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Nov 5th, 2018
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  138. var i18nMessages = {"username":"E-mail","terms.summary":"Summary","migration.migrate":"Migrate account","mcusername":"Minecraft Username","validation.password_mismatch":"Wrong password","validation.min":"Cannot be lower than %2$d","login.deleted":"Your account has been deactivated, contact \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003ecustomer support\u003c/a\u003e to resolve the situation.","purchase.postal":"Postal/ZIP Code","validation.match":"Must match %2$s","":"Not a valid phone","infoBarText":"Need help creating account or redeeming a gift card? \u003ca href\u003d\"%s\" target\u003d\"_blank\"\u003eRead this help article\u003c/a\u003e","validation.after":"Must be after %2$s","settings.noAddress":"None","terms.orgNumber":"Organization number","since.days":"%s day%s ago","mcemail":"Minecraft Account E-mail","registration.error.emailExists":"This e-mail is already registered to another account.","email":"E-mail","secure.title":"","registration.password":"Password","validation.future":"Must be in the future","terms.summary5":"Our games each have their own end user licence agreement which explain how our games can be used.","validation.unique":"Must be unique","registration.register":"Register","terms.summary4":"We are trying to be open, honest and trusting with the hope that you hold us in the same regard.","migrationRequest.password":"Password","terms.summary3":"You may develop tools, plug-ins and services for commercial use but they may not seem official, such as using our logos. Do not make commercial use of anything we\u0027ve made without our permission.","paymentDetails":"Payment details","terms.summary2":"Do not redistribute our games or any alterations of our game files.","terms.summary1":"Our games are usually made available during development and will contain errors and bugs.","login.blocked":"Your account has been locked, contact \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003ecustomer support\u003c/a\u003e to resolve the situation.","since.months":"%s month%s ago","migration.import":"Import Minecraft account","login.invalidUser":"Could not log you in. Please try again. If this problem persists you may have to clear your browser cookies.","error.securityQuestionsResetFailed":"To reset your security questions you need to contact customer support through our \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003eSupport Center\u003c/a\u003e. When contacting customer support, make sure that you include your game purchase transaction ID.","validation.invalidCharacters":"Contains invalid characters","birthdate":"Birthdate","migrationRequest.mcusername":"Username","resetPassword.invalidToken":"Invalid token. Try requesting another password reset e-mail.","validation.max":"Cannot be greater than %2$d","terms.introductionSecondParagraph":"If there‘s anything legal you‘re wondering about that isn‘t answered from this page, don‘t do it. Basically, don‘t be ridiculous and we won‘t.","registration.passwordAgain":"\u0026{passwordAgain}","newPasswordAgain":"Repeat new password","passwordAgain":"Repeat Password","validation.equals":"Must be equal to \u0026{%2$s}","terms.hideFull":"Hide terms","validation.url":"Not a valid URL","terms.introduction":"Introduction","terms.title":"Terms and Conditions","since.hours":"%s hour%s ago","validation.past":"Must be in the past","error.emailVerificationSendFailed":"We were unable to send you a verification email. To resolve the situation, please contact \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003ecustomer support\u003c/a\u003e and say that you wish to verify the e-mail address associated with the account.","billingAddress":"Billing address","validation.before":"Must be before %2$s","error.invalidVerificationLink":"Invalid verification link for this user. Perhaps you\u0027ve logged in to the wrong account? \u003ca href\u003d\"/logout\"\u003eLog out\u003c/a\u003e and try again.","purchase.creditCardExpiration":"Expiration date","proceed":"Proceed","unbind":"Unbind","importRequest.mcemail":"Minecraft Account E-mail","newPassword":"New password","":"\u0026{email}","error.couldNotVerifyPaypalPayment":"Could not verify payment with Paypal. To resolve the situation please contact customer support through our \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003esupport center\u003c/a\u003e.","close":"Close","":"Day","since.seconds":"%s second%s ago","error.securityQuestionsSendFailed":"We were unable to send you instructions on how to change your security questions. To resolve the situation, please contact \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003ecustomer support\u003c/a\u003e and say that you wish to reset your security questions.","securityQuestions":"Security questions","validation.maxSize":"Maximum length is %2$s. Please make it shorter!","":"Invalid email address","since.years":"%s year%s ago","terms.termsHaveChanged":"The terms and conditions for your Mojang account and your Mojang games have been updated. To continue to use our services, please read and accept them below.","validation.ageLimit":"Need to be at least 13 years old","address.postal":"Postal/ZIP Code","validation.ipv6":"Not a valid IP v6 address","secure.logout":"You have been logged out.","validation.ipv4":"Not a valid IP address","validation.required":"Required","currentPassword":"Current Password","error.unexpectedProcessingState":"An unexpected state occurred while processing the payment. To resolve the situation please contact customer support through our \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003esupport center\u003c/a\u003e.","secure.password":"Password:","since.format":"MMM d, yyyy","validation.invalid":"Invalid","purchase.creditCardNumber":"Card number","terms.haveToAgree":"You have to agree to the full terms and conditions before you can proceed.","registration.create":"Create new account","validation.minSize":"Minimum length is %2$s","terms.readAndAgreeTo":"I have read and agree to \u003ca href\u003d\"#terms-full\" id\u003d\"show-terms\" class\u003d\"toggle-terms\"\u003ethe full terms and conditions\u003c/a\u003e.","emailAgain":"Repeat E-mail","country":"Country","login.useEmail":"You need to use your e-mail address to login to your Mojang Account.