
Text Adventure Chapter 32 Log

Jun 30th, 2014
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  1. >You are about to buy (Recipe) Clockwork Robot (212 bits/quest), (Recipe) Kablooie-mite (68 bits), (Recipe) Multi-Tool (85 bits), and 8 oz. of Kablooie Powder (160 bits). You will also receive 1 hour of free engineering lessons.
  2. Total: 525 bits and a quest
  3. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  7. >Items bought!
  8. [You have received (Recipe) Clockwork Robot, (Recipe) Kablooie-mite, (Recipe) Multi-Tool, and 8 oz. of Kablooie Powder.]
  9. Your bit pouch: 2,489 bits
  11. >”Okay, uh, if you’re gonna get that recipe for the uh, robot --which, by the way, thanks a million for getting that-- You’re gonna need to uh, visit a friend of mine down in Appleoosa, i-if you get the time, I mean.”
  12. “What do you mean?”
  13. >”W-well, there’s a friend of mine, down in, uh, … Appl-”
  14. “Appleoosa, right.”
  15. >”Appleoosa, and uh, his name is Frizzy Gear, and-”
  16. “Is he a relative?”
  17. >”Uh, well, maybe. He’s more like a brother, if you will, but anyways, he has an engineering shop down there, uh, and he’s actually got the materials for this robot, because, well, you can’t find them anywhere else. I-I’d get them myself, but, you know… He doesn’t like me very much, so we don’t uh, do business…”
  18. “I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll be sure to get that done.”
  19. >”Y-yeah, thanks.”
  20. [QUEST ADDED: Just like Clockwork - Travel to Appleoosa and speak to Frizzy Gear (0/1)]
  21. >”And you uh, want some lessons, then?”
  22. >You look back at your-
  23. >Well, they’re gone.
  24. >Drowning amidst the sea of customers, anyways.
  25. “Yeah, I think we can kill an hour of time.”
  26. >”A-alright, just let me go on break here, and we’ll get started…”
  27. >...
  28. [Gyro Gear is going to teach you about Engineering. What would you like to learn this session?
  30. >General (Raises engineering skill, fast rate)
  31. >Locomotion (Adds Recipe: Model Train/Toy, lowers ingredient cost of vehicle-related recipes)
  32. >Projectiles and physics (Adds Recipe: Fetlock Rocket, lowers ingredient cost of accuracy-related recipes)
  33. >Combustion (Adds Recipe: Cutting Torch, lowers ingredient cost of pyro-related recipes)
  35. [Which would you like to delve into?]
  39. >General
  40. >...
  41. [You learn much from Gyro’s lessons about the foundations of Engineering, and you feel like you know much more than you have before.]
  42. Basic Engineering Skill Experience: (140/150)
  43. >...
  45. >Gyro leads you back out with your swimming head.
  46. >It was like taking a college class, except with pony allegories.
  47. >”Tell me when you’re ready for another lesson, and uh, I’ll be glad to do so, o-okay?”
  48. “Yeah, thanks a million.”
  49. >It is now 1:45 P.M.
  50. >”So, uh, is there anything else I can do for you, now?
  52. -Buy
  53. -Sell
  54. -Exit
  55. -Talk to Gyro Gear
  59. >Talk to Gyro Gear
  60. “By the way, since I’ll probably be out of the Crystal Empire for a while here soon, I’m going to give you an address to send the royalties to, is that okay?”
  61. >He blinks, rubbing his dirty mane out of his face.
  62. >”Er, alright, but mail ordering bits isn’t very safe. B-but I’m sure you know that.”
  63. >You whistle loudly, catching Redheart’s attention and wave her over.
  64. >”What’s going on, Anon?”
  65. “Can we use your address to send royalties to?”
  66. >”I don’t see why not. It’s 69 Stirrup Street, Mr. Gear.”
  67. >He nods and takes a moment to write it down.
  68. >”Uh, weekly?”
  69. >”I suppose, sure!”
  70. >He takes a few more notes and finishes, looking up at you.
