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  1. -- -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. --
  3. -- Simple JSON encoding and decoding in pure Lua.
  4. --
  5. -- Copyright 2010-2016 Jeffrey Friedl
  6. --
  7. --
  8. -- Latest version:
  9. --
  10. -- This code is released under a Creative Commons CC-BY "Attribution" License:
  11. --
  12. --
  13. -- It can be used for any purpose so long as the copyright notice above,
  14. -- the web-page links above, and the 'AUTHOR_NOTE' string below are
  15. -- maintained. Enjoy.
  16. --
  17. local VERSION = 20160709.16 -- version history at end of file
  18. local AUTHOR_NOTE = "-[ JSON.lua package by Jeffrey Friedl ( version 20160709.16 ]-"
  20. --
  21. -- The 'AUTHOR_NOTE' variable exists so that information about the source
  22. -- of the package is maintained even in compiled versions. It's also
  23. -- included in OBJDEF below mostly to quiet warnings about unused variables.
  24. --
  25. local OBJDEF = {
  28. }
  31. --
  32. -- Simple JSON encoding and decoding in pure Lua.
  33. -- JSON definition:
  34. --
  35. --
  36. -- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() -- one-time load of the routines
  37. --
  38. -- local lua_value = JSON:decode(raw_json_text)
  39. --
  40. -- local raw_json_text = JSON:encode(lua_table_or_value)
  41. -- local pretty_json_text = JSON:encode_pretty(lua_table_or_value) -- "pretty printed" version for human readability
  42. --
  43. --
  44. --
  45. -- DECODING (from a JSON string to a Lua table)
  46. --
  47. --
  48. -- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() -- one-time load of the routines
  49. --
  50. -- local lua_value = JSON:decode(raw_json_text)
  51. --
  52. -- If the JSON text is for an object or an array, e.g.
  53. -- { "what": "books", "count": 3 }
  54. -- or
  55. -- [ "Larry", "Curly", "Moe" ]
  56. --
  57. -- the result is a Lua table, e.g.
  58. -- { what = "books", count = 3 }
  59. -- or
  60. -- { "Larry", "Curly", "Moe" }
  61. --
  62. --
  63. -- The encode and decode routines accept an optional second argument,
  64. -- "etc", which is not used during encoding or decoding, but upon error
  65. -- is passed along to error handlers. It can be of any type (including nil).
  66. --
  67. --
  68. --
  70. --
  71. -- With most errors during decoding, this code calls
  72. --
  73. -- JSON:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
  74. --
  75. -- with a message about the error, and if known, the JSON text being
  76. -- parsed and the byte count where the problem was discovered. You can
  77. -- replace the default JSON:onDecodeError() with your own function.
  78. --
  79. -- The default onDecodeError() merely augments the message with data
  80. -- about the text and the location if known (and if a second 'etc'
  81. -- argument had been provided to decode(), its value is tacked onto the
  82. -- message as well), and then calls JSON.assert(), which itself defaults
  83. -- to Lua's built-in assert(), and can also be overridden.
  84. --
  85. -- For example, in an Adobe Lightroom plugin, you might use something like
  86. --
  87. -- function JSON:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
  88. -- LrErrors.throwUserError("Internal Error: invalid JSON data")
  89. -- end
  90. --
  91. -- or even just
  92. --
  93. -- function JSON.assert(message)
  94. -- LrErrors.throwUserError("Internal Error: " .. message)
  95. -- end
  96. --
  97. -- If JSON:decode() is passed a nil, this is called instead:
  98. --
  99. -- JSON:onDecodeOfNilError(message, nil, nil, etc)
  100. --
  101. -- and if JSON:decode() is passed HTML instead of JSON, this is called:
  102. --
  103. -- JSON:onDecodeOfHTMLError(message, text, nil, etc)
  104. --
  105. -- The use of the fourth 'etc' argument allows stronger coordination
  106. -- between decoding and error reporting, especially when you provide your
  107. -- own error-handling routines. Continuing with the the Adobe Lightroom
  108. -- plugin example:
  109. --
  110. -- function JSON:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
  111. -- local note = "Internal Error: invalid JSON data"
  112. -- if type(etc) = 'table' and then
  113. -- note = note .. " while processing for " ..'fileName')
  114. -- end
  115. -- LrErrors.throwUserError(note)
  116. -- end
  117. --
  118. -- :
  119. -- :
  120. --
  121. -- for i, photo in ipairs(photosToProcess) do
  122. -- :
  123. -- :
  124. -- local data = JSON:decode(someJsonText, { photo = photo })
  125. -- :
  126. -- :
  127. -- end
  128. --
  129. --
  130. --
  131. --
  132. --
  134. --
  135. -- Because both JSON objects and JSON arrays are converted to Lua tables,
  136. -- it's not normally possible to tell which original JSON type a
  137. -- particular Lua table was derived from, or guarantee decode-encode
  138. -- round-trip equivalency.
  139. --
  140. -- However, if you enable strictTypes, e.g.
  141. --
  142. -- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() --load the routines
  143. -- JSON.strictTypes = true
  144. --
  145. -- then the Lua table resulting from the decoding of a JSON object or
  146. -- JSON array is marked via Lua metatable, so that when re-encoded with
  147. -- JSON:encode() it ends up as the appropriate JSON type.
  148. --
  149. -- (This is not the default because other routines may not work well with
  150. -- tables that have a metatable set, for example, Lightroom API calls.)
  151. --
  152. --
  153. -- ENCODING (from a lua table to a JSON string)
  154. --
  155. -- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() -- one-time load of the routines
  156. --
  157. -- local raw_json_text = JSON:encode(lua_table_or_value)
  158. -- local pretty_json_text = JSON:encode_pretty(lua_table_or_value) -- "pretty printed" version for human readability
  159. -- local custom_pretty = JSON:encode(lua_table_or_value, etc, { pretty = true, indent = "| ", align_keys = false })
  160. --
  161. -- On error during encoding, this code calls:
  162. --
  163. -- JSON:onEncodeError(message, etc)
  164. --
  165. -- which you can override in your local JSON object.
  166. --
  167. -- The 'etc' in the error call is the second argument to encode()
  168. -- and encode_pretty(), or nil if it wasn't provided.
  169. --
  170. --
  172. --
  173. -- An optional third argument, a table of options, can be provided to encode().
