
Canter U: Day 34 Saturday [The Financial Side]

Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. >Applejack's being pulled away.
  2. >By... what?
  3. >Some greedy...
  4. "OY VEY!"
  5. >Merchant!
  6. "Hailp, Anon! Hailp!"
  7. >Her hair's in curls and she's wearing a frilly dress.
  8. "I need moar shekels!"
  9. >The jew dashes at you and knocks you on your ass.
  10. "Anon! Git up!"
  11. >Applejack the Southern Belle is pushing you as you lie down.
  12. "Anon! Git up!"
  13. >It's... dark.
  14. >The light's fading.
  15. >You don't know who's in front of you anymore.
  16. "Anon! Git up! You said you were gonna heylp me!"
  17. >That's right...
  18. >You made a promise or something like that!
  19. >But... this floor is damn comfy.
  20. >You snuggle up on the floor.
  22. A. Get up.
  23. B. Stay down.
  24. C. Push Applejack away.
  26. >You open your eyes.
  27. >Applejack's squatting by your bedside, a slight grin on her face.
  28. "Git up, sleepyhead. Ya said you're gonna help taday."
  29. >Normally, getting woken up at ungodly morning hours would piss you off.
  30. >But waking up next to Applejack?
  31. >It's almost not bad.
  32. >What time is it?
  33. "4:30."
  34. >Oh geebus.
  35. >Just... hold on a bit. You need to get dressed.
  36. "Sure thing... ah won't look. Just don't go back tah bed."
  37. >You sit up and take your shirt off as Applejack turns around.
  38. >Damn, this bed looks comfy.
  40. A. Go back to sleep.
  41. B. Get dressed.
  42. C. Get undressed. "if ya know what ah mean."
  44. "'sgonna be a real dirty job. Keep that in mind?"
  45. >Applejack's snickering.
  46. >But you can't really see that because she's turned around.
  47. >You get up and shuffle through your things.
  48. >Found your phone.
  49. Mom (good morning): [No response]
  50. >You shuffle through more of your luggage.
  51. >That old v-neck. It's got a stain on it. Might as well.
  52. >You toss it on... along with some jeans.
  53. "Can ah peek now?"
  54. >You tell her that you're ready.
  55. "Oh... and keep it down. Granny Smith's asleep."
  56. >Why does she get to take the day off?
  57. >You exit the house as quietly as you can.
  58. >And you meet Applebloom, and Large Fries.
  59. "Alright errbody... we're gonna split up into pairs. Y'all know what ta do..."
  60. "Can ah be with Anon?!"
  61. "Don't ya think we should let Anon decide?"
  62. "Eeyup."
  63. >You don't really know what you're doing.
  64. "Don't worry, ah'm sure we can tell ya along the way."
  65. >They line up like some character select screen in 1080 snowboarding.
  67. A. Applejack
  68. B. Applebloom
  69. C. McDonalds.
  71. >You can tag along with Applebloom.
  72. >Medium Drink squints at you and Applejack acquieses.
  73. >Whoa now... let's not start a fight.
  74. "Yuuusually Big Mac goes with her because she's not that strong."
  75. "Hey!"
  76. >Applebloom pouts.
  77. "Ah'm only a little younger than you!"
  78. >How little is little?
  79. "Haha, relax, sugar cube. Anon's plenty strong. Right, Anon?"
  80. >Y-y-you too.
  81. >You wipe your brow as you split off into groups.
  82. "So Anon! Do you like mah sister?"
  83. >Like's a funny word.
  84. >You talk to Applebloom about crazy college antics.
  85. "So... is it hard? College, ah mean. Because ah wanna go next year!"
  86. >It's... okay. Really fun.
  87. >Wait... how's she planning to get into college? The Apple family's poor!
  88. >She frowns.
  89. "Ah-ah know... but ah can dream, right?"
  90. >You guys have reached your hemisphere of the orchard.
  91. "Alright Anon! It's just basic pickin' and liftin'. Follow mah lead!"
  92. >She gets to work.
  94. A. Work
  95. B. small talk
  96. C. business talk
  97. D. bidness talk
  98. E. let her do all the work.
  100. >Time to get to work.
  101. >You're dragging bushels and whatever.
  102. >Heavy lifting like a real man.
  103. >Lift with your back, not your legs.
  104. >Becuz massiv gens bru.
  105. don't do that. you're going to hurt yourself. I'm just trying to be ironically funny.
  106. >Picking apples from the trees, throwing away the crappy ones.