  71. >”Based on my uh, calculations for sales after the hype dies down, uh, compiled weekly, it should be around 1,500 bits, so uh, yeah, I guess you won’t really uh, have to work much, huh?”
  72. “I… guess not.”
  73. >You take another look at Redheart, and she was completely speechless.
  74. >1,500 a week must be a lot.
  75. “I think I owe you some very well-deserved thanks, Gyro.”
  76. >”Er, uh, you too! I mean you did get me out of bankruptcy, and how, haha..”
  77. >You both chuckle a little bit, letting the silence fill the air once again.
  78. “By the way, do you just need a bit of help running the counter, or do you want experts in one field or another when I go looking for employees? Keep in mind, I've only kind of got my head around this stuff myself, so no promises that I'll find the absolute best and brightest…”
  79. >”Oh, that’s c-completely fine, don’t worry about uh, credentials or anything, just need an assistant, uh, back there, and two clerks, so, yeah. I’ll train them, so.”
  80. “Ah, good. Well, let me get out of your mane, and I’ll see you soon, then?”
  81. >”Y-yeah, thanks for coming by, guys!”
  82. >You and Redheart wave.
  83. >”Goodbye, Gyro! See you again soon!”
  84. >You wave down AJ and Pinkie who were looking at the display of the planetarium, and Redheart drags Berry away from a rather beefy stallion.
  85. >”Aw, C’mon, I was just gonna get his address! Gh, Just because you have a dick source doesn’t mean you can starve me, nurse!”
  86. >Red was turning red.
  87. >She drags her out of the shop with you, AJ and Pinkie following behind.
  88. >Berry finally slaps her hoof off and pouts, her bottom lip curling out in a cute manner.
  89. “Alright… Time for the highlights, mares, to the Protected Wither. We’re gonna get you all armored up!”
  90. >AJ and Pinkie whoop, with the other two beginning to argue about something relationship related.
  91. >You tone it out because you didn’t want to get in the middle of something like that, hell no.
  92. >You and your party traverse to the weapons and armor store, whose line has finally died down as well.
  93. >You open the door for them like it’s a habit, and you wave to Mr. Ironsmith.
  94. >”Oh, welcome back, welcome back! Just want to thank you for the business, hairless, it’s grand! So, you have some tournament money you said you were going to spend, and I see that either that thing on your bag is a horrid growth, or that’s your prize money!”
  95. “It’s my lovely fight money, yeah. Well, want to get down to it?
  96. >He turns the sign on his window to closed to give you full attention.
  98. [Protected Wither] - Owner: Mr. Ironsmith
  99. >”Let’s talk some real, down ‘n’ dirty business, hairless.”
  101. -Buy
  102. -Sell
  103. -Modify
  104. -Exit
  105. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  109. >Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  110. >Before you do this, you look over at Berry, who is trying to sneak away to look at the bows.
  111. “BERRY!”
  112. >”I WASN’T DOING A-- what?”
  113. “Would you rather have chainmail or plate armor?”
  114. >She blinks, and looks at her body for a moment.
  115. >”Er… I dunno, I’ve never worn armor before. So long as I can still fuck up the baddies, I think I’m good.”
  116. >Well, that was helpful.
  117. >She’d be able to do that either way, to be completely honest, so it is down to a matter of what you want to shovel out for her.
  118. >You turn back to Ironsmith and you get an idea.
  119. “Say, I was wondering if you knew anypony that might need a job?”
  120. >He straightens out his mustache and turns back to you.
  121. >”Say again, hairless?”
  122. “Gyro Gear is looking for some new employees to help him with the business now that it’s, well, booming. Do you know anypony looking for some work? I actually have more schematics to give him, but he needs some extra hooves.”
  123. >You totally have pony terminology down, now.
  124. >”Well son, there is a little fella that I know who could use some help, but he’s not exactly reliable. Name’s Drooly Dapper, lives with his parents and can’t be on time for squat, but if you can motivate him, he can do some real good.”
  125. >He even sounds like a piece of shit, but you keep this to yourself.
  126. “Alright, where’s his house?”
  127. >”It’s the big emerald house on the edge of Diamond-Ridge Park, the two-story.”
