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  49. <article id="post-5968" class="post-5968 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-shitware">
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  51.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Symantec Snake Oil Goes Rancid</a></h2>
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  54.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="3:05 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-07-01T03:05:35+00:00">July 1, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by shinohai" rel="author">shinohai</a></span></span>        </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  58.         <p>Researches with Googles Project Zero security team announced on Wednesday a major vulnerability affecting nearly all Symnatec snake-oil antivirus products. The kernel vulnerability requires no user action, which would allow attackers to corrupt system memory without requiring users to even open an email used to trigger the flaw.</p>
  59. <blockquote><p>These vulnerabilities are as bad as it gets. They don’t require any user interaction, they affect the default configuration, and the software runs at the highest privilege levels possible. In certain cases on Windows, vulnerable code is even loaded into the kernel, resulting in remote kernel memory corruption.</p></blockquote>
  60. <p>Symnatec indicated they were not aware of anyone actually exploiting the bug as of yet, and responded by making a new panacea that supposedly fixes the problem.</p>
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  65.                 Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">News</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Shitware</a>          </span>
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  77. <article id="post-5964" class="post-5964 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-commentary">
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  79.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Qntra (S.QNTR) June 2016 Report</a></h2>
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  82.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="3:00 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-07-01T03:00:24+00:00">July 1, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Bingo Boingo" rel="author">Bingo Boingo</a></span></span>      </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  103. <article id="post-5961" class="post-5961 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-altcoins category-fraud category-news category-ransomware category-security">
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  105.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Preet Indicts Hondurans In Honduras</a></h2>
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  108.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="12:54 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-30T12:54:47+00:00">June 30, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by shinohai" rel="author">shinohai</a></span></span>     </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  112.         <p><img class="alignleft" src="images/bharara.jpg" alt="Evil itself" width="156" height="156" />Agent of oppresion Preet Bharara handed out indictments to 6 Honduran policemen on Wednesday. These officers are not of Preet&#039;s District in Manhattan or even the United States. The officers allegedly conspired to smuggle cocaine between points that are not in the United States, though Preet assures the destination was the United States and not one of the other countries that likes cocaine too.<sup id="rf1-5961"><a href="#fn1-5961" title="This list consists of all of the countries. " rel="footnote">1</a></sup>Undercover officers fraudulently misrepresenting themselves as Mexican narcotics wholesalers offered the officers a million United States dollars in bribes to &#034;ensure the safe passage of tons of cocaine through the jungles of Honduras&#034; Bharara said. The officers allegedly operated the smuggling ring over a ten year period. Last month Fabio Porfirio Lobo, the son of a former Honduran president, plead guilty to some charges and introduced the accused officers to the fake merchants. Sorry for your laws Mister World Police.</p>
  113. <hr class="footnotes"><ol class="footnotes"><li id="fn1-5961"><p>This list consists of all of the countries. &nbsp;<a href="#rf1-5961" class="backlink" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p></li></ol>          </div><!-- .entry-content -->
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  129. <article id="post-5959" class="post-5959 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news category-north-america category-security">
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  131.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">US Customs Seeks To Control Social Media Imports</a></h2>
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  134.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="2:12 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-30T02:12:35+00:00">June 30, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by shinohai" rel="author">shinohai</a></span></span>     </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  138.         <p>A proposal from US Customs and Border Protection will ask visa applicants to reveal their social media identities, a move they claim will keep the country safer from terrorists. The announcement on website stated &#034;It will be an optional data field to request social media identifiers to be used for vetting purposes, as well as applicant contact information. Collecting social media data will enhance the existing investigative process and provide DHS greater clarity and visibility to possible nefarious activity and connections by providing an additional tool set which analysts and investigators may use to better analyze and investigate the case.&#034; No mention was made on how the agency plans to verify the data found within the social media profiles, seeing as terrorists will likely just make fake profiles or be in possession of multiple identities.</p>
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  143.                 Posted in <a href="" rel="category tag">News</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">North America</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Security</a>         </span>
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  155. <article id="post-5957" class="post-5957 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-altcoins category-fraud category-news category-scams category-shitware category-the-law">