  174. --
  175. -- encode_options = {
  176. -- -- options for making "pretty" human-readable JSON (see "PRETTY-PRINTING" below)
  177. -- pretty = true,
  178. -- indent = " ",
  179. -- align_keys = false,
  180. --
  181. -- -- other output-related options
  182. -- null = "\0", -- see "ENCODING JSON NULL VALUES" below
  183. -- stringsAreUtf8 = false, -- see "HANDLING UNICODE LINE AND PARAGRAPH SEPARATORS FOR JAVA" below
  184. -- }
  185. --
  186. -- json_string = JSON:encode(mytable, etc, encode_options)
  187. --
  188. --
  189. --
  190. -- For reference, the defaults are:
  191. --
  192. -- pretty = false
  193. -- null = nil,
  194. -- stringsAreUtf8 = false,
  195. --
  196. --
  197. --
  199. --
  200. -- Enabling the 'pretty' encode option helps generate human-readable JSON.
  201. --
  202. -- pretty = JSON:encode(val, etc, {
  203. -- pretty = true,
  204. -- indent = " ",
  205. -- align_keys = false,
  206. -- })
  207. --
  208. -- encode_pretty() is also provided: it's identical to encode() except
  209. -- that encode_pretty() provides a default options table if none given in the call:
  210. --
  211. -- { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = " " }
  212. --
  213. -- For example, if
  214. --
  215. -- JSON:encode(data)
  216. --
  217. -- produces:
  218. --
  219. -- {"city":"Kyoto","climate":{"avg_temp":16,"humidity":"high","snowfall":"minimal"},"country":"Japan","wards":11}
  220. --
  221. -- then
  222. --
  223. -- JSON:encode_pretty(data)
  224. --
  225. -- produces:
  226. --
  227. -- {
  228. -- "city": "Kyoto",
  229. -- "climate": {
  230. -- "avg_temp": 16,
  231. -- "humidity": "high",
  232. -- "snowfall": "minimal"
  233. -- },
  234. -- "country": "Japan",
  235. -- "wards": 11
  236. -- }
  237. --
  238. -- The following three lines return identical results:
  239. -- JSON:encode_pretty(data)
  240. -- JSON:encode_pretty(data, nil, { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = " " })
  241. -- JSON:encode (data, nil, { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = " " })
  242. --
  243. -- An example of setting your own indent string:
  244. --
  245. -- JSON:encode_pretty(data, nil, { pretty = true, indent = "| " })
  246. --
  247. -- produces:
  248. --
  249. -- {
  250. -- | "city": "Kyoto",
  251. -- | "climate": {
  252. -- | | "avg_temp": 16,
  253. -- | | "humidity": "high",
  254. -- | | "snowfall": "minimal"
  255. -- | },
  256. -- | "country": "Japan",
  257. -- | "wards": 11
  258. -- }
  259. --
  260. -- An example of setting align_keys to true:
  261. --
  262. -- JSON:encode_pretty(data, nil, { pretty = true, indent = " ", align_keys = true })
  263. --
  264. -- produces:
  265. --
  266. -- {
  267. -- "city": "Kyoto",
  268. -- "climate": {
  269. -- "avg_temp": 16,
  270. -- "humidity": "high",
  271. -- "snowfall": "minimal"
  272. -- },
  273. -- "country": "Japan",
  274. -- "wards": 11
  275. -- }
  276. --
  277. -- which I must admit is kinda ugly, sorry. This was the default for
  278. -- encode_pretty() prior to version 20141223.14.
  279. --
  280. --
  282. --
  283. -- If the 'stringsAreUtf8' encode option is set to true, consider Lua strings not as a sequence of bytes,
  284. -- but as a sequence of UTF-8 characters.
  285. --
  286. -- Currently, the only practical effect of setting this option is that Unicode LINE and PARAGRAPH
  287. -- separators, if found in a string, are encoded with a JSON escape instead of being dumped as is.
  288. -- The JSON is valid either way, but encoding this way, apparently, allows the resulting JSON
  289. -- to also be valid Java.
  290. --
  292. --
  293. -- During the encode, if a Lua table being encoded contains both string
  294. -- and numeric keys, it fits neither JSON's idea of an object, nor its
  295. -- idea of an array. To get around this, when any string key exists (or
  296. -- when non-positive numeric keys exist), numeric keys are converted to
  297. -- strings.
  298. --
  299. -- For example,
  300. -- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", "three", SOMESTRING = "some string" }))
  301. -- produces the JSON object
  302. -- {"1":"one","2":"two","3":"three","SOMESTRING":"some string"}
  303. --
  304. -- To prohibit this conversion and instead make it an error condition, set
  305. -- JSON.noKeyConversion = true
  306. --
  307. --
  309. --
  310. -- Lua tables completely omit keys whose value is nil, so without special handling there's
  311. -- no way to get a field in a JSON object with a null value. For example
  312. -- JSON:encode({ username = "admin", password = nil })
  313. -- produces
  314. -- {"username":"admin"}
  315. --
  316. -- In order to actually produce
  317. -- {"username":"admin", "password":null}
  318. -- one can include a string value for a "null" field in the options table passed to encode()....
  319. -- any Lua table entry with that value becomes null in the JSON output:
  320. -- JSON:encode({ username = "admin", password = "xyzzy" }, nil, { null = "xyzzy" })
  321. -- produces
  322. -- {"username":"admin", "password":null}
  323. --
  324. -- Just be sure to use a string that is otherwise unlikely to appear in your data.
  325. -- The string "\0" (a string with one null byte) may well be appropriate for many applications.
  326. --
  327. -- The "null" options also applies to Lua tables that become JSON arrays.
  328. -- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", nil, nil })
  329. -- produces
  330. -- ["one","two"]
  331. -- while
  332. -- NULL = "\0"
  333. -- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", NULL, NULL}, nil, { null = NULL })
  334. -- produces
  335. -- ["one","two",null,null]
  336. --
  337. --
  339. --
  340. -- Without special handling, numbers in JSON can lose precision in Lua.
  341. -- For example:
  342. --
  343. -- T = JSON:decode('{ "small":12345, "big":12345678901234567890123456789, "precise":9876.67890123456789012345 }')
  344. --
  345. -- print("small: ", type(T.small), T.small)
  346. -- print("big: ", type(T.big), T.big)
  347. -- print("precise: ", type(T.precise), T.precise)
  348. --
  349. -- produces
  350. --
  351. -- small: number 12345
  352. -- big: number 1.2345678901235e+28
  353. -- precise: number 9876.6789012346
  354. --
  355. -- Precision is lost with both 'big' and 'precise'.
  356. --
  357. -- This package offers ways to try to handle this better (for some definitions of "better")...
