
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 24

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. 8:35 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Your eyes flutter open, warm and pleasant sensations coursing through your body as your wings twitch idly. You raise your head from between the bare breasts of your lover, looking up to her sleeping, smiling face with a smile of your own. Her chest heaves and falls in a slow rythm, her arms draped around you loosely. As you move about in the first moments of awakeness, she reflexively draws you closer to her, settling in once more.
  2. 8:38 PM - Kari: Kari giggles quietly, deciding she doesn't have anywhere she needs to be right away. Laying her head back down, she settles in between Widoia's chest, laying a cheek down to listen to her heartbeat. A little smile lays nestled on her lips, and she decides to wait for her lover to wake on her own.
  3. 8:43 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: You lay still a while longer, listening to her heart steadily beat as she breathes slowly in her sleep. Soon enough, you feel her begin to move, and she squeezes you with gentle purpose, looking down at you with a smile. "Good morning, Kari~."
  4. 8:44 PM - Kari: Kari turns her head to peer up at Widoia, her placid smile spreading into a toothy grin. "Good morning, Widoia~," she chirps quietly. Giving the lovely spider a squeeze, her wings make a happy little flutter. "How do you feel?"
  5. 8:47 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Her eight legs rustle beneath the covers as she squirms around, her smile growing. "Wonderful~. How about you?"
  6. 8:47 PM - Kari: "Same~."
  7. 8:50 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: She giggles, clutching you close once more. "So... you should be getting your stuff from the Wraiths today, huh? How's it feel? To have made a big name for yourself."
  8. 8:51 PM - Kari: Kari squeezes back, giggling from the feeling of Widoia's wriggling. "It... it feels good~." She nods slightly, still clearly thinking over her answer as she talks. "I... I was scared at first. It's so much to take in at once, but... I'm doing the right thing, and my family will be proud of me. You and Eve and everyone seem to all believe in me, so I must be doing the right thing."
  9. 8:54 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: She nods, resting her head on yours. "You've already made a big difference in a lot of peoples' lives. I'm just a silly little spider... all I do is handle our communications and signals. But you...? You're amazing, Kari. You really are something special."
  10. 8:54 PM - Kari: "Heh... People keep saying that. Maybe I'm starting to believe it, but you're far more than a silly little spider to me, Wids~."
  11. 8:57 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: "You really think so?" She asks, both happily and hopefully, already believing you but still wanting confirmation.
  12. 8:58 PM - Kari: "Of course, Widoia," she says, beaming a big smile. "I really care about you. You're always there for me, and you do more than just hande communications. You helped me spot that ambush by the Flal, remember? Then you're... someone to make sure I come back for~. You're really important!"
  13. 9:01 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: She lets out a relieved sigh, further pressing you into her for a moment before she wriggles, sliding herself down the bed until she's face-to-face with you. She leans her forehead against yours, smiling as she tilts her head to give you a firm kiss.
  14. 9:02 PM - Kari: Kari giggles all the while, wriggling back up to meet her halfway for that kiss.
  15. 9:05 PM - Kari: As the kiss break, she slowly pulls away, running a single hand through Widoia's hair. She looks her lover in the eyes as a faint blush blooms on her cheeks. "Hey... Widoia...?" Kari says, building up the thought. "I'm going to call my family today, but... I was wondering. Since you helped look after Jake and Val, they might like to see you again~. And... I think I it would be a good chance for you to meet my sisters too. Would that be okay?"
  16. 9:08 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: "M-meet your family? Really? I... I'd love to, Kari~! That sounds super nice." She giggles madly, wrapping her arms around you and kicking her legs happily, throwing the bedsheets into a tangled mess.
  17. 9:08 PM - Kari: "Yeah~," Kari manages to giggle out admist the happy wriggles. "Thanks, Widoia! It really means a lot. Heheheh. I think Yui will really like you, but I have to warn you about Ida. She's going to be really suspicious. So don't take anything she says too seriously and she'll warm up in no time."
  18. 9:11 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: "I'm looking forward to seeing the kids too~. But... suspicious? Why's that?"
  19. 9:13 PM - Kari: "Um..." Kari's happy expression falters, and she starts to feel a touch guilty. Trying to find a nice way to put it, she finally breathes an uncomfortable sigh. "She's... So... How do I say this...? Before I came to Mr. Silk and he gave me the job, my family's history with Dryders... wasn't the best. One merchant ran my family out of business, and... we lost a lot when it happened. I know better, and Yui made sure I didn't get Ida's bad habbits, but she kinda thinks all Dryders are like that one. She gets worked up real easily, but she's also a big softy in her own way. That and she's really protective of me. But you're really different than that one person. You're so nice and sweet and beautiful and kind and-... er... heh... um... A-anyway. I think she'll like you, but she's... stubborn... so she might just need a little time to see how great you are."
  20. 9:19 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia looks a little downcast at the news, frowning as she presses her head against yours. It takes her a moment, but she manages to force a smile on her face, looking resolute. "I'll make sure she knows I'm not a bad person! I wouldn't want your sister to not like me... I don't think I could take it... but I'm sure she's just as great as you say she is, so, it's no problem then, right?"
  21. 9:19 PM - Kari: Kari tries to force a smile to, but at Widoia's resolve, it quickly turns to a genuine one. "Yeah~. You'll do great! You're so nice! It's like you're impossible to not like! She'll come around. I think Ida just needs a good example to see a nice dryder, and you're the nicest one I know!"
  22. 9:20 PM - Kari: "... Also I'll beat her up if she's mean to you."
  23. 9:26 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: At your last sentence, she giggles cheerily once more, leaning in to give you another short kiss. "You're the best, Kari~." Reluctantly standing from the bed, she kicks the last of the sheets off her legs and crumples it up, setting it aside to sort later. Completely unclothed after the previous night's events, she rubs a hand over her long, carapaced abdomen, twisting her upper body to look behind her before she returns her attention to you. "I should probably get cleaned up... I think we'll be going soon, soon as we get your package in fact, and Mr. Silk will want me on the comms to send our IDs out." She puts a hand to her mouth, covering a smile. "And I'm sure you'll want to be cleaned up before you wear your new uniform, too~."
