
Asim's Hatred Grows

Jan 17th, 2020
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  1. [20:02] {NARRATION} Into the depths of the Vale, the forces that would try to save Sophie Duran ventured. Though they managed to slip through the misty, occult ridden village of Moonfall and into its deepest caverns, their luck was soon to run out.
  3. Attempting to sneak behind the backs of witches and madmen never really works out in the end, especially when some of them are rumored to be drawn to essence like a shark to blood.
  5. Before the knights could escape with their lost comrade, the whole of Moonfall blocked their way on this dark night.
  7. ...
  9. And across Esshar, within the prisons of Osrona, the shadows and fog finally converged against the struggling guards left there, all of them aiming to free Vasilios Quinn himself.
  12. (You may RP!)
  13. [20:08] Raising his myhtril axe over his broad shoulder, the giant of a man Grendel gazes towards the oncoming knights, and their supporters.
  15. "... You, really are persistent." He'll utter out, in a deep, stern voice.
  16. This is the third time that they are trying to raid Moonfall, after all- And he hoped they'll learn the lesson by the second time.
  18. "You've come marching into the vale again, despite our warnings- And trying to take one of those you lost from your first attempt."
  20. He'll take a moment to look to his sides, to see how many from Moonfall, or those that are willing to assist the village, are standing with him.
  22. Once more, it seems that they are outnumbered by the Osronian might.
  24. But... That hasn't stopped them from pushing off the raids before, and with fortune's wind- They'll do it again!
  25. (Grendel Beo)
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. [20:09] They had made it further than they had the last time, thankfully; perhaps it was luck, or sheer tactical fortitude on their part but soon enough the forces of Moonfall gathered to stop them. Her lips twitched upwards into a soft smile, gentle and seemingly care free as could be.
  30. "Figures." She commented lightly. But it didn't matter to Erika one bit whether one witch or twenty stood in their path - because the exorcist was fairly confident in the First Light's attempt to rescue poor Sophie at this point. Shaking her head, Erika's hands fell into her jacket pocket slowly as she stared forward. Once more, the noble spoke up, inclining her head upwards just slightly as a rather haughty tone emerged from him.
  32. "You know why we're here," She said once more, as a sort of throw back to the first attempted rescue of Sophie. "So despite the fact I know you all won't make this easy and just hand her over... I'll give you this chance."
  34. A hand slipped from her jacket, holding it open towards the assembled forces facing against them.
  36. "Give us Sophie cos Duran. Now." She demanded, gray eyes narrowing.
  37. (Erika cos Salis)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [20:09] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  41. [20:09] The disturbance in the Vale calls Ghede back from his latest trip early, albeit with his right eye missing entirely. Blood has crystalized over the wound to prevent the gruesome sight, but the lack of one of his beautiful, glowing eyes can be noted.
  43. "Release the Valehounds. Whisper to the vines and make em' dance! None of the intruders will leave this place alive!"
  45. Despite his wound and lack of depth perception, the Showman is doing that which he knows best: putting on a show.
  47. And although the fate of the prisoner is not something he is too heavily invested in, Eudocia's property was her own. Never to be taken away by the Knights or heroes of Osrona.
  49. Walking forward with pep in his step and his staff twirling in his off-hand, Ghede pursues the fleeing knights out into an open section of the Vale, where they have more room to work with.
  51. "Places, everyone! And remember: Put on your best show. They are watchin'."
  52. (Atreus Ghede)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [20:09] The ookami would be following behind the others. His eyes lingering through the fog. It was easy quite to easy! The man would hope he could find a solution to this problem but he would be nervous.
  57. "Wow. I wonder what we run into today. Should be fun." The wind beginning to pick up from the man's form. Whoever they came across it was hunt on. He had to be careful and be smart.
  59. Still none of that was ever easy.
  61. With everything that happened this situation was about to get extremely tense. He begin to let that inner rage become his motivation. That heart break was going to be his power.
  63. Though he look to see the enemies.
  65. "Well then here we go again I guess."
  68. (Tonashi Botcher)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [20:09] "Like rats to the rotting mounds of cheese!" Anabelle squealed as she came over a ridge with the rest of Moonfall's gathered. "They can't resist it!! Our home, our prizes!!" She was trembling with anger, but her voice was so shrill and high, it almost sounded like she was excited. Behind her prowled a great, antlered beast resembling a wolf some three times the witch's size.
  73. Its glowing, phantom blue eyes matched the intensity and color of its master, and both the girl and her companion now stood among the line halting the Order's escape.
  75. Among them Ana noted the Salises; two knights she herself had faced off against, both of whom had hurt her when she had believed such things impossible. The very foundations of Anabelle's world were shaken on both occasions, and knowing such a fact would make her present temperament far more understandable.
  77. But no one was likely to know such things.
  79. "They won't listen to warnings, Jingles! Ana said, her occultism burning around her body like a black flame. "Give the guards the order, Ghede! Let's bleed them all!!"
  80. (Anabelle Lockwood)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [20:09] "Hello you horrible, ugly, occultic-druid-loving mother-"
  86. There was nothing more than a silence, and some hints of anger as he quickly took notice of Tonashi in the group. They were the ones that vanished with his subordinate, and he was the one that he wanted to get it.
  88. That was mostly why he was here, anyway. Everyone else? He didn't give that much of a care for despite all the situations that may be there.
  90. To his right? He saw his three people. The three of the city watch with the addition of Ka who were... on his the side of knights? Literal traitor.
  92. But, for now? The only one that Louis wanted, for the simple case of revenge was him:
  94. "You, youuu… give me my subordinate."
  96. A groan and a hiss. Only focused on the one person there. And the cells that they may have his many, many subordinates;
  98. "City Watch; we have a mission to collect those that they have captured. Defeat any obstacle, push them to the side. Show them why we are something to fear."
  99. (Louis)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [20:09] Well, off were the Knights once more... What better time to do some jail-duty? Placing his hands in the crook of his back he'd hold a small hum. It was orders, of course, to do routine checkups on the jails within the city. Drawing in a slow breath the Lunaris steps into one of many locations--
  104. Only to see shadows and fog within it. Steely-blues slowly pour over the sight before him as his lips purse into a thin line. A soft grumbling escapes past his lips as he places his hand on the hilt of his runeblade; Tensing his grip about it he'd let mana roll on out of his form in the usual haze.