  128. >You’re pretty sure you remember seeing a building like that.
  129. “Alright, I’ll swing by. Now, uh, Mr. Ironsmith…”
  130. >Your tone alerts him, and his eyebrow raises.
  131. “Seeing how I’ve vastly improved business around here, and am going to bring much, much more, how’s about a discount, since I’m paying for so much here?”
  132. >”No can do.”
  133. >That was really quick.
  134. “Not even a little bit, despite what I’ve done?”
  135. >”Listen, hairless, I do appreciate what you did, hoof to Celestia, but I’m not about to lower my prices just because you’ve done a little good samaritan work, now, ya hear? Gyro might cave like a pissant, but I’m a business stallion, got me?”
  136. “Right…”
  138. -Buy
  139. -Sell
  140. -Modify
  141. -Exit
  142. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  144. >Modify
  145. “Say, remember those Manticore Claws I sold you?”
  146. >He nods silently.
  147. “How much would it be to get 3 of those, and attach 6 of them to Berry’s horseshoes, here? 3 on each?”
  148. >He raises himself from the counter and walks out in front, approaching Berry, who slinks away slightly at his rather large size, even for a burly stallion.
  149. >He raises up her hoof in his own, making a detailed inspection of them.
  150. >Very detailed.
  151. >”Hey buddy, I know you’re just trying to do your job, but I’m starting to lose my balance here, so could you just…?”
  152. >He looks straight up at her, and she quiets herself immediately.
  153. >A few more seconds, and he sets it down.
  154. >”Those shoes are pretty thick, and a solid iron metal at that. It’ll take a bit of welding to do ‘em up right, son, and for three claws each, I’d say… 100 bits for the package deal. Oh, and 90 for the claws, so 190.”
  155. >That’s 5 bits extra per claw than what you sold them for.
  156. >Do you take the deal, or haggle?
  160. >You decide not to press it, nodding.
  161. “Sounds like a deal.”
  162. >He smiles and you shake his hoof, Berry proceeding to remove her horseshoes and give them to the smithy.
  163. [You give Mr. Ironsmith 3 Manticore Claws.]
  164. [You give Mr. Ironsmith 190 bits.]
  165. Your bit pouch: 2,299 bits
  167. >”I’ll get my boys right on these, it’ll take about an hour to fix ‘em up right for heavy combat. Now, onto the real work.”
  169. >Buy
  171. [ARMOR]
  172. Gryphon armor (Use for Gryphons and Humans)
  173. >“I actually have your measurements now, so they’ll be a better fit if you decide to get a new set.”
  174. >(AL) Avian Leather Set (+10 PD) {75 bits}
  175. -Avian Leather Salet (2)
  176. -Avian Leather Harness (3)
  177. -Avian Leather Gloves (1)
  178. -Avian Leather Greaves (2)
  179. [Extras: Avian Leather Boots - No armor, but lowers exhaustion rate and looks very nice.] {15 bits}
  181. >(AC) Avian Chainmail Set (+20 PD/+5 MD) {180 bits}
  182. -Avian Chainmail Cap (5)
  183. -Avian Chainmail (7)
  184. -Avian Chainmail Talons (5)
  185. -Avian Chainmail Sabatons (3)
  186. [Extras: Avian Buckler (+10 PD)] {40 bits}
  188. >(AP) Avian Plate Set (+40 PD/+20 MD/+15 HP) {600 bits}
  189. -Avian Plate Helmet (8)
  190. -Avian Platemail (15)
  191. -Avian Plate Gauntlets (8)
  192. -Avian Plate Cuisses (7)
  193. [Extras: Avian Kiteshield (+40 PD)] {200 bits}
  195. >[NEW!] (LR) Lionheart Regalia (+100 PD/+70 MD/+25 HP) {2,200 bits}
  196. -Lionheart Helmet (20)
