

Jan 21st, 2022 (edited)
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  1. local anim = "Idle"
  3. if anim == "walk" and hit then
  4. if not jok then
  5. nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(cos(sine/3) * 5,0,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/15,rotrl/2,0),.2)
  6. rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,.2 * cos(sine/3),0) * angles(sin(sine/3) * 2.5,sin(sine/6) * 2.5,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/12.5,0,-rotrl/8.5),.2)
  7. rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(.05 - .05 * cos(sine/3),0,.1 * cos(sine/6) * rotfb) * angles(-10 - sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,-sin(sine/6) * 25 * rotfb,0,true),.2)
  8. ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(-.05 + .05 * cos(sine/3),0,-.1 * cos(sine/6) * rotfb) * angles(-10 + sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,-sin(sine/6) * 25 * rotfb,0,true),.2)
  9. rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,.2 * cos(sine/6),.3 * -cos(sine/6)) * angles((7.5 * math.abs(rotfb)) + sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,sin(sine/6) * 5,sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotrl,true),.2)
  10. lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,-.2 * cos(sine/6),.3 * cos(sine/6)) * angl
  11. es((7.5 * math.abs(rotfb)) - sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotfb,sin(sine/6) * 5,-sin(sine/6) * 40 * rotrl,true),.2)
  12. elseif anim == "jump" and not hit then
  13. nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  14. rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/5,0,-rotrl/5),.2)
  15. rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  16. ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  17. rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  18. lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  19. elseif anim == "fall" and not hit then
  20. nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  21. rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true) * angles(-rotfb/5,0,-rotrl/5),.2)
  22. rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(sin(sine/10) * 5,cos(sine/10) * 5,0,true),.2)
  23. ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(-sin(sine/10) * 5,-cos(sine/10) * 5,0,true),.2)
  24. rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  25. lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(0,0,0,true),.2)
  26. elseif anim == "idle" and hit then
  28. nec.C1 = nec.C1:Lerp(necc1 * cf(0,0,0) * angles(cos(sine/20) * 4,sin(sine/80) * 10,0,true) * angles(random(-sn,sn),random(-sn,sn),random(-sn,sn),true),.2)
  29. rutj.C1 = rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjc1 * cf(sin(sine/80)/20,sin(sine/20)/15,sin(sine/30)/17.5) * angles(sin(sine/20) * .9,sin(sine/60) * 2.25,sin(sine/80) * 2.25,true),.2)
  30. rs.C1 = rs.C1:Lerp(rsc1 * cf(0,sin(sine/20)/15,0) * angles((cos(sine/20) * 4),sin(sine/20) * 1.8,(sin(sine/80) * 2.25) + (cos(sine/20) * 2.25),true),.2)
  31. ls.C1 = ls.C1:Lerp(lsc1 * cf(0,sin(sine/20)/15,0) * angles((cos(sine/20) * 4),-sin(sine/20) * 1.8,(sin(sine/80) * 2.25) + (-cos(sine/20) * 2.25),true),.2)
  32. rh.C1 = rh.C1:Lerp(rhc1 * cf(0,(sin(sine/20)/15) + (sin(sine/80)/25),0) * angles((sin(sine/20) * 1.8) - (sin(sine/30) * 2.25) + (sin(sine/60) * 1.35),sin(sine/60) * 2.25,(sin(sine/80) * 3.25),true),.2)
  33. lh.C1 = lh.C1:Lerp(lhc1 * cf(0,(sin(sine/20)/15) - (sin(sine/80)/25),0) * angles((sin(sine/20) * 1.8) - (sin(sine/30) * 2.25) - (sin(sine/60) * 1.35),sin(sine/60) * 2.25,(sin(sine/80) * 3.25),true),.2)
  34. end
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