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Jun 24th, 2019
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  1. peering_manager=# select asn,name,potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions from peering_autonomoussystem where potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions is not null order by potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions limit 1;
  2. asn | name | potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions
  3. ------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------
  4. 6128 | Cablevision Systems Corporation | {}
  5. (1 row)
  7. peering_manager=#
  9. peering_manager=# select asn,name,potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions from peering_autonomoussystem where potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions << inet '';
  10. ERROR: operator does not exist: inet[] << inet
  11. LINE 1: potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions << inet '0...
  12. ^
  13. HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
  14. peering_manager=#
  16. peering_manager=# d peering_autonomoussystem;
  17. Table "public.peering_autonomoussystem"
  18. Column | Type | Modifiers
  19. ----------------------------------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. id | integer | not null default nextval('peering_autonomoussystem_id_seq'::regclass)
  21. asn | bigint | not null
  22. name | character varying(128) | not null
  23. comment | text | not null
  24. ipv6_max_prefixes | integer | not null
  25. ipv4_max_prefixes | integer | not null
  26. updated | timestamp with time zone |
  27. irr_as_set | character varying(255) |
  28. ipv4_max_prefixes_peeringdb_sync | boolean | not null
  29. ipv6_max_prefixes_peeringdb_sync | boolean | not null
  30. irr_as_set_peeringdb_sync | boolean | not null
  31. created | timestamp with time zone |
  32. potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions | inet[] | not null
  33. contact_email | character varying(254) | not null
  34. contact_name | character varying(50) | not null
  35. contact_phone | character varying(20) | not null
  36. Indexes:
  37. "peering_autonomoussystem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
  38. "peering_autonomoussystem_asn_ec0373c4_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (asn)
  39. Check constraints:
  40. "peering_autonomoussystem_ipv4_max_prefixes_check" CHECK (ipv4_max_prefixes >= 0)
  41. "peering_autonomoussystem_ipv6_max_prefixes_check" CHECK (ipv6_max_prefixes >= 0)
  42. Referenced by:
  43. TABLE "peering_directpeeringsession" CONSTRAINT "peering_directpeerin_autonomous_system_id_691dbc97_fk_peering_a" FOREIGN KEY (autonomous_system_id) REFERENCES peering_autonomoussystem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
  44. TABLE "peering_internetexchangepeeringsession" CONSTRAINT "peering_peeringsessi_autonomous_system_id_9ffc404f_fk_peering_a" FOREIGN KEY (autonomous_system_id) REFERENCES peering_autonomoussystem(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
  46. peering_manager=#
  48. peering_manager=# select asn,name,potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions from peering_autonomoussystem limit 7;
  49. asn | name | potential_internet_exchange_peering_sessions
  50. -------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. 37662 | WIOCC | {2001:504:1::a503:7662:1,}
  52. 38001 | NewMedia Express Pte Ltd | {2001:504:16::9471,}
  53. 46562 | Total Server Solutions | {2001:504:1::a504:6562:1,,2001:504:16::b5e2,,2001:504:1a::35:21,,2001:504:2d::18:80,,2001:504:36::b5e2:0:1,}
  54. 55081 | 24Shells Inc | {2001:504:1::a505:5081:1,}
  55. 62887 | Whitesky Communications | {2001:504:16::f5a7,}
  56. 2603 | NORDUnet | {2001:504:1::a500:2603:1,}
  57. 6128 | Cablevision Systems Corporation | {}
  58. (7 rows)
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