  106. Well, so much for a routine checkup.
  108. Flecks of stardust begin to cascade off his shoulders, Mythril greaves clinking against the floorboards as he made his way into that mist. If this is what Moonfall had planned for the city while the Knights were away?..
  110. Then he'd face it head on. Attempting to illuminate the area around him the haze of energy flares -- Mana doubling down on the shroud about him, increasing its size!
  111. (Caelus Lunaris)
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [20:09] Marisol's scar still lays on his cheek as he looks to the oncoming threat with welcoming eyes.
  116. A pale azure illuminates his visages as every and all things spiritual become visible. The fleeting spirits scatter as bad things were bound to happen with such a dense concentration of occultists. Of course this meant that more darker spirits were going to be drawn to the match. The thought of this was a nice one. Fulfilling even.
  118. There was no Marisol in sight.
  120. No one that he really even cared about truthfully. This just meant that whoever the unfortunate soul was they'd have to experience him venting for the first time in a while.
  122. Nevertheless.
  124. They always came, and they always fell. Phobos was in it for the fun anyways. That was all that mattered in the end.
  125. (Phobos)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [20:09] Yvel stood stalwart, The young fae behind him shuddering at the taint she felt from the land. Yvel had done his best to teach Nil about the beauty of Osrona and Esshar. The kindness and love that Humanity can have, But the larger the light the larger the shadow is casted.
  130. And on this day to save his comrade Sophie Duran he would bring Nil to see for herself the horrors of the world the very reason he sought her out to deal with the terrifying power the occultists wield.
  132. No words were spoken, Yvel merely stood at the ready, His staff drawn as he saw the blockade of Moonfall denizens and criminals. Unlike his prior engagements however no true emotion of fear or anger spilled from his visage.
  134. He'd done the work on himself, Improved to a certain degree and he had to trust in the abilities he had fostered to this point. Even if it was a false bravado he had to place on himself he held it firm. As he took a step towards the his pursuers.
  136. Nil of course trying her best but feeling quite faint towards the excessive occultic magic but she took mimicked Yvel's bravery in this moment, The young fae stood tall, As they both prepared for what was to come.
  143. (Yvel Endore)
  144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. [20:09] The time was finally upon them.
  148. Now that her wounds had been healed, the ice woman had become even more confident in her ability to overcome whatever obstacles were placed before her. The cause at hand was a noble one and none that permitted any room for failure. After all, as soon as Sophie was back in their hands, they no longer needed to keep that detestable murderer alive.
  150. Asphira thus marches alongside her comrades while leaving a trail of ice in her wake, eventually reaching a barricade of malicious individuals. Though none in particular stood out to her, the Knight was well prepared to take down whoever she needed to in order to help her people reach the Duran in their care.
  152. Such was her objective at the moment.
  153. (Asphira Falstaff)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [20:09] The Starry hues of the Loa stand alongside her comrades, watching as the Order approaches upon the vale once again. Golden cosmic light pours from her tattoos, mingling with her sparkling allure and creating a veil of cosmic light that danced around her elegant frame.
  158. The holy forces of Osrona manage to pierce through the forest that seemed able to protect itself from intruders however they stand before her even now.
  160. Her gaze scans the approaching force, a smile upon her silver lips as she stands by the supreme, watching with a predatory gaze as each who felt her eyes upon them felt a sheer cosmic pressure around them as if the cosmos itself was watching.
  162. That is when her gaze falls upon an all too familiar face. The Dancer had found her long lost prey, Yvel Endore.
  164. She takes her position, watching as the sides made their calls, waiting for Jingle to make her show she simply watched, her eyes upon one knight now.
  165. (Ororo Boros)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. [20:10] It reeked inside the vale.
  170. Not of an unpleasant scent, and certainly not a bad perfume... No. This stench was different. She's met it before - but it never reached such high levels. But then again, it made sense. Andromeda has fought an Occultist before, yes... But the noble has certainly never set foot in a village of witches.
  172. There was a first for everything, it seemed.
  174. Scarlet red mana danced around her form, wisps of it rising from the Grimmore's form like evaporating steam.
  176. The woman's hands were already curled into fists, her expression tense. This was... Truly happening. There was no backing away, and certainly not a knight in a shining armor to protect Andromeda should she do the wrong thing or mess up, "The Knight who's been kidnapped does not belong to any of you heretics. We are bringing her back home."
  178. "Now."
  180. As Juri said, the world was cruel and unfair.
  181. He prepared for such fate.
  183. And today was the day she'll witness it firsthand.
  184. (Andromeda ven Grimmore)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [20:10] The sands which moved behind such a man, all the more potent and deadly as Knights moved alongside one another.
  189. Where once such a group had failed? Such a repeat would not be allowed to unfold upon this night. Even he had seen such a future where loss was ever apparent, he who had been forced to hear of how soldiers which stood alongside him...
  191. Had since been forced back, locked in such a state where they could do naught more than leave their comrades behind. Never again would such a stain mark The Order and her grand knights.
  193. "Ah... I suppose it would never have been so easy." Quick as could be had Moonfall made their own approach. The possibility of escape with ease having eluded them for one final time, those eyes of a faded Sienna locked upon those before them.
  195. Their enemies.
  197. "No matter... I'll knock all of them aside if need be."
  199. Never wavering.
  200. (Eustace lux Salis)
  201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. [20:10] The one-armed man had been prepairing himself for this day. Has his training been enough?
  205. As he stood guard along side his fellow villagers of Moonfall. The knights barreling towards them, would cause Asim to gulp. He knew they were powerful but they really fit the part.
  207. His yellow hues franticly surveyed the group he had seen maybe two or three of these people. If that's is a good or a bad thing only time will tell. He draws his staff and takes a deep breath. This will be the first major battle he will take part in.
