

May 19th, 2016
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  1. * node ( has joined #limittheory
  2. * ChanServ gives voice to node
  3. <@Talvieno> D:
  4. <@Talvieno> OMG
  5. <@Talvieno> OMG OMG OMG
  6. <+Dinosawer> :O
  7. <@Talvieno> is it really
  8. <+outlander> oh
  9. * Talvieno holds breath
  10. <+outlander> hi node o/
  11. <+Dinosawer> ALL HAIL NODE /o/
  12. <+Saoirse> All hail! /o/
  13. * Detritus holds breath too
  14. <+Taiya> All hail! /o/
  15. <node> o/
  16. <@Talvieno> shhhhh
  17. <+Taiya> mannode, I have a lot of messages stored for you!! ^.^ I'll tell you in PM!!
  18. <node> oh boy
  19. <@Talvieno> rofl
  20. <+Detritus> oh great
  21. <+Dinosawer> uh oh
  22. <@Talvieno> xD
  23. <+Dinosawer> inb4 25 pm's
  24. <node> when
  25. <@Talvieno> :D
  26. <@Talvieno> xD
  27. <node> not bad, only 8 this time
  28. <+Dinosawer> I think someone accidentally triggered them a few weeks back
  29. <+Detritus> all about the release of LT, I presume
  30. <node> lol
  31. <@Talvieno> also some of them may have been from the wrong people.
  32. <@Talvieno> taiya is smarter since then
  33. <@Talvieno> taiya?
  34. <+Taiya> hmm?
  35. * Talvieno is now known as Silverware
  36. <node> something about javascript as well? :P
  37. <Silverware> Dino?
  38. * Silverware is now known as Talvieno
  39. <+Dinosawer> yes?
  40. <@Talvieno> yes, that was silver being sad about python.
  41. <+Saoirse> Yay Python!
  42. <@Talvieno> I have since learned python. :D
  43. <+Hema> Hello, Node! o/
  44. <+Taiya> o/
  45. * Dinosawer is pleased about python
  46. <node> Silver why are you sad about python if you like js
  47. * Talvieno has been sharpening python-fu
  48. * EmpressLexi licks node
  49. <+EmpressLexi> ew
  50. <+Dinosawer> he isn't here
  51. <+EmpressLexi> bye
  52. <node> oh lol
  53. <@Talvieno> he's here but afk
  54. <@Talvieno> last seen silver
  55. <+Taiya> I last saw Silver 99 minutes ago: (afk)
  56. <node> erm thanks Empress ._.
  57. <+EmpressLexi> <3
  58. * Detritus gives Master a towel
  59. <node> glad to hear it Talvieno, it's a fun language for sure :)
  60. * Talvieno thanks Detritus
  61. <+Dinosawer> :D
  62. <@Talvieno> how have you been?
  63. <@Talvieno> we missed you!
  64. <node> busy :S
  65. <@Talvieno> well, yes, we figured that.
  66. <+Hema> XD
  67. <@Talvieno> :P
  68. <+Detritus> xD
  69. <+Dinosawer> Oh, what are you making?
  70. <+Dinosawer> :3
  72. <+DV> Nodeynodeynode!
  73. <@Talvieno> Oh, and this month's LTFC is about procedural generation. :D
  74. <+DV> Nodey McNodeface!
  75. <@Talvieno> wat
  76. <+Taiya> o.O
  77. <+Hema> Taiya, last seen slymodi
  78. <+DV> I'm calm.
  79. <+Taiya> I last saw Slymodi 20 hours ago: (:A)
  80. * [node] ( josh
  81. * [node] +#limittheory
  82. * [node] * :The GameSurge IRC Network
  83. * [node] idle 00:01:45, signon: Thu May 19 01:15:04
  84. * [node] End of WHOIS list.