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  157.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Microsoft Withdraws Paid Fitness App, Existing Users To Lose Access</a></h2>
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  160.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="3:01 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-29T15:01:31+00:00">June 29, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Bingo Boingo" rel="author">Bingo Boingo</a></span></span>        </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  164.         <p>It appears <a href="">Microsoft is on the Transmayo Transition Train</a> with the company <a href="">withdrawing the Xbox Fitness App from their marketplace</a>. The app which allowed XBox One users to &#034;purchase&#034; a variety of fitness videos to fight the potential for Obeastiality in their own lives, will become unusable to those who paid on July 1st, 2017. It is unknown how many butter golems at Microsoft&#039;s XBox division were so triggered by the idea of people not being fellow lardbarges, that they decided they just had to turn XBox fitness into <a href="">an instrument of theft</a>.</p>
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  181. <article id="post-5955" class="post-5955 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-altcoins category-fraud category-news category-scams category-security category-shitware category-software category-the-law">
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  183.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">How The Tor Project Pays And Pays CIA Agents From Their USG.Navy Coffers</a></h2>
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  186.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="3:43 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-28T15:43:08+00:00">June 28, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Bingo Boingo" rel="author">Bingo Boingo</a></span></span>      </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  190.         <p>From the Tor Project&#039;s own timeline on their hiring and post separation payments to &#034;former&#034; CIA agent David Chasteen. <a href="">Given the source</a>, information presented as facts in this timeline may not be in concordance with reality. Interesting points bolded:</p>
  191. <blockquote><p>A sends:<br />
  192. Subject: David Chasteen Timeline<br />
  193. This is a timeline of events related to Tor&#039;s hiring of David Chasteen.<br />
  194. January 15th, 2011: David Chasteen attended a Tor hackday at MIT, while claiming to work for the State Department. There, he met Tor people including Jacob Appelbaum. Around this time, David Chasteen indicated he was interested in a job at Tor, but he was not hired.<br />
  195. October 5th, 2014: <strong>Roger Dingledine suggested adding David Chasteen to the tor-internal private mailing list and possibly hiring him as a project manager</strong>.<br />
  196. October 8th, 2014: Based on her previous experiences working with him, <strong>Karen Reilly sent an email to tor-internal advocating for David Chasteen to be hired as a project manager</strong>.<br />
  197. October 14th, 2014: David Chasteen was added to tor-internal.<br />
  198. November 5th and 6th, 2014: Operation Onymous<br />
  199. November 6th, 2014: <strong>David Chasteen&#039;s last day at the CIA after working there for 8 years</strong>.<br />
  200. November 7th, 2014: David Chasteen&#039;s first day working for Tor as a project manager. Along with Karen Reilly, he attended Freedom of the Press Foundation&#039;s Digital Security Conference in Washington DC. At the conference, he met with Xeni Jardin about writing a guest post on Boingboing about Tor hiring him. On this same day, <strong>David Chasteen disclosed to Roger Dingledine that he worked for the CIA</strong>.<br />
  201. November 9th, 2014: In the wake of media concerns stemming from Operation Onymous, Jacob Appelbaum sent an email to tor-internal calling for a more coordinated media strategy. In this, he asked if anyone paid by Tor has a clearance.<br />
  202. November 10th, 2014 13:30 EST: <strong>David Chasteen responded saying that he had a clearance</strong>, but it is no longer active. <strong>He further stated that, because all Foreign Service Officers and military officers have clearance, having a policy against hiring anyone with a clearance would be discrimination against veterans</strong>.<br />
  203. November 10th, 2014 15:21 EST: <strong>David Chasteen sent an email to tor-internal disclosing that he worked for the CIA for 8 years</strong>, explaining why he wanted to work for Tor, and discussing is plans going forward (including the Boingboing guest post).<br />
  204. November 10th, 2014: tor-internal IRC and mailing list discussion about how to handle the hiring of David Chasteen.<br />
  205. November 10th, 2014 18:21 EST: <strong>David Chasteen sent an email saying he was going to &#034;bow out&#034; because it did not seem like anyone was comfortable with the situation.</strong><br />
  206. November 11th, 2014 18:51 EST: Jacob Appelbaum sent the #tor-internal IRC log to the tor-internal email list.<br />
  207. November 10th, 2014 22:44 EST: David Chasteen said he was going to unsubscribe himself from tor-internal. At 23:10 EST, Damian Johnson confired that David Chasteen was no longer on tor-internal.<br />
  208. November 16th: Andrew Lewman sent an email to tor-internal saying that <strong>David Chasteen hired a law firm and that members of the list should have no contact with David Chasteen or discussions about him.</strong><br />
  209. December 2nd: Andrew Lewman told tor-internal that negotiations with David Chasteen were ongoing, reiterated his request that tor-internal members have no contact with or discussions about David Chasteen, and said he would report back with updates.<br />
  210. <strong>At some later date, David Chasteen settled out of court with the Tor Project.</strong><sup id="rf1-5955"><a href="#fn1-5955" title="This means the Tor Project paid their valiant CMU Tor Attack and Operation Onymous fall guy. Except where are the mentions that the CMU Tor Attack did Operation Onymous? Well, who needs those when you have a David Chasteen to play distraction. " rel="footnote">1</a></sup></p></blockquote>
  211. <hr class="footnotes"><ol class="footnotes"><li id="fn1-5955"><p>This means the Tor Project paid their valiant <a href="">CMU Tor Attack</a> and <a href="">Operation Onymous</a> fall guy. Except where are the mentions that the CMU Tor Attack did Operation Onymous? Well, who needs those when you have a David Chasteen to play distraction. &nbsp;<a href="#rf1-5955" class="backlink" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p></li></ol>            </div><!-- .entry-content -->