  209. Orbs jet out of his body and form crystals that fly around him in a protective manner. His eyes finally fall on Ka. The man that took his arm. So he was the one that was the bluecoat?
  211. He has nothing to say. He just readies himself for combat, with hatred flowing through him.
  212. (Asim)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [20:11] "Wowie zowie!"
  217. Those were the first words shouted by the dreaded jester-turned-dark-lord, Eudocia Mimés. As she approached through the darkness, she was applauding with those cracked, scaling hands of hers. She wasn't quite recognizable at first; her hair dye was washed out, and her characteristic mask was missing, exposing the warped, nearly-decaying face of the occultist and doubtlessly offending the knights' delicate sensibilities.
  219. "Who could have thought that after I told the knights 'if you try something dumb, she dies', you guys went and... did something monumentally dumb! I'd be doubled over with laughter if I didn't see exactly this kind of thing coming already. I think the thing that shocks me most, though," she said, "is how eager you all are to have Sophie's blood on your hands."
  221. One might think she'd be more expressive without her mask - on the contary, the actual face beneath it was just as stoic. She made no small motions with her mouth, and the look in her abyssal eyes never changed either.
  223. "I told you," she said, ordinarily shrill voice so low it sounded almost like a growl, "That if you knights did anything dumb I'd just kill her. And gods - you know, I really didn't want to do that. So!" she said, hands clasping together in front of her and rubbing together excitedly, like she was about to make a pitch for a deal: "How about this? How about you all throw down your weapons, decide... say - which three of you will ritually disembowel yourselves in front of me for this folly," she said, "And then I'll let the rest of you take Sophie. What do you say? You can even do it democratically! You can vote on it!"
  225. She actually afforded a grin. Smug. Awful.
  227. "C'mon, c'mon, do it or you're cowards, all of you!"
  229. She already knew their answer would be no, of course, and wasted no time in demonstrating the growth she's made; her hand rose toward the assembled knights and their allies, claws slowly curling inward as if beckoning the group.
  231. ...More accurately, she was beckoning their mana - each slight movement of her finger, each swaying of the aura of black stardust around her - seemed to coax at the mana within their circuitry, tugging at it and trying to tear it out of their circuits by force. It was an ability she demonstrated in prior battles - but she had never been able to touch magi like this before, and continued continued exposure to this doubtlessly wouldn't be good.
  232. (Eudocia Mimés)
  233. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  235. [20:11] "It's like you don't get the message, it's like you don't understand - it's like you want her dead, it's like you don't trust us." he said pressing a hand against his chest as if he was hurt.
  237. Souless eyes would look amongst the crowd of knights and people who would say they fight for the light, a devilish smirk curled upon his lips. "Do you not trust me when I say she is dead to you?- Forget her... she will not be taken from us, lower your arms, surrender fall and die here within the vale make it all easier for us."
  239. white lighting would strike upon the body of the man he spoke nothing of vile words towards the knights. "You know- I recall." He said looking back at Sophie. "Knights only fight when someone of importance is at stake and you are a noble miss if I am not mistaken, this is a great sin you know- if you were anyone else... they would probably send the fodder from the city guard."
  242. The thought of that would make him giggle- it pleased him to see that his ideals about the knights were correct - only someone of importance can be save had it been any of the other knights - any of the other sacrifices that they have made - the force wouldn't be as great as this.
  245. and that was sad.
  247. "Tell me... when you know this is the true- how can you sleep at night? This betrayal from others- this disregard for everyone's life other then the ones you think are worthy to save, you don't think that maybe your actions are defiling the god you worship? Is not everyone the same?" His question was asked as he looked back to the crowd of knights.
  249. "You are every bit of disgusting as I thought, and you belong to the worms beneath the earth your standing in... come.. Die." He said as he raised his staff towards the group ready to fight with malicious intent.
  250. (Deimos)
  251. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  253. [20:11] The twins were playing patty-cake...
  255. The duo were much too old to play such a game yet here they were, in the vale. Playing it as if it were merely another day within the Sanctum of the Occult Arts.
  257. It was oddly out of place...
  259. "Anna-Bell, Anna-Bell, Witch's Gal."
  260. "Bleed me a vein as fast as you can!"
  261. "Slit it, and drip it, and mark it with a D!"
  262. "Bleed it in the well, for the Dark Lord and We!"
  264. Seventeen....
  266. The sound of battle was approaching however. "I'm scared." "You always were such a big baby." One commented to the other. The green-cloaked blue-shirt of the duo patting his slightly shaky twin upon his shoulder before squeezing softly.
  268. The mana blunderbusses were lifted with a soft clink of metal tapping together. The duo standing upright and leveling their weapons against their middles.
  270. Mana pulsed through it, lightning crackled softly at the end of the barrels as the duo tilted their heads from left to right with a quiet hum.
  271. (Anathe and Ralt)
  272. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  274. [20:12] The dense fog fell heavy. The wispy body feathered the land, a dense miasma covering the sights ..
  276. . . .
  277. '.. Ba-bump, Ba-bump,
  278. --Ba-bump, ..'
  280. Asuka's eyes open. Resting upon a tree, she'd look downward South- the illustrious glow of many different Magi, all radiating their bright colors, a variety of adept Holy, Energy- and Cosmic Magi bringing light to the otherwise field of dark.
  282. The use of Blood Magic connects her to the Heart. She senses an overwhelming amount of forces approaching. Being the woman's first battle, she didn't truly grasp the size of the approaching forces. But be it so, this was the outcome she had chosen.
  284. A light sigh follows as she truly misses Cameo's presence already. She gathers herself and stands the ground with the Occultic forces. She had felt this Magic once before- and it too had even called out towards the woman.
  286. A small blip of blue energy radiated in the distance, .. It was unmistakable ..
  287. . . .
  288. '.. Ba-bump, Ba-bump, ..
  289. --Ba-bump, ..'
  291. "OH."
  296. Without a doubt- Asuka was talking to Himari Kurokaiyo- her cousin!
  297. (Asuka Kurokaiyo)
  298. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  300. [20:12] Himari couldn't remember the last time she spoke with Sophie but out of all the Duran's, she liked her the most because she never wronged her in the past. What reason did she have? Francois and Yuza have done stuff that were unforgivable to the point she did not care what happened to the two. Albeit, here she was attempting to help save their sister.