  197. -Lionheart Cuirass (30)
  198. -Lionheart Protectors (25)
  199. -Lionheart Stompers (25)
  200. -Lionheart Aegis (+75 PD/+ 30 MD)
  201. [Extras: Lionheart Amulet (Raises HP by 40 and Grants ability Heroic Shout)] {500 bits}
  203. Pony-made Armor (Use with all three races)
  204. >(CL) Crystalline Leather Set (+10 PD) {65 bits}
  205. -Crystal Leather Salet (2)
  206. -Crystal Leather Protector (3)
  207. -Crystal Leather Shoes (1)
  208. -Crystal Leather Flankguards (2)
  209. [Extras: Crystal Leather Cloak - No armor, but lower exhaustion rate and completes the set’s aesthetics.] {12 bits}
  211. >(CL) Crystalline Chainmail Set (+20 PD/+5 MD) {160 bits}
  212. -Crystal Chainmail Coronet (2)
  213. -Crystal Chainmail Breadth (3)
  214. -Crystal Chainmail Sabatons (1)
  215. -Crystal Chainmail Flankguards (2)
  216. [Extras: Crystal Buckler (+10 PD)] {36 bits}
  218. >(CP) Crystalline Plate Set (+40 PD/+20 MD/+15 HP) {550 bits}
  219. -Crystal Plate Helmet (8)
  220. -Crystal Platemail (15)
  221. -Crystal Plate Flankguards (8)
  222. -Crystal Plate Hoofguards (7)
  223. [Extras: Crystal Squareshield (+40 PD)] {180 bits}
  225. >(HG) Highguard Plate Set (+100 PD/+70 MD/+25 HP) {2,500 bits}
  226. -Highguard Plate Helmet (20)
  227. -Highguard Platemail (30)
  228. -Highguard Flankguards (25)
  229. -Highguard Hoofguards (25)
  230. -Highguard Shield Wall (+75 P.D./+30 M.D.)
  232. >”Also, there’s medic-issued armor for each of the pony armor and avian sets, for a small 10% embroidery fee.”
  234. [WEAPONS]
  235. >Swords
  236. -Crystal Rapier (1 handed, +10 Physical Attack, Grants Parry) {50 bits}
  237. -Crystal Zweihander (2 handed, +35 PA, Grants ability Crush) {80 bits}
  238. -Highguard Longsword (½ handed, +40 P.A., Grants Parry, Grants ability Precision Strike) {140 bits}
  239. [New!] -Hurricane’s Hoofblade (Pony only, 2 handed, +50 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Boundless Strikes) {110 bits}
  241. >Spears
  242. -Double Blade Spear (You currently own this item)
  243. -Crystal Lance (1 handed, +10 PA, Grants Parry) {50 bits}
  244. -Crystal Poleaxe (2 handed, +35 PA, Grants Parry) {80 bits}
  245. -Highguard Glaive (½ handed, +40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Downforce) {160 bits}
  246. [New!] -Renovated Pirouette (½ handed, +36 PA, Grants Block, Grants ability Intercept) {120 bits}
  248. >Hammers/Maces
  249. -Crystalforge Mace (1 handed, +15 P.A.) {50 bits}
  250. -Crystalforge Hammer (2 handed, +40 PA, Grants ability Hammertime) {85 bits}
  251. -Highguard Morningstar (½ handed, +55 PA, Grants ability Whirlwind) {175 bits}
  252. [New!] -Empire Express (2 handed, +50 PA, Grants ability Cyli-Spin) {150 bits}
  254. >Axes
  255. -Crystalline Hacker (1 handed, +12 Pa) {40 bits}
  256. -Clarion Battleaxe (2 handed, +36 PA, Grants Block) {85 bits}
  257. -Highguard Sparthaxe (½ handed, +50 PA, Grants Block, Grants ability Chop) {145 bits}
  258. [New!] -Crystalforge Cutter (2 handed, +45 PA, Grants ability Battlestorm) {100 bits}
  260. >Daggers
  261. -Crystal Stiletto (1 handed, +5 PA) {20 bits}
  262. -Clarion Twins (DW, +12/+12 PA, Grants ability Backstab) {70 bits}
  263. -Highguard Poniards (DW, +25/+25 PA, Grants ability Ambush) {125 bits)
  264. -Sir Prize and Miss Direction (DW, +60/+40 PA, Grants ability Darkstrike, Grants Parry) {400 bits}
  266. >[NEW!] Ranged