  85. <@Talvieno> I got a patreon set up. yay
  86. <node> well pretty busy with life, but also more and more excited about's a whole lot more fun this way :)
  87. <node> hi DV :P
  88. <@Talvieno> I'm now technically making money off your game :D
  89. * Talvieno prepares for lawsuit
  90. <node> glad to hear it Talv! Fort he book I assume?
  91. <Talvieno> nope, for REKT.
  92. <+Dinosawer> no, for REKT
  93. <node> oh wow cool
  94. * Hema will help Node sue
  95. <node> well from what I can tell it seems to be getting more and more detailed so you deserve it!
  96. * Black--Snow[away] is now known as Black--Snow
  97. <+Black--Snow> Wat
  98. <+Dinosawer> hey Black
  99. <+Black--Snow> Hello!
  100. <+Dinosawer> node is here :D
  101. <+TGS> Hey hey it's the Josh
  102. <@Talvieno> very detailed. lol
  103. <+Black--Snow> I see that
  104. <+Taiya> TGS, Black--Snow wanted me to tell you is there any way to bypass network/computer site blocking without admin priviliages?
  105. <@Talvieno> hey TGS!
  106. <+Black--Snow> I am surprised
  107. <+Taiya> TGS, Black--Snow wanted me to tell you "bic agent" he believe the software is called
  108. * node would rather make money making LT than suing Talv :P
  109. <@Talvieno> hey black!
  110. <@Talvieno> xD
  111. <+TGS> Heya Talvieno
  112. <node> hey Black & TGS
  113. <@Talvieno> you wouldn't get much out of me anyway :P
  114. <node> and dino :)
  115. <+DV> Hey Node. Sorry, just needed to do "Nodey McNodeface" because it was topical.
  116. <+Black--Snow> Poor Talvieno
  117. <+TGS> Hmm interesting question Black--Snow the simple answer is no. The not so simple answer is definitely ;)
  118. <Black--Snow> Node, you could sue him for the money he's getting from REKT. :V
  119. <+Dinosawer> yes!
  120. <node> it's a pretty great nick :T
  121. <+Dinosawer> 57 dollars a month!
  122. <+Dinosawer> :V
  123. <+DV> Glad to hear that things are better for you. Also sorry about the PM spam, I'm sure I contributed because it was funny at the time.
  124. <node> nah he deserves it
  125. <@Talvieno> <Black--Snow> Poor Talvieno <---- hahaha, pun
  126. <+Hema> Nice pun, snow. :P
  127. <+Black--Snow> Indeed, Tal.
  128. <@Talvieno> or double entendre
  129. <node> actually I think someone else swallowed up the pm spam bc I only got 8 when I logged on
  130. <node> so it's all good...
  131. <@Talvieno> yes, actually.
  132. <+Black--Snow> TGS, if you have any textual references for it, I would be interested in reading
  133. <@Talvieno> BMRX stole your nick as a joke a month and a half ago. we all got mad at him.
  134. <+DV> node: Nah, I think you triggered the load of 50, then promplty timed out or quit.
  135. <node> @Talv I'm surprised it wasn't Slymodi this time x_x
  136. <@Talvieno> Sly's been around a lot less lately.
  137. <+DV> It looked like you got scared, since we knew there was quite a lot opf it haha.
  138. <+DV> Or got flooded off the network.
  139. <node> wasn't me :X
  140. <@Talvieno> I'm surprised dwwmagus isn't around.
  141. <+Dinosawer> Taiya, summon DWWMagus
  142. <+DV> Ahhhh. That's funny.
  143. * Taiya draws the pentacle "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Dwwmagus R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!!!"
  144. <node> o_o
  145. <+Hema> I'm surprised Slymodi isn't around. :P
  146. <@Talvieno> xD
  147. <+Hema> XD
  148. <+Detritus> xD
  149. <+Dinosawer> :D
  150. <+EmpressLexi>
  151. <+Saoirse> 1 hour of Yoda - Rockin' and Rollin' - YouTube
  152. <@Talvieno> sometimes she "dances in the moonlight"
  153. <node> I see Taiya has some new occult functionality??