  302. Although, it wasn't just for that. She needed to better herself and continue what she started a long time ago. This would be the beginning of that to where she stood. Even if she was a tiny bit familiar with Moonfall, she was more acquainted to the side of Osrona. Although, she had more a neutral viewpoint. This was for Sophie's freedom.
  304. She was going to push through their forces. No matter who she fought. She doesn't care who she fought against. Win or lose. This was to get Sophie back to the Osrona side.
  306. There was a certain someone she had her eye on.
  307. (Himari Kurokaiyo)
  308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. [20:12] Monsters. They were both just a pair of monsters.
  312. And Sophie was the monster hunter, it seemed. He was captured, ensnared, and he wasn't the only one. On this day two forces will collide with one another in a battle of proportions, there being no smooth beginning nor end. Diplomacy wouldn't solve it at a single interval.
  314. It was a miracle they'd made it this far honestly. To retrieve her, to see her again, to hold her. It was all he could focus on. Some could say it was perhaps the only thing tethering his mind to this very world in the moment.
  316. There is no time to celebrate nor is there a thread of favor for them. And he will move to sweep the prisoner, his mate, behind him. Protective as ever. This time he has to put his all on the line or lose her forever. Could such a weight linger on his shoulders as a burden?
  318. Or would the thrill of it all seek to layer him with a boon.
  320. The Jingle of Jangles. She was here like he knew she'd been. When he had been pulled into that dreamscape he somewhat expected it. But they both walked away with slightly alternative opinions.
  322. "Eudocia. It really has no other way of ending, does it? The Order will bare its fangs."
  324. The brotherhood of friendship and comaraderie stands behind him as one united front. Just as the opposite ended forces will not stop to battle them on this very same field.
  326. Because despite those words, and despite the fact that she had been an honest creature. They were known to change their desires at a moments notice. Monsters did that.
  328. His eyes glow bright with the moons awesome power. "No one will fall for your petty interests. You will seek that and then you will change, and want every person to perish. And then, for the sake of our audacity you will end Sophie's life right before my very eyes."
  330. He motions forward, standing out.
  332. "I will not allow it,--nay." A gesture to the forces of Orsona behind him. "We will not allow it. She is ours to bring home and cherish. Come!"
  333. (Cristóvan)
  334. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  336. [20:13] {NARRATION} Andromeda vs Ghede (requested)
  337. Cristovan vs Meter
  338. Nemein vs Eudocia
  339. Erika vs Ororo
  340. Eustace vs Asuka
  341. Asphira vs Deimos
  342. Himari vs Tonashi
  343. Grella vs Annabelle
  344. Louis vs Phobos
  345. Caelus vs Grendel
  346. Yvel vs Anathe
  347. Ka Paris vs Asim
  349. (Cap 0 - Winners get the other side's prisoner. A-Help scores!)
  350. [20:18] Asim rushed Ka when the fight started to break out. Breaking him off from the main group and leading him away. He wanted to enact revenge. This is his moment! If he loses this fight he will shame himself on so many levels. He needs to win, he will win!
  352. A evil grin crosses his face. "Oh, how long I have waited for this moment. I have heard that you had a run in with Kelsa. Well you or your brother really. It matters not."
  354. He readies himself for combat. One-armed or not, he had gotten stronger, much stronger than before!
  356. "Lets see if I get to take your arm this time!" He laughs.
  357. (Asim)
  358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. [20:20] The desert dweller gets ready for the fight, he could claim himself as lucky- after all, that's the purpose he came to aid the First Light, to find Asim.
  362. "So, how y'doin'? I thought y'would be in our side, but seein' y'in their side is somewhat depressin'. Well, I hope this battle changes yer mind 'cuz I'm sure it's gonna show how I'm stronger than y'and, perhaps, y'll be in Parsi side."
  364. Blunt, he said. It's obvious the younger Parsi sibling has no intent to help Osrona, though that raid would serve as a purpose to get closer to Asim, the better one between Krís and Dragmire.
  366. Flames start to surround his body, vile flames that have the obvious purpose to harm the opponent, permanently, even.
  367. (Ka Parsi)
  368. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370. [20:21] Krís exclaims, "Kick his ass Asim!"
  371. [20:24] ** Ka Parsi has inflicted an injury upon Asim. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  372. [20:35] Once again, they fought. Ka knew his opponent's fighting style, and of course, the younger Parsi sibling expected a violent fight due to the fight's backstory and due to the potion Asim drank.
  374. Unfortunately, despite how 'angrily' Asim fought, he had no openings to hurt Ka seriously- all his dashes were stopped or evaded, he wasn't able to send Ka to the ground once... It didn't matter how he tried, at this point, the Parsi sibling is still superior in combat.
  376. Within a scorched arena, they kept clashing their staves until a powerful fire wave got out from his staff, powerful enough to hit his enemy's chest and harm it- it wouldn't be severe, but it hurt enough to leave marks.
  378. That powerful fire wave was enough to knock his opponent down, but many soldiers advised him to retreat from the battle and thus he'd lose that attempt to capture and take to the older Parsi, letting his opponent escape with a temporary injury, but nothing severe.
  379. (Ka Parsi)
  380. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. [20:36] {ITEM} Traded item with Krís: Elixir Of Healing
  383. [20:39] Kris waved a hand from the sidelines, ready to chase the Parsi brother out of the vale. From her command and visual prowess, Ka would find himself not without hard fought escape! Though she herself stayed behind to give Asim swift treatment, the metal armaments she commanded would speed toward them.
  385. "Look at you! Running from a one armed man. I'm coming for you coward!"
  386. (Krís)
  387. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. [20:47] Asim threw himself into a rage, like he did the last time that he fought anyone. He didn't care at all about his well being. All he wanted was revenge and yet again his power couldn't let him keep up. His lack of magicks and purely relaying on his melee skills hurt him. He knew that.
