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- # Bank 1
- # Bonus events.
- # Each of these has a card image as well, so assuming the flat thing refers to the actual card and not medals or something. Need to trigger it.
- 0x42950
- カードを選択して下さい
- Please select a card.
- 0x44B78
- 25 枚獲得
- added/acquired 25 (card); 枚 is a counter for flat things, not really a specific thing
- 0x48AE0
- 50 枚獲得
- 50 added
- 0x4CA48
- 15 枚獲得
- 15 added
- 0x509B0
- 10 枚獲得
- 10 added
- 0x54918
- 5 枚獲得
- 5 added
- 0xA4830
- くす玉を選択して下さい
- Please select a ball; these are those party balls were you pull a string and they open with a prize inside.
- 0xA6A58
- 宝箱を選択して下さい
- Please select a treasure chest.
- 0xA8C80 + 0xACAA8
- パチスロ王国 DX checkerboard
- Pachislot Kingdom DX
- # Bank 2
- 0x151910
- ナ
- {need an example; just a letter without context}
- 0x1522E0
- あり
- with; used in options menus to indicate on/yes
- 0x183F20
- 大当り
- big hit (jackpot?)
- 0x1EE0A0 + 0x1F02C8 + 0x1F24F0
- 小役獲得毎にBINGO ゲームにチャレンジ!
- every small win pays out: BINGO game Challenge; kinda guessing at the kanji here
- 0x1F4718 + 0x1F6940 + 0x1F8B68
- 「BINGO」発生でBIG BONUS 獲得のチャンス!
- 「BINGO」 Sudden BIG BONUS acquisition chance
- 0x1FAD90
- ラッキースポット当選で
- lucky spot selected
- 0x1FCFB8
- チャンスゲーム突入!
- Chance game starting! {突入 has urgency, like leaping headlong off a cliff}
- 0x1FF1E0 + 0x201408
- 最大で50枚のメダル獲得
- maximum 50 medals gained(owned?)
- 0x203630
- チャンス!
- Chance!
- 0x205858 + 0x207A80
- 現金投入時にチャンススロット発生!
- sometimes when cash inserted there's a chance slot event!
- 0x209CA8 + 0x20BED0
- 当選すればBIGチャンス到来!
- If you win a Big Chance awaits! {i.e.: win this bonus game for a chance to play a much better one}
- # Coin changer error messages. Several are renamed in Slosseum series.
- 0x217788
- エラー!!
- Error!!
- 0x219E10
- 投入メダル通過時間エラー
- changer passing time error
- 0x21AB18
- 投入メダル通過チェックエラー
- changer passing check error; later called a Changer Out error
- 0x21B820
- メダル収納庫満杯エラー
- medal closet full error
- 0x21C528
- 投入メダル逆行エラー
- changer reverse travel check error; aka coin went backwards
- 0x21D230
- ホッパーエンプティエラー
- hopper empty error
- 0x21DF38
- ホッパージャムエラー
- hopper jam error
- 0x21EC40
- イリーガルヒットエラー
- illegal hit error
- 0x21F948
- コインエラー
- coin error
- #
- 0x349650
- ハズレ
- miss, fail
- 0x34F1D8
- なし
- without; used in options menus to indicate off/no
- # Credits display in money changing mode.
- 0x3533D8
- メダル貧し出し中
- medal
- 0x354500
- 100円=メダル
- 100 Yen = * Medals; count is appended to this string
- 0x3555F8 + 0x359820 + 0x35A048
- パチスロ王国DX
- Pachislot Kingdom DX
- 0x360938
- リーチ
- reach; prob. used like riichi in mahjong when you're one away f/ winning (like Uno)
- 0x365660
- Roulette: 大当り
- big hit (jackpot?)
- 0x36D438
- Roulette: ハズレ
- miss, fail
- # "Appeal Plates", aka logos on attract screens
- 0x373478
- BIG Chance 設定 456
- BIG Chance Setting 456; "Setting" might be wrong, also used for scheduling and creating
- 0x374F20
- BIG BANG! 爆発台
- BIG BANG! Explosion Tower
- 0x3769C8
- BIG Chance 設定 5
- BIG Chance Setting 5
- 0x378470
- BIG Chance 最高設定 6
- BIG Chance Highest Setting 6
- 0x379F18
- BIG Chance 高設定
- BIG Chance High Setting
- 0x37B9C0
- Attention! 注目を
- Attention! Look here
- 0x37D468
- Debut 新を
- Debut New
- 0x37EF10
- 大感謝祭
- great gratitude galore
- 0x3809B8
- 前日の大はまり台
- yesterday's best (machine); 台 is a counter for machines, not the word itself
- 0x382460
- 本日のサービスを
- today's service; prob. as in discounted or overly generous
- 0x383F08
- GOOD MACHINE! 店長のおすすめ
- GOOD MACHINE! Manager's Recommendation
- 0x3859B0
- good machine! おすすめ台
- good machine! Recommended (machine); again, 台 is only a counter for machines
- 0x387458
- 前日の優秀台
- yesterday's best (machine)
- 0x388F00
- ロケテスト中
- doing a location test
- 0x38A9A8
- 好調台
- favorable (machine)
- 0x38C450
- パチスロ王国 DX
- Pachislot Kingdom DX
- # Test Mode
- 0x41A3E0
- 現在の設定
- current options
- 0x41A6A8
- アピールプレート
- appeal plate; name given to the logo used
- 0x41A930
- フラグアドバイス
- lit. flag advice; on/off option, prob. user tutorial
- 0x41ABB8
- コイン設定
- coin settings
- 0x41AD80
- ミニゲーム当選確率
- minigame selection probability; number of events / 1024
- 0x41B798
- メダルFULL
- medals full; switch mapped to JAMMA P1 Start, prob. a physical overflow switch
- 0x41BA20
- 両替機能
- money-changing function; whether the unit deals currency directly
- 0x41BB88
- サービスSW
- service switch
- # Daily Statistics Page
- 0x41BDB0
- クレジット
- credit(s)
- 0x41CBD8
- 本日のBIG
- BIGs today; f/ daily stats page
- 0x41DC00
- ゲーム
- games; f/ daily stats page
- 0x41E828
- 前日
- yesterday; f/ daily stats page
- 0x41EF90
- 前々日
- day before yesterday; f/ daily stats page
- 0x41F6F8
- 獲得
- gained; used on display of org. medals vs medals gained
- 0x41FF40
- 枚数
- difference; used on display of org. medals vs medals gained
- # Gameplay Mode Changes
- 0x420788 + 0x420FF0 + 0x421858 + 0x4220C0 + 0x422928 + 0x423190
- ボースゲーム
- Bonus Game
- 0x4239F8
- スタートしました!
- Let's Start!
- 0x428660
- チャレンジタイム!
- Challenge Time!
- 0x42C708
- チャレンジタイム
- Challenge Time
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