  358. --
  359. -- The most precise method is by setting the global:
  360. --
  361. -- JSON.decodeNumbersAsObjects = true
  362. --
  363. -- When this is set, numeric JSON data is encoded into Lua in a form that preserves the exact
  364. -- JSON numeric presentation when re-encoded back out to JSON, or accessed in Lua as a string.
  365. --
  366. -- (This is done by encoding the numeric data with a Lua table/metatable that returns
  367. -- the possibly-imprecise numeric form when accessed numerically, but the original precise
  368. -- representation when accessed as a string.)
  369. --
  370. -- Consider the example above, with this option turned on:
  371. --
  372. -- JSON.decodeNumbersAsObjects = true
  373. --
  374. -- T = JSON:decode('{ "small":12345, "big":12345678901234567890123456789, "precise":9876.67890123456789012345 }')
  375. --
  376. -- print("small: ", type(T.small), T.small)
  377. -- print("big: ", type(T.big), T.big)
  378. -- print("precise: ", type(T.precise), T.precise)
  379. --
  380. -- This now produces:
  381. --
  382. -- small: table 12345
  383. -- big: table 12345678901234567890123456789
  384. -- precise: table 9876.67890123456789012345
  385. --
  386. -- However, within Lua you can still use the values (e.g. T.precise in the example above) in numeric
  387. -- contexts. In such cases you'll get the possibly-imprecise numeric version, but in string contexts
  388. -- and when the data finds its way to this package's encode() function, the original full-precision
  389. -- representation is used.
  390. --
  391. -- Even without using the JSON.decodeNumbersAsObjects option, you can encode numbers
  392. -- in your Lua table that retain high precision upon encoding to JSON, by using the JSON:asNumber()
  393. -- function:
  394. --
  395. -- T = {
  396. -- imprecise = 123456789123456789.123456789123456789,
  397. -- precise = JSON:asNumber("123456789123456789.123456789123456789")
  398. -- }
  399. --
  400. -- print(JSON:encode_pretty(T))
  401. --
  402. -- This produces:
  403. --
  404. -- {
  405. -- "precise": 123456789123456789.123456789123456789,
  406. -- "imprecise": 1.2345678912346e+17
  407. -- }
  408. --
  409. --
  410. --
  411. -- A different way to handle big/precise JSON numbers is to have decode() merely return
  412. -- the exact string representation of the number instead of the number itself.
  413. -- This approach might be useful when the numbers are merely some kind of opaque
  414. -- object identifier and you want to work with them in Lua as strings anyway.
  415. --
  416. -- This approach is enabled by setting
  417. --
  418. -- JSON.decodeIntegerStringificationLength = 10
  419. --
  420. -- The value is the number of digits (of the integer part of the number) at which to stringify numbers.
  421. --
  422. -- Consider our previous example with this option set to 10:
  423. --
  424. -- JSON.decodeIntegerStringificationLength = 10
  425. --
  426. -- T = JSON:decode('{ "small":12345, "big":12345678901234567890123456789, "precise":9876.67890123456789012345 }')
  427. --
  428. -- print("small: ", type(T.small), T.small)
  429. -- print("big: ", type(T.big), T.big)
  430. -- print("precise: ", type(T.precise), T.precise)
  431. --
  432. -- This produces:
  433. --
  434. -- small: number 12345
  435. -- big: string 12345678901234567890123456789
  436. -- precise: number 9876.6789012346
  437. --
  438. -- The long integer of the 'big' field is at least JSON.decodeIntegerStringificationLength digits
  439. -- in length, so it's converted not to a Lua integer but to a Lua string. Using a value of 0 or 1 ensures
  440. -- that all JSON numeric data becomes strings in Lua.
  441. --
  442. -- Note that unlike
  443. -- JSON.decodeNumbersAsObjects = true
  444. -- this stringification is simple and unintelligent: the JSON number simply becomes a Lua string, and that's the end of it.
  445. -- If the string is then converted back to JSON, it's still a string. After running the code above, adding
  446. -- print(JSON:encode(T))
  447. -- produces
  448. -- {"big":"12345678901234567890123456789","precise":9876.6789012346,"small":12345}
  449. -- which is unlikely to be desired.
  450. --
  451. -- There's a comparable option for the length of the decimal part of a number:
  452. --
  453. -- JSON.decodeDecimalStringificationLength
  454. --
  455. -- This can be used alone or in conjunction with
  456. --
  457. -- JSON.decodeIntegerStringificationLength
  458. --
  459. -- to trip stringification on precise numbers with at least JSON.decodeIntegerStringificationLength digits after
  460. -- the decimal point.
  461. --
  462. -- This example:
  463. --
  464. -- JSON.decodeIntegerStringificationLength = 10
  465. -- JSON.decodeDecimalStringificationLength = 5
  466. --
  467. -- T = JSON:decode('{ "small":12345, "big":12345678901234567890123456789, "precise":9876.67890123456789012345 }')
  468. --
  469. -- print("small: ", type(T.small), T.small)
  470. -- print("big: ", type(T.big), T.big)
  471. -- print("precise: ", type(T.precise), T.precise)
  472. --
  473. -- produces:
  474. --
  475. -- small: number 12345
  476. -- big: string 12345678901234567890123456789
  477. -- precise: string 9876.67890123456789012345
  478. --
  479. --
  480. --
  481. --
  482. --
  484. --
  485. -- assert
  486. -- onDecodeError
  487. -- onDecodeOfNilError
  488. -- onDecodeOfHTMLError
  489. -- onEncodeError
  490. --
  491. -- If you want to create a separate Lua JSON object with its own error handlers,
  492. -- you can reload JSON.lua or use the :new() method.
  493. --
  494. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. local default_pretty_indent = " "
  497. local default_pretty_options = { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = default_pretty_indent }
  499. local isArray = { __tostring = function() return "JSON array" end } isArray.__index = isArray
  500. local isObject = { __tostring = function() return "JSON object" end } isObject.__index = isObject
  502. function OBJDEF:newArray(tbl)
  503. return setmetatable(tbl or {}, isArray)
  504. end
  506. function OBJDEF:newObject(tbl)
  507. return setmetatable(tbl or {}, isObject)
  508. end
  513. local function getnum(op)
  514. return type(op) == 'number' and op or op.N
  515. end
  517. local isNumber = {
  518. __index = isNumber,
  519. __tostring = function(T) return T.S end,
  521. __add = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) + getnum(op2) end,
  522. __sub = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) - getnum(op2) end,
  523. __mul = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) * getnum(op2) end,
  524. __div = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) / getnum(op2) end,
  525. __mod = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) % getnum(op2) end,
  526. __pow = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) ^ getnum(op2) end,
  527. __lt = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) < getnum(op2) end,
  528. __eq = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) == getnum(op2) end,
  529. __le = function(op1, op2) return getnum(op1) <= getnum(op2) end,
  530. __unm = function(op) return getnum(op) end,
  531. }
  533. function OBJDEF:asNumber(item)
  535. if getmetatable(item) == isNumber then
  536. -- it's already a JSON number object.