  24. 9:29 PM - Kari: With a resolute nod, Kari chirps a happy affirmative. "Sounds good to me~. I wonder what all comes with it. It's kind of exciting." Standing up from the bed, Kari stretches out as well, limbering up and giving her wigs a few buzzes. Sighing out, she starts to slip in the flight suit, if only to be decent for the halls. "The call might last a bit, so feel free to swing by whenever you're able. I think I'm going to take a long shower though to get ready. There's so much I need to say."
  25. 9:37 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Cantering off down the hall, you enter your room and undress once more, throwing your clothes aside to jump in the shower yourself. You ponder the various events that led you to where you are today as the water cascades across your body, hair sticking to you and wings twitching erratically under the assault of pressurized droplets. Enjoying a steam in the shower for a while to relax yourself after the previous day's (and night's) excitment, you eventually make your way out of the shower again, a towel wrapped around your body as you use a second to dry your hair. It's there that you notice a curious package on your bed. It's an almost military-looking gray crate, stamped on the top with the Federation's symbol in black ink. A series of characters beneath this are likely indictive of your name in whatever language the Federation considers standard. Seems the package came; Widoia must have collected and dropped it off for you.
  26. 9:38 PM - Kari: "Good old Widoia~," Kari chirps, happily. Her eyes swirl with excitement as she ponders what could be inside. Giving her hair a last once over with the towel, she tosses it onto the bed before looking for a way to open the case.
  27. 9:41 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: A small black panel on the top right of the case's lid shimmers a curious, glossy black, starkly in contract to the rest of the case's surface. The outline of a 5-fingered hand is etched onto its surface.
  28. 9:41 PM - Kari: Skewing her lips, she looks over the surface curiously. Peering down to her hand, raising it palm up, she places it on the surface with a shrug.
  29. 9:49 PM - Kari is now Online.
  30. 9:57 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: The scanner glows blue for a momemt as it registers your hand before the light fades, and you hear a click, and the lid pops ajar slightly. Taking a step back, you lift the surprisingly heavy lid, peering into the black foam-padded interior. Within, you find a variety of different contents, and your eyes scan over each one as you lift and investigate them in turn. First and foremost is a rather sleek, slim and lengthy piece of metal. It lacks any sort of crossguard, instead being a comfortable-looking black grip with a slightly curved, silver-sheened blade that looks sharper than a razor. A small switch located within easy reach of a thumb on the handle looks likely to activate something, and flipping it, you feel the blade hum faintly. A few practice swings costs you a lamp, and with an embarrased blush, you flip the switch again and set the sword down. Next you find a thickly-padded, full-body enviornmental suit, which appears to have various sturdy plates grafted to it in oddly enough, the same areas you have natural chitin. Additionally, the back of the suit contains slots for your wings which look as though they'd fit perfectly. The suit itself is done up in purple and black, with a white Federation symbol being painted on the chest's left side. Following this, you pick up two curious-looking, faintly glowing blue stones, that are about the size of a golf ball. You heft them in your hands to feel a surprising lightness for what they resemble, and as you touch them, you can feel a faint tug at the back of your mind... something resonating within, like a world of possibilities to further expand your mind. You set these aside a moment and pick up the next item, which is an invoice-type listing of various Mekton parts that were sent to your Mek bay. Lastly, you find a sheaf of papers, handwritten notes by Eve herself. They seem to be an evaluation of your combat skills, both on foot and more particularly, in your Mekton. She makes note of various issues in your piloting style, and ways to adjust and to fix them.
  31. 10:00 PM - Kari: Smiling as she reads over the notes, Kari takes in as much as she can from an initial reading, though it's a bit much to hand all at once. Setting them down once more, she breathes out a deep sigh. "Alright... The big moment~," she says softly. Reach into the box, she pulls the suit all the way out, slipping into it slowly to test the fit.
  32. 10:04 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: You step into the suit, zipping, buttoning and velcroing the various straps and patches in place, giving your limbs experimental movements. It's surprisingly lightweight, and hardly seems to impede you at all, even as it hugs and compliments your curves. Your wings, too, feel quite free in the range of movement provided by the suit. While not all-encompassing, and you can feel the suit go taut in places, it may as well be like you're wearing nothing at all.
  33. 10:11 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Looking into the case as you put on the suit, you spot something you had failed to notice before, as it blended fairly well with the case. It's a sleek-looking black scabbard for the sword you saw before. The thin aperture in the top looks just wide enough to smoothly slot the sword itself securely, and it comes with a small strap to affix around your waist or to your suit.
  34. 10:15 PM - Kari: Admiring the fit, Kari crosses her arms and gives herself a once over, admiring the design and colours. They blend well together, making her look like quite the professional, and much better than the impromptu job that was her old suit. She reaches into the case once more, retrieving both the blade and its scabbard. Sealing the blade away, lest another lamp fall before her, she attaches it to the hip. It clasps on, as though the two were made for each other. Deciding to take a moment, she finds a nice setting for her family sword at her desk, giving it a pat and taking the time to be glad it was not used to shed blood. Strapping on the rest of her gear, she takes a short walk around the room, and practices a few draws with each weapon. Satisfied with the weight and feel of the items, the sword surprisingly light for how strong and high-tech it is, she gives it a whirl and sheaths it in an almost smooth motion. Finally, she returns to the box, reaching inside to take one of the blue stones into her hand, and focuses that pull in her mind on the stone itself.
  35. 10:20 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: You focus on the pull, putting more and more emphasis on it as it grows in your mind into something tangible and direct. By the time the feeling fades, you open your eyes to find the stone's glow gone... but you feel as though you've changed, improved, learned something new. You do the same with the other stone as well. You've gained 2 Psi Skill points!
