

Sep 15th, 2016
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  1. Erelye: **A B Y S S A L ~~8~~ O D D I T Y**
  3. [**R4-██ approved guidelines: **]
  4. SplitSuns: > achievements
  5. Erelye: [** Warning: Achievements may not be completely up to date.**]
  6. SplitSuns: cool
  7. SplitSuns: > play game
  8. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  9. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  10. Erelye: [**Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.**]
  11. SplitSuns: > observe surroundings
  12. Erelye: [**You have just successfully ZIPLINED from the half-tower on the hill below to a floating citadel on an island of the skies.**]
  13. SplitSuns: ...what did i miss from last time
  14. Erelye: [**You made it to the UPSILON SECTOR, and walked alone to a tower. That was all.**]
  15. SplitSuns: hmm.
  16. SplitSuns: > examine citadel
  17. Erelye: [**The structure is may layers tall, terminating vertically in a central spire of vast area, perhaps greater than that of the tower below. The place is constructed of a combination of wood, metal, and stone, with a great deal of open windows. The door before you appears to have been handcrafted of oak.**]
  18. SplitSuns: does it have a name?
  19. Erelye: [**Not that you know of. However, if you were to name it, you might call it *The Monastery*, or something to that arcane tune.**]
  20. SplitSuns: > walk through with an air of caution.
  21. TwinBuilder: I remember this.
  22. TwinBuilder: I'm gonna play too.
  23. SplitSuns: cool
  24. Erelye: [**You open the door cautiously. Almost immediately, you are met with a scene of chaos and conflict. Once again, you see the heavily-armored verdant-cloaked figure with the hard-light edged greatsword, this time combating what appears to be a droid with two plasma gatling guns for limbs.**]
  25. SplitSuns: oh
  26. TwinBuilder: Split: that's the venator, a recurring character. He resembles the drifter.
  27. Erelye: [**The figure deflects a good twenty shots off of their blade, and impales the droid.**]
  28. SplitSuns: nice
  29. TwinBuilder: I think he's an ally.
  30. Erelye: [**They turn around for a moment, glancing at you. Almost immediately, they rush into the depths of the place, disappearing from your vision.**]
  31. TwinBuilder: Follow them.
  32. Erelye: [**You rush into the room, dodging past what appears to be a chest and three murals to dive further into the monastery. When you take the turn the Venator did, they're completely gone.**]
  33. SplitSuns: damn
  34. SplitSuns: really is a drifter
  35. TwinBuilder: Go back to get to the chest, and then examine the murals
  36. SplitSuns: > backtrack and open chest with complete disregard for potential booby-traps.
  37. TwinBuilder: There weren't going to be any traps until you said that
  38. Erelye: [**You open the chest. There is an idol inside.**]
  39. SplitSuns: > examine idol
  40. Erelye: [**Idol of the Parliament: A small carven stone idol of an owl. Its eyes appear to be covered in hundreds of secrets in a hidden tongue of marks and hashes. You don’t know what *The Parliament* is, or what it intends to do, and you are somewhat creeped out. The talons of the statue are made of a peculiar magetear circuitry.**]
  41. TwinBuilder: Interesting.
  42. TwinBuilder: Examine murals
  43. Erelye: [**The three murals are on the far wall; you could see them immediately upon entering. They are all fitted into large rectangular slates on the wall, each displaying a humanoid figure.**]
  44. SplitSuns: that's creepy
  45. Erelye: [**The middle figure is in the lotus position, a golden circle around them. Their brain has been highlighted, in comparison with the inky black of the rest of their body.**]
  46. Erelye: [**The figure to the left is standing, staring into a burning sun bleeding out on the edge of the horizon. The words, "ИОПЕИЫЦ, ЕСТЕХ ИОУЦОС," sit on that very same edge.**]
  47. Erelye: [**The figure to the right is kneeling, holding the highlight of the brain in their hands.**]
  48. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  49. SplitSuns: whoops
  50. SplitSuns: one sec
  51. SplitSuns: let me translate that
  52. SplitSuns: IOPEIYC, ESTE(X) IOUCOS
  53. SplitSuns: eh
  54. SplitSuns: delve deeper into the monastery
  55. Erelye: [**You delve further into the depths, taking the hall you followed the Venator into. There is a staircase downwards on your right, and a ladder directly upwards on your left. You don't know which direction the Venator went.**]
