
Bugbear Meeting

Apr 12th, 2020
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  1. Balsag placed one hand each on Grip and Fang, petting back their mangy fur to calm the two rats. Under his heavy hands their chittering stopped. He kept petting them for several seconds after they calmed to make sure it stuck before rising up from his squating position to face the other bugbear. "It's good ta' see ya' again, Koth."
  3. "Oi, you'll be calling me by me rank now. That be Wyrmlord Koth to ya'. I sees ya's still got both ya fookin rats as pets."
  5. "Course. I could neva' give up ol' Fang and Grip 'ere. They 'elp sniff out da' kobolds up theres real good. Important to keep 'em away from the old man, 'ight?"
  7. "So den the trees coomin along nicely den? Azarr Kul 'anted me to make sure they was uh....germing nation real gud is 'hat he said, yeh."
  9. "I unno 'bout no germ nations, but wes spreading the seeds around good. Lots of those twiggy bastards runnin' around now. Jus' like u asked us. Da old man don't talk to me too much nows, but when he does he says things be going well, an' to make sure the two bags o' bones keep tendin' da garden."
  11. "Good, good. Ifs its gonna wells then my business 'ere is done, aint it? Take care of yourself Balsag, ya old bastard. When the jobs done 'ere we should be finished down south. Ill show you me pets when ya come visit, aite?"
  13. The bugbear pulled his morning star from the moist soil and shouldered it, and turned to make his leave. Things were going well with Gulthias, and soon the preparations in the south would be done as well. Everything was falling into place, slowly, piece by piece.
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