  154. <node> :P
  155. <+Taiya> Does it matter?
  156. <@Talvieno> no
  157. <@Talvieno> just keep doing your thing, taiya
  158. <+Dinosawer> yes, Taiya has much fnctionality
  159. <node> Taiya stronk
  160. <+Dinosawer> and I still can't type
  161. <@Talvieno> oh, yes, and that reminds me
  162. <@Talvieno> taiya browses your forum now.
  163. * Detritus gives Taiya flowers
  164. <+Hema> Taiya, break a fortune cookie for node
  165. * Taiya is happy to have such a kind friend
  166. <+Taiya> The fortune cookie says: A lifetime of happiness is in store for you.
  167. <node> oh yes Talv I meant to reply to you about the bots, but now I can't remember what it was about :P
  168. <@Talvieno> people were wanting to give them pink names to tell them apart.
  169. <node> #goodatkeepingup
  170. <Talvieno> because saoirse logs on too.
  171. <+Saoirse> Pudding!
  172. <+Detritus> "people" is me
  173. <node> Ah, sounds fine
  174. <+Hema> Taiya, get quote 555
  175. <+Taiya> <Hema> Taiya, how much do you like me? <Taiya> enough to give you a kiss, uncle. :) ~~ added by Hema on Apr 07 2016 (555)
  176. <node> Do they post?
  177. <+Dinosawer> no
  178. <@Talvieno> Nope.
  179. <node> k
  180. <@Talvieno> Except when we log in to their accounts :V and post for them.
  181. <+Dinosawer> Taiya is a traitor and reports possible spambots
  182. <node> Gotcha
  183. <+Dinosawer> which is very handy
  184. <@Talvieno> ooh, yes! Taiya reports spambots.
  185. <node> wow cool
  186. <node> that's awesome
  187. <node> well done :D
  188. <@Talvieno> :D
  189. <+Detritus> :D
  190. <node> Taiya > captcha
  191. * THEMIKEBERG ( has joined #limittheory
  192. * ChanServ gives voice to THEMIKEBERG
  193. <+outlander> I'll be off to bed :V
  194. <@Talvieno> well, she doesn't kill bots.
  195. <Hema> Taiya, genwords Limit, theory, Node, Rekt, Death, Bots, forums
  196. <+outlander> 'night folks o/
  197. <+Dinosawer> night outlander
  198. <+Detritus> 'night outlander o/
  199. <+Taiya> That returns: thome, bems, rime, eakt, eane, rots, buts, femit, eade, eane, eade, neoms, eats, thums, roth, nome, fory, thore, leots, and dokt.
  200. <@Talvieno> 'night, outlander o/
  201. <+Taiya> o/
  202. <node> night o/
  203. * outlander has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
  204. <+Hema> o/
  205. <@Talvieno> she just gives everybody in IRC a warning.
  206. <node> still very handy
  207. <@Talvieno> like... one sec... can demonstrate.
  208. <node> I'm curious how you do the screening? Is it based on post content?
  209. <+Dinosawer> post content (links) and post count
  210. <+Dinosawer> most spam is new people making a new topic with links
  211. <node> yeah
  212. * node thumbs up
  213. <+Taiya> WARNING: Potential spambot:
  214. <@Talvieno> ^
  215. <node> excellent
  216. <@Talvieno> <this is the part where talvieno gets banned for being a spambot>
  217. <node> lol
  218. <+Dinosawer> !pwn Talvieno
  219. -ChanServ- You lack access to #limittheory.
  220. <Talvieno> no dino, you're doing it wrong
  221. <@Talvieno> you have to be a mod first. then you say
  222. <+Dinosawer> oh god
  223. <@Talvieno> !pwn talvieno
  224. * ChanServ has kicked Talvieno from #limittheory ((Talvieno) Bye.)
  225. <+Hema> Tal, kick him!
