
nardo peace homebrews

May 1st, 2019
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  1. Elephants
  2. Genin Rank
  5. Traits:
  6. Juggernaut: An Elephant is an unstoppable mass, rampaging through the battlefield. They cannot be knocked back, cannot be moved, and cannot have their movement prevented or interrupted. The Intercept maneuver will allow an attack against a charging Elephant, but won't prevent an attack from Charge. Finally, they cannot be directly affected by the Tactician role, though it can still cause them to become flanked.
  7. Unfortunately, Elephants are also incapable of stopping themselves short on purpose, such as to avoid a Flashpoint Jutsu. They are also entirely immune to friendly attempts to place them out of harm's range.
  9. Perks:
  10. Quake Stomp: An Elephant's attack shakes the earth. All Taijutsu-based attack actions, as long as they deal damage, and are made at an adjectant enemy, gain Burst 1. If they would already have Burst, they gain Burst+1. Their Taijutsu attacks do not distinguish friend from foe, unless they have Iron Fist Stance. If they do, they still hit even allies within Burst 1, and can only choose to exclude allies at Burst 2 and further.
  11. Fifth Limb: Elephants have flexible trunks in place of noses. Regular elephants mostly use it for retrieving small items, but Shinobi animals have turned into a proper weapon of war. It counts as a proper third limb, able to perform seals, hold a weapon, or an item. If the Summoner has this perk, they do not literally grow a trunk, but instead replicate the third arm in some other way.
  15. Oxen
  16. Genin Rank
  18. Traits: Thick-headed
  19. Bovines are powerful animals, known for charging into battle headfirst. Oxen always inflict knockback with all of their Taijutsu-based attacks, as long as they had moved, or been moved, since the start of the round. If the hit would already inflict knockback, the distance is doubled. Finally, if they hit on a charge, their Knocbkack damage is doubled.
  21. Perks
  22. - Seeing Red: Oxen are usually lazing around, but they get going fast. The first time in a round that their attack or Jutsu is dodged, they become Emboldened. However, if they are ever successfuly Countered, they lose this status, and become Unnerved instead.
  23. - Tireless Worker: Bovines are far-traveing nomads, willing to cross continents for greener pastures, and fleeing from predators for days on the end. They are immune to the Exhausted status. If the summoner has this perk, this also applies to any instances of Exhausted they would accumulate by overworking themselves on a mission.
  27. Roosters
  28. Genin Rank
  30. Traits: Berserker
  31. - Roosters are known for their boundless agression and ferocity in combat, despite not seeming too imposing at first. The penalties for entering the Injured and Wounded pool are reversed for a Rooster, becoming bonuses. Roosters may only have one Desperation per Injured and Wounded each, but their Desperation UAs grant additional Grit equal to the level of the UA.
  33. Perks
  34. - Early Bird: Roosters are known for their uncanny sense of time. This also translates into a good grasp on their own consciousness: Roosters are become Aware as soon as they are in a Genjutsu of any sort.
  35. - Two In One Courtyard: All Roosters have Rivalry with each other. For the purposes of 'coming into a direct contest', making the same check in one round will count, and grant them each a point of Grit at the end of the round per each such check made after the first.
  37. -
  40. Hares
  41. Genin Rank
  43. Traits
  44. - Strafe: Bunnies are known to be incredibly fast runners for their size, as are rabbits when they really want to. Hare summons are considered to have infinite Speed Familiarity ranks, meaning they never take penalties from someone's offensive speed. Additionally, when a Hare summon moves more than 30 squares in one round, they gain a Strafe counter. When taking a movement action, or any other action that moves them, a Hare can spend a Strafe counter to create an afterimage at the beginning of their movement, which is not a character, but counts as one for the purposes of inflicting Flanking. They may also spend Three Strafe counters to gain an additional Speed rank for the duration of their own turn.
  47. Perks
  48. - Vanishing prey: When a Hare succesfully dodges, they may try to enter Stealth, rolling for it immediately. If a Hare enters stealth this way, any bonuses they would gain for attacking out of Stealth are forfeit.