  107. >Where's the cheap outsourced labor?
  108. >Oh, that's you.
  109. >You're not even getting paid!
  110. >So... senior year?
  111. "Yup! Cain't wait ta graduate and just be done, y'know?"
  112. >Oh hell yeah.
  113. >Senior year to you was like the inevitability of death to an emo kid.
  114. >You just couldn't wait for it to be over.
  115. >And when it was over... you were happy.
  116. >Had a great final summer with your high school friends.
  117. >Or rather, whatever was left of them.
  118. >Beach trips with Femanon. Late gaming nights with the guys.
  119. >A combination of those two things.
  120. >Anon, you're dominating conversation again. Let her talk.
  121. "Yeap! Ah'm having all sorts of fun though. Seeyeritis, I think it's called. It's an epidemic!"
  122. >Silence for a bit as you work.
  123. >You request the history and lore of this farm.
  124. "Can you believe Granny smith actually worked these fields when she was a little girl?"
  125. >Gross. There's old lady sweat and little girl sweat in this soil.
  126. >Does Applebloom usually work?
  127. "Only on weekends. Ah still gotta go to school, y'know?"
  128. >Work goes on. And you can feel yourself actually straining.
  129. >You're getting tired. Hopefully it's almost over.
  131. >And it's over!
  132. >You saw the sunrise, nostalgia'd about high school, and worked out every muscle in your body.
  133. >You meet AJ and Big Mac back at the farm house, each of you carrying a basket or whatever.
  134. >Is it time for breakfast yet?
  135. "Yep!"
  136. >Apple____ sniffs the air.
  137. "Ah can smell it!"
  138. >Granny Smith must be cooking!
  139. >inb4 you walk in and see granny smith roasting her skin on the stove
  140. >You all gather around the table, say grace and dig in.
  142. A. Applejack
  143. B. Applebloom
  144. C. Egg McMuffin
  145. D. Appleold
  147. >You pass the syrup to Big Stack over there.
  148. >How was their work today?
  149. "Eeyup."
  150. >They got done pretty fast. Applejack and Big Mac are both pretty capable.
  151. >Does he want more bacon?
  152. "Nope."
  153. >You pop a strip for yourself.
  154. >Why the hell won't this guy talk to you?
  155. >How'd... he do on the last midterm?
  156. "Eeyup."
  157. >Ready for the next one?
  158. "Nope."
  159. >Will there even be a next one for these two?
  160. >They might not make it in next quarter.
  161. >Doesn't mean they have to fail though.
  162. >Regardless of leaving, they really should do their best.
  163. >You try to avoid the subject.
  165. >You all work together to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen.
  166. "We're not workin' until sundown... so ya got the rest of the day off."
  167. >Applebloom goes up to her room, and you go up to yours.
  168. >Showering, feels amazing.
  169. >Can't believe you have your own bathroom.
  170. >What now?
  172. A. Go outside.
  173. B. League
  174. C. Study
  175. D. Nap
  176. E. Explore the house.
  178. >Vibration.
  179. Mom: Good morning! What are you doing up so early?
  180. Pinkie (good morning): [NO RESPONSE]
  181. >You get out of your room.
  182. >Let's explore!
  183. >You try to peek your head through any open door.
  184. >Don't wanna look like a robber or thief or anything.
  185. >who's door is open?
  186. >Applejack's...
  187. >Already been in there.
  188. >Wonder where the master bedroom is?
  189. >Bathroom.
  190. >Office.
  191. >You head downstairs.
  192. >Big Mac is watching some football like a real Murican... while Granny Smith is napping in a rocking chair.
  193. >Where's Applebloom?
  195. A. Try a room upstairs.
  196. B. Applejack
  197. C. TV
  198. D. Go outside.
  199. E. Back to your room.
  201. >Up to Applejack's room!
  202. >You peek your head inside.
  203. >Hmm? Not here?
  204. >You hear noises coming from the office.
  205. >So... without any fear of any horror movie you've seen recently, you walk into the office.
  206. "Oh... howdy, Anon."
  207. >Applejack's doing some... math?
  208. >She's punching a calculator and writing furiously in a notebook.
  209. >You grab her phone real quick.
  210. Rainbow Dash (hey it's Anon.): wat happened to ur phone? hows the farm?
  211. "Gimme that back!"
  212. >She giggles and snatches the phone away, before going back to her math.
  213. >The paper looks... full.
  214. >Differential equations to calculate compound interest.
  215. >This is some legit calculus!
