

Dec 26th, 2020
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  1. At­tract­ing river snail is skilled work­man­ship, even if Mag has given the knack, but the girls can­not pro­fi­ciently grasp.
  2. At this time, the tooth­pick also ap­plies.
  3. Mag dis­dains with the tooth­pick, with the spi­ral meat that the tooth­pick se­lects, in his opin­ion does not have spirit.
  4. But has to ac­knowl­edge, com­pares grasps the iron ham­mer to pound the river snail stance in Irina, in­deed wants to be el­e­gant with the tooth­pick.
  5. „This spi­ral round coin or jade ob­ject with a hole in the mid­dle wil­lowy, the fresh spicy ball tooth, is quite de­li­cious.” Miya picked up the one piece spi­ral meat, white/shell Chiqing bit, on the face showed sev­eral points of happy ex­pres­sion.
  6. „Yes, more chews is more fra­grant, spicy is tasty, what a pity now can­not drink, being used to drink to re­ally be matches cer­tainly.” An­gela on hand are many sev­eral river snail shells, the fin­ger has pinched river snail, the or­chid fin­gers curls up­wards, puts mouth suo, the spi­ral meat then falls in her mouth.
  7. Mag looked at the eye the red lip of her sparkling and translu­cent, this prob­a­bly is the so-called race ad­van­tage, one study can.
  8. „Sev­eral days later will be on leave, I planned that leads every­one to go to Demon Is­lands to take va­ca­tion, doesn't every­one time arrange­ment have the issue?” Mag looks at the peo­ple to say.
  9. „Can go to the seashore to swim?” Miya eyes lit up, happy say/way.
  10. The Mag smile nods: „Yes, can take the swim­suit.”
  11. „I like the seashore, can eat many seafood.” Amy’s eyes is also sparkling, thinks be­fore , in that pe­riod of time that Demon Is­lands tem­porar­ily re­sides.
  12. „Yes, many seafood mer­chants.” An­gela said with a smile.
  13. Mag looked at her one eyes, felt that she is dri­ving, but he does not have the ev­i­dence.
  14. The din­ner fin­ished, after short rest, Mag opens the restau­rant front door, starts to do busi­ness.
  15. „Wel­come vis­its, Mamy Restau­rant.” The Mag smile stands in the en­trance, be­fore the vi­sion sweeps gets mar­ried, in the long team that fa­mil­iar face, the mid­dle-aged man of vi­sion on some coun­try char­ac­ter face in queue stopped, but quick nat­ural has slid.
  16. „Re­ally came.” The Mag cor­ners of the mouth curl up­wards.
  17. Lan­caster, that and he equally pow­er­ful man.
  18. Al­though con­ducted sim­ple changed/easy ap­pear­ance/allow, more­over re­strained the aura, but was seen through by his one eyes.
  19. giant dragon is not al­ways good at han­dling this mat­ter, can re­strain this de­gree, enough has hid­den the truth from most peo­ple.
  20. At least he stands in queue now, puts on mag­nif­i­cent gown, seems like an or­di­nary rich mer­chant, and has no unique el­e­ment.
  21. The one who makes Mag some­what ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised is Eliz­a­beth has not trav­elled to­gether, does not know that she came Chaos City.
  22. Since she leaves, restau­rant has not in­curred to the new staff, is un­der-man­pow­ered, but also is very busy.
  23. If she is will­ing to come back, that is nat­u­rally good.
  24. How­ever Dragon King Lan­caster came back, the King re­turns, saw that own daugh­ter works in restau­rant un­ex­pect­edly, or­ders......
  25. Does not know that can have 100,000 of­fi­cers open­ing his fam­ily/home restau­rant, but thinks to feel a lit­tle fear­ful.
  26. The Mag brain hole re­leases for flight, Lan­caster is fol­low­ing the queue van­guard, is siz­ing up Mag.
  27. He thinks Yabe­miya re­duces restau­rant, when waiter, re­ceived the de­ceit and de­ten­tion, he will have a foul odor for the daugh­ter of suf­fer­ing hard­ships.
  28. But Eliz­a­beth and he said the cause and ef­fect, knows that orig­i­nally is this named Mag restau­rant Boss, gives shel­ter Miya that al­most starved to death, gives shel­ter to her in restau­rant, more­over is very good to her, made him elim­i­nate the thought of tear­ing down this restau­rant.