  226. <+Dinosawer> oh
  227. * Hema claps
  228. * DWWMagus has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  229. * Talvieno (~Talvieno@Talvieno.user.gamesurge) has joined #limittheory
  230. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Talvieno
  231. <+Detritus> xD
  232. <+Dinosawer> that didn't go as I expected
  233. <+Detritus> rofl
  234. <@Talvieno> xD
  235. <Talvieno> You thought I was going to kick you, dino?
  236. <+Dinosawer> yes
  237. <node> xD
  238. <+Dinosawer> :V
  239. <+Detritus> rofl
  240. <+Detritus> oh, the floor broke
  241. <+Detritus> dangit
  242. <@Talvieno> oh
  243. <@Talvieno> taiya also does something else...
  244. <@Talvieno> but I will let her show that herself.
  245. <+Dinosawer> Taiya is index page
  246. <@Talvieno> will be a few minutes before it happens.
  247. <+Dinosawer> ah
  248. <node> :o
  249. <@Talvieno> :D
  250. <+Detritus> :DD
  251. <+Taiya> Josh is online! Right now, he is Index page.
  252. <+Dinosawer> rofl
  253. <node> hahahaha
  254. <+Detritus> ROFL
  255. <+Dinosawer> hi Index page, I'm Dino
  256. <@Talvieno> :D
  257. <+Dinosawer> :V
  258. <+Hema> Taiya, what do you look like?
  259. <+Taiya>
  260. <+Hema> XD
  261. <node> just what we needed, more josh alerts x_x :P
  262. <@Talvieno> xD
  263. <+Detritus> xD
  264. <@Talvieno> well, we didn't want to miss you coming online :P
  265. <+Dinosawer> your visits are rare, the cannot go unnoticed
  266. <+Dinosawer> :D
  267. <+Dinosawer> *they
  268. <@Talvieno> psi link strong
  269. * Dinosawer makes psi sounds
  270. <@Talvieno> <psssssszzzzsssiiiiisssiiizzzzz
  271. <@Talvieno> >
  272. <node> hehe hopefully less rare in the coming months :) (he said for the n+1st time)
  273. <+Dinosawer> hopefully
  274. <+Dinosawer> :V
  275. <@Talvieno> well, after you get beta out and you're on the forums constantly I'll have to remove that feature from taiya.
  276. <@Talvieno> or else she'll post it in here once every six hours.
  277. <node> yeah beta is going to be crazy
  278. <node> 24/7 duty x_x
  279. * Dinosawer is looking forward to it
  280. <@Talvieno> xD nah
  281. <node> me too
  282. <@Talvieno> just designate sleep time.
  283. <+Detritus> 11 PM to 8 AM
  284. <node> indeed
  285. <@Talvieno> and have good mods.
  286. <node> :D
  287. <node> already got em ;D
  288. <+Dinosawer> and let people jelp sort bug reports and all that
  289. <+Dinosawer> *help
  290. <node> yes we will def get a bug reporting system up
  291. <+Dinosawer> Don't be like tal and try to do everything yourself :V
  292. <+Detritus> xD
  293. <@Talvieno> :V I don't try to do everything myself.
  294. <node> :P oh goodness I would never do that
  295. <@Talvieno> just most things. :V
  296. <+Dinosawer> Oh you try
  297. <node> ^ :P
  298. <+Dinosawer> I just don't let you
  299. <@Talvieno> xD
  300. <+Dinosawer> :p
  301. <@Talvieno> true.
  302. <@Talvieno> I let you guys hold the other end of the conversation. :V
  303. <@Talvieno> so it's not like I'm doing everything. :V there's something.
  304. <+Dinosawer> :V
  305. * node is now known as node_afk
  306. <+Dinosawer> :O
  307. <node_afk> :3
  308. <@Talvieno> :O
  309. <@Talvieno> :D
  310. <+Detritus> that worried me for a sec
  311. * Talvieno whispers he stays :3
  312. <node_afk> ;3
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