  391. The bloodrager rushed at his opponent at every turn that he could. Trying to say in his face. The flames that covered the field made it hard for him. Again... explosion magi... this is all he faces. This is what made him want unlimited power. The parsi said something about him being his on side at some point. He might one day but not until Ka is dead.
  393. He powered through everything that he could probably leading to his ultimate loss. He didn't think about his actions. He just fought.
  395. After a large wave of fire that slams into his body scorching it. He fell to one knee. Even if Ka held nothing against him... this fight, having lost again to Ka has made him lose it. Thepain that Ka has just inflicted was nothing to all the pain that he had dealt with all this time. He didn't even feel it, only his rage.
  397. Again Kris came over worried about him, passing him a potion. Healing him once again. Why when it he is incapable of winning?
  399. "Damn it!" He exclaimed. "I will get my arm back... one day." he voice soaked in rage. He will make is his everlasting mission to get it back. Ripping it off the one who removed it from him is his goal. No matter how sick that might be.
  401. Ka better hope that he wins next time... Because next time this will be different.
  402. (Asim)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [20:48] Eudocia Mimés says, "Cairn go away"
  406. [20:48] Eudocia Mimés says, "out of my box"
  407. [20:50] Tonashi Botcher whispers something.
  408. [20:50] Tonashi Botcher whispers something.
  409. [20:50] Anathe and Ralt whispers something.
  410. [20:50] Tonashi Botcher whispers something.
  411. [20:50] Anathe and Ralt whispers something.
  412. [20:50] Tonashi Botcher whispers something.
  413. [20:50] Anathe and Ralt whispers something.
  414. [20:51] Tonashi Botcher whispers something.
  415. [20:51] Tonashi Botcher whispers something.
  416. [20:59] "You're right, littlest Exarch," the dark lord whispered - almost charmingly, in its own little way. The battlefield soon became enveloped in that draining black stardust - a veritable miasma of death, sapping away at the knight's mana with each passing second the fight went on. It promised to be quick either way: either he'd succumb to the obsidian mist, or he'd have to find Eudocia somewhere in the fog and strike her down. "You should have trained harder. You're hardly a challenge at all."
  418. She was still playing along with this little game, too - she'd laugh periodically as if to give away her location, and even say things from time to time.
  420. "My name is Eudocia," she said. "And frankly, it doesn't matter to me if Sophie walks out of here or not. I have so many new targets to go after," she called out. Her location in the mist was clear, but even if Robin tried to pursue it he'd only be met with the blade of Silver Durendal, parrying every strike.
  422. The curse of the black stars was winning out over the blessings of the gold.
  424. "Do you know how many other prisoners we have, even if you get out of here with Duran? Their blood's on your hands, Osrona," she giggled, "No reason I'm telling you that, particularly. I just want you to think about it at night. Maybe your family - your kid if it's old enough - will be walking along the street one day and they just... see the bodies, and go: 'Daddy, why are these people dead?' And you have to explain that it's--"
  426. She cut herself off as she parried Robin's blade again. Right. She should get to the point.
  428. "Oh, gods, I almost forgot I was fighting for a second. Wowie zowie. Well, anyway, it's been fun, but-"
  430. She snapped her fingers, and at once that negative cosmic energy, all spread out like a thick fog, detonated. It'd be certain death as always if Robin was caught in it - but the advantage was, if he managed to escape it, she wouldn't be able to tell until the fireworks faded.
  432. And, by then, it'd be too late.
  433. (Eudocia Mimés)
  434. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  436. [21:02] Asim whispers: (Also my discord is Solen#0522 if you and Darius want to set up some shit later)
  437. [21:07] Anabelle Lockwood whispers something.
  438. [21:07] Anabelle Lockwood whispers something.
  439. [21:10] The fight wasn't much to write home about, though the hinderances of the fog and the sickening sensations of the land being tainted coupled with her mastery over the darkened cosmos was able to win out over the Exarch's straightforward and flashing chase that he made with each lightspeed action.
  441. He'd brushed off her insults, though as things dragged on the man would raise an eyebrow to the context of her words attempting to come in for hardened blows on her guard but being parried. The horrible talks of these Moonfallers having much more than just Sophie certainly weighed in on the man more than any blade could.
  443. "--Other prisoners...!? What the Hel are ya--!!??" cut off, and barraged by an array of combusting mines of mana he'd have to cut his questioning short as he was pushed back and slid across the ground into the fog, axe and sword stabbed into the ground beneath as he struggled to regain his breath.
  445. Searching for the former Jangle amidst the fog, even with the ring throughout his form he'd have no luck unfortunately. A pained groan emanating as he felt that perhaps he'd lost this battle.. but their war may have been graced by the stars at large once more.
  447. Feeling that celestial blessing even in the pain of defeat, Robin would glance back over his shoulder. The clatter of something positive for once.. of his efforts while not victorious adding up to a greater whole allowed for him to cooly withdraw back through the gritting of his teeth and pains to regroup with Osrona's party..
  449. Had they actually done it..?
  450. (Robin lux Queen)
  451. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  453. [21:11] Louis says, "I can't see out of my right eye...."
  454. [21:12] Himari Kurokaiyo says, "You'll be fine."
  455. [21:12] Louis whispers something.
  456. [21:16] And though she was having a blast fighting Robin, her hubris would prove to be her downfall; she defeated him quite soundly, but she wasted so much time that the others were able to breach their defenses and actually drag Sophie out of the Grotto.
  458. Ah, her only weakness: ego. True to her claims - made in Cristovan's dreams, in Sparda's dreams, and even to Robin before they fought - she didn't particularly care that the knights surfaced from their dungeon with Sophie in tow. She merely stood there with Silver Durendal in her hand, watching - she'd not be able to stop them.
  460. But, true to her nature, she needed the last word.
  462. "...We have three other prisoners," she called out, even if nobody could hear her. "Watchmen. An Endore. If Quinn's not over here in the minimum amount of time it takes to travel from Osrona to Moonfall, all three of them are dead. Blood on your hands, knights."
  464. ...At which point she spotted Eustace. She couldn't hide the disappointment; she missed yet another opportunity to face him. What a shame.