  56. SplitSuns: Wait a fucking second
  57. SplitSuns: does that mean "I think, therefore I am"
  58. Erelye: [**ЫЕУС.**]
  59. SplitSuns: wow i actually got that
  60. SplitSuns: amazing
  61. TwinBuilder: Hah.
  62. SplitSuns: so would "therefore" be ESTEX
  63. TwinBuilder: Move onwards
  64. Erelye: [**Which path do you take? The left, or the right?**]
  65. SplitSuns: left
  66. SplitSuns: i'll just put "ESTEX" as therefore
  67. Erelye: [**You take the ladder upwards. After actual minutes of ascension, you come out in an entirely wooden hall with various alcoves in the corners and sides. There is a room at the end of this long, narrow passage.**]
  68. SplitSuns: check alcoves
  69. Erelye: [**Do you take a step forward to do so?**]
  70. SplitSuns: sure
  71. TwinBuilder: Oh boy
  72. Erelye: [**The moment you take a singular step, sleek square white pillars emerge from the alcoves, and proceed to fire electromagenetic bursts at you in a wave of death.**]
  73. TwinBuilder: DODGE
  74. Erelye: [**Where?**]
  75. TwinBuilder: which directions are they coming from
  76. Erelye: [**They are firing at you from down the hall. You at one end of this hall, and the only way downwards is to leap down the ladder shaft.**]
  77. SplitSuns: then do that
  78. SplitSuns: leap down the ladder
  79. Erelye: !coin
  80. Erelye: [**You manage to leap down the shaft, and catch yourself on the ladder as the bolts pound against the wall above, searing a hole in the flimsy wood.**]
  81. SplitSuns: damn
  82. SplitSuns: do you have a source of illumination?
  83. SplitSuns: or can you see down the shaft
  84. Erelye: [**You can see back down the shaft you just climbed, certainly. There is a good deal of natural light everywhere.**]
  85. Erelye: [**From where, exactly? You aren't sure about that, given there isn't exactly a sun in the sky.**]
  86. SplitSuns: uh
  87. SplitSuns: try climbing down the ladder
  88. SplitSuns: see if it leads to another chamber or something
  89. Erelye: [**You climb back down. You are at the intersect between the left path and the right once more.**]
  90. SplitSuns: oh wait i got confused
  91. SplitSuns: the *staircase* is what leads down
  92. SplitSuns: ok
  93. SplitSuns: walk down the staircase
  94. SplitSuns: i'm dumb ._.
  95. Erelye: [**You walk down the staircase. It turns, always to the right, precisely four times, before coming out in a stone-wrought chamber. There is a massive hole in the center of the room, with six large cables lined up side-by-side in it, three beams in the wall dividing the thing up into three separate segments. There is a pedestal before the hole proper.**]
  96. SplitSuns: hmm.
  97. SplitSuns: is there something on the pedestal?
  98. Erelye: [**There is an inscription upon the pedestal. It reads thus.**]
  99. Erelye: [**"АWЕХКЦИ "Д"
  100. (чрд, НОРС ноте.)"**]
  101. SplitSuns: "AWEHKCI "D"
  102. (črd, NORS note.)
  103. SplitSuns: you raze "D"
  104. Erelye: [**You can hear a faint melodic sound from the depths of the hole.**]
  105. SplitSuns: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  106. SplitSuns: oh, huh
  107. SplitSuns: try looking down hole
  108. SplitSuns: even though that's probaby not a good idea
  109. Erelye: [**You cannot see the bottom. There is an image of a guitar spray-painted on the rock wall a little bit down, though.**]
  110. SplitSuns: do you have a guitar?
  111. Erelye: [**No. But these cables and beams certainly look like the first three frets of one.**]
  112. SplitSuns: ...god damnit.
  113. SplitSuns: try plucking one of the cables.
  114. Erelye: [**You pluck the fifth cable from the right experimentally. A deep sound resonates throughout the entire monastery, though not the correct one, you'd think.**]