  36. 10:21 PM - Kari: Feeling the pull in her mind, imprinted images flow into her, as though memories she never knew she had pooled to the surface. New techniques feel as though she's done them before, but there's still plenty of uncertainty over her repetition of them. (1 pt Blink, 1 pt Psychometry)
  37. 10:25 PM - Kari: As the feeling fades, she holds a hand to her head, and takes a moment to breathe. Soon, the feeling passes, and all the contents of the box have been extracted. Eve's notes can wait for now though, and so Kari approaches her terminal once more, turning it more towards the room this time, she tries to make sure she has enough room to show off the uniform if her family asks. Her heart flutters, and there's a nervous tension in the air as she hovers her armoured finger over the call prompt. Chittering a little, she finally goes for it, and sends out the call to her family.
  38. 10:33 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: The call rings several times, and you're almost afraid that it's late at night there and nobody will pick up before the screen blinks on, showing Ida's face. It takes a moment for her to register you, but when she does, her smile widens. "Kari? Kari! It's so great to see you again! How are you doing? Here, let me get the others-" Ida turns around, revealing much of their new home, which seems a fair bit more spruced up since you last saw it, revealing Jake and Valentine playfully chasing each other around the room as they pass from one to the next, out of sight. Ida turns back to you for a moment, adding, "You've certainly picked up some rambunctious ones, though I guess we needed them to replace your level of fire, didn't we?" she giggles to herself.
  39. 10:34 PM - Kari: Kari giggles, watching the kids play for a bit with a smile before responding. "They look so happy~..." she muses aloud. "Heheh. I guess you're right though. Have they given you a nickname too?" Giving Ida a knowing look, her smile takes a turn for the glib.
  40. 10:38 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: She shoots a glare at you, adding, "I'll get the others," as she steps away with a sigh to fetch the three. Returning a short while later, Yui waves from over Ida's shoulder as Jake and Valentine clamber atop her lap, leaning forward excitedly as they both fight to say "hi!" with more vigor than the other. Yui eventually manages to calm them down enough to actually hear, and they share an excited giggle. Yui asks, "How are you doing, Kari? You're looking quite well... prim and pressed in that uniform." Ida smirks, adding with a slightly sarcastic tone, "Yeah, in all the right places, too."
  41. 10:41 PM - Kari: Kari's about to answer before Ida's remark forces a faint blush to her cheeks. Smiling a little from the burn, she hesitates before responding. "I... am.... well, first of all I am so happy to see all of you! You all look like you're doing so well! Hehehee~." Giving a little thumbs up to the family, she smiles bright before continuing. "But I'm doing.... I'm doing good. Nervous. Scared. In a place I never thought I'd be, but... I'm where I need to be. How are all of you? The house is looking really home-y since I last called."
  42. 10:43 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Yui nods. "We've been improving it, bit by bit with the money you send us."
  43. 10:44 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Val nods, "Mhm! And Squishy-sissy is so nice and cozy~!" she presses her head into Ida's chest, giggling as Ida blushes, whether in embarrasment or fury you're not sure.
  44. 10:45 PM - Kari: Kari laughs wholeheartedly at the the nickname. She struggles to contain it all, placing a hand over her mouth at the touching display. "Awww, it's like I never left~. I'm so happy you're getting along so well! How are you two liking your new home so far? Have you gotten enrolled in school yet? Do I need to come home and beat up any more bad guys for you?"
  45. 10:50 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Jake nods hard several times, his ears flopping from the intensity. "Yeah, we're in school now. We get lots of weird looks, but a couple kids talk to us and they're super nice! Nobody's been a bully yet, and anyone who does I'll beat 'em good! ...nobody gets anything we say though..." he trails off, a little disappointed. Val picks up for him, "That's because they don't have translators, dummy. And why Squishy-sissy is teaching us the funny language~."
  46. 10:55 PM - Kari: "I knew I could count on you, Jake~," she says with a wink. "That's really good that you're making friends though! Speaking of... er... speaking, I'll have to learn some Usamimi. At least how to read it. A friend of mine took me to an Usamimi resturaunt, and it got me thinking. If you two have any foods you like, you should write them down and send them me later. I figure you two might like to have something special to eat sometime, so if I can find some ingrediants, maybe I can have some sent home!"
  47. 10:59 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: "Ohhh, that's so nice of you, sis!" Jake cheers. He wraps an arm around Val's shoulder, pulling her close and hugging her from the side as the two grin. Val adds, "Mhm! We'll think of some stuffs." Chuckling, Ida lifts the two kids off her lap, rubbing her legs, "Oookay kiddies, sissy's legs are falling asleep, time to get up."
  48. 10:59 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: It is at this moment you hear a knock at your door as it slides open, and Widoia pokes her head in. "Hellooo~. Can I come in?"
  49. 11:00 PM - Kari: Kari suddenly perks up, turning around toward the door. "Yeah! Come on in!" Turning back to the screen, Kari starts to move to the side. "Jake, Val? I'm sure you remember that voice, but for Yui and Ida? I want to introduce you to someone." Standing aside and gesturing to the spider as she enters, Kari says, "This is Widoia~."
  50. 11:03 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Ida's eyes narrow as Widoia walks on-screen. The kids wave and chant a pleasant hello, while Yui adds her own with a tiny wave from behind. Ida asks, " 'Widoia', huh? So that's not that Langio I hear so much about? I swear if I see her, I'll beat her senseless for touching you like that, Kari!"
  51. 11:04 PM - Kari: "H-hey!" Kari says, seeming a little taken aback. "Don't you da-... actually, no. Really. Don't." Eyes full of fear at the very mention of it, she tries to signal to Ida that's an awful idea. "But, I want you to meet my communications officer and uh... personal friend~." Chirping happily she gives Widoia a smile, gestuering for her to come have a seat if she'd like.