  49. - Mad Trickster: Hares in folklore are cheaters and odd folk. They're hard to figure out, and used to confusing and puzzling their enemies too. As such, they do not suffer the -4 ASP from being in the Tricky status, only suffering -1 Grit/Round.
  54. Dragons
  55. Genin Rank
  57. Traits: Uncanny Scales
  58. Dragons are massive, typically winged lizards, with bodies which do not seem to follow the laws of physics. A dragon may be either grounded, in which case it is Massive, and suffers no penalties for being Submerged, or Hulking, and posses the power of perfect, unrestrained flight. Flying dragons may move up by paying 2 squares of movement per each square they are rising, and they never fall. They also never suffer knockback damage, unless they actually hit something. Finally, Dragons are protected by firm scales, having natural mundane DR equal to five times their Rank.
  60. Perks
  61. Noble Ninjutsu: Dragons are master of ranged combat - as such, they have mastered long-distance techniques. All Dragon seals in jutsus used by Dragons have doubled effect.
  62. Breath Weapon: Dragons also have their own way of attacking, and may take ranks in Breath Weapon Training, which is a basic skill for them. Using it takes two partial actions, and Chakra equal to their Rank. A Breath Weapon's range is a Blast of Burst equal to the Dragon's Rank, and Line equal to ten times the Dragon's Rank. Additionally, at the time of designing the Dragon, select an Element. The Dragon's Breath Weapon deals damage equal their current Injury pool, plus that element's damage and effect. If the Dragon's speed would cause the element to be applied twice on a Jutsu, it also does here.
  67. Horses
  68. Genin rank
  70. Traits: Horsepower
  71. Horses are the kings of the steppe. They add double their Dodge ranks to their movement as per Fleet of Foot, and their Shunshin distance also increases by 1x their movement, possibly stacking with Shunshin Familiarity, or Fleet of Foot itself. They do not, however, increase the cost of their Shunshin.
  73. Perks
  74. - Hold on Tight: Shinobi Horses will allow themselves to be ridden, as long as their rank is lower than the rider's. A Shinobi may mount a Shinobi Horse with a partial action, occupying the same square. They may leave it with a free action at any time therafter, inluding outside of their turn, becoming adjectant to the horse. While riding the horse, the Shinobi gains a Speed Rank. If he moves, the horse moves, or anyone else moves either, they both move. However, any single-target attacks are made against the horse and the rider simultaneously. If the rider dismounts reacting to an attack, they dismount into position where they can still be attacked.
  75. - Get Kicked: Surrounding a horse is a dangerous ordeal, and evading the hooves is harder in a crowd. Horses gain +1ASB to Martial Arts per each Flanked condition they suffer from, up to their Rank.
  78. Pigs
  79. Genin Rank
  81. Traits: Big Brained
  82. Like humans, Boars and pigs are quite intelligent - though they often lack the ability to apply their observations properly. As with the Brilliant trait, Pigs may make Knowledge Checks for one less partial action (does not stack with Brilliant), and they add their Ninjutsu to all their Taijutsu maneuver and attack damage. They add their Ninjutsux2 to Charges using Martial Arts in particular.
  84. Perks
  85. - Big Gutted: Like humans, pigs will eat just about anything, and they are always summoned hungry. If a pig has a significant amount of material to consume (a sizeable treat prepared by the summoner, not nuts under a tree), and is standing over or next to the food, it can consume it with a Partial Action, to recover half its current Injury pool. It may only do this an amount of times equal to its rank.
  86. - Small Eyed: Unlike humans, pigs have eyes positioned on the sides of their skull, giving them panoramatic vision, at the cost of depth Perception. Pigs may purchase Battle Sense any number of times, each instance after the first increasing the necessary amount of opponents to flank by one. However, all ranged attacks, maneuvers, or Jutsus they are able to use have halved Range.