  216. "Aw shucks... ah'm not that smart."
  217. >What is she doing anyways?
  218. "The farm budget... and..."
  219. >She sighs.
  220. "Ah'm tryna see if me and Big Mac can come back next quarter... and Applebloom next year."
  221. >Maybe she shoulda done the FAFSA.
  222. "The what-sa?"
  223. >FAFSA. Free Application for Federal Student Aid?
  224. >Deus Ex Machina, much?
  225. >But... isn't it not effective until next year?
  226. >She sighs.
  227. "Well, maybe we can all go next year?"
  229. A. small talk
  230. B. business talk
  231. C. bidness talk
  232. D. Work with her.
  234. >Applejack's phone doesn't have your parents' phone numbers.
  235. >Hopefully you remember some math from high school.
  236. >Mr. Matheson, please don't fail you now!
  237. >He was a great calc teacher.
  238. >Too bad you decided to have a memory dump after you finished the AP test.
  239. >But... you pick up on some stuff.
  240. >Deriving a few equations, you look up at Applejack.
  241. >She's struggling, but she's actually doing work.
  242. >See what happens when you put your mind to something?
  243. >When you're put to the test?
  244. >When you're fighting for survival.
  245. >Fighting on arrival.
  246. >Buffalo soldier.
  247. "Anon... ah'm not that smart."
  248. >Maybe she should just switch to becoming a math major?
  249. "Apples is mah passion. Math's just a busy work."
  251. >What have we learned today?
  252. "Ah... have enough!"
  253. >Enough for what? Can they both last the quarter?
  254. "Both? Aw no..."
  255. >She does more math.
  256. "We have enough to put... one of us."
  257. >In the dorms?
  258. "As a commuter..."
  259. >She sighs.
  260. "Ah'll let Big Mac stay in CU... he deserves it."
  261. >She gets up.
  262. >You look at her paper.
  263. >Nope. She's right.
  264. >Why would you doubt her?
  266. A. Let her go.
  267. B. Stop her from delivering the news until later.
  268. C. Convince her to stay instead of Big Mac.
  270. >You grab her arm.
  271. >Applejack needs to stay.
  272. "Why Anon?"
  273. >She whips around... breaking the hold you have on her arm, eyes moistening, but on fire with anger.
  274. >She snaps at you.
  275. "Is it because ya like me? Is that it? Because ya just don't wanna see me go? Huh?"
  276. >You're unable to retort.
  277. "That's mighty selfish of you, Anonymous."
  278. >She glares at you coldly.
  279. "Ah'm not goin' back just so ah can 'have fun' and live the 'college life'.
  280. Ya know what? College's overrated! and... ah'm just not cut out for it! Ah don't deserve it!
  281. Ah'm a hick. Ah'm not smart. Ah'm not pretty. All's ah can do is farm work!"
  282. >She backs up into a wall and slides down, collapsing on the floor in a hunched little ball of tears.
  283. >Why the hell is she thinking like this?
  284. >The Applejack you know is kind. Optimistic. Cheerful.
  285. >Brave to charge into a fight and making the best of the circumstances.
  286. >Never willing to see the faults and bad qualities of herself and others.
  287. >She looks up at you, eyes reddened.
  288. >You sit down next to her, your back against the wall like her's is.
  289. >She begins to weep softly.
  290. "Ah'm s-sorry... ah just... ah don't wanna waste that chance. Ah don't wanna take that risk."
  291. >And she's gonna let Big Mac take the risk for her?
  292. >That's... mighty selfish of her.
  293. >Who knows how he's feeling about college?
  294. >inb4 eeyup nope
  295. "Ah'll... ah'll talk ta everyone... they need ta know. Lemme just... clean up a bit."
  296. >You smirk as she gets up and dusts herself off.
  297. >Never thought you'd see the day that Applejack cried.
  298. >She smiles through the tears.
  299. "Sh-shut up. B-based god"
  301. >Well, know that the feel wheelz have stopped spinning. You've got some time to slice some life!
  302. >It's also the afternoon right now.
  304. A. Food
  305. B. Go outside
  306. C. Work
  307. D. Nap
  309. >Let's go outside. It's a nice Insert season here day.
  310. >The weather's... eh.
  311. >Looks like Applebloom's playing with Winona!
  312. >Now... when I use the word playing.
  313. >I use it really loosely.
  314. >She's chasing her around with a stick.
  315. "Yer supposta' fetch!"
  316. >She puts her hands on her knees, panting.
