
Pachislo Kingdom DX rough translation guide

Sep 18th, 2021
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  1. # Bank 1
  2. # Bonus events.
  3. # Each of these has a card image as well, so assuming the flat thing refers to the actual card and not medals or something. Need to trigger it.
  4. 0x42950
  5. カードを選択して下さい
  6. Please select a card.
  7. 0x44B78
  8. 25 枚獲得
  9. added/acquired 25 (card); 枚 is a counter for flat things, not really a specific thing
  10. 0x48AE0
  11. 50 枚獲得
  12. 50 added
  13. 0x4CA48
  14. 15 枚獲得
  15. 15 added
  16. 0x509B0
  17. 10 枚獲得
  18. 10 added
  19. 0x54918
  20. 5 枚獲得
  21. 5 added
  22. 0xA4830
  23. くす玉を選択して下さい
  24. Please select a ball; these are those party balls were you pull a string and they open with a prize inside.
  25. 0xA6A58
  26. 宝箱を選択して下さい
  27. Please select a treasure chest.
  28. 0xA8C80 + 0xACAA8
  29. パチスロ王国 DX checkerboard
  30. Pachislot Kingdom DX
  31. # Bank 2
  32. 0x151910
  33. {need an example; just a letter without context}
  34. 0x1522E0
  35. あり
  36. with; used in options menus to indicate on/yes
  37. 0x183F20
  38. 大当り
  39. big hit (jackpot?)
  40. 0x1EE0A0 + 0x1F02C8 + 0x1F24F0
  41. 小役獲得毎にBINGO ゲームにチャレンジ!
  42. every small win pays out: BINGO game Challenge; kinda guessing at the kanji here
  43. 0x1F4718 + 0x1F6940 + 0x1F8B68
  44. 「BINGO」発生でBIG BONUS 獲得のチャンス!
  45. 「BINGO」 Sudden BIG BONUS acquisition chance
  46. 0x1FAD90
  47. ラッキースポット当選で
  48. lucky spot selected
  49. 0x1FCFB8
  50. チャンスゲーム突入!
  51. Chance game starting! {突入 has urgency, like leaping headlong off a cliff}
  52. 0x1FF1E0 + 0x201408
  53. 最大で50枚のメダル獲得
  54. maximum 50 medals gained(owned?)
  55. 0x203630
  56. チャンス!
  57. Chance!
  58. 0x205858 + 0x207A80
  59. 現金投入時にチャンススロット発生!
  60. sometimes when cash inserted there's a chance slot event!
  61. 0x209CA8 + 0x20BED0
  62. 当選すればBIGチャンス到来!
  63. If you win a Big Chance awaits! {i.e.: win this bonus game for a chance to play a much better one}
  64. # Coin changer error messages. Several are renamed in Slosseum series.
  65. 0x217788
  66. エラー!!
  67. Error!!
  68. 0x219E10
  69. 投入メダル通過時間エラー
  70. changer passing time error
  71. 0x21AB18
  72. 投入メダル通過チェックエラー
  73. changer passing check error; later called a Changer Out error
  74. 0x21B820
  75. メダル収納庫満杯エラー
  76. medal closet full error
  77. 0x21C528
  78. 投入メダル逆行エラー
  79. changer reverse travel check error; aka coin went backwards
  80. 0x21D230
  81. ホッパーエンプティエラー
  82. hopper empty error
  83. 0x21DF38
  84. ホッパージャムエラー
  85. hopper jam error
  86. 0x21EC40
  87. イリーガルヒットエラー
  88. illegal hit error
  89. 0x21F948
  90. コインエラー
  91. coin error
  92. #
  93. 0x349650
  94. ハズレ
  95. miss, fail
  96. 0x34F1D8
  97. なし
  98. without; used in options menus to indicate off/no
  99. # Credits display in money changing mode.