  89. Rats
  90. Genin Rank
  91. Injury: 8/4/2 Chakra: 10 Grit: 1/Round
  92. CC: 2 Nin: 3 Tai: 2
  93. Gen: 3 Det: 1
  96. Traits:
  98. Swarm Tactics: Rats are masters of running to live to see another day. While they are plentiful, though, they're capable of surprising ferocity. All summoned rats profit from the Tenacious trait for as long as an amount of other rats wasn't defeated during the encounter equal to their Rank, Once it has been, they lose Tenacious, and gain Flighty instead. Rats of Chuunin rank are considered Defeated when Wounded, and rats of Genin rank are considered Defeated when Injured. This trait excludes the Summoner.
  100. Dirty Secrets: The rat society is largely hierarchical, with more powerful individual having incrementally more power, but also more honor to maintain. Rats are able to train the Elemental Training: Filth skill, and use Jutsus with the Filth element, but do not actually profit from the Elemental Affinity trait.
  103. Skills:
  105. Martial Arts 1 (Always South)
  107. Unique Abilities:
  108. UA 1 of the Summoner’s Choice
  112. Perks:
  114. Arny Summon: Rats are a large family, with many of its brothers indistinguishable from each other, the rest of their family branch sharing every contract. For a Summoner who contracts Rats, all Rats in their menagerie with rank lower than their own are considered an example of a larger whole, and can be summoned any number of times during an encounter at once (with the exact same stats).
  116. Plaguebearer: Rats are partially immune to diseases, though not poison. If should they become sick, they will not, but if the sickness would spread, it will spread from them.
  123. Filth Element Training [Ninjutsu, Basic]:
  125. Spreading Dirt [Novice Level] (Rank 1-2): You can create a flux of dirt from the earth, or water. Your Filth Element Jutsus deal damage equal to your Rank + Ninjutsu + Jutsu Base Damage + Filth Element. Jutsus using the Filth Element have a base range of 0, not refunding any points, but instead do have Modify Area 1 (Burst). They can regain range, but they can never become a projectile, Powerful Projectile, or a Beam.
  127. Spreading Grime [Adept Level] (Rank 3-6): Areas hit by the Filth Element take double the movement to pass, unless the enemies are aware of them, and use the Water Walking Jutsu. Insects, Rats and similar native creatures may pass these areas normally.
  129. Spreading Filth [Talent] (Rank 5): Whenever you deal damage using the Filth Element, you may pay 2 Chakra. If you do, the target becomes Nauseated.
  134. Jitte: Damage: 5, Resources: 5 A long, blunt, two-pronged dagger. Where blades are outlawed, it is not odd for civilians and Shinobi alike to carry around Jitte. Being a weapon used for parrying first and foremost, the Jitte suffers no ASP when using the Parry maneuver.
  136. Sai: Damage: 5, Resources: 5 A blunt, three-pronged dagger. Despite its sneaky nature, a weapon of defense. When the Block maneuver is used with the Sai, the damage reduction provided by the weapon's base damage will not detoriate. A Sai that is a Signature Item cannot purchase 'Increased Damage' more than once.
  140. Weapon Training: Parrying Dagger (Core, Tai/Gen)
  141. Parrying daggers are weapons typically used for defense, which is sometimes the best offense. The two main types of a parrying dagger used by the Shinobi are the Sai and the Jitte. This skill grants ASB to both types, but the benefits of the training only apply to one. Parrying daggers occupy one hand, and may be used as an off-hand weapon to another one-handed one, or they may be dual-wielded. When taking the Signature Item or Item of Legend perks, it is possible to apply their effects to a pair of parrying daggers, or apply it individually - though you still have to buy both the weapons with your Resources.
  143. Trishula Trainee [Novice] (Rank 1-2): You have begun to learn the manifold ways to break an opponent's offense. Parrying Daggers are able to use Genjutsu as their attacking attribute, but they deal damage equal to your Taijutsu+Parrying Dagger Training+Base Damage.
  145. Handy Sidearm [Adept] (Rank 3-6):
  146. Choose one of the below:
  147. Scorpion's Pincer (Sai): The Sai is a covert weapon, often used by criminals. It is typically hidden within a sleeve, reinforcing an arm, and able to be drawn at a moment's notice. If a Shinobi uses the Block maneuver with another weapon, while off-handing a Sai, they may add the Sai's base damage to the DR.
