
Faerie's Ruin

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. The healing has begun.
  3. Looking at the large crater at the edge of the haunted woods, newcomers would swear that the once floating city of Faeries was nothing but a myth after seeing the grounded ruins of the kingdom bubble with life. No one can believe that in such a short time a strong kingdom could fall under a grave curse cast by a powerful witch down below. There have been skilled witches in the past, Sophie and Edna being the top of the list in that regard. But now a new name is added to the list of powerful magic users.
  5. Xandra, the lone Xweetok that caused the fall of Faerieland from grace. A new name for the list of powerful magic users, but also a new page is the records of Neopia’s greatest villains. Not every day you witness a new addition to that foul record. Yet here we are in the grand city of Faerieland, watching as the residents try to put themselves back together after their long sleep as stone beings. Word is the heroes that helped bring the kingdom back to life are returning home, with the exception of King Altador who has tasked himself with the duty of locating the imprisoned villain known only as “The Darkest Faerie”. My trainer says that we will follow the King soon enough to aid his search from the shadows.
  7. Tis the life of a Ninja.
  9. As we walk along the ruined streets of this once majestic city, you can’t help but be charmed by the sights around you. I glance to the people around me, catching the few glances my way, before they break eye contact with me and go back to their work. My heart sinks as I see the distrust in their eyes, knowing what was going through their minds as I pass. ‘What is he doing here, of all places?’ ‘Traitorous Xweetoks. Causing our beloved cities to fall’ ‘How did they even appear in our world’ .
  13. Tears well in my eyes as I feel the unease around me, wounded by their thoughts as if they were inflamed swords pressed to my back. Hated because of my race, distrusted because of the actions of one lone Xweetok woman. How I hated her for harming the Faeries and ruining the lives of others like me. I hang my head as we pass the others, pressing forward to the doorway of the castle. I refused to cry in front of these people, not wanting to give them the benefit that their thoughts could wound me so. I flinch as I feel a paw grab my elbow, looking back into the eyes of my fellow team member.
  15. Sakura, a sweet girl at the best of times, looks at me with a sad and worried expression. I must have looked troubled to her, I was never good at hiding my emotions from people. Some ninja I’m turning out to be it seems. I give her a half-hearted smile and brush her off with a simply ‘I’m fine’ before pushing open the doors to the castle. The heavy creak of the hinges filled the room, my ears flattening against my skull to block out the sound. As we push forward at the soft command of our trainer, the five of us walk to the entry hall of the grand castle. I stare in wonder at the elegant hallway, wishing I had seen it before the kingdom crashed to the earth. Paintings lay on the ground, some damaged beyond repair, below where they once hung.
  17. I could have stood in that hallway for eons if the low voice of our eldest member Riegn hadn’t snapped me out of my daze. We were not alone in the hallway it seems. I look over to where he was motioning, my eyes widening as I gaze upon the Queen of this magical kingdom. She looked as beautiful as I imagined, her very presence gives off the essence of power. As I watch my team mates walk closer to her, bowing before her in respect, I stand my ground and feel a part of my self sink again.
  19. Here she was, the Queen of the Faeries and most powerful of the good aligned faeries in her kingdom showing thanks to all those that helped to solve the crisis that befell them. Here I am, standing next to the grand portrait of Queen Fyora’s mother propped against the wall. I look to the picture, not wanting her to know I was staring at her sheer beauty and elegance.
  21. I was a Xweetok, the new pariah of this world. She has no need to see me in her home after what she survived. I glance up to watch my friends receive rewards for their deeds, smiling a little as Riegn is given a Brightvale tunic and Blue a coat similar to the thief Hanso. I could see my trainer propped against the doorway, a playful smile on her face as she watches them laugh good heartedly with thanks. Some would say our trainer never smiled, and would go further to say it was due to the partial mask she wore that covered the bottom of her face from her nose, but we could always tell when she was smiling.