  537. return item
  538. elseif type(item) == 'table' and type(item.S) == 'string' and type(item.N) == 'number' then
  539. -- it's a number-object table that lots its metatable, so give it one
  540. return setmetatable(item, isNumber)
  541. else
  542. -- the normal situation... given a number or a string representation of a number....
  543. local holder = {
  544. S = tostring(item), -- S is the representation of the number as a string, which remains precise
  545. N = tonumber(item), -- N is the number as a Lua number.
  546. }
  547. return setmetatable(holder, isNumber)
  548. end
  549. end
  551. local function unicode_codepoint_as_utf8(codepoint)
  552. --
  553. -- codepoint is a number
  554. --
  555. if codepoint <= 127 then
  556. return string.char(codepoint)
  558. elseif codepoint <= 2047 then
  559. --
  560. -- 110yyyxx 10xxxxxx <-- useful notation from
  561. --
  562. local highpart = math.floor(codepoint / 0x40)
  563. local lowpart = codepoint - (0x40 * highpart)
  564. return string.char(0xC0 + highpart,
  565. 0x80 + lowpart)
  567. elseif codepoint <= 65535 then
  568. --
  569. -- 1110yyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
  570. --
  571. local highpart = math.floor(codepoint / 0x1000)
  572. local remainder = codepoint - 0x1000 * highpart
  573. local midpart = math.floor(remainder / 0x40)
  574. local lowpart = remainder - 0x40 * midpart
  576. highpart = 0xE0 + highpart
  577. midpart = 0x80 + midpart
  578. lowpart = 0x80 + lowpart
  580. --
  581. -- Check for an invalid character (thanks Andy R. at Adobe).
  582. -- See table 3.7, page 93, in
  583. --
  584. if ( highpart == 0xE0 and midpart < 0xA0 ) or
  585. ( highpart == 0xED and midpart > 0x9F ) or
  586. ( highpart == 0xF0 and midpart < 0x90 ) or
  587. ( highpart == 0xF4 and midpart > 0x8F )
  588. then
  589. return "?"
  590. else
  591. return string.char(highpart,
  592. midpart,
  593. lowpart)
  594. end
  596. else
  597. --
  598. -- 11110zzz 10zzyyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
  599. --
  600. local highpart = math.floor(codepoint / 0x40000)
  601. local remainder = codepoint - 0x40000 * highpart
  602. local midA = math.floor(remainder / 0x1000)
  603. remainder = remainder - 0x1000 * midA
  604. local midB = math.floor(remainder / 0x40)
  605. local lowpart = remainder - 0x40 * midB
  607. return string.char(0xF0 + highpart,
  608. 0x80 + midA,
  609. 0x80 + midB,
  610. 0x80 + lowpart)
  611. end
  612. end
  614. function OBJDEF:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
  615. if text then
  616. if location then
  617. message = string.format("%s at char %d of: %s", message, location, text)
  618. else
  619. message = string.format("%s: %s", message, text)
  620. end
  621. end
  623. if etc ~= nil then
  624. message = message .. " (" .. OBJDEF:encode(etc) .. ")"
  625. end
  627. if self.assert then
  628. self.assert(false, message)
  629. else
  630. assert(false, message)
  631. end
  632. end
  634. OBJDEF.onDecodeOfNilError = OBJDEF.onDecodeError
  635. OBJDEF.onDecodeOfHTMLError = OBJDEF.onDecodeError
  637. function OBJDEF:onEncodeError(message, etc)
  638. if etc ~= nil then
  639. message = message .. " (" .. OBJDEF:encode(etc) .. ")"
  640. end
  642. if self.assert then
  643. self.assert(false, message)
  644. else
  645. assert(false, message)
  646. end
  647. end
  649. local function grok_number(self, text, start, options)
  650. --
  651. -- Grab the integer part
  652. --
  653. local integer_part = text:match('^-?[1-9]%d*', start)
  654. or text:match("^-?0", start)
  656. if not integer_part then
  657. self:onDecodeError("expected number", text, start, options.etc)
  658. end
  660. local i = start + integer_part:len()
  662. --
  663. -- Grab an optional decimal part
  664. --
  665. local decimal_part = text:match('^%.%d+', i) or ""
  667. i = i + decimal_part:len()
  669. --
  670. -- Grab an optional exponential part
  671. --
  672. local exponent_part = text:match('^[eE][-+]?%d+', i) or ""
  674. i = i + exponent_part:len()
  676. local full_number_text = integer_part .. decimal_part .. exponent_part
  678. if options.decodeNumbersAsObjects then
  679. return OBJDEF:asNumber(full_number_text), i
  680. end
  682. --
  683. -- If we're told to stringify under certain conditions, so do.
  684. -- We punt a bit when there's an exponent by just stringifying no matter what.
  685. -- I suppose we should really look to see whether the exponent is actually big enough one
  686. -- way or the other to trip stringification, but I'll be lazy about it until someone asks.
  687. --
  688. if (options.decodeIntegerStringificationLength
  689. and
  690. (integer_part:len() >= options.decodeIntegerStringificationLength or exponent_part:len() > 0))
  692. or
  694. (options.decodeDecimalStringificationLength
  695. and
  696. (decimal_part:len() >= options.decodeDecimalStringificationLength or exponent_part:len() > 0))
  697. then
  698. return full_number_text, i -- this returns the exact string representation seen in the original JSON
  699. end
  703. local as_number = tonumber(full_number_text)
  705. if not as_number then
  706. self:onDecodeError("bad number", text, start, options.etc)
  707. end
  709. return as_number, i
  710. end
  713. local function grok_string(self, text, start, options)
  715. if text:sub(start,start) ~= '"' then
  716. self:onDecodeError("expected string's opening quote", text, start, options.etc)
  717. end
  719. local i = start + 1 -- +1 to bypass the initial quote
  720. local text_len = text:len()
  721. local VALUE = ""
  722. while i <= text_len do
  723. local c = text:sub(i,i)
  724. if c == '"' then
  725. return VALUE, i + 1
  726. end
  727. if c ~= '\\' then
  728. VALUE = VALUE .. c
  729. i = i + 1
  730. elseif text:match('^\\b', i) then
  731. VALUE = VALUE .. "\b"
  732. i = i + 2
  733. elseif text:match('^\\f', i) then
  734. VALUE = VALUE .. "\f"
  735. i = i + 2
  736. elseif text:match('^\\n', i) then
  737. VALUE = VALUE .. "\n"
  738. i = i + 2
  739. elseif text:match('^\\r', i) then
  740. VALUE = VALUE .. "\r"
  741. i = i + 2
  742. elseif text:match('^\\t', i) then
  743. VALUE = VALUE .. "\t"
  744. i = i + 2
  745. else
  746. local hex = text:match('^\\u([0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF])', i)
  747. if hex then
  748. i = i + 6 -- bypass what we just read
  750. -- We have a Unicode codepoint. It could be standalone, or if in the proper range and
  751. -- followed by another in a specific range, it'll be a two-code surrogate pair.