  267. -Quiver (“Required to hold arrows properly! It holds 24 with our special space-expanding pattern.”) {20 bits}
  268. -Longbow (R, +10 PA, +5 Balsa) {25 bits}
  269. -Crossbow (R, +20 PA, +7 Balsa) {40 bits}
  270. -Crystal Composite Bow (R, +36 PA, +10 Balsa or +3 Crystal) {80 bits}
  271. -Highguard Recurve (R, +64 PA, +1 quiver of Balsa or +20 Yew or +10 Crystal or +3 Hollowmetal) {185 bits}
  272. -Balsa Arrows (R) {10 bits per 4 / 40 bit fill}
  273. -Yew Arrows (R, +3 PA) {15 bits per 4 / 75 bit fill}
  274. -Crystal Arrows (R, +10 PA) {20 bits per 4 / 90 bit fill}
  275. -Triple-reinforced Hollowmetal Arrows (R, +20 PA) {40 bits per 4 / 185 bit fill}
  276. -Hunting tips (Adds +5 PA and 75% chance to bleed) {+25% bits to arrow price}
  277. [NEW!] -Four-Barrel Lead Ammo (Adds +25 PA, set of 24 shells (shell = 4 shots), only usable with guns and slingshot) {150 bits per box}
  279. >”That’s my entire selection, plus the same embroidery cost if you desired. The ranged shelf is full so please feel free to buy plenty! Now, what’ll it be?”
  281. -Buy item(s)
  282. -Inspect item(s)
  283. -Back to Menu
  284. -Exit
  288. >You have selected:
  289. (CP) x2 - 1100 bits
  290. (CL) [Medical] - 160// > 176 bits
  291. Crystal Bucker - 36 bits
  292. Crystal Leather Cloak x4 - 48 bits
  293. Sir Prize and Miss Direction - 400 bits
  294. Empire Express - 150 bits
  295. Highguard Glaive - 160 bits
  296. Ammo x1 - 150 bits
  298. >Total: 2220 bits
  299. >Are you sure you want to buy these items? Y/N
  303. >Items bought!
  304. [You receive 1 box of Four-Barrel Lead Ammo.]
  305. [Berry receives (CP) and a CL cloak.]
  306. [Applejack receives (CL), Empire Express, and a CL cloak.]
  307. [Pinkie receives Sir Prize and Miss Direction and a CL cloak.]
  308. [Redheart receives (CC [spoiler]Instances of CL before are CC for chainmail[/spoiler]), Crystal Buckler, Highguard Glaive, and a CL cloak.]
  309. Your bit pouch: 79 bits
  311. >”It’s a pleasure doin’ business with ya hairless. I see your entourage is very happy, it looks like. The nurse’s armor and the purple one’s horseshoes will be done by 3:00, so sit tight, or come back then, whatever you like, sir!”
  312. >He bows to you and walks into the back, presumably to work.
  313. >You look at your newly attired party, each in their own little world.
  314. >AJ’s heaving her hammer, standing on two hooves.
  315. >”Whoa nelly~... This thing has got some kick to it, huh? I bet I could uproot Bloomberg with this baby, er, not that’d I’d ever do that.”
  316. >Pinkie is definitely admiring her new daggers, practicing drawing and sheathing them.
  317. >”Hey Nonny!”
  318. “Hm?”
  319. >”DRAW!”
  320. >You brandish your spear a split second after she holds out your daggers.
  321. “Damn, too slow.”
  322. >”That’s why I got the knives, silly filly!”
  323. >She’s just beaming.
  324. >Berry is still trying to adjust her helmet.
  325. >”If my mane gets screwed up from this thing, I’m gonna kill you, Anon…”
  326. >She loves it, she just doesn’t show it.
  327. >Redheart herself is checking out her buckler and glaive, figuring out how to use the heavy spear one-handed.
  328. >”I… I think I might need lessons, Anon.”
  329. >She hasn’t had any formal training.
  330. >However, you feel like you have a much better grasp of your spear combat since the tournament, and you might actually be able to do so.