  52. 11:08 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia nods, putting on a smile though clearly off-out at Ida's comment. She skitters over and sits beside you, waving to everyone there. "Hi, everyone~. Like Kari said, I'm Widoia. I've gotten to know Kari a lot over the past few weeks she's been with us, and I've never known a nicer girl! You all have a super great sister, and now /I/ have a super great friend~."
  53. 11:08 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Yui giggles, holding a hand to her mouth. "You're quite sweet, aren't you?"
  54. 11:08 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia blushes at the compliment as Ida looks indignant.
  55. 11:09 PM - Kari: "She really is," Kari chirps, throwing her arms around her lover and giggling happily. "Wids makes me really happy, and she's my handler while I'm in my cockpit. She helps keep me safe and make sure I can make it back to the ship okay. And she's also taught me a lot about the galaxy and all the people in it. So play nice, Ida~."
  56. 11:11 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: "I don't see why you're singling me out," Ida says, folding her arms and turning away.
  57. 11:11 PM - Kari: "Cause you're being a grumpy gussy and you keep threatening everyone I... uh... make friends with." Kari mock-pouts, still playing it up as semi-humours to keep the mood light. "Anyway. She means a lot to me, so I just wanted you all to meet her."
  58. 11:14 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: "Well, I for one am very glad you did. I hope to meet you personally one day, Widoia," Yui adds with a short bow, smiling.
  59. 11:15 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Ida grumbles at your remark. "You're... alright, so far. But no funny busiess with my sister, you got it? You play nice around her."
  60. 11:15 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia, seemingly blissfully unaware of the potential double meanings, nods with a smile. "Of course! I'm always nice to good people. And Kari's a great one~."
  61. 11:16 PM - Kari: Kari giggles happily, pleased by Widoia's obliviousness to Ida's jealous remarks. As the cheer starts to wind down though, she starts becoming a visibly nervous. She fumbles with words, and tries to look for a way to segue into the serious talk for the call, idly squeezing Widoia as she thinks.
  62. 11:20 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Yui, seeming to catch on, asks, "So, how is work treating you? That uniform looks unfamiliar... and that symbol on your chest, it looks like that of the one on the side of the shuttle these two came in on." She places a hand on each of the Usa's heads, rubbing them gently.
  63. 11:20 PM - Kari: Eyes suddenly looking up to Yui, a wry smile forms on her face. Finally easing halfway off of Widoia, still leaving one arm to linger on the spider's shoulder, she sighs. "So... there's... there's a lot I need to say." Clearing her throat, Kari chitters nervously, wings tilting to and fro. "Right... so... first thing's first: I... technically have a new job."
  64. 11:22 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: " job?" Ida questions, her disgruntled face tilting to one of concern. "Did you get fired from your old one?"
  65. 11:24 PM - Kari: "No! Heh... um... No." Looking a mite embarrassed, Kari fiddles with her hands as she thinks. Finally shrugging and limbering up her grip, she brings one hand to her sword. Turning aside and unsheating it to show the futuristic edge, she continues before turning back to the camera. "I... actually still work for Mr. Silk technically. At least for the time. Officially though, I am now... wow... this is my first time saying this... I'm Apparition Kari of the Federation Wraiths," she says, trying to sound official. Giggling nervously, she scratches the back of her head. "But... I guess you two might not know what that means, but Jake and Val might."
  66. 11:30 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Jake's eyes widen, and you start to fear that if he opened his eyes any more they might just roll out of his head. Val cheers, "WHOOOA! That's so cool! A nice and super strong sissy like you is gonna make the bestest Wraith!"
  67. 11:30 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Jake continues to be speechless before finally blurting out, "OUR SISTER'S A /WRAITH/!"
  68. 11:34 PM - Kari: Kari giggles some more, almost turning into a full laugh as she blushes bright. "Yep! I'm uh... I'm officially a Wraith as of yesterday. Guess I should explain for you two, huh?" Brushing the hair from her eyes, she sneaks a little glance to Widoia, looking for her smile before continuing. "So... the Wraiths are... well... they're... kind of like galactic government police... and I had to be sworn in by the high council of the 5 council races. This... is my new uniform. Eve kind of explained it to me... I'm pretty much a cop with infinite jurisdiction. I can carry my weapons almost anywhere, and... I can send people to space prison. Apparently we're... 'the galaxy's most elite force', or something like that."
  69. 11:39 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia smiles, leaning and snugging her cheek against yours. "Mhm~! They're the secret peacekeepers of the galaxy, doing super classified important missions! And now Kari is in their ranks and bound to work her way to the top." Giggling, she nuzzles her nose against you playfully before resting again. Ida is a bag of mixed emotions right now, while Yui is quietly applauding and the kids are wide-eyed and grinning madly. Yui is the first to speak, "W...why, that's wonderful, Kari! We had never expected to see you move so far... and in so short a time. We are so very proud of you."
  70. 11:40 PM - Kari is now Away.
  71. 11:40 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Ida thinks a moment before nodding slowly. "You really are mature... maybe more so than me, breast size aside."
  72. 11:40 PM - Kari is now Online.
  73. 11:45 PM - Kari: Kari smiles once more, partly from Widoia's affections, and partly from all the support. Ida's words though bring a new kind of smile to her face: One of pride. "Thank you," she says in a sincere tone devoid of the nervousness that permeates the rest of her speach. "It's... it's overwhelming to be honest. Chief Langio said that someone had been asking for all my piloting info because 'natural pilots draw interest', but I never expected this. I'd tell you more, but it's all top secret." She giggles a little to herself, still trying to get used to saying that. "My... my watcher, and new friend, Eve really believes in me. She says I'll do well. I've learned a lot from her." Kari's cheeks burn a little more red the more she talks, thinking fondly of her role model. "But... there's something far more important than any of that. Part of my admission was something... much bigger than just me being a cop. They said that they'll be sending an emisary to our world. We're going to be evaluated for a place among the council races, even it's just a minor one. Depending on how talks go, our people could help shape the galaxy."