  317. >Winona barks rapidly and sees you, and comes running as you sit down on the porch and avoid any introspection at all
  318. "Oh! Howdy, Anon!"
  319. >Damn these southern accents.
  320. >Did you cross a few states during the bus ride?
  321. >Applebloom sits down next to you, and the dog squirms in your arms, attempting to get away from her.
  322. "How come Winona won't like me?"
  323. >Because she's a bitch.
  324. >carlos.jpg
  325. >Fluttershy said something about how she doesn't really take well to strangers.
  326. >You really don't know for sure. You only know that she likes to be scratched under her chin.
  327. "Oooh! Lemme try!"
  328. >She stretches her hand over, and Winona turns her head.
  329. >You scratch her chin instead.
  330. >You tell her how she has to be gentle with her. Like she's another person.
  331. >Start off slow.
  332. >Foreplay? More like fiveplay.
  333. >You pet Winona, and Applebloom tries again. Doesn't work.
  334. >You spend the early afternoon with a montage of training Applebloom.
  335. >Can't be that hard, right?
  336. >She's already got the affection of Mando
  338. >After a series of pushups and ab workouts, and a rigorous jog to the top of a hill ending with a victorious scream...
  339. "Ah think ah'm ready."
  340. >Applebloom reaches her hand out...
  341. >Winona looks on.
  342. >And... hand has made contact with chin!
  343. >Winona makes that cute dog affection sound.
  344. >I don't know if there's a word for it.
  345. >Cat : Purr as Dog : ______
  346. "Alright you two, git off your butts and let's saddle up."
  347. >Saddle up?
  348. "Eeyup!"
  349. >You turn around.
  350. >Cereal Box and McCafe walk out the front door and pass by you on the porch.
  351. >The Apple trio makes their way to the horses.
  352. >Can you even ride?
  354. A. Applejack
  355. B. Applebloom
  356. C. AppleMac
  357. D. Stay on the porch.
  359. >You don't know how to ride!
  360. "Mm.... there's an old mountain bike in the shed."
  361. >That'll do.
  362. >You pedal along side a trotting horse.
  363. >Applebloom's riding it.
  364. >Also, congrats on resisting urge to fuck horses in this story.
  365. >This bike is pretty nifty.
  366. >Maybe AJ or Big Mac could use this to commute instead.
  367. >Lol riding a bike.
  368. >You guys work pretty hard.
  369. >Lifting. Carrying. Pedaling.
  370. >Picking. Catching. Pedaling.
  371. "Y'ever wonder what yer purpose is, Anon?"
  372. >Oh no... I didn't sign up for no introspection classes today.
  373. >Fuck your dialogue and fuck your OP for being lazy.
  374. >I had no idea where I was going with the whole horses thing.
  375. >Um.
  376. >Yeah. soo....
  378. >Hey! Dinner time.
  379. >Country fried steaks. Mashed potaters. Corn on the cob.
  380. >Maybe you can come out here for lunch one day?
  381. >Nah, too far.
  383. A. small talk
  384. B. business talk (about the budget and future attendance to CU)
  385. C. business talk (about the farm)
  387. >You try to avoid the elephant in the room.
  388. >Namely the fact that only one of these kids here is going to college next quarter.
  389. >Bring up some small talk.
  390. >About college! Yeah! That'll get em.
  391. >Warm up about doo dah.
  392. >You and Applejack bounce back and forth, talking about your roommates.
  393. "Oh yeah, my roommate? Hoo boy. She cannot stop talkin'."
  394. >She's a party animal...
  395. >Wait... she's talkin shit!
  396. "But... ah love her to death."
  398. >Granny Smith swallows a spoonful.
  399. "Have ya been makin' any real close friends?"
  400. "Mm... ah'd have ta say... Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash."
  401. >I... didn't really put a lot of character-character interaction... so.
  402. "Ah like Fluttershy... she's real nice and helps me study. And Rainbow's a hoot. She's real loud, and real competitive. Ah like that."
  403. >Applebloom turns to you.
  404. "What about you, Anon? Who's yer best friend?"
  406. (Pick one.)
  407. >inb4 unanimous applejack
  409. >Feman- well... she doesn't go to CU.
  410. >And... she was your best friend in high school, so... doesn't really count.
  411. >Who then?
  412. >Rainbow Dash. Obviously.
  413. >You've fucked her more than anyone else.
  414. >You work out with her.
  415. >You come to her games.
  416. >You play vidya and brotein.