  752. local codepoint = tonumber(hex, 16)
  753. if codepoint >= 0xD800 and codepoint <= 0xDBFF then
  754. -- it's a hi surrogate... see whether we have a following low
  755. local lo_surrogate = text:match('^\\u([dD][cdefCDEF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF])', i)
  756. if lo_surrogate then
  757. i = i + 6 -- bypass the low surrogate we just read
  758. codepoint = 0x2400 + (codepoint - 0xD800) * 0x400 + tonumber(lo_surrogate, 16)
  759. else
  760. -- not a proper low, so we'll just leave the first codepoint as is and spit it out.
  761. end
  762. end
  763. VALUE = VALUE .. unicode_codepoint_as_utf8(codepoint)
  765. else
  767. -- just pass through what's escaped
  768. VALUE = VALUE .. text:match('^\\(.)', i)
  769. i = i + 2
  770. end
  771. end
  772. end
  774. self:onDecodeError("unclosed string", text, start, options.etc)
  775. end
  777. local function skip_whitespace(text, start)
  779. local _, match_end = text:find("^[ \n\r\t]+", start) -- [] Section 2
  780. if match_end then
  781. return match_end + 1
  782. else
  783. return start
  784. end
  785. end
  787. local grok_one -- assigned later
  789. local function grok_object(self, text, start, options)
  791. if text:sub(start,start) ~= '{' then
  792. self:onDecodeError("expected '{'", text, start, options.etc)
  793. end
  795. local i = skip_whitespace(text, start + 1) -- +1 to skip the '{'
  797. local VALUE = self.strictTypes and self:newObject { } or { }
  799. if text:sub(i,i) == '}' then
  800. return VALUE, i + 1
  801. end
  802. local text_len = text:len()
  803. while i <= text_len do
  804. local key, new_i = grok_string(self, text, i, options)
  806. i = skip_whitespace(text, new_i)
  808. if text:sub(i, i) ~= ':' then
  809. self:onDecodeError("expected colon", text, i, options.etc)
  810. end
  812. i = skip_whitespace(text, i + 1)
  814. local new_val, new_i = grok_one(self, text, i, options)
  816. VALUE[key] = new_val
  818. --
  819. -- Expect now either '}' to end things, or a ',' to allow us to continue.
  820. --
  821. i = skip_whitespace(text, new_i)
  823. local c = text:sub(i,i)
  825. if c == '}' then
  826. return VALUE, i + 1
  827. end
  829. if text:sub(i, i) ~= ',' then
  830. self:onDecodeError("expected comma or '}'", text, i, options.etc)
  831. end
  833. i = skip_whitespace(text, i + 1)
  834. end
  836. self:onDecodeError("unclosed '{'", text, start, options.etc)
  837. end
  839. local function grok_array(self, text, start, options)
  840. if text:sub(start,start) ~= '[' then
  841. self:onDecodeError("expected '['", text, start, options.etc)
  842. end
  844. local i = skip_whitespace(text, start + 1) -- +1 to skip the '['
  845. local VALUE = self.strictTypes and self:newArray { } or { }
  846. if text:sub(i,i) == ']' then
  847. return VALUE, i + 1
  848. end
  850. local VALUE_INDEX = 1
  852. local text_len = text:len()
  853. while i <= text_len do
  854. local val, new_i = grok_one(self, text, i, options)
  856. -- can't table.insert(VALUE, val) here because it's a no-op if val is nil
  857. VALUE[VALUE_INDEX] = val
  860. i = skip_whitespace(text, new_i)
  862. --
  863. -- Expect now either ']' to end things, or a ',' to allow us to continue.
  864. --
  865. local c = text:sub(i,i)
  866. if c == ']' then
  867. return VALUE, i + 1
  868. end
  869. if text:sub(i, i) ~= ',' then
  870. self:onDecodeError("expected comma or '['", text, i, options.etc)
  871. end
  872. i = skip_whitespace(text, i + 1)
  873. end
  874. self:onDecodeError("unclosed '['", text, start, options.etc)
  875. end
  878. grok_one = function(self, text, start, options)
  879. -- Skip any whitespace
  880. start = skip_whitespace(text, start)
  882. if start > text:len() then
  883. self:onDecodeError("unexpected end of string", text, nil, options.etc)
  884. end
  886. if text:find('^"', start) then
  887. return grok_string(self, text, start, options.etc)
  889. elseif text:find('^[-0123456789 ]', start) then
  890. return grok_number(self, text, start, options)
  892. elseif text:find('^%{', start) then
  893. return grok_object(self, text, start, options)
  895. elseif text:find('^%[', start) then
  896. return grok_array(self, text, start, options)
  898. elseif text:find('^true', start) then
  899. return true, start + 4
  901. elseif text:find('^false', start) then
  902. return false, start + 5
  904. elseif text:find('^null', start) then
  905. return nil, start + 4
  907. else
  908. self:onDecodeError("can't parse JSON", text, start, options.etc)
  909. end
  910. end
  912. function OBJDEF:decode(text, etc, options)
  913. --
  914. -- If the user didn't pass in a table of decode options, make an empty one.
  915. --
  916. if type(options) ~= 'table' then
  917. options = {}
  918. end
  920. --
  921. -- If they passed in an 'etc' argument, stuff it into the options.
