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Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. Dear Sir/Madam,
  3. I am forced to write a report for Game Moderator "-WWA-" TruckersMP ID: 1136705. I did a little research because I got banned very quickly and that made me suspicious. The player who reported me made his report a few hours after I did mine report on him, in attachments there are screen shots which prove what I wrote (screens wwa1, wwa2, wwa3). Unfortunately in a strange way report which was prepared later was examined earlier, my report is still hanging and waiting for consideration, in attachments there are screen shots which prove what I wrote (screens wwa1, wwa2, wwa3). That is why I am forced to say that the game moderator "-WWA-" TruckersMP ID: 1136705 considers reports out of order. Maybe that he cosiders report out of order is not that shameful behavior, but there is few things I have to add. I spoke to my friends which is TruckersMP player, we talked about this incident, he asked me who reported me and which Game Moderator banned me, when I said that "Angel_Arrow" TruckersMP ID: 90931 reported me and
  4. Game Moderator "-WWA-" TruckersMP ID: 1136705 banned me he immediately said that they know each other. I was shocked and I immediately wanted to prove that they know each other, it was not hard to find some eviedences that they may have contact with each other, I entered to their twitch channels that are linked to their TruckersMP accounts, what I found there is enough proof for that they may have contact with each other, they follow each other on twitch, in attachments there are screen shots which prove what I wrote (screens wwa4, wwa5), "Angel_arrow" on his stream more than once entered the "-WWA-" streams. Moreover I was banned for "Intentional Blocking, Reckless Driving" in the reason was this clip " ", on this video we can see that I overtook him in normal way then I slowed down in normal way too, I did not brake test him, I do not think that slowing down is illegal, what is more on that video we can see how he was overtaking me and in his mirror we can see how he bumped into me with his trailer. Of corse I appealed as an answer he wrote that "Overtaking and then slowing down continuously is a violation of the rules" and as a rules that I "violated" he wrote I "violated" "§2.3 - Blocking" and "§2.5 - Reckless Driving", I did not break the rules I did not restrict Angel_Arrow travel path, I did not block him, I did not cause danger, Angel_Arrow caused accident, even twice when he hit me with his trailer, you can see screen from my appeal (wwa6). This is ridiculous that "-WWA-" the Game Moderator favors his friends - he considered his friend report earlier, he considered the request in favor of Angel_Arrow even though Angel_Arrow caused several accidents in the eviedence that he attached in the report on me, such behavior should be severely punished. I feel offended, cheated and unjustlu judged.
  6. Yours faithfully,
  7. TruckersMP player.
  10. WWA1:
  12. WWA2:
  13. _nc_cat=109&_nc_eui2=AeFRlQJsi2QMadqm3K8I_GczPG5KNUGhoixPxySnwUGmx0CQQQXY9z6O1_U2PAQctJLo7jfCSsGCdmdMMpCUGn4X-jDe7AC2U911rmm8zSt3AA&_nc_oc=AQlLF_2Vix1Cuq1xM4Xo9j6X8_t87W2tW12W41egUlgddYTir5cfmeNTYSdaYUqKGnI&_nc_ht=scontent.fktw1-1.fna&oh=3c5ebfa9b08a8fb12f7eb746964e6977&oe=5E34BE81
  15. WWA3:
  17. WWA4:
  19. WWA5:
  21. WWA6:
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