  148. Swordcatcher (Jitte): The Jitte is often used by law enforcement, to safely disable criminals. When the Jitte is used to Parry, Counter, or Block a bladed weapon (Tanto, Chokuto, Greatsword, or a Naginata), any benefits of their particular Weapon Trainings which add damage to the attack are negated, even if the Jitte's defense fails.
  150. Ambidextrity [Talent] (Rank 5):
  151. Those who specialize in the parrying dagger, rather than using it as a sidearm, often find themselves carrying a pair. Choose one of the below:
  152. Sai: The Sai is ideal for turning sticky combat situations around. If they are used as a pair, to Disarm or Trip, and are met with a Parry, Block, or Counter, they gain +Rank ASB.
  153. Jitte: A pair of Jitte is very difficlut to fence one's way around. While they are wielded as a pair, they can use Disarm and Trip as a Counter action if you know those maneuvers, and the first time it is used to Block in combat, it may immediately use the Disarm maneuver for free.
  154. Combination: Some love the weapons so much, they use a Jitte and a Sai, one each. This results in an obscure style, which grants +Rank ASB to Feint attempts.
  155. None: Purchase the Pin or the Swordbreaker maneuver for free.
  159. Swordbreaker (Discipline of the Armed, requires Parrying Dagger 5, Requires Jitte)
  162. Pin (Discipline of the Armed, requires Parrying Dagger 5, requires Sai)
  163. To some, two Sai are not enough, and they must carry a third. The reason for that is this maneuver, in which you attempt to pin someone's bodypart to the environment.
  164. Make a basic Parrying Dagger attack as a full round action. If the attack is succesful, you will lose the Sai you attacked with, and the target will become Pinned. A Pinned enemy cannot move from their position, which also means they cannot dodge, unless they Sway. When they would suffer Knockback, they instead suffer the attack's damage again, this time ignoring mundane DR. This condition costs twice the usual amount of Grit to remove, causing the target to suffer the attack's damage again, ignoring mundane DR, and releasing the Sai.
  165. At the time of making the attack, you should specify what you are pinning the target to, if not the ground - for example, it could be possible to Pin someone to a moving wooden wagon, in which case they must stay on the same relative square instead.
  169. Kekkei Genkai: Dead Hair Pulse (Chakra Control, Advanced)
  171. Bussiness Cut [Novice] (Rank 1-2): People of the Kame clan, distantly related to both the Hyuuga and the Kaguya, are naturally born with thick, nearly indestructible hair. You are also blessed with the recessive and rare talent to move your hair around, grow it out at will, and channel chakra through its delicate strands. You can use your hair as a weapon to perform basic attack actions and maneuvers with it, using the Dead Hair Pulse skill. The hair weapon's base damage is equal to the rank of this training. It leaves your hands free.
  172. While CC-based, this skill uses either Taijutsu or Chakra Control to attack, and is subject to either Taijutsu Knowledge, or Ninjutsu Knowledge in the latter's case - though once the check is passed, it applies to both variants. Its actual damage is equal to, respectively, either Base Damage+Chakra Control+Rank, or Base Damage+Taijutsu+Rank.
  173. Damaging hits with Dead Hair Pulse cause one of the target's limbs to be Constricted, depending on the defensive action used: Leg in case of Dodge, and Arm in case of others. The hair has a single Injury pool equal to twice your Taijutsu, and DR equal to your Chakra Control. It will always constrict an arm if Blocked, even if no damage was dealt.
  175. Noble Cut [Adept] (Rank 3-6): As one way of growing out your hair, you may grow it out into a Braid, making it into a ranged weapon. For 3 Chakra and a partial action, you may grow it out a number of squares equal to twice your rank, which will give the hair weapon that much range. This weapon can be used to perform fine manipulation of objects at distance, and channel chakra into objects away from your body. It also extends the range of the Chakra Scalpels stance, though it doesn't make it more effective. It may also be used to place tags, or place tools, but not wield weapons without an Unique Ability. Finally, it grants +1ASB for Grapple attempts using Martial Arts, per each two squares of hair that the enemy is standing at or past, thus giving +Rank ASB towards enemies who are adjacent to you.