  922. -- (If not, any 'etc' field in the options they passed in remains to be used)
  923. --
  924. if etc ~= nil then
  925. options.etc = etc
  926. end
  929. if type(self) ~= 'table' or self.__index ~= OBJDEF then
  930. OBJDEF:onDecodeError("JSON:decode must be called in method format", nil, nil, options.etc)
  931. end
  933. if text == nil then
  934. self:onDecodeOfNilError(string.format("nil passed to JSON:decode()"), nil, nil, options.etc)
  935. elseif type(text) ~= 'string' then
  936. self:onDecodeError(string.format("expected string argument to JSON:decode(), got %s", type(text)), nil, nil, options.etc)
  937. end
  939. if text:match('^%s*$') then
  940. return nil
  941. end
  943. if text:match('^%s*<') then
  944. -- Can't be JSON... we'll assume it's HTML
  945. self:onDecodeOfHTMLError(string.format("html passed to JSON:decode()"), text, nil, options.etc)
  946. end
  948. --
  949. -- Ensure that it's not UTF-32 or UTF-16.
  950. -- Those are perfectly valid encodings for JSON (as per RFC 4627 section 3),
  951. -- but this package can't handle them.
  952. --
  953. if text:sub(1,1):byte() == 0 or (text:len() >= 2 and text:sub(2,2):byte() == 0) then
  954. self:onDecodeError("JSON package groks only UTF-8, sorry", text, nil, options.etc)
  955. end
  957. --
  958. -- apply global options
  959. --
  960. if options.decodeNumbersAsObjects == nil then
  961. options.decodeNumbersAsObjects = self.decodeNumbersAsObjects
  962. end
  963. if options.decodeIntegerStringificationLength == nil then
  964. options.decodeIntegerStringificationLength = self.decodeIntegerStringificationLength
  965. end
  966. if options.decodeDecimalStringificationLength == nil then
  967. options.decodeDecimalStringificationLength = self.decodeDecimalStringificationLength
  968. end
  970. local success, value = pcall(grok_one, self, text, 1, options)
  972. if success then
  973. return value
  974. else
  975. -- if JSON:onDecodeError() didn't abort out of the pcall, we'll have received the error message here as "value", so pass it along as an assert.
  976. if self.assert then
  977. self.assert(false, value)
  978. else
  979. assert(false, value)
  980. end
  981. -- and if we're still here, return a nil and throw the error message on as a second arg
  982. return nil, value
  983. end
  984. end
  986. local function backslash_replacement_function(c)
  987. if c == "\n" then
  988. return "\\n"
  989. elseif c == "\r" then
  990. return "\\r"
  991. elseif c == "\t" then
  992. return "\\t"
  993. elseif c == "\b" then
  994. return "\\b"
  995. elseif c == "\f" then
  996. return "\\f"
  997. elseif c == '"' then
  998. return '\\"'
  999. elseif c == '\\' then
  1000. return '\\\\'
  1001. else
  1002. return string.format("\\u%04x", c:byte())
  1003. end
  1004. end
  1006. local chars_to_be_escaped_in_JSON_string
  1007. = '['
  1008. .. '"' -- class sub-pattern to match a double quote
  1009. .. '%\\' -- class sub-pattern to match a backslash
  1010. .. '%z' -- class sub-pattern to match a null
  1011. .. '\001' .. '-' .. '\031' -- class sub-pattern to match control characters
  1012. .. ']'
  1015. local LINE_SEPARATOR_as_utf8 = unicode_codepoint_as_utf8(0x2028)
  1016. local PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR_as_utf8 = unicode_codepoint_as_utf8(0x2029)
  1017. local function json_string_literal(value, options)
  1018. local newval = value:gsub(chars_to_be_escaped_in_JSON_string, backslash_replacement_function)
  1019. if options.stringsAreUtf8 then
  1020. --
  1021. -- This feels really ugly to just look into a string for the sequence of bytes that we know to be a particular utf8 character,
  1022. -- but utf8 was designed purposefully to make this kind of thing possible. Still, feels dirty.
  1023. -- I'd rather decode the byte stream into a character stream, but it's not technically needed so
  1024. -- not technically worth it.
  1025. --
  1026. newval = newval:gsub(LINE_SEPARATOR_as_utf8, '\\u2028'):gsub(PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR_as_utf8,'\\u2029')
  1027. end
  1028. return '"' .. newval .. '"'
  1029. end
  1031. local function object_or_array(self, T, etc)
  1032. --
  1033. -- We need to inspect all the keys... if there are any strings, we'll convert to a JSON
  1034. -- object. If there are only numbers, it's a JSON array.
  1035. --
  1036. -- If we'll be converting to a JSON object, we'll want to sort the keys so that the
  1037. -- end result is deterministic.
  1038. --
  1039. local string_keys = { }
  1040. local number_keys = { }
  1041. local number_keys_must_be_strings = false
  1042. local maximum_number_key
  1044. for key in pairs(T) do
  1045. if type(key) == 'string' then
  1046. table.insert(string_keys, key)
  1047. elseif type(key) == 'number' then
  1048. table.insert(number_keys, key)
  1049. if key <= 0 or key >= math.huge then
  1050. number_keys_must_be_strings = true
  1051. elseif not maximum_number_key or key > maximum_number_key then
  1052. maximum_number_key = key
  1053. end
  1054. else
  1055. self:onEncodeError("can't encode table with a key of type " .. type(key), etc)
  1056. end
  1057. end
  1059. if #string_keys == 0 and not number_keys_must_be_strings then
  1060. --
  1061. -- An empty table, or a numeric-only array
  1062. --
  1063. if #number_keys > 0 then
  1064. return nil, maximum_number_key -- an array
  1065. elseif tostring(T) == "JSON array" then
  1066. return nil
  1067. elseif tostring(T) == "JSON object" then
  1068. return { }
  1069. else
  1070. -- have to guess, so we'll pick array, since empty arrays are likely more common than empty objects
  1071. return nil
  1072. end
  1073. end
  1075. table.sort(string_keys)
  1077. local map
  1078. if #number_keys > 0 then
  1079. --
  1080. -- If we're here then we have either mixed string/number keys, or numbers inappropriate for a JSON array
  1081. -- It's not ideal, but we'll turn the numbers into strings so that we can at least create a JSON object.
