
Libi does whatever the fuck she wants

Jun 5th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [there she is lol]
  2. iKamal: The cab dropped libi and kam off infront of the apartment complex . she made her way up the steps and turned to Libi" shhh" she smiled and unocked the door making her way in and hearing Sasha growl abit."shush sasha it's jsut me." Sasha grunted and just laid back down and Kam motioned Libi to come inside. She listened to see if Charles was awake but didn't hear him as she made her way over towards his office door punching the code in and held the door open for libi to join her.
  3. ChurchAeki: *Charles was awake, he couldn't sleep; hearing noise downstairs he only thought it was Sasha and Kam causally doing their own thing. He inhaled deeply before lightly letting it out and continued to stare at the wall from his bed.*
  4. Tsaaq: Libi had finished the rest of her liquor in the cab. She left the bottle in the cab and stumbled behind Kam, nodding her head when she signaled to stay quiet. Libi stepped quietly behind Kam and spotted the dog. She fought speaking as she went inside and followed Kam to the room she mentioned earlier. Libi grinned then tip toed inside. "Fucking sweet." She whispered once she was inside.
  5. ChurchAeki: *The well placed out security Camera's would catch their every move as they moved around his apartment and entered into his office, which just turned from the scene of them walking into his office to the ouside living room view where they could see Sasha laying in her spot, if they even realized the TV in his office that is.*
  6. iKamal: Kam shut the door behind Libi and went to the safe entering another code and opened it looking for anything. All she saw was money and the red bag he had showed her before."fuck nothing in here." she turned to the desk and tugged on the drawers to see if she could find anything in them. she tucked her hair behind her ear. she looked up at the tv that had the cameras to see if Charles was still asleep.
  7. Tsaaq: "Whoa..." Libi trailed off as she went towards the case of guns. "Charles is strapped as fuck." Libi said as she turned to Kam. Her face falling as she spoke. "Are you fucking serious?" She asked in an angry whisper. She looked over to the safe. "Would it be in there?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow.
  8. iKamal: "Nah there is just stacks of money in there and some diamonds." she looked down as she remembered the diamonds."fuck what if he has it in the bedroom...." she thought for a moment.she didnt see anyhting in the office." stay down here I'm going to go upstairs and see if I can find anything." she made her way out of the office and tip toed up the steps. she peeked at Charles and didnt see him moving. she went to his closet and opened it looking through his things.
  9. ChurchAeki: Hearing the footsteps coming up the stairs Charles would begin to think why she was doing all this movement within his apartment. Hearing his closet door open he would turn his head, followed by his body as the pain shot through him as he moved, he grunts out as he spoke seeing her search through his things. "What are you doing?" He says as he stared at her.
  10. Tsaaq: She nodded her head and looked around the room, staring at the money before shrugging. Libi turned her head and looked at the television, wondering what type of shitty show it was. Once she realized it was a security camera her eyebrows rose, she directed her gaze where Kam and Charles were on the tv.
  11. iKamal: She cursed under her breath and thought for a second."I'm picking out an outfit for you..for tomorrow." she froze right there and her heart began to pound in her chest. she turned her head and offered him a smile."Thought maybe we could go to the park or something tomorrow. Staying in here all day can get pretty depressing." she took a deep breath."What are you still doing up?"
  12. ChurchAeki: "Why didn't you just ask me first if I wanted to go to the park? I really don't want to be seen by people in this state....shows weakness." He grit his teeth as the shock of pain hit him again. "Mmmmm, pain. My painkillers are downstairs, don't have the strength to go get them so I just laid here."
  13. Tsaaq: Libi sputtered, stepping backwards with her eyes still on the screen. She pursed her lips before going to sit on Charles' desk. She turned her body and peered at his computer. Libi would look at the surveillence video periodically in her drunkeness.
  14. iKamal: She nodded her head."I'm sorry I should have are right." she looked over at the steps."I'll go get yur pain killers for you and a glass of water...where are they again?" she hoped he didn't ask to many questions. she was itching to try something other then weed and alchol and Libi was waiting for her downstairs.
  15. ChurchAeki: "In the medical bag, but don't worry about it. I'm were gone for awhile so been dealing with for that long; what a few more days without them going to do." He rolled back over grunting and groaning in pain until he laid still back in the bed looking at the wall.
