
NOT FOUND ONLINE -translation practice

May 17th, 2015
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  2. -salfare
  6. ~Summary~
  7. Devoting himself to just study and discarding all pleasure, lives the junior high second year student, Kajiwara Nozomu. However one summer day, he encountered the VRMMORPG 'NOT FOUND ONLINE' by chance. An Action Game story depicting a young mage in an unusual game.
  9. ~Prologue~
  10. There are quite a lot of people who call me a dunce. Wel, I can't really deny it though. I am Kajiwara Nozomu, born in 2010 and an extremely average junior high second year student. In order to satisfy my parents and enter a good high school, I am abandoning the worthless pleasures such as games and television, and studying for the exam a little earlier. For that reason, I haven't really been conversing with my classmates and have few friends. Well, I think that's fine though.
  11. Our house only has two computers, not to mention they're laptops. One is mine, the other is my father's. I forgot to mention earlier but it's not like the Kashiwara household is in poverty. My mother doesn't work but my father is a bank clerk. We are not wanting for money. Or rather, we do not need it. We don't really have anything we want that needs spending money. That's why we've just been saving up. I've been raised with the doctrine that 'saving up is a good thing', so to spend money on pleasures and such is just foolish. I'm fine as long as I can buy notebooks, reference books, mechanical pencils, lead and erasers. Oh and a ruler.
  12. Well, such a me is usually represented by words like the following. Unkempt Glasses. Glasses Shorty. Glasses Nerd. So idiotic. Don't you guys have any names other than Glasses. And so I practically have no friends. I don't want any so it doesn't matter though.
  13. Now if there's a god, they're an idiot. That's because they purposefully go around and deliver opportunities to all the 7 billion humans without expense. They appeared in front of me who was considerably content at the time with no exception. It started when I was called out to by a slightly unusual girl one summer day in my second year of junior high.
  14. My other world, that is.
  16. ~Chapter 1: Encounter~
  17. -Part 1-
  19. "Kajiwara-kun! Join our club!"
  20. I unintentionally let out a deep sigh in response to the girl who hit my desk in the centre row by the window with both hands while shouting in a loud voice. While thinking that they haven't broken yet, I fix the familiar black-rimmed glasses with my right hand and put the math textbook I was holding onto the desk.
  21. "...Fukuda-senpai..."
  22. "Wah! You remembered!? I'm so happy!"
  23. "Of course I remember, you come recruiting every month! Or rather, you have the same reaction every month!"
  24. I retort in an abnormally loud voice and sigh once more. The one who has been noisily chattering away is Fukuda Kumi.
  25. A third year with shoulder-length brown hair worn with only part of her hair tied up in a rubber band with large green beads, protruding to the right. Older than me by one year, she has been coming to recruit me for club activities during lunch on the first friday of every month since the middle of last year, when I first started school. Her looks are, well, above average but I have no affections for her whatsoever.
  26. "And so, did you come to be rejected again?"
  27. "No no no, it's my chance this time! Kajiwara-kun, didn't you resign from the Astronomy club?"
  28. Indeed, that was true. The whole world's
  29. "That doesn't mean I'll join the 『MMO Association』..."
  30. Right. This girl wanted to recruit me for the 『MMO Association』. Just like its name, it's a gathering of people who enjoy MMORPGs, Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games with absurdly long names. But she's practically barking up the wrong tree. Just like I mentioned earlier, I have absolutely no interest in such pleasures.
  31. "Eh, why not~. Once is fine so just come check it out, you'll definitely enjoy it!"
  32. "If I had the time to play games, I'd rather study instead. There's only one and a half years until the high school entrance exams."
  33. "You've still got one and a half years!"
  34. "You've only got eight months to prepare for the tests at the end of the year so you shouldn't be saying that!"
  35. Somehow I'm a little bothered by our surroundings so I lightly clear my throat.
  36. "Well in any case, I have no interest in MMORPGs."
  37. When I said that and tried to open my textbook again, Fukuda-senpai suddenly leans close to my ear and whispers.
  39. "(...Mai-chan's going to try joining too~)"
  41. With a loud *clank*, I involuntarily stood up and took a step back. The plump Kurasaki who was nonchalantly eating lunchbox in the seat behind me stupidly let out a "Wah" so I muttered a "Ah, my bad" and sat down again. I brought my face towards Fukuda-senpai and covered my mouth with a hand.
  42. "(...where did you hear that!?)"
  43. "(hehe~♪ I'll be troubled if you underestimate my intelligence network~)"
  44. I made the deepest sigh of today and hit my forehead with my right hand. I decided to forget about Sakurasaki Mai for the time being but a high school student is really quite fearsome.
  45. "...I'll think about it..."
  46. "Alrighty~~! New club member acquired!"
  47. "Sakurasaki-san is joining so you already have a new member..."
