

Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {quest.%player%} = 0
  3. {sten.%player%} = 0
  4. {kills.%player%} = 0
  5. {deaths.%player%} = 0
  8. command /npcmission:
  9. trigger:
  10. execute player command "/npc create &6&lMissioner"
  11. execute player command "/npc look"
  12. execute player command "/npc skin VacrosDK"
  15. on inventory click:
  16. inventory name of player's current invnetory contaians "&6&lMission-Menu":
  17. clicked slot = 1:
  18. MissionMine(player)
  22. on rightclick on entity:
  23. if name of entity is "&6&lMissioner":
  24. if {quest.%player%} is 0:
  25. send "&7" to player
  26. send "&aDu aktiverede nu mission menuen!" to player
  27. send "&cHøjreklik for at se mission menuen!" to player
  28. send "&7" to player
  29. set {quest.%player%} to 1
  31. stop
  33. if {quest.%player%} is 1:
  34. wait 3 tick
  35. open chest with 1 rows named "&6&lMission-Menu" to player
  36. wait 3 tick
  37. format slot 0 of player with cobblestone named "&7&lMine-Quest" with lore "&aDette skal du bruge for at klare denne mission:|| ||&7-------------[&8&lMine-Mission&7]---------------|| ||&71. &4&l320 &cstykker cobblestone &4(5 Stacks)||&72. &4&l128 &cstykker smeltet sten &4(2 stacks)|| ||&7-------------[&8&lMine-Mission&7]---------------" to close then run [execute player command "MissionMine(player)"]
  38. format slot 1 of player with seeds named "&e&lNarko-Mission" with lore "&aDette skal du bruge for at klare denne mission:|| ||&7-------------[&e&lNarko-Mission&7]---------------|| ||&72. &4&l64 &cstykker wheat &4(1 Stack)||&72. &4&l320 &cseeds &4(5 stacks)||&73. &4&l1 &cDiamond Hoe || ||&7-------------[&e&lNarko-Mission&7]---------------" to close then run [execute player command "/missionnarkofucntion92389"]
  39. format slot 2 of player with book named "&4Kill-Mission" with lore "&aDette skal du bruge for at klare denne mission:|| ||&7-------------[&4&lMislykket Morder-&c&lMission&7]---------------|| ||&71. &4&l100&c Kills!||&72. &4&l100 &cDeaths!|| ||&7-------------[&4&lMislykket Morder-&c&lMission&7]---------------" to close then run [execute player command "/missionkillpoikpghopuopihnds"]
  42. function MissionMine(p:player):
  43. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  44. {MissionMine::%{_uuid}%} = true:
  45. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har allerede klaret denne mission!" to {_p}
  46. stop
  47. amount of stone in {_p}'s inventory > 127:
  48. amount of cobblestone in {_p}'s inventory > 319:
  49. wait 5 ticks
  50. remove 320 of cobblestone from the inventory of {_p}
  51. wait 3 ticks
  52. remove 128 of stone from inventory of {_p}
  53. send "&7" to {_p}
  54. send "&7--------[&8lMine-Mission&7]--------" to {_p}
  55. send "&7" to {_p}
  56. send "&a&lDu har nu klaret din &8&lMine&a&l mission!" to {_p}
  57. send "&7" to {_p}
  58. send "&7--------[&8lMine-Mission&7]--------" to {_p}
  59. send "&7" to {_p}
  60. set {MissionMine::%{_uuid}%} to true
  61. stop
  62. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har ikke de ting jeg skal bruge!" to {_p}
  63. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har ikke de ting jeg skal bruge!" to {_p}
  65. command /missionnarkofucntion92389:
  66. trigger:
  67. MissionNarko(player)
  70. function MissionNarko(p:player):
  71. set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
  72. {MissionNarko::%{_uuid}%} = true:
  73. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har allerede klaret denne mission!" to {_p}
  74. stop
  75. amount of seeds in {_p}'s inventory > 319:
  76. amount of wheat in {_p}'s inventory > 63:
  77. amount of diamond hoe in {_p}'s inventory > 0:
  78. wait 5 ticks
  79. remove 320 of seeds from the inventory of {_p}
  80. remove 64 of wheat from inventory of {_p}
  81. remove 1 of diamond hoe from inventory of {_p}
  82. send "&7" to {_p}
  83. send "&7--------[&e&lNarko-Mission&7]--------" to {_p}
  84. send "&7" to {_p}
  85. send "&a&lDu har nu klaret din &e&lNarko&a&l mission!" to {_p}
  86. send "&7" to {_p}
  87. send "&7--------[&e&lNarko-Mission&7]--------" to {_p}
  88. send "&7" to {_p}
  89. set {MissionNarko::%{_uuid}%} to true
  90. stop
  91. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har ikke de ting jeg skal bruge!" to {_p}
  92. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har ikke de ting jeg skal bruge!" to {_p}
  93. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har ikke de ting jeg skal bruge!" to {_p}
  96. on death of a player:
  97. the attacker = a player
  98. wait a tick
  99. add 1 to {kills::%uuid of the attacker%}
  100. add 1 to {deaths::%uuid of the victim%}
  101. command /missionkillpoikpghopuopihnds:
  102. trigger:
  103. wait 3 tick
  104. {kills::%uuid of the player%} > 99:
  105. {klaret.missionkills::%uuid of the player%} isn't set:
  106. send "&7" to player
  107. send "&7--------[&4&lKill-Mission&7]--------" to player
  108. send "&7" to player
  109. send "&a&lDu har nu klaret din &4&lKill Mission!" to player
  110. send "&7" to player
  111. send "&7--------[&4&lKill-Mission&7]--------" to player
  112. send "&7" to player
  113. add 3000 to the player's balance
  114. set {klaret.missionkills::%uuid of the player%} to true
  115. stop trigger
  116. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har allerede klaret denne mission!" to the command sender
  117. stop
  118. send "&6&lMissioner &8» &eDu har ikke &6&l100&e kills endnu!" to the command sender
  121. command /missionreset [<offline player>]:
  122. permission: Mission.reset
  123. trigger:
  124. if arg-1 is not set:
  125. set {quest.%player%} to 0
  126. set {sten.%player%} to 0
  127. set {kills.%player%} to 0
  128. set {deaths.%player%} to 0
  129. set {MissionNarko::%{_uuid}%} to false
  130. set {klaret.missionkills::%uuid of the player%} to false
  131. send "&c&lDu har reset alle dine missioner!"
  132. else:
  133. set {quest.%arg-1%} to 0
  134. set {sten.%arg-1%} to 0
  135. set {kills.%arg-1%} to 0
  136. set {deaths.%arg-1%} to 0
  137. set {MissionNarko::%{_uuid}%} to false
  138. set {klaret.missionkills::%uuid of the player%} to false
  139. send "&c&lDu har reset %arg-1%'s Missioner!"
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