  16. ChurchAeki: (stay right there Mani...that desk needs to be fixed)
  17. ChurchAeki: (done)
  18. iKamal: She frowned some"I'll bring you some you look like you could use them." she jogged down the steps and found the bag smiling and looked at the pills. she took tow out for him and tucked the bottle in her pocket. she grabbed a water bottle and made her way back up to him." Here you go and I'm sorry for being gone so long I lost track of time...I'll be downstairs if you need me okay." She smiled to him and jogged back down the steps and into the office. she pulled the pill bottle out of her pocket and shook it smiling to Libi"got these..."
  19. Tsaaq: She saw Charles lay down once more on the monitor and sighed. "Okay bitch, get me the drugs." Libi murmured. She laid on her back on the desk and slept off her drunkeness , barely. She sat up when Kam returned. "Ugh. I guess." Libi whined. "But you gotta give me a lot. How many is in there?" She slurred as she examined the pill bottle with blurred vision.
  20. Tsaaq: ((I'll stay in this spot bwahaha.))
  21. ChurchAeki: (They are 500 Mg...they will put you on ass)
  22. Tsaaq: ((Perfect xD))
  23. ChurchAeki: *He didn't even attempt to reach for the pills or bottle he just left them there on the night stand and closed his eyes.*
  24. iKamal: "I only gave him two and he jsut got back rom the hospital today soo like a full bottle." she shrugged some and tossed the bottle to libi. she sat down and watched Libi"so do we take them or snort them like what?"
  25. ChurchAeki: (Bitches stealing from the sick and wounded... >_> HORRIBLE PEOPLE YOU ARE. lol)
  26. Tsaaq: ((Shhhh.))
  27. iKamal: [you hit kam this is pay back XD ]
  28. Tsaaq: "We take them. You don't have to snort this." Libi said, pouring about four pills out of the bottle and throwing them into her mouth. She swallowed them dry then gave the bottle back to Kam. She laid down and waited for them to take affect. "You take like two or something. You're gonna feel nice and cozy." She said.
  29. iKamal: She took the bottle and poured two out inot her hand and popped them into her mouth having trouble swallowing them but managed. she sat down on the desk andwaited."How long is this shit going to take. she sighed and leaned back on her hands looking at the cameras." He looks so sad....its so depressing..."
  30. ChurchAeki: (go aead I aint typing anymore.)
  31. Tsaaq: She stared up at the ceiling with her hands over her tummy. "Soon." She whispered, she was already slipping into her high as everything around her slowed and suddenly she felt relaxed. She turned her head slowly as she looked over to the television. "But you can do whatever you want?" She said.
  32. iKamal: She felt her eyes get heavy and her body just let go."Yeah I can do whatever I want can I" she smiled and got off the desk stumbling abit as she could feel the alchol from earlier swishign around in her stomach. she opened the office door and swayed as shemade her way to the kitchen tripping over sasha and hitting the floor"aw fuck man.."
  33. Tsaaq: "Where the fuck are you going?" Libi asked as she got up. She groaned a little, trying to get up but ultimately falling on her face, making a loud thump noise. Libi got up slowly. She wasn't feeling any pain anyways. She leaned on the desk then moved her hand to the wall before leaning her body on it. She dragged herself along the perimeter of it then exited the office. She stayed on the wall though, shaking her head at Kam then glancing at the level where Charles had been.
  34. ChurchAeki: Sasha would yelp as she was tripped over, causing Charles to lift his head up hearing the noise. "Sasha you alright?" He calls out, before he spoke again. "Kam, what happened" He would tense up from the pain as he sat himself up in the bed before grabbing at his lower torso where his stitched pulled a bit at his flesh as he moved. "Fuck..." He grumbles.
  35. ChurchAeki: (Forgot to mention office is sound proof and bullet proof :D)
  36. Tsaaq: ((That's good for Libi then.))
  37. iKamal: She turned to Sasha and squished her face kissing the big dog."I'm sorry squishy baby face I didn't mean to hurt you." she smiled and snuggled Sasha close."I love your face.." she looked at libi and the roo mseemed to spinningfor her."I want more booze..." she heard Cahrles upstairs and started to laugh"shhh shh" she called up to him."Nothing I tripped over sasha she is fine" she moved sashas lips abit and pucekred her own talking"ish fine. ish a big fat snuggly puppy."