  115. Erelye: [**Seeing as nothing really happens.**]
  116. TwinBuilder: Hm. We need to play a D note.
  117. SplitSuns: play all the cables so that you recognize each individual sound.
  118. TwinBuilder: Which string is that? Split look it up
  119. Erelye: [**"(чрд, НОРС ноте.)"**]
  120. SplitSuns: what's NORS
  121. TwinBuilder: Can
  122. SplitSuns: it's not
  123. Erelye: [**You play all six strings in succession, from six to one. They make a progressively higher sound.**]
  124. SplitSuns: literall
  125. SplitSuns: y
  126. SplitSuns: it's "not"
  127. TwinBuilder: Oh
  128. SplitSuns: hmm.
  129. TwinBuilder: Play a CHORD, not a note.
  130. SplitSuns: črd
  131. SplitSuns: what is that
  132. SplitSuns: supposed to be
  133. TwinBuilder: Chord
  134. SplitSuns: so a chord, the NORS note.
  135. TwinBuilder: Play a D major chord.
  136. SplitSuns: no
  137. SplitSuns: d MINOR
  138. TwinBuilder: We have to play a chord, not a note.
  139. Erelye: [**Do you play a D major?**]
  140. SplitSuns: no
  141. SplitSuns: d minor
  142. Erelye: [**Or a D minor?**]
  143. SplitSuns: if possible
  144. SplitSuns: nors is negative
  145. SplitSuns: wait
  146. SplitSuns: uh
  147. SplitSuns: just try d minor
  148. SplitSuns: if that doesn't work then d major
  149. TwinBuilder: I'm telling you it's d major but okay
  150. Erelye: [**You play a D minor. One on E, first fret. Two on G, second fret. Three on B, third fret. A sonorous sound flows throughout the monastery, invigorating you. And yet, nothing happens.**]
  151. TwinBuilder: KEKEL MY SHEKEL
  152. TwinBuilder: D MAJOR
  153. SplitSuns: alefsgrdingf;xdrohutkserzs
  154. Erelye: [**You play a D major. One on G, second fret. Two on E, second fret. Three on B, third fret. Just barely enough room to hold the cables down a bit without falling into the hole.**]
  155. Erelye: [**The sound echoes throughout your very *being* for the first few moments. The chord burns throughout everything, twisting and shifting into something... something you've never heard before. Filled with the sorrow of a thousand dying poets, it is MUSIC. You can hear it ringing, from within your gem, spilling out into the physical world.**]
  156. TwinBuilder: Whoa.
  157. SplitSuns: hot damn.
  158. Erelye: [**What do you do now?**]
  159. SplitSuns: examine area to see if that changed anything.
  160. Erelye: [**You feel power in your every step. Looking around, naught has changed. Naught but you, that is. A great cosmic choir is playing itself from within your gem, and you are its conductor.**]
  161. SplitSuns: maybe we can power through that earlier chamber now with this potential.
  162. Erelye: [**You climb up the ladder once more. How do you approach the situation, radiant MUSIC in your ears and mind?**]
  163. TwinBuilder: That spiffs like a great way to get killed.
  164. SplitSuns: spiffs
  165. TwinBuilder: *sounds
  166. TwinBuilder: Let's dance our way through, in between the pulses, coming out completely unscathed.
  167. Erelye: [**You take a step forward. The turrets all rise once more, and discharge their bolts of electricity. But, they seem *slower* than they were the initial time. More balanced. You gracefully twist through the fire, pulses of energy oozing through that which is the majesty of your universal MUSIC. You feel your form growing hot as you twist and *dance*, dance like you never have before.**]
  168. SplitSuns: incredible...
  169. SplitSuns: we have unlocked the flow.
  170. SplitSuns: there are no words.
  171. TwinBuilder: ^
  172. Erelye: [**You reach the other end of the hall. It takes you a few moments, but you realize that your physical form might have actually been *reverting into melodic light itself* as you moved through the maelstrom.**]