  48. Looking at the smiling Fukuda-senpai who ignored my words and was displaying a peace sign, I gave up and just stuffed my face into the textbook on the table.
  50. -Part 2-
  52. Sakurasaki Mai. Azami Junior High, second grade class B, in other words, a girl from the class next door. A female student who didn't let me stop attaching '-san' when we had our only conversation. I've always been thinking about the reason since starting school but haven't been able to reach a conclusion. At this point my theory is that 『That girl is releasing an aura to keep my actions in check! That's right, it's obviously that!』. I can't think of anything but that.
  53. The impressive Sakurasaki was overall a polite person, heartwarming and reserved with an above average height and long, jet black hair tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon. The word 'pure' would suit her well. In addition, her archery skills were enough to get her into the best 8 of the Junior High national archery competition as a second year student. Furthermore, she so great that she was second place in the cram school I went to to achieve top results. She was certainly accomplished in both academics and sport. Honestly, she was much more amazing than I was.
  54. Her parentage wasn't very remarkable but she'd often go on spiels about her father. It seemed like she also had someone she liked at school but I didn't bother inquiring that far.
  55. My conclusion. Sakurasaki Mai was a terribly charming woman. And for the only time in my life, I was attracted a girl and this girl only.
  57. -Part 3-
  59.  放課後、俺は風見中学校の3階の端にあるイクト室と呼ばれる教室に向かった。『Internet and Computer Technology』の頭文字をとって生徒間でつけられた名前だが、ようはコンピュータ室だ。こんなところに来たのはここが『MMO同好会』の部室になっているからだ。ドアの前に立つと、何やら可愛らしいキャラクターがいっぱい描かれた『MMO同好会』の看板が俺を待ち構えていた。たしか十何年か前に世界中で一世を風靡した『フ○イナルファンタジー』なるゲームのキャラクターを可愛くしたものらしい。一つ深い息をついてから白い引き戸を開けようとした時、
  60. 「あれ、梶原君?」
  61. その声に俺は自分でも驚くほどビクッ!っと肩を振るわせた。このちょっと甘い響きのある声には大変に聞き覚えがある。俺は恐る恐る振り返ると、やはりそこには彼女がいた。
  62. 「さ、桜崎、さん」
  63. 俺がカチコチになりながら言うと、
  64. 「あー、やっぱり梶原君だ。梶原君も『MMO同好会』に?」
  65. 「あ、は、はい!」
  66. ガッチガチになりながら答える俺。
  67. 「わぁ〜、そうなんだ。楽しみだね。いっしょにがんばろ!」
  68. 「は、はい!よろしくおにぇがいします!」
  69. 馬鹿野郎。そこ噛むな。まぁ桜崎が笑ってくれたからよしとしよう。
  71. 「「失礼しまーす」」
  72.  俺と桜崎は控えめに挨拶をしながらイクトのスライドドアを開けると、そこに二人の先輩がいた。
  73.  一人はすっかりおなじみの福田久美先輩。何やら銀色のヘルメットのようなものを被って、パソコンのおいてある机に突っ伏している。アイシールド付きのヘルメットのせいでいつもは福田先輩の代名詞とも言える飛び出し髪は拝むことはできない。
  74.  その脇に座り、彼女の顔を覗き込む眼鏡の男子生徒が一人。こちらは何度か廊下で見た事はあるが、名前までは知らない。少し銀色がかった髪は落ち着いた印象を与え、紺色の眼鏡の知的な雰囲気をいっそう強めている。身長はかなり高いが、シルエットそのものはほっそりとしていた。
  75.  その先輩は俺と桜崎を見つけると立ち上がり、
  76. 「やぁ。君たちが、久美がつれて来たって言う新入部員だね。桜崎舞さんと、梶原望君?」
  77. 落ち着いた、しかし親しげな声ではなしかけて来た。俺と桜崎はこくり、と頷いて肯定する。
  78. 「そうか。俺は3年の寺井誠。別に部長かなんかって訳でもないが、なにぶん部員が少ないんでね。よろしく」
  79. 「「よろしくお願いします」」
  80. 寺井先輩は軽く頷くと、貸し切りのコンピュータ室、通称イクト室の教卓に向かい、そこから適当に分厚い紙束を二つ持って来た。参考書や過去問を死ぬほど見ている俺の目分量が正しければ、A4紙十五枚くらいか。
  81. 「僕達『MMO同好会』当分の活動内容はに週間前に発売された新作VRMMO『NOT FOUND ONLINE』の攻略だ」
  82. 「「『NOT FOUND ONLINE』?」」
  83. 「そもそも君たち、VRMMOってわかる?」
  84. 俺と桜井が首を横に振ると、寺井先輩は少し笑って、
  85. 「じゃあ、まずそこから説明しよう」
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