  23. I watch as the two men part for Sakura, watching her careful steps as she approaches the Queen. She bows her head to her and asks if she is feeling well. Fyora replies that she is fine as long as her people are well, placing a hand on her shoulder. Sakura blushes under her fur, a sight only seen when she is in the company of our friend Seto. Fyroa lifted her chin with a finger, studying poor Sakura silently before walking back to a chest brought by her faithful attendants. She opens the box and pulls out a item with great care, a kind smile on her face. I watched as Sakura’s eye widen when the Queen turned to her and held out the paint brush to her. I smile as I watch my young friend receive the prized item, a step closer to her dream of being a Faerie. As my friends crowd around her, telling her that they are thrilled that she gets to be her dream colour, I push off the wall and start to walk back to my trainer, a sad smile on my face. As I pass through the grand doorway once more, another being passes me by, bumping against my side as he passes.
  25. The movement was slick, I’d give him that, but even I’m good enough to catch a thief’s hand when it slides into my pocket. Encircling his wrist, I give the figure a sideways glance to watch the unavoidable shock cross his features. To my own surprise, the young man’s shock was quickly replaced with a playful smile.
  27. “Huh, not bad…what profession are you?” the man asked, a little upraise in his voice at the end. I released his wrist, glancing back to the doorway.
  29. “A ninja. And you…are a thief that tried to pick my pocket. Nice coat, get it from the Queen as a prize?”
  31. The next thing that happened surprised me more than seeing the Queen before. The man brushed back his blue bangs and cocked a smile of arrogance. Forced to take a better look at him, a note that he was an Ixi, wearing a old faded coat and wearing his hair in a pony.
  33. “…Hanso.”
  35. “Yep. Took you long enough. Think my mug would be well known by now after the things I’ve been through. So, what brings you to the Queen’s summer home from the clouds?”
  37. I give him a weary look, taking a step away from him. He is well known by now for good reason, having gained the favour of Fyora for his deeds to help her kind. He does have a kind heart, as my trainer has mentioned from following him in his adventure, and he could be counted on when you needed him most. He was a hero and a thief, and I hated him more now than ever for asking why I would come to the castle.
  39. As if he really wanted to say ‘Why did you even bother coming here Xweetok. After what Xandra did’ .
  41. “My trainer brought us here for the rewards of helping the Faeries. My friends are getting their gifts as we speak.” I hiss, turning my back to him as I start to leave.
  43. “What gift did you receive for your help?”
  45. I stop and glance over my shoulder, a flare of anger in my eyes. How dare he ask me what I received, knowing full well that I may not have even been given anything in the first place. I close my eyes and collect myself, clearing my throat.
  47. “Nothing. I didn’t attempt to receive a gift for my help. There is nothing I could do to mend the damages caused by Xandra to bring my kind back into the light from the shadow she cast on us all. Now, shouldn’t you be with Brynn on your next adventure.” I mutter coldly at him.
  49. “I thought that was why you left at such a haste.”
  51. I spin on my heel, looking up at the beauty of the castle once more. I could feel my mouth dry as the Queen stepped toward me. I take a cautious step back, not wanting to get too close in case this was a trick. She held out her hand, as if to halt me.
  53. “Now…there is no reason for you to carry the burden on your shoulders for the mistake of one Neopian. You and your friends, as did all the Neopians and their ‘trainers’, helped us in our time of need. You as well deserve a reward for your efforts to help us rebuild.”
  55. I bow my head, unwilling to let my gaze fall on her again. She was a being of sheer power and elegance, holding the ability to condemn me to any fate she saw fit. Yet here she was, trying to soothe me with her words and claiming that I deserve a reward for my deeds.
  57. “You…have no need to give me a gift, Miss. Your thanks is more than enough, in more ways than I could count.”
  59. “Well that won’t do, now can it. Queen Fyora, I have an idea if you don’t mind me butting in.”
  61. The Queen only chuckled and responded that she doesn't pay much mind to most the things he does. I could only imagine Hanso’s good natured eye roll at the Queen’s attempt at a joke before listening to his footfalls near her. They lowered their voices and spoke among themselves, leaving me in the dark to their plans. As I ready myself to leave to save them the trouble to deciding a gift, my instincts send off a warning for me to jump back.
  63. I land a foot from there I stood, staring at the dagger lodged into the ground a inch from where my foot once was. I look up at Hanso and study his impressed look, placing his fists on his hips and letting out a low whistle. Glancing at Fyora, I note that she is smiling reassuringly, happy to see that I hadn’t been wounded by Hanso’s rash action. I near the blade and pluck it from the ground, looking at them in my confusion.