  173. TwinBuilder: ...
  174. TwinBuilder: Uh.
  175. Erelye: [**You're perfectly solid now, of course.**]
  176. TwinBuilder: Yeah.
  177. TwinBuilder: Channel some energy into the owl.
  178. TwinBuilder: :)
  179. Erelye: [**You take out the idol, a cold reminder of the vigil of the enlightened.**]
  180. Erelye: [**It seems to actively resist any attempt at inputting energy into it.**]
  181. SplitSuns: hmm.
  182. Erelye: [**Regardless, you are at the other end of the hall. There is a hexagonal iron door before you, with talon marks in its center.**]
  183. Erelye: [**Minuscule, yes. But present.**]
  184. TwinBuilder: Enter.
  185. Erelye: [**How? There is no handle.**]
  186. TwinBuilder: Dance through.
  187. SplitSuns: try putting the idol at the foot of the door
  188. SplitSuns: talon = owl
  189. SplitSuns: ...maybe
  190. Erelye: [**You put the idol at the foot of the door. It does nothing whilst before the door itself.**]
  191. Pope Cipurr: >touch it to the marks
  192. Erelye: [**You do so. The talons flash with pricks of light, and the door slides into the floor, revealing the next chamber.**]
  193. TwinBuilder: Oh duh
  194. TwinBuilder: Examine room.
  195. Erelye: [**... The MUSIC is fading fast from your being.**]
  196. Erelye: [**You examine the chamber. It is inordinately hot inside, hexagonal chamber and all. There is nothing in this room, save for three stone boxes, and two stone doors, one of which is already open.**]
  197. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  198. TwinBuilder: Examine boxes
  199. TwinBuilder: Can they open
  200. TwinBuilder: ?
  201. Erelye: [**They are long, and rectangular in shape. Resting humanoid bodies are carved into the lids. They can certainly be opened.**]
  202. TwinBuilder: Open them and thoroughly examine their contents.
  203. Pope Cipurr: they're coffins :/
  204. Pope Cipurr: or sarcophogi
  205. Erelye: [**You open all three at once. What you see makes you dry retch. Three organic corpses, boiled into nigh-upon *liquid* in the heat of the room. The sticky flesh-substance sticks to the insides of the coffin, vaguely skeletal shapes still yet present.**]
  206. TwinBuilder: ...
  207. TwinBuilder: Close them
  208. Erelye: [**You close them.**]
  209. TwinBuilder: Go through the open door.
  210. Erelye: [**You go through the open door. You can hear the hissing of steam, and see magmatic light from the corners of the room. A hulking shape stands before a brass door. It has not seen you yet.**]
  211. TwinBuilder: Hmm.
  212. TwinBuilder: Leave. Try one of the other doors.
  213. Erelye: [**You try the other door. It is closed, and handleless. However, it features the same talon marks from the first door.**]
  214. TwinBuilder: Use the owl in the same way you activated the first door.
  215. Erelye: [**The door slides open. A wave of freezing air from within chills you to your bones, a stark contrast to the boiling heat here. Do you enter?**]
  216. TwinBuilder: Try other other door first.
  217. Erelye: [**There are only two doors, both of which are now open.**]
  218. TwinBuilder: Oh.
  219. TwinBuilder: Enter magmatic room.
  220. Erelye: [**You enter the magmatic room. Dear god. You see it. The thing. It's like the other things. You thought these things were all dead now.**]