  74. 11:50 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Everyone is silent, processing the sudden serious infobomb. It takes several minutes before anyone can react, and the first person to is oddly enough, Ida. "Our... world? Being recognized... among this big, galaxy-spanning... government? We'll... we'll have a voice, in the stars?"
  75. 11:51 PM - Kari: Kari nods silently, her expression rather serious as she tries to process how to continue. "Yes... they... want to see what kind of people we are. They want to know how we can contribute to the universe, and if we're ready to start moving towards that. It'll prolly still be a while, but... it's... yeah..."
  76. 11:56 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: "T-That's... incredible," Ida finishes. Yui nods shakily, saying, "K-Kari... it... it was you, was it really you who managed to draw attention to... to our little world? The Dryders, they turned us on our heads, yes, they brought in an unbelieveable amount of trade... but, to be a part of the whole community? To have our voices /heard/? But you... young Kari, our brave little sister. You went out there for work. But do you realize what'll happen when you come back?" She pauses, gauging your reaction. "'ll be nothing short of a hero. A real, live hero."
  77. 11:57 PM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia nods, almost moved to tears herself by Yui's reaction. "It's true, Kari. You did this wonderful thing, for your entire race. That's nothing short of phenomonal."
  78. Friday, February 05, 2016
  79. 12:01 AM - Kari: The weight of it all finally starts to hit her. She'd thought about it non-stop for a while, but to finally hear it out loud just brought it down like a bolt of lightning. Tears well up in her eyes, and she shuts them tight, fighting with all the emotion. When she finally manages to get a grip on herself, her eyes open, but she can't quite bring herself to look at anyone just yet. "Thank you.... th... th-thank you... all of you... for everything." Finally lifting her head, a genuine, but still forced smile on her face. Laughing awkwardly, she rubs the tears from her eyes as her irises churn. "It's... heh... You're... Would you believe me if I said that... 'that's not all'?" Looking at the screen for a reaction, she turns to Widoia for a moment, choking back a slight sob. "Um.. W-Wids? Could... could you grab that pen off my desk? I need you to hold it out for the camera to see for a second..."
  80. 12:04 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "Huh? Oh, sure thing, Kari." Getting up, she quickly scuttles over to your desk before returning with the pen in hand, holding it out in her open palm for you to grab.
  81. 12:05 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Ida cocks her head in utter disbelief. "What more could you /possibly/ have to say?" Val and Jake look on with interest, wondering where this will lead as Yui leans forwards slightly, hands still resting on the kids' heads.
  82. 12:07 AM - Kari: "Well~..." Kari starts, trying to brace for the mindfuck. "Recently... something happened to me... and it woke up something in me... something I could only dream of." Breathing a deep sigh, Kari takes a step back from Widoia, still staying in frame. Closing her eyes, she reaches out with one hand, and focuses on the pen. Within a moment, her practice starts to pay off, and the pen slips from Widoia's grasp. It floats slowly across the room, spinning slowly for the camera to see. As it reaches her hand, she turns up palm upward, letting it stay floating visibly above. Opening her eyes once more, she looks over her audience to gauge a reaction.
  83. 12:10 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia's face is a blank smile, her eyes staring dead ahead as she attempts to process what she's seeing but simply fails to comprehend. Yui looks on with interest, but before she can say anything, Ida jumps in and asks "How are you doing that? It doesn't look like you're pulling strings... is there another spider off-camera we can't see?"
  84. 12:11 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Val and jake clap hands over each others' mouths, being acquainted with psionics from their time in the station, they know it when they see it, though they're too speechless to react.
  85. 12:11 AM - Kari: "There are no strings," Kari says softly, staying calm despite her amusement. Extending her hand outward, she lets the pen float closer to the camera's lense. Once there, she turns it over and lets it roll to show her words are true. "I... am psionic."
  86. 12:14 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "Psi...psiwhatnow? Nooo. Noooooo. You're pullin' me here, right?" Ida's face grows from one of moderate confusion to utter disbelief.
  87. 12:15 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "OHMYGOSHKARIYOU'REPSIONICWHYDIDN'TYOUTELLMESOOOOONER!" Widoia blurts out in one single breath, pouncing her eight legs forwards and glomping you between two sizeable mounds of bliss as she continues to chant and babble wildly, only furthering the confusion and frustration of Ida.
  88. 12:15 AM - Kari: The moment Widoia pounces her, the pen drops as her eyes bulge wide open. Choking from the sudden glomp, she wriggles in Widoia's arms, comedically flailing helplessly. "Ack...! W-Widoia...!? A-Air..!"
  89. 12:17 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia's wildly kicking legs click and clack against the floor as she fails to register your request, continuing to smother you. "THAT'S SO INCREDIBLE OH MY GOSH KARI LIKE SERIOUSLY, WOW!"
  90. 12:17 AM - Kari: Kari continues to wriggle helplessly, drowning in a sea of breasts. She mumbles as her head goes under, blushing furiously as she can only imagine Ida's expression at the sight of it all.
  91. 12:20 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Finally snapping under the pressure, Ida shouts, "Will you GET YOUR TITS OFF MY SISTER!"
  92. 12:21 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Suddenly coming to her senses, Widoia looks up, then left and right, before finally looking down at you who is positioned between her boobs. She blushes, slowly standing and pulling you up with her. She rubs the back of her head sheepishly, offering a quiet giggle and a, "Sorry~."
  93. 12:21 AM - Kari: Kari gasps for air dramatically, blushing just as much as her busty jiggle bug. Smiling bright and giggling at the whole thing, she says, "That's okay, Wids~. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. So much was going on, and I wasn't even sure how to say it myself. I can hardly believe it. Eve and the doctor had to talk me down when they told me."