  29. Mag this name sounds strange fa­mil­iar-sound­ing, pre­vi­ously lined up time he thinks, the Alex name wasn't Mag? Is sus­pi­cious, is siz­ing up this young Boss at this mo­ment care­fully.
  30. The age tal­lies ac­tu­ally, is 30 over ap­pear­ances.
  31. How­ever no mat­ter the ap­pear­ance or the height physique, the two have the sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence.
  32. Human and other races are dif­fer­ent, the physique is not easy to change.
  33. But proud fel­low like Alex, can­not change own ap­pear­ance, hid­den in Chaos City, when a restau­rant Boss and chef.
  34. On his cook­ing skill......
  35. dur­ing that time he also has the pheas­ant that tastes him to burn.
  36. He took back one­self vi­sion quickly, and gave Mag to make a basic judg­ment in the heart.
  37. Or­di­nary human, but the body strength is good, prob­a­bly is the 2nd Rank knight level, but the body does not have too the trace of field train­ing, there­fore ac­tual bat­tle ef­fi­ciency per­haps 2nd Rank level.
  38. Then his vi­sion some­what an­tic­i­pated, has a lit­tle in a ter­ri­fied way looks to­ward restau­rant.
  39. His daugh­ter, that then dis­tin­guishes with him in the ab­domen, has not seen a daugh­ter, must al­ter­nate with him.
  40. Fear­less Lan­caster, ac­tu­ally some­what feared at this mo­ment.
  41. He feared that she asked why his so many years do not look for her.
  42. Feared that she asked why must aban­don their mother and daugh­ter ini­tially, mak­ing their ex­pe­ri­enc­ing suf­fer­ing hu­mil­i­a­tion mis­er­able.
  43. He is a bad hus­band, a bad fa­ther.
  44. Yabe­miya, this name is dur­ing that time he takes, but spoke thought­lessly raises, never ex­pected that she at heart, and re­ally gave this name to her.
  45. Lan­caster tran­quil passes through from Mag, steps into restau­rant, the vi­sion falls ar­rives in the one side, be with smile on the face Yabe­miya, is the look is ac­tu­ally star­tled, under foot im­me­di­ately an­chor­age.
  46. Her Yingy­ing Sta­tion, the happy ex­pres­sion be­tween fa­cial fea­tures, is mak­ing him think all of a sud­den when dur­ing that time sees that young girl ap­pear­ance in the flow­er­ing shrubs ini­tially.
  47. That year her year fra­grance 18, with him by mis­take life­long.
  48. Re­calls in­nu­mer­ably in his mind flashes through, he thinks own un­feel­ing na­ture, has no longer eas­ily re­ceived this emo­tion in­flu­ence cer­tainly, at this mo­ment he is clear, that is de­ceives one­self and oth­ers.
  49. „Mis­ter, in­side you in­vited, the fol­low­ing guest must come.” The Miya sound broke his rec­ol­lec­tion to kill.
  50. „Good...... good.” Lan­caster nods, to Yabe­miya not too nat­ural smiled, then moved to­ward nearby va­cancy to sit down.
  51. „This per­son is quite strange.” Miya looked at Lan­caster, whis­pered at heart se­cretly, but took back the mind quickly, con­tin­ued to greet guests to pass through the gate, and started to give a guests meal.
  52. After Lan­caster sits down, the look quickly re­stored to be tran­quil and in­dif­fer­ent, vi­sion seem­ingly non­cha­lant is siz­ing up Yabe­miya, looks at the move­ment of her num­ber, the heart some­what turns sour, was some­what grat­i­fied.
  53. These years, she cer­tainly crosses very much not eas­ily.
  54. How­ever the golden giant dragon blood­lines of her within the body had been ac­ti­vated com­pletely, she is pure golden giant dragon, the royal fam­ily blood­lines is quite now pure.
  55. But gets up ac­cord­ing to the view of Eliz­a­beth, she ac­ti­vates the blood­lines also less than six months, but her pre­sent strength has achieved 5th Rank, in­nate tal­ent even also above dur­ing that time Eliz­a­beth.
  56. Worthily is his Lan­caster daugh­ter, this grade of tal­ent, if given time, Golden Throne, only then she can sit.
  57. Quick, in his mind has started idea Yabe­miya the road of ad­vance­ment, should teach her any­thing skill and merit law in­clud­ing this rank, going to what mys­ti­cal place ex­plo­ration is in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced, grasps what magic beast to her as the pro­tec­tion beast.
  58. „Mis­ter, what do you want?” The fa­mil­iar sound re­sounds in the ear to­gether.
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