  221. Erelye: [**Centurions.**]
  222. Erelye: [**Or, at least, one of them.**]
  223. TwinBuilder: Centurions?
  224. TwinBuilder: Some kind of organic soldier?
  225. Erelye: [**Robots powered by gem shards and armed with bioschemas you fought in the Mu Sector.**]
  226. TwinBuilder: Ah. Why did they leave behind organic corpses if they were robotic?
  227. TwinBuilder: The bioschemas?
  228. Erelye: [**Who said they left behind organic corpses?**]
  229. TwinBuilder: Oh boy
  230. Erelye: [**Do you engage it in combat, or head into the chilled room?**]
  231. TwinBuilder: How hard was it to fight one last time?
  232. Pope Cipurr: not too hard
  233. Erelye: [**The Centurion Sorcerer must've taken fifty minutes to slay, itself. The others, perhaps not as much.**]
  234. Pope Cipurr: more than it would be now
  235. TwinBuilder: Why would it kill itself?
  236. TwinBuilder: Oh wow
  237. TwinBuilder: Kek
  238. TwinBuilder: I guess I'll fight it.
  239. Erelye: [**Do you wish to engage in combat?**]
  240. TwinBuilder: Yes.
  242. TwinBuilder: Coalesce
  243. Erelye: [**How can you COALESCE when there is nobody here with you?**]
  244. TwinBuilder: I wanted to see what would happen if I did it with one person present
  245. TwinBuilder: "Maybe I could fuse with the owl"
  246. Erelye: Hah.
  247. TwinBuilder: Observe, at any rate.
  248. Erelye: [**Smoldering Centurion: 17/17 HP.
  249. NOTES: A brass-plated suit of armor around a number of inbuilt technologies and bioschemas. The being levitates on foot-mounted propulsion generators. You’d thought you had left the last of the Centurions in the Mu Sector. You appear to have been gravely mistaken. The brass seems to burn orange with a molten heat.**]
  250. TwinBuilder: Any and all typos are because I'm using a phone.
  251. TwinBuilder: Let's cool it down, huh?
  252. TwinBuilder: Do we have any ice-related items?
  253. TwinBuilder: I don't think we can turn water into ice yet.
  254. Erelye: [**You've nothing of ice, and you missed your opportunity to transform water to ice, because you could not have been bothered to open a door some great deal of time ago.**]
  255. Pope Cipurr: "oh god it's pain"
  256. TwinBuilder: What
  257. TwinBuilder: Damn
  258. Pope Cipurr: sorry wasn't fully scrolled
  259. TwinBuilder: Water will do, then.
  260. TwinBuilder: Does the thing have some kind of power core?
  261. Pope Cipurr: >recount waters
  262. Erelye: [**Not externally.**]
  263. Erelye: [ ]
  264. Erelye: [**WARNING: Game will autosave and quit at the last breath of the day.**]
  265. Pope Cipurr: recall fluch/briste functions
  266. TwinBuilder: ^
  267. Erelye: [**The fluchwater tended to drag itself from your control upon contact with the enemy, and transform into a writhing mass of brined water upon your enemy's face. The bristewater, you don't recall. You question if you even used it.**]
  268. TwinBuilder: Now is as good a time as any.
  269. TwinBuilder: Chuck a large hand of bristewater at the Centurion, attempting to cool down the heat keeping it alive. Also, try to crunch it to death. If at any point the water seems hostile, sever connection.
  270. Erelye: [**You attempt to crush the Centurion to death with a hand of roiling bristewater. As you grab the entity, the hand seems to loose control, slipping from your grasp.**]
  271. Erelye: !roll 1 9
  272. Erelye: [**The thing erupts into a mass of sharp spines, spearing the Centurion through in various locations.**]
  273. Erelye: **ENEMY TURN.**
  274. Erelye: !roll 1 6
  275. Erelye: [**You scream a little in pain as the Centurion glides toward you, and strikes you in the chest with a searing warhammer in place of a fist, driving you to crack a brass pipe behind you. Steam spills forth from the mechanical artery.**]
  276. Erelye: **YOUR TURN.**
  278. SplitSuns: what does utilize do
  279. Erelye: [**You can use it to UTILIZE an item from your inventory in combat.**]
  280. SplitSuns: > observe
  281. Erelye: [**Azure Lapis: 9/15 HP.
  282. Smoldering Centurion: 12/17 HP.
  283. NOTES: A brass-plated suit of armor around a number of inbuilt technologies and bioschemas. The being levitates on foot-mounted propulsion generators. You’d thought you had left the last of the Centurions in the Mu Sector. You appear to have been gravely mistaken. The brass seems to burn orange with a molten heat.**]
  284. SplitSuns: do we have any healing items?
  285. Erelye: [**You don't. The others do, but they are not currently present.**]
  286. SplitSuns: damn.
  289. Erelye: [**Two minutes remaining.**]
  290. Pope Cipurr: uh, cut off a leg with on of your wings if you can
  291. Erelye: !roll 1 5
  292. Erelye: [**You ready your wings, and remove one of the legs of the Centurion. Of course, it is a robot with a levitator engine, and this affects its movement little.**]
  293. SplitSuns: damn
  294. Erelye: **[10:00:00:00]**
  295. Erelye: [**Тен даыс унтил тхе енд оф тхе wорлд. Гаме аутосавед анд qуит. Тханкс фор плаыинг.**]
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