  94. 12:24 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Yui finally manages to speak up. "So... you have psychic abilities, on top of everything else." She offers a small smile. "Oh Kari, you always did cause change wherever you went. Started way back when you were born, even."
  95. 12:24 AM - Kari: Blinking in confusion, Kari suddenly loses a lot of her chipper demeanor. Putting her boots to the ground once more with a soft clack, she looks towards the screen. "What... what do you mean, Sis?" she asks as Widoia's firm snug eases up.
  96. 12:30 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Her smile falters as well, though not completely. "When you were born... mom and dad needed new work, to be able to afford to care for all three of us. One day... they said they found work. They left the shop in my and Ida's care, said they'd be back, and..." she trails off. Ida finishes for her, "And that was it. We never heard from them again. This was before the spiders came along, at least... before they were public knowledge. There were plenty of 'UFO' sightings around the time, so it's not impossible to assume that we were visited by them before then, but... not to the level it's at now."
  97. 12:31 AM - Kari: Kari's blood runs cold, losing her focus halfway through as thoughts hit her left and right. Tears spring to her eyes as she finishes forming her first though, looking back up to the camera. "They... Mom... Mom and Dad... left... because of me...?"
  98. 12:34 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "They left to take /care/ of you, and us. Don't get the wrong idea, Kari. They loved you. And I'm sure they still do, wherever they are." Yui adds. Widoia's face falls, and she grabs your arm, clutching it tightly.
  99. 12:34 AM - Kari: Kari barely registers the grab, trying to focus on a way to make this sound like a good thing. "But... but if I hadn't... if they didn't have me... they wouldn't have left to do that? We... you wold have had enough to live on...?"
  100. 12:36 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia's grip on you tightens, and her face hardens. Finally reaching some sort of breaking point, she lets go of you and slaps you harshly across the face, glaring at you.
  101. 12:40 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Ida gasps, and Yui claps her hands over her mouth. The kids both take a step backwards, bumping into Yui in shock. Widoia speaks. "If they didn't have you, I never would have met you. If they didn't have you, so many people would be a lot worse off... possibly even dead. If they didn't have you, Kari... your people wouldn't be getting the attention from the /Federation/ that they soon will be. I... I've realized, just how crazy coincidences can be. A single decision, of someone completely unrelated to you... it can change your entire life. And the lives of so many others. So you stop that line of thought right now, you hear me? I won't have you thinking this nonsense."
  102. 12:41 AM - Kari: Kari takes the hit silently, stumbling aside and staggering to keep her balance. She can't bring herself to turn around as Widoia talks. Tears stream down her face, and she takes the onslaught in silence. Finally, when her lover stops talking, she swallows it all down. Trembling with a mix of all kinds of feelings, she nods quietly. "Okay..." Turning back around, she lurches into Widoia, squeezing her hard. "I'm sorry... You're right."
  103. 12:46 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: She nods, her face still set in a firm pout. "Good." Stopping, she grabs you by the shoulders and gently turns you towards the screen, pointing at Val and Jake. "Where do you think those two would be, right now, if it wasn't for you? If I hadn't taken you out to show you around the station, they'd still be on the streets, Kari. I need you to understand just how much you mean, to everyone here. To your sisters, to Val and Jake... to me. One tiny coincidence can shape lives, and our galaxy is full of them. So don't ever think that you're doing bad."
  104. 12:48 AM - Kari: Kari looks over Val and Jake, a sad little smile finally forming as Widoia's words settle in. Her eyes are filled with a sea of blues and greens, dark and churning as their gaze falls. Finally, she nods. "Yeah. You're right. I... heh... Thank you. All of you. I just... I'm sorry, Yui. I... I never knew why they left. I guess I just never really thought about it too much. I always thought they'd just come home. Guess with everything else, it kinda hit me harder than I thought it would." Doing her best to smile as happily as she can, tears continue to pour down her cheeks.
  105. 12:52 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia draws you into an embrace, holding you close and running her long fingers gently through your hair. On the screen, Ida shifts and sighs. "Thank you... Widoia. For setting her straight, and for being there for our sister."
  106. 12:54 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Yui draws the kids close to her, petting them soothingly as she nods. "Ida is right. Thank you." A small smile forms on her face as she asks in a lighter tone, "I hope it won't be too much trouble to ask you to be there for her if she slips again, will it?"
  107. 12:55 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia lets out a quiet, half-sob, half-giggle of her own. "Of course not. I'll always be here to catch my cute little mantis~."
  108. 12:55 AM - Kari: Kari's hands come up to grab Widoia's arms. She gives them a squeeze, still smiling distantly and then finally letting go of some of the tension with a deep sigh. "We should talk about this another time, Yui. Maybe... maybe when I come home. I think it would be better that way."
  109. 12:59 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Yui nods. "Of course, Kari. We'll all be looking forward to it."
  110. 1:00 AM - Kari: "Okay~. I'm sure you all have questions. My mentor taught me a lot about Federation history, and other cultures and things. Same with Widoia. I'll answer whatever I can that's not secret Wraith stuff. And I wanna hear about how Jake and Val are doing, and how their trip went!"
  111. 1:05 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: With a slowly lightening mood, the six of you spend some time talking idly and swapping stories, enjoying laughs and company. About an hour or two later, the kids start to yawn, getting a fair bit sleepy. Yui holds them close, tenderly rubbing their heads as she suggests breaking off the conversation, which everyone reluctantly agrees to. With your goodbyes said and promises to meet soon made, the call disconnects. You and Widoia spend another few moments alone with each other before you ask her for some alone time, to which she complies after a parting hug. Skittering out of your room, the door shuts behind her, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
  112. 1:10 AM - Kari: As Kari sees Widoia off, she sighs, leaning against the door frame. Thoughts plague her as she thinks more on her parents and their disappearance. She thinks there, leaning on the wall for a good long while, and when she finally decides that there's no resolution she can reach, Kari crawls into bed, still in her uniform with all her gear. Curling up by the pillow, she pulls in that little stuffed toy of hers; The last momento she has of her parents. She looks it over, stroking it gently as she thinks. Unable to contain it any more, she pulls it in close, hugging it to her chest and curled up in a little ball. She grows tired, even for how earlier it is for her. The little Mantis' emotions get the better of her, and she drifts off to sleep for a short nap.