  331. “We’ll see what we can do about that. For now…”
  332. >It is currently 2:10 P.M.
  333. >What would you like to do?
  337. >Inspect Downforce
  338. [The user raises the glaive high and slams the broad end into the ground, creating a powerful knockback wave of magical force that causes heavy damage. (Good attack, +12 PA, split between all enemies, 3tcd)]
  340. >Inspect Cyli-Spin
  341. [The user begins to twirl the hammer like a top from the axis point of the handle, and drills through all the enemies in a wide circle of destruction. (Good attack, +25 PA AoE split between enemies, 90% chance to stun affected enemies for 5 turns, 4tcd)]
  343. >Inspect Darkstrike
  344. [The user weilds the daggers and utilizes their special balances to create a powerful, ynchronized strike that is too unpredictable to block, allowing it to pierce through defenses and cause massive damage. (Epic attack (rnd) single, or Good attack AoE split, 90% chance to bleed enemies hit, 7tcd)]
  346. >You figure with any time you get during the day, it’d be best to read while you have the chance.
  347. “Red, want to read with me a little more?”
  348. >She smiles, still adjusting her shield on her arm.
  349. >”Sure! It’ll make me feel like a warrior-poet-medic or something like that, hehe.”
  350. >She joins you at the free wall where you both sit, you opening up your Foal’s Guide to Magic while she cracks open her medical mastery textbook.
  351. >It sort of made you feel like a child comparing, but you weren’t about to let that drag you down.
  352. >After all, how hard could a book for kids be?
  353. >...
  354. [You make some progress on the Foal’s Guide to magic, but it was very difficult for you to understand, and therefore learned no new spells.]
  356. [Redheart makes more progress on her Medical Mastery.]
  357. >...
  358. >That book was fucking hard.
  359. >It was worse than Gyro’s lesson, yet the tone made it sound like you were a retard if you didn’t understand.
  360. >Now you feel like a retard.
  361. >Thankfully, Mr. Ironsmith’s voice rang out before you could get too angry at the book.
  362. >”Horseshoes and Nurse’s armor is done! Come on up!”
  363. >Berry runs up and looks at her modified horseshoes, gasping at the sight.
  364. >”These… are so wicked, look at these! It’s like I’m a werewolf!”
  365. >She gets them on and fits them down, patting them well.
  366. >”Nice…”
  367. >Redheart gets her chainmail on and adjusts it with the rest of her armor.
  368. >A true battle-medic if you’ve ever seen one.
  369. “You look really hot, Red.”
  370. >She blushes slightly.
  371. >”Oh, well you’re not too bad yourself, babe~”
  372. >You honestly couldn’t wait for some free time back at Wheaties’ house.
  373. >You’ve been pent up far too long.
  374. >It is now 3:05 P.M.
  375. >Mr. Ironsmith chuckles at the comments, and grabs your attention one more time.
  376. >”Once again, thank you for the business, my hairless friend. So, did you need anything else?”
  378. -Buy
  379. -Sell
  380. -Modify
  381. -Exit
  382. -Talk to Mr. Ironsmith
  386. “Hey guys, let me have your old stuff to sell so we can make up some of the balance a little bit.”
  387. >Berry, Pinkie and Red nod, giving you a few items to sell to him.
  388. [Red gives you Royal Guard Armor, Spear, and Ancient Squareshield.]
  389. [Pinkie gives you Dual-Wield Daggers.]
  390. [Berry gives you Forehoof Horseshoes and Royal Guard Armor.]
  392. >Sell
  394. >”Hmm… I’ll give you… 50 bits for all of it.”
  395. “What if I signed these items? Being the 1st annual tournament champion for the Crystal Fair must up their value a little bit if I did so?”
  396. >Mr. Ironsmith takes this into consideration, twirling his handlebar stache as he thinks.
  397. >”Well… You strike a fair point. I can’t give much extra, but if you sign ‘em all, I’ll up it to 75.”
  398. >You nod and take a marker from the counter, carefully and clearly autographing each item.
  399. >Do you take the deal or haggle?
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