  65. “Take it. Think of it as a gift for your help. May not be the pretty trinkets she keeps in her chest of goodies, but I think this would suit you better. Nothing flashy like a sword or dull like a book, a nice study dagger that could help you in your job. Ninja, right?”
  67. I nod, studying the blade as I turn it in my hands. It was a study knife with good weight, a easy handle to hold onto and not bad for throwing as it appears. I grip the weapon in my hand to get a feel for it, finding the leather of the handle worn and soft against my palm.
  69. It was a good feel none the less.
  71. “Thank you. I will use it in my line of work when it calls for it.”
  73. I slide the dagger into the pocket of my coat, careful not the cut the deep red fabric of the frock coat. As I look back up to see if my team mates had exited, I find myself looking into the eyes of the Queen. How she got that close to me without my knowing, I could never explain, but she was before me with a kind smile on her face. She takes my hand in hers and looks at my palm silently, tracing a finger over the groves and scars from battle.
  75. “You are a rather brave Neopian. Though you may think nothing of it, I can see you have released a fair number of small faeries from bottles, each one blessing you with their gifts. Quite the kind act in itself, though there are others that do the same. What I’m wondering is why you would go out of your way to safely return the lost faeries from the woods without asking for something in return.”
  77. I stare at her dumbstruck. I hadn’t known she was aware of my faerie rescue attempt from the Haunted Woods. I could feel colour rushing to my face, praying that my fur would hide that fact from her. She released my hand and placed a finger under my chin, lifting it so I would meet her eyes.
  79. “Thank you for your help to ease our suffering, and leading the small ones back to us so they would not become another’s meal. Take this Dagger as your reward and use it to help others in their troubled times. That is all I could say to you, as for the fact of distrust towards you. That too will pass as the wounds are healed here. Go forth young Xweetok and be merry.”
  81. With that, she turned from me and ascended the stairs to her home. I close my eyes, the warmth of her touch still on my hand and chin. I shake myself out and look to Hanso, whom has seemed amused by watching that interaction between me and Fyora.
  83. “Take good care of that Dagger. Helped me out of more scrapes than I could count. Been good to me…uh…”
  85. I smile and cross my arm over my chest, bowing a bit before him with a wicked glint in my eyes.
  87. “Naru.”
  89. “Alright then, Naru. Take care of that Dagger for me. I got to get back to Byrnn, we got a mission to get too.”
  91. I watched as he turned on his heel and headed for the door, passing my team and trainer as they exit the castle themselves. I smile as I fall into line with them, listening to them comment on Sakura’s new wings, Riegn offering to give her flying lessons when they return home back in Shenkuu. Studying their gifts silently, I missed the glance my trainer spared on me to see if I was still depressed by the events around us.
  93. Like I said, I wasn’t the best ninja when it comes to my team and trainer.
  95. I jumped as I felt her hand on my shoulder, taking me aside by the scruff, and lowered her voice as she leaned to my ear.
  97. “Seems you are feeling better. Where did you end up going when you tried to slip out?”
  99. I look up at her, chuckling under my breath at her serious expression. So she did notice I was under the weather from the whole ordeal. Figures a ninja master like her would see through me. I roll my shoulders and look to my friends, placing a hand on the concealed dagger in my coat pocket.
  101. “I didn’t get far. The Queen seemed to have seen me go too. She gave me a gift of a dagger…and thanked me for returning the small faeries from the woods. I’m surprised she knew about that…”
  103. My eye widen as a thought crossed my mind. I look to my trainer, her unwavering gaze locked onto my eyes, she arms folded over her chest and a neutral look on her masked face. I don’t know how I missed it, how I didn’t think about the idea before now.
  105. “You told her about the Faeries…and the reason I left.”
  107. My trainer just smiled under her mask and brushed past me, telling me to fall back into the group so we could make it to our next assignment. I stare after her in wonder, wishing I had the skill she held to see through everything about us and use her words to make things turn in our favour.
  109. The healing did indeed begin. In both the kingdom of Faeries and in the deep reservoirs of my soul that were wounded by the madness of my own kind. Today was a very good day and one I’ll never forget.
  111. My name is Naru, and I am a Xweetok dreaming to be a great ninja like my trainer.
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