  113. 1:29 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: You awaken the following day, having slept on the variety of emotions that hit you from yesterday. Going through your usual morning routine, you dress and prepare for what the day may hold. You step out of your room and grab a quick breakfast, half expecting a sudden encounter with a wild Langio who overheard literally everything. Though knowing her, if she had happened to overhead Ida's comment, she'd likely already be arriving at your house and stringing her up even as the thoughts run through your mind...
  114. 1:31 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Just as you're finished eating and cleaning up, Widoia's voice sounds through the speakers of the ship's PA system. "Kari, please report to the bridge~. Kari, please report to the bridge. Seems you have a mission already... Apparition." She giggles as the line disconnects.
  115. 1:31 AM - Kari: Kari lays her hands on the counter, listening to the surprise announcement. A little smile traces her lips at Widoia's giggle, and she giggles a little herself. With a surprising skip in her step, she hurries off to the bridge, psyching herself up for the mission to come.
  116. 1:37 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: You head to the bridge, entering to find none other than Mr. Silk standing inside, apparently tapping away at some console or another. Concluding his work, he turns to face you. "Ah, Apparition Kari. Good morning to you." He doffs his hat at you, bowing slightly. "It seems the Federation works fast. A bit too fast for my personal taste, but they promised to compensate me for any lost revenue... so it is no real loss."
  117. 1:37 AM - Kari: "Good morning to you too, sir. I... wasn't really expecting this either," she says with a giggle. Snapping a more casual salute, she stands at ease. "What's the assignment, sir?"
  118. 1:40 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "I'm afraid you'll have to see for yourself. Classified matters, for your eyes only, as it were. It should open by displaying your Wraith identification. I believe that came with your package from the previous day." Thinking back, tucked among the papers of Eve's review of you was indeed several papers certifying you as an official Wraith, along with various forms of ID, and your payment for the previous mission.
  119. 1:41 AM - Kari: "Of course, sir. In that case, I'll get right to it." Kari nods with a small smile, waiting for what Mr. Silk does next.
  120. 1:44 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Mr. Silk doffs his hat once more as he walks out, his long strides quickly taking him to the door, which closes behind him and leaves you alone. The holomap in the center of the room displays nothing but a blank sphere of a planet currently, with a glowing red notice reading "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" circling it.
  121. 1:48 AM - Kari: Kari takes a deep, deep breath as the door closes. She finally relaxes her stance, reaching into a pouch on her belt. Taking out her official credentials, she taps the card against the scanner, letting it light up and flash before tucking it away once more.
  122. 1:58 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: The notice vanishes, and the planet comes into full view. It appears to a fairly small planet. Its landmass is made up in majority by sand and red rock, though the poles have a small amount of vegetation and water. The rest is simply an unbroken landmass. The planet goes by the name of Suskeumia, and is home of an apparently lesser-known race that has had almost no contact with outside forces yet. Your mission briefing has little on the local people, simply declaring them as 3-meter-tall bipeds, but your reason for being there is to track down a Flal ship that was damaged during an engagement, but which managed to get away and which was traced to this planet. Your objective is twofold: survey the local populace while snsuring their safety, and also to ascertain the presence of the Flal and the damage they took, along with, if possible, recovering some assets from their ship.
  123. 2:05 AM - Kari: Kari looks over the world and all the information, sifting and sorting through the data. She grimmaces a little at the thought of facing the Flal, but realizes the threat they pose to the local populace. Looking over it all, she checks to see if there's any more information, but it seems quite vague as a whole. "That's not a lot to go on..." she murmurs. Forcing a wry smirk, she nods, downloading the mission files to her wrist terminal. With a couple taps of the console, she locks the files once more and sets about navigating the interface to plot a course for the planet it question, letting the image of Suskeumia slowly rotate on the holo display. As the ship changes its velocity, she looks over the planet once more. After some thought, she opens the comm to shoot Widoia a brief message. "Widoia? Please notify Dematus to finalize preparation of my mekton. I'll be deploying soon."
  124. 2:16 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: As you download the information, you notice something else download itself along with the rest of the data. It reads as an "Adaptive Linguistic Translation Algorithm", and a brief summary of the read-me reveals it to be an experimental technology provided to all Wraiths which is used to decipher the native langauge of any species through a variety of complex programs and translate them into something you will understand, while simultaneously translating your own dialogue through your comm speakers into something locals will comprehend. There are quite a few kinks, but it's reportedly mostly functional.
  125. 2:18 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: Widoia responds cheerily, "Will do, Kari~. Dematus, Kari needs- oh, um, oops. Hehe." The speakers click and go silent.
  126. 2:19 AM - Kari: Kari smirks at Widoia's cheery disposition, giggling before the speakers click. Closing her comm, Kari moves up to the overlook, startng out at the stars as she leans on the railing. "No pressure, right?"
  127. 2:28 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: You watch as stars move, a small yellow ball in the distance growing steadily in size. Pulling away from the beautiful view, you make your way down to the Mek bay. There you find the Yuida, in not just all her glory but a brand new one. She seems polished from head to toe, a fresh coat of paint and a variety of new toys strapped to her. Dematus is still scuttling along her surface, apparently jumping between various open panels for last-minute checks and touches. Looking up and seeing you, he wipes his forehead and closes the hatches, stringing himself down to the floor. His thick, hairy legs pad quietly across the floor as he approaches you. Turning around to look at the Yuida with you, he places a hand on your shoulder. "Puttin' me through the works. Never been so busy."