\u003cbr /\u003eIf you haven\u0027t done so already, you first need to \u003ca href\u003d\"/migrate\" target\u003d\"_top\"\u003emigrate your Minecraft Account\u003c/a\u003e.","registration.profileName":"Profile name","":"Company information","validation.passwordTooWeak":"Password too weak","registration.year":"Year","error.errorProcessingPayment":"There was an error processing your payment. To resolve the situation please contact customer support through our \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003esupport center\u003c/a\u003e.","validation.range":"Not in the range %2$d through %3$d","":"E-mail","validation.passwordSimilarToEmail":"Password too similar to your e-mail","validation.invalidPassword":"Password invalid or too common","migration.blocked":"The account you are trying to migrate has been locked out of Minecraft, contact \u003ca href\u003d\"\"\u003ecustomer support\u003c/a\u003e to resolve the situation","validation.dateInvalid":"Date invalid","secure.remember":"Remember me","secure.error":"Unknown e-mail address or password.","migrationRequest.mcemail":"E-mail","updated":"Updated","validation.object":"Validation failed","error.accountAlreadyVerified":"This account has already been verified. Perhaps you\u0027ve logged in to the wrong account? \u003ca href\u003d\"/logout\"\u003eLog out\u003c/a\u003e and try again.","secure.username":"Username:","purchase.creditCardCvv":"CVV","validation.isTrue":"Must be checked","secure.signin":"Log in","importRequest.mcusername":"Minecraft Account Username","terms.introductionReadDocuments":"Read included documents:","error.emailVerificationRequiredRedeem":"You need to verify your e-mail address before redeeming a gift code or prepaid card.\u003cbr /\u003ePlease check your inbox or \u003ca href\u003d\"/me/resendVerifyEmail\"\u003erequest a new verification e-mail\u003c/a\u003e.","password":"Password","validation.notFound":"Object not found for id %2$s","purchase.shipTo":"Send to E-mail","registration.month":"Month","error.emailVerificationRequired":"You must verify your e-mail before you can proceed. \u003ca href\u003d\"/me/resendVerifyEmail\"\u003eResend verification e-mail\u003c/a\u003e.","registration.error.emailExists.deleted":"This e-mail is registered to a deleted account.","edit":"Edit","emailSubscriptions":"E-mail subscriptions","since.minutes":"%s minute%s ago","terms.introductionFirstParagraph":"These terms and conditions incorporates the terms of use for the \u003ca href\u003d\"#website\"\u003ewebsite (\"Account Terms”)\u003c/a\u003e, our \u003ca href\u003d\"#brand\"\u003ebrand and asset usage guidelines\u003c/a\u003e, and \u003ca href\u003d\"#privacy\"\u003eour privacy policy\u003c/a\u003e. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you also agree to all parts of these three documents, so please read through them carefully. If you buy, download, use or play any of our games, you will also have to stick to the end user licence agreement of that game. If you are young and you are having trouble understanding these terms and conditions, please ask a responsible adult such as your parent or guardian. Remember to check back here once in a while because we might change these terms and conditions.","importRequest.password":"Password","terms.showFull":"Show the full terms","error.invalidMinecraftProfile":"The selected Minecraft profile does not belong to this account. \u003ca href\u003d\"/logout\"\u003eLog out\u003c/a\u003e and log in to the correct account.","profileName":"Profile name","migrationRequest.emailAgain":"Repeat E-mail","terms.summaryIntro":"You should read the full terms and conditions but here is a quick summary of some important points to help guide you - the full terms and conditions still apply though."};
  140. /**
  141. * Fixme : only parse single char formatters eg. %s
  142. */
  143. var i18n = function(code) {
  144. var message = i18nMessages && i18nMessages[code] || code;
  145. // Encode %% to handle it later
  146. message = message.replace(/%%/g, "\0%\0");
  147. if (arguments.length > 1) {
  148. // Explicit ordered parameters
  149. for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) {
  150. var r = new RegExp("%" + i + "\\$\\w", "g");
  151. message = message.replace(r, arguments[i]);
  152. }
  153. // Standard ordered parameters
  154. for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) {
  155. message = message.replace(/%\w/, arguments[i]);
  156. }
  157. }
  158. // Decode encoded %% to single %
  159. message = message.replace(/\0%\0/g, "%");
  160. // Imbricated messages
  161. var imbricated = message.match(/&\{.*?\}/g);
  162. if (imbricated) {
  163. for (var i=0; i<imbricated.length; i++) {
  164. var imbricated_code = imbricated[i].substring(2, imbricated[i].length-1).replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/, "$1");
  165. message = message.replace(imbricated[i], i18nMessages[imbricated_code] || "");
  166. }
  167. }
  168. return message;
  169. };
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