  38. Tsaaq: Libi glanced at Sasha then back at Kammie. "Where the fuck am I supposed to pull it out of? My vagina?" She asked sarcastically, her voice low and her words stumbling together. Not only was her vision blurred but her surroundings seemed dim. She cautiously took a step forward so she could move towards the kitchen
  39. ChurchAeki: Holding his lower torso he would look to the pills, but didn't even try to reach for them as he listened to Kam explain what happened. "Sasha...Venire" He says in Italian for her to come to him; Sasha being well behaved would pull herself from Kam's hold and make her way up the stairs and into the bed with the Charles, laying beside him as he petted her before laying back down.
  40. iKamal: Kam frowned"no squishy baby face come back...Charles you dick!" she made grabby hands for sasha as she left her. she crawled on all fours towards the kitchen where Libi was heading." booze might be in the fridge....Charles gets the expensive shit." she shrugs some. the mffled sound of their voices could be heard.
  41. Tsaaq: She took off her creepers and carried them with her towards the fridge as she put the shoes down. She pulled the refridgerator open and stumbled back. She rummaged around inside, bent over. She shook her head before looking at the freezer part. "Ah, I see now." Libi said under her breath as she grabbed a bottle. "Yeah, it doesn't matter how much it costs it's the alcohol proof."
  42. ChurchAeki: (Vodka always)
  43. iKamal: "Jesus christ Libi..." she poked libi's butt."you got ass for days." she smiled and grabbed her butt."It's like one of those memory soft pillows I could jsut sleep on your butt." she giggled snorted the pills taking effect and she thought what she was saying to Libi she was thinking or even dreaming. she grabbed for the vodka that Libi pulled out."give me give me...I need more booze.." she shouted the last part of wanting the booze. shewas clearly fucked up.
  44. ChurchAeki: Charles lifted his head again, which cause Sasha to do the same; Charles could of sworn he heard another voice, was the pain making him hear things now? he thought to himself. His listened closely before calling out again. "Kam, you have someone else down there with you?...." Sasha would growl as if she was trying to tell him there as another person.
  45. Tsaaq: Libi furrowed her eyebrows at Kam as she looked behind her. "It's okay. It serves it's purpose." She replied, not able to stand. She leaned on the kitchen counter and slurped from the bottle then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Handing it over to Kam. She heard Charles' voice and went quiet. She even froze in her spot.
  46. iKamal: "JESUS H CHRIST CHARLES! IT'S JUST FUCKIN LIBI!" she shouted loudly and thought she was just talking normal. she took the bottle from Libi and began to down some of it letting it burn and warm her body. she licked her lips as she brought the bottle down and burped."fuck.." she handed the bottle back to Libi." my life fuckin sucks...I wish I could be you libi you have fun." she smiled and her eyes were closed.
  47. ChurchAeki: Charles anger was getting the best of him right now, he cursed his father for allowing her to take care of him and then cursed himself for not continuously pressureing for her to leave. "Sasha....standby." Those were a trigger for Sasha, having her turn from the sweetest dog to the most terrifying one. She launched herself from the bed and made her way down the stares, she stood her ground at the base of the stairs, he teeth bare as she snarled at the two. While Sasha kept the occupied for the moment Charles would struggled to get himself out of the bed as he spoke to Kam. "You forget..." He grunts out as he tried to stand up straight, but couldn't having her stumble to the wall and hold onto it., breathing heavy he spoke out again. "Who...fucking apartment you are in." He made his way to the railing and looked down from it to the kitchen. "If your life sucks so much again......fucking leave."
  48. Tsaaq: Libi took the bottle from her and stared at the liquid a moment before sliding, or gracefully falling, onto the kitchen floor. She flinched at the yelled. "Fuck." She said, shaking her head. Libi looked over to Kam and shook her head. "No you don't." She told her with a smirk then swallowed down whatever she could before she started coughing. She glanced at Charles for only a moment. Her eyes widened as she looked away.
  49. iKamal: She smiled more at Libi before she heard Sasha."you shhh squishy baby face shush your furry little face and be nice or I wont let you poop in the neighbors rose bush no more
  50. iKamal: [damn enter!]