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  229.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Tim Swanson Misunderstands Reality Again</a></h2>
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  232.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="8:37 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-27T20:37:32+00:00">June 27, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Bingo Boingo" rel="author">Bingo Boingo</a></span></span>      </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  236.         <p>Today <a href="">Tim Swanson (WOT:nonperson)</a> published yet another piece illustrating his fundamental misunderstanding of markets and the world writ large. In <a href="">this latest piece</a> Swanson supposes that a &#034;Kimberly Process&#034; might be possible for cryptocurrencies. <sup id="rf1-5951"><a href="#fn1-5951" title="Swanson of course uses the term plural, this manner supposes a class of many cryptocurrency of which Bitcoin is but one member. To the contrary cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. " rel="footnote">1</a></sup> The Kimberly Process is a sort of <a href="">anti-money laundering process</a> applied to the market for gem diamonds. Through the Kimberly Process &#034;bad guys&#034; can&#039;t sell potential gem diamonds<sup id="rf2-5951"><a href="#fn2-5951" title="As opposed to industrial diamonds which are an actual commodity. " rel="footnote">2</a></sup> to &#034;good guys&#034; and the scheme appears to work for this purpose so long as no one cares to observe all the ways it doesn&#039;t.</p>
  237. <p>The actual thing it does work for is slowing the flow of gem diamonds to the jewelry market avoiding the corn grower&#039;s problem and increasing the price of individual diamonds and profit margins for the De Beers family of Companies.<sup id="rf3-5951"><a href="#fn3-5951" title="The De Beers cartel ended up falling from prominence around the time the Kimberly Process went into effect anyway because other people caught onto the part where gem capable diamonds aren&rsquo;t as common as De Beers cultivated illusions of their being. " rel="footnote">3</a></sup></p>
  238. <p>Swanson&#039;s argument depends upon Bitcoin being some broken thing like gem diamonds when instead there&#039;s an actual market. Sorry for your laws.</p>
  239. <hr class="footnotes"><ol class="footnotes"><li id="fn1-5951"><p>Swanson of course uses the term plural, this manner supposes a class of many cryptocurrency of which Bitcoin is but one member. To the contrary cryptocurrency <em>is</em> Bitcoin. &nbsp;<a href="#rf1-5951" class="backlink" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p></li><li id="fn2-5951"><p>As opposed to industrial diamonds which are an actual commodity. &nbsp;<a href="#rf2-5951" class="backlink" title="Jump back to footnote 2 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p></li><li id="fn3-5951"><p>The De Beers cartel ended up falling from prominence around the time the Kimberly Process went into effect anyway because other people caught onto the part where gem capable diamonds aren&#039;t as common as De Beers cultivated illusions of their being. &nbsp;<a href="#rf3-5951" class="backlink" title="Jump back to footnote 3 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p></li></ol>         </div><!-- .entry-content -->
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  257.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Google CEO Social Media Account Hacked</a></h2>
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  260.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="6:34 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-27T18:34:50+00:00">June 27, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by shinohai" rel="author">shinohai</a></span></span>       </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  264.         <p>Hacking group OurMine, the group responsible <a href="">for breaking into Mark Zuckerberg&#039;s Twitter account</a> has claimed another victim. Google CEO Sundar Pichai had his account on Quora taken over by the hackers on Sunday, who then used the account to auto post a tweet saying &#034;We are just testing your security&#034;. The messages and tweets were removed by Monday morning, and no statement from Google or Mr. Pichai was available. OurMine has said it will continue to hack the accounts of tech executives and celebrities, and made good on their promise by also hacking the account of Amazon CTO Werner Vogels. OurMine claims to have made $18,400 selling it&#039;s web and social-media account security services.</p>
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  286.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="4:58 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-27T16:58:35+00:00">June 27, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Bingo Boingo" rel="author">Bingo Boingo</a></span></span>       </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  290.         <p>Presidential polling in the United States shows that when <a href="">Libertarian party candidate Gary Johnson</a> (WOT:unknown/undisclosed) is included in polls <a href="">he takes voters almost entirely</a> from major socialist party candidate Hilary Rodham-Clinton&#039;s (WOT:nonperson) percentages from polls in exclude him (<a href="">archived</a>). As the Libertarian nominee Johnson and his running mate, fellow two term Governor William Weld (WOT:unknown/undisclosed) will appear on the ballot in <a href="">the only poll</a> that <a href="">matters</a>.</p>
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  309.         <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="" rel="bookmark">IRS Scraps PIN System Amid Continued &#034;Hacks&#034;</a></h2>
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  312.             <span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="" title="6:01 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2016-06-26T18:01:42+00:00">June 26, 2016</time></a><span class="byline"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by Bingo Boingo" rel="author">Bingo Boingo</a></span></span>        </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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  316.         <p>The <a href="">United States Internal Revenue Service</a> is scrapping their entire PIN system amid continued &#034;attacks&#034; which leverage the fact that &#034;<a href="">no one could have predicted</a>&#034; people would start simply guessing magic numbers until the IRS gave them a PIN.</p>
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