  465. (Eudocia Mimés)
  466. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468. [21:16] Anabelle Lockwood exclaims, "Tick tick tock!!"
  469. [21:16] Tonashi Botcher exclaims, "Tali says hi!"
  470. [21:16] Louis says, "Give 'em back...-"
  471. [21:16] Tonashi Botcher exclaims, "Bhahahha!"
  472. [21:16] Louis says, "You fuckin'..."
  473. [21:16] Anathe and Ralt exclaims, "Sacrifice... Sacrifice!"
  474. [21:16] Anathe and Ralt says, "Sa-..Sacrifice..."
  475. [21:16] Tonashi Botcher says, "Hey Louis how it felt to lose Tali"
  476. [21:16] Eudocia Mimés exclaims, "You want to strike me down, watchdog? Here I am! Here I stand!"
  477. [21:16] Louis says, "You're next after that dog..."
  478. [21:16] Atreus Ghede exclaims, "Hahahah!"
  479. [21:17] Tonashi Botcher says, "Hey dont worry"
  480. [21:17] Tonashi Botcher says, "She is being a good girl"
  481. [21:17] Anathe and Ralt exclaims, "He's not a dog anymore!"
  482. [21:17] Anathe and Ralt exclaims, "He's a wolf!"
  483. [21:17] Tonashi Botcher exclaims, "Bhhahahah!"
  484. [21:17] Himari Kurokaiyo says, "..."
  485. [21:17] Phobos exclaims, "Can you guys loan me a kit or something! I think it's really rude that your priest lady scarred my face!"
  486. [21:17] Louis says, "A bitch is a bitch."
  487. [21:17] Caelus Lunaris says, "Looks like a lapdog to me."
  488. [21:17] Asuka Kurokaiyo says, "<.. Even more loud than I ..>"
  489. [21:17] Tonashi Botcher says, "Says the man who lost his bounty"
  490. [21:17] Tonashi Botcher says, "And lost his comrade"
  491. [21:18] Tonashi Botcher says, "Whos the real bitch"
  492. [21:18] Louis shakes his fist.
  493. (Louis)
  494. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. [21:18] Eudocia Mimés says, "Everyone shut up. Take your prize. Think about my offer."
  497. [21:19] Ororo Boros whispers something.
  498. [21:19] {NARRATION} Cristovan vs Meter-- OSRONA
  499. Robin vs Eudocia-- MOONFALL
  500. Erika vs Ororo-- OSRONA
  501. Eustace vs Asuka-- OSRONA
  502. Asphira vs Deimos-- MOONFALL
  503. Himari vs Tonashi-- OSRONA
  504. Grella vs Annabelle-- MOONFALL
  505. Louis vs Phobos-- MOONFALL
  506. Caelus vs Grendel-- OSRONA
  507. Yvel vs Anathe-- MOONFALL
  508. Ka Parsi vs Asim-- OSRONA
  509. Andromeda vs Atreus- OSRONA
  511. 7-5 OSRONA
  513. You may RP - Cristovan can rescue her.
  514. [21:21] Louis whispers something.
  515. [21:21] Ka Parsi whispers something.
  516. [21:22] Louis whispers something.
  517. [21:22] Caelus Lunaris whispers something.
  518. [21:22] Grella Lhortt whispers something.
  519. [21:22] Louis whispers something.
  520. [21:22] Louis whispers something.
  521. [21:24] Tonashi Botcher whispers: I canrt believe they actually think they are getting the old Sophie back.
  522. [21:24] He'd run until he reached her side once more. Ran until he felt his heart slamming against his ribcage and even beyond that much. Into the cells he goes. This was such a cramped area for battling but they'd made it work. Somehow, someway, they had made it work and beat back the forces of Moonfall.
  524. It is here that he retreats to the side of the Duran and kneels with a palm on her cheek whilst his eyes assess the damage done to her, if any at all. He believes Eudocia when she says that she had not harmed her despite the machinations of imagination claiming otherwise.
  526. And to see her here was just so soothing for him. He could honestly say that he could finally breathe just that much more clearly. So many people told him it'd be fine, so many people said they would do this. That they couldn't, that they wouldn't fail. And he was oh so thankful that it was true.
  528. "Sophie. Sophie. . ."
  530. His tone drops to a whisper and he finds himself unable to say anything else. A whole year. One entire year. Cristovan's voice peters out and he simply pulls the woman to him. Chains, if there are any, are broken and corroded with miasma. A heartfelt press of his chin into the corners of her silver hair is given as he lifts her up.
  532. So, so long ago she had protested. Said that he couldn't carry her like this, that things got. . confusing.
  534. He simply cannot help himself now and the Valenciaga turns to the others nearby. "We need to go."
  535. (Cristóvan)
  536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  538. [21:24] Tonashi Botcher whispers: Makes me chucjle.
  539. [21:26] Grendel Beo whispers something.
  540. [21:27] Erika seemed dissatisfied, even after attaining victory over Ororo. A hand held itself against her stomach, that jovial smile now lost amongst a frown. What had the Loa meant, precisely...?
  542. It occurred to her, all at once, but she didn't speak of it. Not now, not when victory was so close at hand. Not just their victory -
  544. But Sophie's own freedom. Finally. Erika's head tilted backwards, staring at nothing in particular as finally that frown melted away and a smile took it's place.
  546. "You lost." She said, that smile morphing into nothing more than a confident grin as finally her eyes leveled back towards the assembled witches and occultists. "Let this be a lesson to you - we take back our own, and we don't give up hope. We don't give up our LIGHT!" She shouted, leaning forward suddenly.
  548. "Don't ever forget this day. We'll make sure you won't."
  549. (Erika cos Salis)
  550. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  552. [21:27] Tonashi Botcher whispers: (perm or temp
  553. [21:27] The exchange of one for three required little thought on their part. Vasilios was formidable yet if they had managed to catch him out once they could do it again.
  555. Valero raises a hand hailing Robin, "We should see to it that the exchange is arranged then." He did not see it as a concession to evil, but a victory over it nonetheless.