  51. iKamal: "she heard charles and looked up her eyes barely opening as she stumbled back running into a stool."MY life sucks because i'm stupid and in love. and..and." she ointed to her chest" it hurts right here..because you don't dont care thatI care that you care I care." she slurred her words and thought for a moment."my brain hurts too from thinking about you too much. Why doesn't charles love? why does charles care about me? why s charles being so depressing? Why is charles so angry with me all the time? why is charles dick curved slightly to the left? Why why why why. fuckin why man." she looked at Libi and smiled" do oyu know why? I don't know why?"
  52. ChurchAeki: (One sec have to stop laughing to think)
  53. iKamal: [XD]
  54. Tsaaq: ((Lmao.))
  55. ChurchAeki: He now realized she was fucked up and backed off from the railing. "Sasha Venire" As if she was snapped out a trance Sasha would lick her muzzle and hestitantly move towards Kam and rubbed against her leg as if to say sorry before she ran up the stair at Charles side. "IHave your fun..." He says not wanting to address any of her question even the random odd one that had him want to check but he thought against it not want to entertain her fucked up mind. Sasha would help him back to his bed, keeping him from swaying and topling over, as he got back into his bed he would shout out. "Don't fucking steal my shit....." HE eyed the pill sitting on his stand and finally took it, before pulling the covers over him.
  56. Tsaaq: Libi watched Kam and looked around awkwardly. "I've never seen Charles' cock so... I wouldn't know why." Libi replied with a shrug. "And I literally have no answers for all the other shit." She said rolling her eyes at him. Libi forced herself to stand up. "Fuck off! I don't have shit I want to steal from you asshole!" She shouted back.
  57. ChurchAeki: "Then get the fuck out my Loft." He shouts back down towards Libi. "Don't come back either."
  58. iKamal: Ka patted sasha's head"its ok squishy face..." she smiled and flipped Charles the bird"yeah what she said Maybe if you jsut tell me where the hard stuff is I would be stealing your vodka! and dont yell at my buddy!! You dick!" she slurred her words and huffed and started to climb up the steps"and anothr thing!" she climbed into the bed and tugged sasha closer to her and glared at him"my squishy fur baby asshole...all mine." she closed her eyes and saha's warmth was putting her to sleep.
  59. iKamal: [ok im tired... i need to go to bed after i read mani's post im out[
  60. Tsaaq: "Come down here and make me." She said. "And not your dumb dog. You." Libi took another drink from the bottle and glanced around, seeing this bitch fall asleep. "What a fucking drag?" She asked herself. "Well.. See you later, father, son and the HOLE-y spirit. Let me know when you have some good shit." Libi said, stumbling towards the door before glancing around. She couldn't move too fast yet. "I'll see you people later." She waved her hand.
  61. Tsaaq: ((Yeah she's already falling asleep!))
  62. ChurchAeki: (Lmao, this was an interesting RP)
  63. iKamal: [ok nini guys :)]
  64. Tsaaq: ((Niiight. :p))
  65. ChurchAeki: (Night)
  66. ChurchAeki: Charles Tosses a bottle over the Railing to warn libi. "Just get the fuck out."
  67. ChurchAeki: (Love libi too death)
  68. Tsaaq: Libi didn't even flinch once then bottle came tumbling to the second level. "Ooooo. I'm fucking shaking!" She called out sarcastically. "You got anymore bottles you wanna throw at me? Maybe a pillow? Really give it to me!" She called out.
  69. Tsaaq: ((Yeah she's an ass lmaoo.))
  70. ChurchAeki: (I love it)
  71. ChurchAeki: "Either get the fuck out, or shut the fuck up and sleep on the fucking couch....just plug your hole." His breathing turned into pants he could keep up with the yelling it was putting a strain on him.
  72. ChurchAeki: (I need the sleep as well. XD I can argue with Libi all day but my body is not having it right now.)
  73. Tsaaq: ((I'm doing an exit post thing now.))
  74. Tsaaq: She shook her head as she moved away from the door and went to glance upward to where Charles was laying. She scoffed. "Nah I think I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want I think." Libi said, going to take another bottle from the fridge. "Plug your hole. The one somebody blew into you with their gun. Jackass." She grinned, she couldn't move very fast but she was already going towards the door. "Thanks for the shit Charlie. See you arounddd." She called out in a taunting tone before leaving the loft.
  75. ChurchAeki: He grumbled under his breath. "You'll regret saying that." He hears the door close and tries his hardest not to rip out his stitches trying to contain his anger.
  76. ChurchAeki: (Night night)
  77. Tsaaq: ((Night!))
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