  1082. --
  1084. if self.noKeyConversion then
  1085. self:onEncodeError("a table with both numeric and string keys could be an object or array; aborting", etc)
  1086. end
  1088. --
  1089. -- Have to make a shallow copy of the source table so we can remap the numeric keys to be strings
  1090. --
  1091. map = { }
  1092. for key, val in pairs(T) do
  1093. map[key] = val
  1094. end
  1096. table.sort(number_keys)
  1098. --
  1099. -- Throw numeric keys in there as strings
  1100. --
  1101. for _, number_key in ipairs(number_keys) do
  1102. local string_key = tostring(number_key)
  1103. if map[string_key] == nil then
  1104. table.insert(string_keys , string_key)
  1105. map[string_key] = T[number_key]
  1106. else
  1107. self:onEncodeError("conflict converting table with mixed-type keys into a JSON object: key " .. number_key .. " exists both as a string and a number.", etc)
  1108. end
  1109. end
  1110. end
  1112. return string_keys, nil, map
  1113. end
  1115. --
  1116. -- Encode
  1117. --
  1118. -- 'options' is nil, or a table with possible keys:
  1119. --
  1120. -- pretty -- If true, return a pretty-printed version.
  1121. --
  1122. -- indent -- A string (usually of spaces) used to indent each nested level.
  1123. --
  1124. -- align_keys -- If true, align all the keys when formatting a table.
  1125. --
  1126. -- null -- If this exists with a string value, table elements with this value are output as JSON null.
  1127. --
  1128. -- stringsAreUtf8 -- If true, consider Lua strings not as a sequence of bytes, but as a sequence of UTF-8 characters.
  1129. -- (Currently, the only practical effect of setting this option is that Unicode LINE and PARAGRAPH
  1130. -- separators, if found in a string, are encoded with a JSON escape instead of as raw UTF-8.
  1131. -- The JSON is valid either way, but encoding this way, apparently, allows the resulting JSON
  1132. -- to also be valid Java.)
  1133. --
  1134. --
  1135. local encode_value -- must predeclare because it calls itself
  1136. function encode_value(self, value, parents, etc, options, indent, for_key)
  1138. --
  1139. -- keys in a JSON object can never be null, so we don't even consider options.null when converting a key value
  1140. --
  1141. if value == nil or (not for_key and options and options.null and value == options.null) then
  1142. return 'null'
  1144. elseif type(value) == 'string' then
  1145. return json_string_literal(value, options)
  1147. elseif type(value) == 'number' then
  1148. if value ~= value then
  1149. --
  1150. -- NaN (Not a Number).
  1151. -- JSON has no NaN, so we have to fudge the best we can. This should really be a package option.
  1152. --
  1153. return "null"
  1154. elseif value >= math.huge then
  1155. --
  1156. -- Positive infinity. JSON has no INF, so we have to fudge the best we can. This should
  1157. -- really be a package option. Note: at least with some implementations, positive infinity
  1158. -- is both ">= math.huge" and "<= -math.huge", which makes no sense but that's how it is.
  1159. -- Negative infinity is properly "<= -math.huge". So, we must be sure to check the ">="
  1160. -- case first.
  1161. --
  1162. return "1e+9999"
  1163. elseif value <= -math.huge then
  1164. --
  1165. -- Negative infinity.
  1166. -- JSON has no INF, so we have to fudge the best we can. This should really be a package option.
  1167. --
  1168. return "-1e+9999"
  1169. else
  1170. return tostring(value)
  1171. end
  1173. elseif type(value) == 'boolean' then
  1174. return tostring(value)
  1176. elseif type(value) ~= 'table' then
  1177. self:onEncodeError("can't convert " .. type(value) .. " to JSON", etc)
  1179. elseif getmetatable(value) == isNumber then
  1180. return tostring(value)
  1181. else
  1182. --
  1183. -- A table to be converted to either a JSON object or array.
  1184. --
  1185. local T = value
  1187. if type(options) ~= 'table' then
  1188. options = {}
  1189. end
  1190. if type(indent) ~= 'string' then
  1191. indent = ""
  1192. end
  1194. if parents[T] then
  1195. self:onEncodeError("table " .. tostring(T) .. " is a child of itself", etc)
  1196. else
  1197. parents[T] = true
  1198. end
  1200. local result_value
  1202. local object_keys, maximum_number_key, map = object_or_array(self, T, etc)
  1203. if maximum_number_key then
  1204. --
  1205. -- An array...
  1206. --
  1207. local ITEMS = { }
  1208. for i = 1, maximum_number_key do
  1209. table.insert(ITEMS, encode_value(self, T[i], parents, etc, options, indent))
  1210. end
  1212. if options.pretty then
  1213. result_value = "[ " .. table.concat(ITEMS, ", ") .. " ]"
  1214. else
  1215. result_value = "[" .. table.concat(ITEMS, ",") .. "]"
  1216. end
  1218. elseif object_keys then
  1219. --
  1220. -- An object
  1221. --
  1222. local TT = map or T
  1224. if options.pretty then
  1226. local KEYS = { }
  1227. local max_key_length = 0
  1228. for _, key in ipairs(object_keys) do
  1229. local encoded = encode_value(self, tostring(key), parents, etc, options, indent, true)
  1230. if options.align_keys then
  1231. max_key_length = math.max(max_key_length, #encoded)
  1232. end
  1233. table.insert(KEYS, encoded)
  1234. end
  1235. local key_indent = indent .. tostring(options.indent or "")
  1236. local subtable_indent = key_indent .. string.rep(" ", max_key_length) .. (options.align_keys and " " or "")
  1237. local FORMAT = "%s%" .. string.format("%d", max_key_length) .. "s: %s"
  1239. local COMBINED_PARTS = { }
  1240. for i, key in ipairs(object_keys) do
  1241. local encoded_val = encode_value(self, TT[key], parents, etc, options, subtable_indent)
  1242. table.insert(COMBINED_PARTS, string.format(FORMAT, key_indent, KEYS[i], encoded_val))
  1243. end
  1244. result_value = "{\n" .. table.concat(COMBINED_PARTS, ",\n") .. "\n" .. indent .. "}"
  1246. else
  1248. local PARTS = { }
  1249. for _, key in ipairs(object_keys) do
  1250. local encoded_val = encode_value(self, TT[key], parents, etc, options, indent)
  1251. local encoded_key = encode_value(self, tostring(key), parents, etc, options, indent, true)
  1252. table.insert(PARTS, string.format("%s:%s", encoded_key, encoded_val))
  1253. end
  1254. result_value = "{" .. table.concat(PARTS, ",") .. "}"
  1256. end
  1257. else
  1258. --
  1259. -- An empty array/object... we'll treat it as an array, though it should really be an option
  1260. --
  1261. result_value = "[]"
  1262. end
  1264. parents[T] = false
  1265. return result_value
  1266. end
  1267. end
  1270. function OBJDEF:encode(value, etc, options)
  1271. if type(self) ~= 'table' or self.__index ~= OBJDEF then
  1272. OBJDEF:onEncodeError("JSON:encode must be called in method format", etc)
  1273. end
  1275. --
  1276. -- If the user didn't pass in a table of decode options, make an empty one.
