
Lost Vegas, Part 1

Oct 20th, 2012
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  1. >You are Marcus, owner of the best Alicorn breeding farm around
  2. >It's been four months since Cleveland was erased from the face of the Earth
  3. >Your farm thrives because of that disaster
  4. >People realized that normal fluffies were pretty stupid
  5. >Alicorns, on the other hand, are smart enough not to cause a state of emergency
  6. >Demand for them skyrocketed almost immediately
  7. >Regular feral fluffies were hunted down and either killed on the spot or sold to Chinese restaurants
  8. >There's still plenty of domestics around, but about 25% of the market now belongs to Alicorns
  9. >Considering nearly everyone in the damn country owns a fluffy, that's a LOT of money
  10. >You and Jennifer are raking it in
  11. >Of course, Anon gets a cut too
  12. >Without his runt, Starsplash, you never would have discovered the secret to Alicorn breeding
  13. >Turns out runt plus normal fluffy equals Alicorn for whatever reason
  14. >Ever since you discovered how things work, life has been perfect
  15. >Well...almost perfect...
  17. >It's been about three weeks since Lemondrop, one of your mares, has given birth
  18. >Her foals are old enough to be weaned, and now comes the toughest part of your job
  19. >You walk into the pens and head to Lemondrop's cage
  20. >Jen is already in the room, counting the newborns
  21. "Hey, Marcus...that time already...?"
  22. "Looks like it. I always hate this."
  23. >No amount of time in this profession makes taking the babies any easier
  24. >Even though you know they'll go to good homes, separating them from their parents is always heart-wrenching
  25. "Did you want any help?"
  26. "I think I got it...there's only three."
  27. "Alright, I'll be around. Let me know if anything goes wrong."
  28. "Here goes nothing..."
  30. >Lemondrop is in her cage feeding her babies
  31. >They're definitely getting too big for milk
  32. >She perks up a bit when she notices you approaching
  33. "Hewwo, missa Mawcus! Nummie time awweady?"
  34. "No, Lemon...it's not time for food..."
  35. "Den...wy hewe?"
  36. "Well...your babies are getting pretty big and-"
  37. "Wuv babbehs! Dey good babbehs!"
  38. >A cacophony of "mummeh," "wuv," "miwk," etc. assaults your ears
  39. "Yes. They're very good babies, but...they can't just have milk forever. They need food for big fluffies."
  40. >Lemondrop doesn't seem to understand
  41. >Even Alicorns aren't THAT smart
  42. "Buh...babbehs need miwk!"
  43. "Babies aren't babies forever, Lemon...they'll get too big for you to take care of."
  44. >The realization of what's happening suddenly hits the fluffy like a ton of bricks at terminal velocity
  46. >This is her first litter
  47. >She'll understand soon enough
  48. "I'm sorry, Lemon, but your babies will go to a good home with lots of-"
  50. >It pains you, but you have to be stern with her
  51. "No. You can't have them, and they're coming with me. That's it."
  52. >You grab up the foals and they squirm around in your hand, crying out for their mother
  53. >Lemondrop is hysterical
  54. >She's collapsed in a heap of tears and sobs
  55. >You set a cookie down in her cage and take away her water bowl
  56. >You replace it with a hamster water bottle
  57. >Can't risk her drowning herself
  58. "Shhh...it's alright, little guys...you'll get new parents very soon. I promise."
  60. >After introducing Lemondrop's babies to solid food, you head back to the cages
  61. >Jen is trying to calm Lemon down
  62. "How's she doing?"
  63. "Fine, considering. They're always like this the first time, though."
  64. >Lemondrop is crying silently
  65. >The cookie remains untouched
  66. >You didn't really expect her to take it
  67. "Well...we'll show her the foals tomorrow to prove they're alright."
  68. "That'll be good...maybe she'll calm down a bit then."
  69. "wan babbehs..."
  71. >You finish up work for the day and head back to the house
  72. >You hear a knock on the door
  73. "Gee, wonder who THAT could be..."
  74. >You open the door and are greeted by Anon
  75. >In his arms is Starsplash, who is happily babbling about playing with Sunsplash
  76. "Hey, Anon. What brings you over here?"
  77. "Oh, you know. It's about time for Star's, uh...session, and I felt like you and the lady could use a bit of company."
  78. "Alright...take Star out to Vanilla's cage and I'll get some drinks"
  79. >You grab a case of beer out of the fridge and head into your living room
  80. >A few minutes later, Anon comes back with Starsplash and sets him loose in Sun's safe room
  81. "So, how's things going at Chateau Anon?"
  82. "Oh, you know...just doing my thing."
  83. "So boring?"
  84. "Bored as hell."
  85. "Thought so. Any ideas for some fun?"
  86. "Not yet...but we do have a shit load of beer here...and the night is young."
  87. >Drinking with Anon never ends well
  88. >Fuck it. It's a Saturday and dammit, you're going to have fun
  89. >Even if it kills you
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