my channels that proof and put an end forever the claim the "ISS" isn't real or manned. It just hasn't happened yet. Do you have sufficient proof? *Give it to me!*
  93. Everyone who has tried to tell me the "ISS" is real and claims to have taken a photo where details can be made out have ALL turned out to be LIARS.
  95. Search my channel for a video titled: The "ISS" is BS - PROOF of a LIAR caught LYING about the "ISS"! (Lesta 2015-12-16)
  97. Or use this link: watch?v=a4898fr4XP4
  99. __
  101. "Santa" isn't real and the belief the "ISS" is real and manned cannot be justified. There is no sufficient proof. *The lack of sufficient proof is what proves the lie system* (because all lie system events and claims *LACK sufficient proof* - forcing one's imagination to fill in the blanks and blindly TRUST the story teller).
  103. __
  105. I have written a lot. I know it will all be lost on *you.* But that's okay because everything I write is for *everyone else.* I write for the silent reader who says nothing but just silently follows my videos and posts and discussion threads.
  107. Besides, I know that you can't possibly agree with me on anything. Not just because of your "oppositional defiance disorder" but because to agree with me on just *one thing* you seem to imagine you would suddenly need to be locked up in a mental asylum. You seem to think that to agree with me about *anything* means you will end up screaming that the Earth is flat. _You idiot._ *You have trained yourself to reject everything I am writing because you are deathly afraid of being seen to agree with a so-called "conspiracy theorist".* It terrifies you, doesn't it? ))
  109. But I am not a "conspiracy theorist" - I am no such thing. What I am *is a genuine skeptic.* You have never seen one before. And as a genuine skeptic in a lie system *I am a genuine dissident.*
  111. And if my words do not resonate with you then either you are too stupid, not yet "awake" enough or "one of them" (though more likely a "useful idiot").
  113. Well, that seems to be everything. How are we not done?! ))
  117. __________________________________________
  118. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  121. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  124. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  127. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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