  176. Maintaining such a long braid is relatively tiring, and practicioners cut it off after combat.
  178. Bowl Cut [Talent] (Rank 5): As another way of growing out your hair, you may grow it out into a Cradle, for 5 Chakra and 3 Grit. The Cradle is a mess of hair on the ground around you, which has the size of Burst (Rank). You can spend a partial action while standing in it, to expand it by Burst (Rank). You may also create a Cradle while you already are standing on one: if you do, the new area will combine with the previous as the whole of your Cradle. Inside the Cradle, until you sever your hair with a full-round action, your movement speed becomes only Speed*1+Rank. You cannot move out of the Cradle without severing yourself from the hair and rendering it inert, but standing in it gives you many benefits.
  179. You can attack from any point within the Cradle using your Dead Hair Pulse training. If you have already had a Braid grown out, you can attack with the braid from any point in the Cradle, greatly extending your range. You can still grow a Braid after the Cradle is placed, to gain this benefit.
  180. While inside the Cradle, you can use Dead Hair Pulse as a special defensive action against jutsus, but it considers Wind and Fire to be superior elements. Additionally, Fire, Earth, and Wind element jutsus destroy squares of the Cradle that they hit, unless you pay 1Grit per each two squares in the area.
  181. You may create a Cradle while you already are standing on one, if you do, the new area will combine with the previous as the whole of your Cradle.
  183. Flowing Cut [Master] (Rank 7-9): Though control of chakra is vital for its use, the usual main way of employing this Kekkei Genkai is for Taijutsu. At this rank, the bonus to Grapple from Braid extends to all Taijutsu-based attacks. Additionally, Braid costs no chakra to grow out anymore, and is a free action.
  184. As another way of growing your hair, for 4 Chakra, you may grow it out into a Pillar: a mass of hair swirling under you, freeing your legs to attack your enemies with as well. Atop the Pillar, you suffer the same movement restrictions as in a Cradle, except that you can move vertically as well, and not be considered Airborne.
  185. Should you inflict Knockback on someone while standing upon a Pillar, you may snatch them and stop them in their tracks, making them take all of the damage, but not move. Doing so will Immobilize the enemy, and inflict two Constricted conditions on two different limbs of your choice. If you have a Braid or a Cradle, you may also instead let them be knocked back some, and catch them at any point of their length or size.
  187. Dread Locks: [Master] (Rank 10): At the end of the day, what hair truly excels at is tangling up and restraining the enemy. At this rank, when you land a hit using Dead Hair Pulse, you may instantly apply one of these Fuuinjutsu effects: Exhaustion(2x), Beast Sealing, Vacuum, Disruption, or Prohibition.
  188. These effects cannot be removed with Fuuinjutsu Release, since they are not truly Fuuinjutsu, but they automatically fade away if the affected enemy completely leaves the range of your Dead Hair Pulse techniques.
  190. Crown Braid: [Grandmaster]: Negating the technique's main weakness with years of use, your hair is like a mobile fortress sweeping through the battlefield. The range of your Braids is doubled, Pillar no longer limits your movement, and when you take a basic move action, you may move your Cradle with you, placing yourself in the middle of the new area. Any foe that finds themselves standing on your Cradle will instantly suffer the Exhaustion Fuuinjutsu effect, which won't go away until the end of combat, though it's limited to one instance.
  194. Kekkei Genkai: Purification (Support, Taijutsu, Advanced)
  196. Spirit Form [Novice] (Rank 1-2):
  197. infite replacements, but can only replace out of water?
  198. Body is essentially always a water clone?
  200. Spirit Step [Adept] (Rank 3-6):
  202. talent
  203. 'purifying'
  204. getting rank asb against summons and clones?
  207. Kekkei Genkai: Tarnification (Support, Taijutsu, Advanced)
  209. Sludge Form [Novice] (Rank 1-2):
  210. no direct damage?
  212. Mundane Glory [Adept] (Rank 3-6):
  213. grapple
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