  417. >Hell, you even watched Kickass 2 together!
  418. [spoiler]Which I did watch, and I was... almost right in how I wrote it. Also, wtf ending.[/spoiler]
  419. >And... she's kinda cute.
  420. >Bro level cute though.
  421. >Right?
  422. >Of course not cute cute... b-baka.
  423. >Applejack's up there though.
  424. "Aww... how cute."
  425. "Grr... Applebloom!"
  426. >AJ socks her in the arm.
  428. >Oh, by the way. Dinner was fucking delicious.
  429. >You're washing the dishes with the Apple family team.
  430. >Wonder where her parents are?
  431. >Must be on a business trip... or an apple convention.
  433. A. Talk about the budget.
  434. B. Avoid the topic.
  435. C. Clean up faster so you can go to bed.
  437. >It has to get discussed eventually.
  438. >And... if it doesn't get talked about soon, no one's gonna be able to afford to go to college. Even as a commuter.
  439. >Well... not at least until next year.
  440. >Can you go without Applejack for one year?
  441. >Could you go without anyone for one year?
  442. >Ask the [spoiler]Rarifags. They got screwed in S3.[/spoiler]
  443. >You remain quiet.
  444. >You just don't wanna be in the room when the shit hits the fan.
  445. >You talk more about college adventures... and even a bit about high school.
  446. >Applebloom d'awws at your little Femanon story.
  447. >Don't know why you love telling it so much.
  449. >The dishes are washed...
  450. >You take another shower because [spoiler]you're not paying the utility bills here.[/spoiler]
  451. >And you make it extra long.
  452. >Your dick I mean.
  453. >Have a good fap in the shower.
  454. >Nut on the curtains, pretending it's... some chick. Nobody in particular.
  455. >Can't really think of someone in particular. Kills your boner.
  456. >Hard to keep a boner in the shower, when you're standing.
  457. >Statistical fact.
  458. >Whew... what now?
  459. >Voices coming from downstairs...
  460. >Applejack, Granny Smith and Big Mac.
  461. >High pitched voice doesn't seem to be in the mix.
  462. >Sounds pretty loud.
  463. >But... you tone it out.
  464. >Check your regulars on this shitty internet.
  465. >Applebloom added you on Facebook, just now!
  466. Applebloom: Howdy i'm in my room but im too lazy to get up.
  467. >You click accept.
  468. >Bored.
  469. >That was quick.
  471. A. Vidya
  472. B. Applebloom.
  473. C. Go downstairs.
  474. D. End day.
  476. >You're not gonna go downstairs and determine the fate of who's going to college next quarter?
  477. >Oh, no white knighting.
  478. >Especially on a black night.
  479. >Lol, and you call me a writefag.
  480. >You guys are writing the story.
  481. >You go over to Applebloom's room. The only one with the door open and light on.
  482. >She's in her pajamas, doing homework at a desk.
  483. "Howdy Anon!"
  484. >Every time. But you're not complaining. No one ever said howdy to you at home.
  485. >The grumbling ensues downstairs.
  486. >They're still going at it?
  487. "Ah hate it when they argue."
  488. >You tell her how... Applejack figured out they only have enough for only one of them can continue going to school this year.
  489. "S-so... that's what they're talking about?"
  490. >They have a real tough choice.
  491. >Imagine them fighting for a better future that only an education can bring.
  492. >Now imagine them fighting for the last piece of edible food.
  493. >Imagine them fighting each other for survival.
  494. >You would've gotten a good pint of feels if you picked the downstairs day ending.
  495. >But instead. You're hanging out in a high school girl's room.
  496. >I also took the liberty of making her a freshman!
  498. >then she's like
  499. aah dont rape me i'll tell big mac!
  500. >she cant be talkin to no burger
  501. >burgers caint talk
  502. "armando no"
  503. >yu put ur willy in her choochoo
  504. "ahn~ stop it~ its muh firs tiem"
  505. >edmitit gurl ya like it
  506. "n-no to mbarsing"
  507. >she blush and red
  508. "kfine 'sgud"
  509. >And you both cum, clean up, and cuddle under her sheets!
  510. >Then ya fall asleep.
  511. You met her yesterday. Think she'd just let you do whatever?
  512. >You spend the night painting each other's toenails and discussing which of the one direction guys is the cutest.
  513. >Obviously Harry.
  515. End day 34.
  517. Day 34 Summary
  518. Gay reputation increase!
  519. Apple arc advanced!
  520. Gains from working!
  521. Animal skill up!
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