  557. They could leverage back the others yet there were certainly some who might argue. His dark eyes shifted over to the fellow Radiant to read his sentiment regarding the order.
  558. (Valero lux Montclaire)
  559. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  561. [21:27] Anathe and Ralt whispers something.
  562. [21:28] Meter whispers something.
  563. [21:28] Elijah makes gang signs behind Erika.
  564. (Elijah Soleis)
  565. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  567. [21:28] Anathe and Ralt whispers something.
  568. [21:28] Anabelle Lockwood whispers something.
  569. [21:28] Valero nods as the order was well-received. Southside represent.
  570. (Valero lux Montclaire)
  571. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  573. [21:28] She'd have no sooner spilled that blood on a whim.
  575. Confidence had soon littered his very form, eyes filled with that blank and faded Sienna having locked upon this one woman. They'd have broken through and pierced those defenses as the voice of Eudocia beckoned his gaze back. He'd once more been forced to strike down those who surrounded this woman, unable to meet her corrupted stardust against his own sands that bend along the flow of time.
  577. Sands which bent around this man soon slamming upwards as she spoke of the blood that may soon be on their hands. She'd spoken of how soon enough, they'd once again fail many more.
  579. "... I am Exarch Salis, once again I see you've allowed that sickness and taint to corrupt your mind. You who would seek to cause us to waver in our intention, to see our light snuffed and reduced to darkness." He'd no sooner allow those words to boom across this Vale. Knights all around beginning their retreat.
  581. Not now, he'd remind her of this.
  583. "I... Stand as an Exarch. As a pillar of The First Light, your words will not cause any one of our hearts and minds waver. Your strength will not consume our light."
  585. Pillars never crumble.
  587. Exarchs and Knights never backing down.
  589. "You'll have your prisoner returned in a body bag. Lay so much as a finger upon those you hold captive, and..?"
  591. His words trailing for not more than a single moment.
  593. "I'll strike you down myself next we meet, Eudocia."
  595. His sands once again urging that push back, they wouldn't carry the conflict on further.
  596. (Eustace lux Salis)
  597. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  599. [21:28] Grendel Beo whispers something.
  600. [21:29] "I guess they're dead!" Anabelle said, letting out another shrill laugh. While the knights were being forced into a retreat, the witch turned, all ready prepared to do whatever needed to be done in the worst ways imaginable.
  602. "Gutting and cutting and oh boy oh boy-" she paused and looked over her shoulder. "Eudooociaaa!!" Ana said, using the clown's name for the first time. "Hurry it up! They don't like saving people. We might as well prepare their gifts!"
  603. (Anabelle Lockwood)
  604. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  606. [21:30] A nod is given to Valero at that he'd of wanted those in danger all going home after all. And if there wasn't any executioners harking for the man's head-- It seemed that Eustace had made it abundantly clear where he resided on the matter... at the very least.
  608. Those people all deserved to get saved.. However what was actually done, and what was actually gained certainly resided within the Radiants rather than the Knights
  610. "Here we go again.."
  611. (Robin lux Queen)
  612. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  614. [21:31] The man would look at Himari.
  616. "Deimos I thought she was a friend of yours? So what should we do if we see her again. I mean clearly her family is one of us. But her being on the enemy side really bothers me. Or maybe its the ass kicking I got talking to me."
  618. He look at the man wno said they would bring Vas back in a body bag if the people were hurt. "I actually fix Tali. She was good enough to speak and assist me. Such a good woman. You know maybe if the ' Watch' actually did their job their men and women wouldn't be getting captured. But hey you still got Louis!" Finger gunning Louis.
  619. (Tonashi Botcher)
  620. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  622. [21:31] Louis says, "I'll be on the watch just for your fur."
  623. [21:32] "Good! That Dillion guy annoyed me." "Eh he wasn't that bad.." "He did have potential!" "Oh well! All good things, must come to a conclusion." "Fodder for none. Blood for all."
  625. The duo of twins danced around in circles behind Anabelle, shifting about- careful not to step atop of Belu. It was like they were dancing AROUDN the giant, imposing and inhuman shadow. Hands in the air with constant little cheers.
  627. It was jubilance! To its core!
  629. A Child-like celebration from two teens that were much too old to be acting as such. But perhaps that was apart of the appeal.
  631. Madness in numbers. Or something to that affect.
  632. (Anathe and Ralt)
  633. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  635. [21:33] Tonashi Has Tali dragon tooth on his necklace!. Neat
  636. (Tonashi Botcher)
  637. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. [21:33] Kris's face grimaced. The thought of trading over those who dared step on their toes was off the table for her. These people stormed her home once more, but now here. She would make them rue the day.
  641. "You people...don't make demands."
  643. The serpent at her neck perched up and hissed at those across from her people. Her hand aiming out as well with exuding mana; A fruition of metal armaments to defend herself. A brow then raised to the Ookami.
  645. "Tonashi, don't give them any more information than they need to know." She commented.
  647. Then a glance back to the glowing crusaders across from them. A grit of their teeth was shown.
  648. (Krís)
  649. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  651. [21:33] Louis offically has a kill list.
  652. (Louis)
  653. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  655. [21:34] Yet again Ororo had gotten what she wanted and far more than she had deserved. She could feel that holy mark upon her and the way it burned her mana circuits and it took every fiber of her being to keep up a solid front.
  657. The Loa had failed and in doing so she had failed to rescue her own beloved. Things were not boding well, she would retreat, finding herself near Anabelle, Eudocia and the supreme Ghede.
  659. She had failed herself and was furious for it. Despite her loss in the battle she had done something to Erika, she had taken from her and planted a seed of doubt. Not a big one, however one that potentially hung around the life of the child she bore.
  661. Yes, it would not be easy to get rid of Ororo nor would she let one who defeated her to escape unscathed. No she took it upon herself to attack something that Erika cherished and protected. The very being that grew within her.
  663. The Star Crossed dancer watches, seething with the pain and fury of her most recent loss merely adding to the rest of the bubbling hatred behind the mask of her beauty.