  128. 2:29 AM - Kari: Kari looks over the Yuida with awe, sparkles in her wide eyes. Bright, brilliant hues spiral in wonder at the look of it, and a big beaming smile comes across her face. "Wish I could give you a break, Dematus, but at least I know I can always count on you to get the job done. Thank you."
  129. 2:33 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "No real mind. She keeps me busy. She'll keep you safe." With a few pats on your shoulder, he turns and scurries off, getting lost among the various stacks of shipping containers parked among the bay.
  130. 2:33 AM - Kari: Hesitating a moment longer, Kari steps forward, building up to a run and leap. Wings buzzing she hops all the way up to the cockpit and steps inside - only she stops after taking the first step in. "Huh?" she queries, looking around. "H-Hey, Dematus! What happened to the cockpit!?" Putting her helmet on, she steps inside fully, looking around the redesign.
  131. 2:36 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "Improved it! You'll get used to it! More natural."
  132. 2:40 AM - Kari: "Uh... o-okay...!" Looking around, she reaches out to one of the wall pannels, tapping it to seal the cockpit. As it closes around her the inside suddenly lights up. A cool, dim light radiates out around from various lines and grooves in the panneling. The space is wide and open, and the floor seems to move her to the center. "Wh-what's happening!?" she chitters out. A suite of holographic displays all flicker to life around the cockpit with weapon readouts and status reports. New sensor systems and analyzers all spring to life and begin to monitor the surroundings. As the mek shifts, Kari almost doesn't even realize it, except that the walls all turn into screens that show the outside surroundings of her mekton. It stands up right, and as a set of dim holographic widgets appear around her hands, the mekton mimics their stance and motions. Rotating her head causes the camera to track, and her whole cockpit seems to move with her. "Whoa..."
  133. 2:43 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: One of these new displays pops up, revealing Widoia's smiling face, seated in her usual comms chair. She waves. "Hi, Kari."
  134. 2:43 AM - Kari: "H-Hey, Widoia~," Kari chirps, still obviously a little surprised by the massive jump in technology. "Holy crap..."
  135. 2:45 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "Dematus sure did a number on the Yuida, huh? An uh, positive number."
  136. 2:49 AM - Kari: "S-something like that! I've never seen a cockpit like this before!" Looking around the cockpit once more, she breathes deep to take it all in. "Still... he did a great job. The torso looks so different from the rest. It all looks great, but I guess they couldn't quite overhaul the whole thing. Just a lot." Reading through the list of new systems, Kari checks over her weapons. "EMWs?" she chirps. Letting out a sharp whistle, she finishes reading through the display and looks back to her handler. "I'll have to thank him again when I get back. How long until my drop, Wids?"
  137. 2:53 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "About ten minutes. We're coming up to the planet now. We were told not to land unless you gave clearence otherwise. It's all in your hands now, Apparition Kari~." Widoia giggles again as she says your official title.
  138. 2:54 AM - Kari: Giggling at the title, her wings almost start to buzz, until she realizes the mek starts to imitate their movements. With a little awkward giggle this time, she clears her throat to move past that. "Right. For now it's best to stay in orbit. Just get me low enough to drop and I'll be back to you in no time~."
  139. 2:57 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: "Rooodger Mcdodger, Apparition~. Give us a buzz and let us know if plans change. You're the boss, boss." Widoia winks, giggling as she cuts the connection.
  140. 3:00 AM - Kari: "The boss, huh...? That'll take some getting use to..."
  141. 3:08 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: You spend the remaining time getting used to your new cockpit, testing the various methods of maneuvering. By the time you're starting to feel sufficiently comfortable, a map pops up on your screen of the area relative to the crash site. It's now that you realize... nobody's chosen a drop site. You're the one obligated to handle that responsability. The relative operational area has been sectioned off and displayed, narrowing your options from /the entire planet/, but still, there are a number of choices in deciding where to drop. You can reach all of them from here, at the ship's present location, with some sub-orbital maneuvering in the drop, as your Mek currently lacks the required features for being dropped from orbit. Once you disembark, the ship will return to orbit and await further instruction from you.
  142. 3:17 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: To the northeast corner of the operational area, circled in white is the crash site of the Flal ship. To the northwest is a large canyon, suitable for landing in covertly, though you won't know if it's hiding any local secrets until you land. In the very center appears to be a series of rough and jagged rocks; they'll make for a dangerous landing, but suitable cover. Southwest is the local city, a sprawling expanse of low structures that appear fairly modern, but not quite new, at least from what you can see in the rudimentary map data. Lastly, there's an open area of sandy plains to the southeast. No cover, with the possibility of being spotted by sensors while standing out in the open, but the locals aren't liable to notice and there are otherwise no features to note.
  143. 3:20 AM - Kari: "Oh... right..." Coughing nervously, Kari tries to laugh it off, but isn't that successful. Deactivating the controls for a minute, she pans through the holomap with one hand. She mulls over the options, and thinks back to her engagement with the Flal in the past. Though she decides she'd rather be at least a little obscure from the local populace, landing out in the open would invite all manner of danger. There are likely to be people who noticed the crashsite anyway, and there may even be people looking for "UFOs" the way her people did at the time of increased sightings. Given the crash, the Flal might even look for a place to hide, and if that's the case, she would need to wander into the canyon anyway. Nodding and deciding her course of action is best, Kari taps the northwest canyon for her landing site.
  144. 3:24 AM - Mekton Booty Quest: With your destination confirmed, you set your course and let the computers do the rest. A moment later you're given a heading and trajectory, along with a suitable landing sight, right on time as the hatch opens in the center of the bay, allowing you to descend.
  145. 3:24 AM - Kari: As the hatch opens, Kari takes a deep breath in, reactivates her controls and gets to running. When the mek tips over, her cockpit gyroscopically stabilizes, keeping her in place and in control. Letting her wings fan out, her Mek kicks on its flight systems and begins its controlled burn down to the planet.
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