  1277. --
  1278. if type(options) ~= 'table' then
  1279. options = {}
  1280. end
  1282. return encode_value(self, value, {}, etc, options)
  1283. end
  1285. function OBJDEF:encode_pretty(value, etc, options)
  1286. if type(self) ~= 'table' or self.__index ~= OBJDEF then
  1287. OBJDEF:onEncodeError("JSON:encode_pretty must be called in method format", etc)
  1288. end
  1290. --
  1291. -- If the user didn't pass in a table of decode options, use the default pretty ones
  1292. --
  1293. if type(options) ~= 'table' then
  1294. options = default_pretty_options
  1295. end
  1297. return encode_value(self, value, {}, etc, options)
  1298. end
  1300. function OBJDEF.__tostring()
  1301. return "JSON encode/decode package"
  1302. end
  1304. OBJDEF.__index = OBJDEF
  1306. function OBJDEF:new(args)
  1307. local new = { }
  1309. if args then
  1310. for key, val in pairs(args) do
  1311. new[key] = val
  1312. end
  1313. end
  1315. return setmetatable(new, OBJDEF)
  1316. end
  1318. return OBJDEF:new()
  1320. --
  1321. -- Version history:
  1322. --
  1323. -- 20160709.16 Could crash if not passed an options table (thanks jarno heikkinen <>).
  1324. --
  1325. -- Made JSON:asNumber() a bit more resilient to being passed the results of itself.
  1326. --
  1327. -- 20160526.15 Added the ability to easily encode null values in JSON, via the new "null" encoding option.
  1328. -- (Thanks to Adam B for bringing up the issue.)
  1329. --
  1330. -- Added some support for very large numbers and precise floats via
  1331. -- JSON.decodeNumbersAsObjects
  1332. -- JSON.decodeIntegerStringificationLength
  1333. -- JSON.decodeDecimalStringificationLength
  1334. --
  1335. -- Added the "stringsAreUtf8" encoding option. (Hat tip to )
  1336. --
  1337. -- 20141223.14 The encode_pretty() routine produced fine results for small datasets, but isn't really
  1338. -- appropriate for anything large, so with help from Alex Aulbach I've made the encode routines
  1339. -- more flexible, and changed the default encode_pretty() to be more generally useful.
  1340. --
  1341. -- Added a third 'options' argument to the encode() and encode_pretty() routines, to control
  1342. -- how the encoding takes place.
  1343. --
  1344. -- Updated docs to add assert() call to the loadfile() line, just as good practice so that
  1345. -- if there is a problem loading JSON.lua, the appropriate error message will percolate up.
  1346. --
  1347. -- 20140920.13 Put back (in a way that doesn't cause warnings about unused variables) the author string,
  1348. -- so that the source of the package, and its version number, are visible in compiled copies.
  1349. --
  1350. -- 20140911.12 Minor lua cleanup.
  1351. -- Fixed internal reference to 'JSON.noKeyConversion' to reference 'self' instead of 'JSON'.
  1352. -- (Thanks to SmugMug's David Parry for these.)
  1353. --
  1354. -- 20140418.11 JSON nulls embedded within an array were being ignored, such that
  1355. -- ["1",null,null,null,null,null,"seven"],
  1356. -- would return
  1357. -- {1,"seven"}
  1358. -- It's now fixed to properly return
  1359. -- {1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "seven"}
  1360. -- Thanks to "haddock" for catching the error.
  1361. --
  1362. -- 20140116.10 The user's JSON.assert() wasn't always being used. Thanks to "blue" for the heads up.
  1363. --
  1364. -- 20131118.9 Update for Lua 5.3... it seems that tostring(2/1) produces "2.0" instead of "2",
  1365. -- and this caused some problems.
  1366. --
  1367. -- 20131031.8 Unified the code for encode() and encode_pretty(); they had been stupidly separate,
  1368. -- and had of course diverged (encode_pretty didn't get the fixes that encode got, so
  1369. -- sometimes produced incorrect results; thanks to Mattie for the heads up).
  1370. --
  1371. -- Handle encoding tables with non-positive numeric keys (unlikely, but possible).
  1372. --
  1373. -- If a table has both numeric and string keys, or its numeric keys are inappropriate
  1374. -- (such as being non-positive or infinite), the numeric keys are turned into
  1375. -- string keys appropriate for a JSON object. So, as before,
  1376. -- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", "three" })
  1377. -- produces the array
  1378. -- ["one","two","three"]
  1379. -- but now something with mixed key types like
  1380. -- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", "three", SOMESTRING = "some string" }))
  1381. -- instead of throwing an error produces an object:
  1382. -- {"1":"one","2":"two","3":"three","SOMESTRING":"some string"}
  1383. --
  1384. -- To maintain the prior throw-an-error semantics, set
  1385. -- JSON.noKeyConversion = true
  1386. --
  1387. -- 20131004.7 Release under a Creative Commons CC-BY license, which I should have done from day one, sorry.
  1388. --
  1389. -- 20130120.6 Comment update: added a link to the specific page on my blog where this code can
  1390. -- be found, so that folks who come across the code outside of my blog can find updates
  1391. -- more easily.
  1392. --
  1393. -- 20111207.5 Added support for the 'etc' arguments, for better error reporting.
  1394. --
  1395. -- 20110731.4 More feedback from David Kolf on how to make the tests for Nan/Infinity system independent.
  1396. --
  1397. -- 20110730.3 Incorporated feedback from David Kolf at
  1398. --
  1399. -- * When encoding lua for JSON, Sparse numeric arrays are now handled by
  1400. -- spitting out full arrays, such that
  1401. -- JSON:encode({"one", "two", [10] = "ten"})
  1402. -- returns
  1403. -- ["one","two",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"ten"]
  1404. --
  1405. -- In 20100810.2 and earlier, only up to the first non-null value would have been retained.
  1406. --
  1407. -- * When encoding lua for JSON, numeric value NaN gets spit out as null, and infinity as "1+e9999".
  1408. -- Version 20100810.2 and earlier created invalid JSON in both cases.
  1409. --
  1410. -- * Unicode surrogate pairs are now detected when decoding JSON.
  1411. --
  1412. -- 20100810.2 added some checking to ensure that an invalid Unicode character couldn't leak in to the UTF-8 encoding
  1413. --
  1414. -- 20100731.1 initial public release
  1415. --
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