  100. 0x3533D8
  101. メダル貧し出し中
  102. medal
  103. 0x354500
  104. 100円=メダル
  105. 100 Yen = * Medals; count is appended to this string
  106. 0x3555F8 + 0x359820 + 0x35A048
  107. パチスロ王国DX
  108. Pachislot Kingdom DX
  109. 0x360938
  110. リーチ
  111. reach; prob. used like riichi in mahjong when you're one away f/ winning (like Uno)
  112. 0x365660
  113. Roulette: 大当り
  114. big hit (jackpot?)
  115. 0x36D438
  116. Roulette: ハズレ
  117. miss, fail
  118. # "Appeal Plates", aka logos on attract screens
  119. 0x373478
  120. BIG Chance 設定 456
  121. BIG Chance Setting 456; "Setting" might be wrong, also used for scheduling and creating
  122. 0x374F20
  123. BIG BANG! 爆発台
  124. BIG BANG! Explosion Tower
  125. 0x3769C8
  126. BIG Chance 設定 5
  127. BIG Chance Setting 5
  128. 0x378470
  129. BIG Chance 最高設定 6
  130. BIG Chance Highest Setting 6
  131. 0x379F18
  132. BIG Chance 高設定
  133. BIG Chance High Setting
  134. 0x37B9C0
  135. Attention! 注目を
  136. Attention! Look here
  137. 0x37D468
  138. Debut 新を
  139. Debut New
  140. 0x37EF10
  141. 大感謝祭
  142. great gratitude galore
  143. 0x3809B8
  144. 前日の大はまり台
  145. yesterday's best (machine); 台 is a counter for machines, not the word itself
  146. 0x382460
  147. 本日のサービスを
  148. today's service; prob. as in discounted or overly generous
  149. 0x383F08
  150. GOOD MACHINE! 店長のおすすめ
  151. GOOD MACHINE! Manager's Recommendation
  152. 0x3859B0
  153. good machine! おすすめ台
  154. good machine! Recommended (machine); again, 台 is only a counter for machines
  155. 0x387458
  156. 前日の優秀台
  157. yesterday's best (machine)
  158. 0x388F00
  159. ロケテスト中
  160. doing a location test
  161. 0x38A9A8
  162. 好調台
  163. favorable (machine)
  164. 0x38C450
  165. パチスロ王国 DX
  166. Pachislot Kingdom DX
  167. # Test Mode
  168. 0x41A3E0
  169. 現在の設定
  170. current options
  171. 0x41A6A8
  172. アピールプレート
  173. appeal plate; name given to the logo used
  174. 0x41A930
  175. フラグアドバイス
  176. lit. flag advice; on/off option, prob. user tutorial
  177. 0x41ABB8
  178. コイン設定
  179. coin settings
  180. 0x41AD80
  181. ミニゲーム当選確率
  182. minigame selection probability; number of events / 1024
  183. 0x41B798
  184. メダルFULL
  185. medals full; switch mapped to JAMMA P1 Start, prob. a physical overflow switch
  186. 0x41BA20
  187. 両替機能
  188. money-changing function; whether the unit deals currency directly
  189. 0x41BB88
  190. サービスSW
  191. service switch
  192. # Daily Statistics Page
  193. 0x41BDB0
  194. クレジット
  195. credit(s)
  196. 0x41CBD8
  197. 本日のBIG
  198. BIGs today; f/ daily stats page
  199. 0x41DC00
  200. ゲーム
  201. games; f/ daily stats page
  202. 0x41E828
  203. 前日
  204. yesterday; f/ daily stats page
  205. 0x41EF90
  206. 前々日
  207. day before yesterday; f/ daily stats page
  208. 0x41F6F8
  209. 獲得
  210. gained; used on display of org. medals vs medals gained
  211. 0x41FF40
  212. 枚数
  213. difference; used on display of org. medals vs medals gained
  214. # Gameplay Mode Changes
  215. 0x420788 + 0x420FF0 + 0x421858 + 0x4220C0 + 0x422928 + 0x423190
  216. ボースゲーム
  217. Bonus Game
  218. 0x4239F8
  219. スタートしました!
  220. Let's Start!
  221. 0x428660
  222. チャレンジタイム!
  223. Challenge Time!
  224. 0x42C708
  225. チャレンジタイム
  226. Challenge Time
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