  664. (Ororo Boros)
  665. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  667. [21:34] Tonashi Botcher says, "He was there getting whooped by Rain so he knows already"
  668. [21:34] Louis says, "Don't leave Moonfall; I will be watching."
  669. [21:34] At the mention of returning the prisoner of war dead to them Valero's attention turned to Eustace, "Maintain your enthusiasm, Sir Salis. The day is won yet, no need for us to succumb to the same savagery."
  671. Then his dark hues sweep across the Moonfallen, smile oddly absent for once. briefly the mask of neutrality had been broken at the comment from the Exarch, disgust apparent, but it had faded as he looked upon them.
  673. "The order stands for the exchange." He had a feeling that the Exarch might not appreciate the finer points of 'Life reigning in Death' based on what he had heard and did not seek to elaborate further for risk of diminishing their position.
  675. "Alive."
  676. (Valero lux Montclaire)
  677. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  679. [21:34] Tonashi Botcher asks, "What plan to go blind in the other eye?"
  680. [21:37] Hearing what she assumed was the mention of her, Himari scoffed before placing a hand on her hip and rolling her eyes.
  682. "Curiosity killed the cat, especially for someone who is a dog among men. Learn to stop talking." Himari didn't personally care what he said about her or where she lied with the others. But it was a bit annoying hearing it again after just defeating the male.
  684. Then again, the family member of hers hasn't talked to her in at least a few years.
  685. (Himari Kurokaiyo)
  686. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  688. [21:37] "Exarch Salis?" she asked in the same tone of voice that an adult might take to feign interest in something a child is telling her, "Is that what you're calling yourself now? Eustace, Salis, it doesn't matter, none of this matters," she said with a small shake of her head, the supernatural blue glow fading from her eyes. Abyssal black met sienna then, and she spread her arms wide - smiling earnestly.
  690. Her already-cracked lips cracked just a bit more.
  692. "Oh, come on, my dear Eustace, you're going to strike me down anyway. Doesn't really matter what I do. But a girl's just trying to live, you know?"
  694. "My terms are simple! Return Vasilios or all three of them die. But, well, if you're going to refuuuuse..." she went on in that lilting tone of hers, only to drop it completely and utterly in the second half: "Honestly, it'd probably be funnier to just kill them all anyway. I think I'd actually rather do that, now that I think about it!"
  696. She let out a short, high-pitched giggle - no more than two syllables.
  698. "But it's your call, watchdogs and tinmen. It's not a big deal either way - they've all got souls that go to the stars and come back in a few years anyway, not like me, not like mine." She sheathed Silver Durendal and brought up both of her arms in something of a theatrical shrug.
  700. "I'll see you next time, my love! Send Vasilios over in one way or another so we know whether to kill people tonight or not, okay?"
  702. With a snap of her fingers, the black stardust around her expanded outward like the same fog she used against Robin. By the time it dissipated, she was gone - like a magic trick! Wowie zowie!
  704. The knights could sort the whole prisoner dilemma out themselves. She didn't have anything else to say.
  705. (Eudocia Mimés)
  706. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  708. [21:37] The bloodlust men of Orsona continue to spout their nonsense. This man a pillar of light? What a joke. He is no better than the darkness that the Occultists of Moonfall succumb to. Light and dark aren't as clear cut as some might think. Its a cruel harsh reality. Something he aims to fix. He doesn't care how but Orsona will fall. They need to.
  710. He lets out a sigh as he looks to Eudocia, only for a moment before turning back to Eustace. They slaughtered a whole village of people just due to them holding a slightly different set of ideals. Monsters.
  712. "Yadda, yadda, yadda. All you fools speak the same shit. Get some new lines." His tone dark and seeded with hatred. Even if it wasn't his right to speak to the leadership of Orsona in this very moment his anger that he let lose just did its own thing.
  714. His eyes look to Ka once more. If looks could kill Ka would be reeling in pain. However depressing it may be... he doesn't hold that power.
  716. The shards around him dematerialize and form back into raw mana, and goes back into his being. He puts his staff away with another loss to his name.
  717. (Asim)
  718. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  720. [21:38] "Where are the Valehounds? I starved them just for this purpose." Ghede arrives beside Eudocia and drags a hand down the injured side of his face, putting the crimson glow in his socket on display again.
  722. With the decision from the Exarch stated openly, he knows what comes next. They all do.
  724. "Far be it from us to ever not put on a show! If the life of our one is worth more than three of your own..."
  726. Ghede stumbles forward due to his loss of an eye and points to the knights with a crooked finger.. only to realize that he was actually pointing at Louis and Caelus in the back instead. Eventually he just drops the finger and leans forward on his cane to keep his balance.
  728. Actually silent for once as Valero and Eustace go back and forth.
  730. Eventually, he whistles for the Valehounds, who gallop from the far north in search of food. Knight-sized snacks.
  731. (Atreus Ghede)
  732. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. [21:38] Cristovan busted into the cell she was trapped in. Trapped within the caves under Moonfall, a dark, damp place. Being down there for so long, under the constant weighty influences of Occultism could do things to a person. That is predicted. Yet, nobody had ever physically harmed her, or even attacked her spiritually. She was just there, alone in the moment. The other prisoners, they were split up perhaps, or something. Either way, Sophie was alone, like she had been for so long.
  736. Seeing him like this, here and now. It seemed almost dreamlike. Yet Sophie had heard the fighting above. Just like the last time.
  737. "Cristovan . . ."
  739. How many times had Sophie played this thought back through her mind. It seemed almost surreal after just sitting there for so long. Silence, alone to ones own thoughts, steadily chipping away at someone. She knew all those were illusions. Like the power of holy magic, Sophie generally remained stable of mind, or was easily able to right herself.
  741. This, now this is real.
  743. Sophie does not argue against Cristovan's effort to scoop her up. She allows him, simply far too weary to protest.
  744. (Sophie cos Duran)
  745. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  747. [21:38] Erika cos Salis says, "--"
  748. [21:39] She frowned, her head snapping left and right.
  749. (Erika cos Salis)
  750. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  752. [21:39] Elijah Soleis says, "...Sophie. Quick- Everyone. Let's not linger."
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