
A night to remember: last part

Feb 23rd, 2013
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  1. >Twilight accompanies you as you race back to your home
  2. >It was urgent that you got back and stopped Spike from eating the tribute
  3. >Those gems were one of a kind
  4. >You tear down narrow sidestreets, both giving it all you've got
  5. >Which, coming from an out of shape human and a egghead pony, turns out to be just faster than jogging speed
  6. >After what seems an age to your overworked leg muscles, you've reached your house
  7. >It isn't very impressive; just an old barn, repurposed especially for your needs
  8. >What is surprising though is the large amount of townsponies gathered around it
  9. >Small conversations are running though the crowd, all of them in hushed, concerned tones
  10. >You wade through the crowd, with Twilight following in your wake
  11. >One brown stallion tugs at your shirt as you walk by
  12. >"What have you got in there? It sounds like a wild animal!"
  13. >Twilight starts hopping from hoof to hoof nervously
  14. >Her face wrinkles in concern
  15. >"Oh no, oh no, I was afraid something like this might happen"
  16. >Something like what?
  17. >As if to answer your question, a deafening roar comes from inside your house
  18. >This sends the ponies into disarray, and they flee in all directions
  19. >It's just you and Twilight
  20. >And whatever has taken up residence in your home
  22. "Level with me Twilight. What's going on? What are we up against?"
  23. >She's clearly worried about the noise, but there's something else
  24. >She's ashamed
  25. >"Well, sometimes when Spike does something greedy, he... changes"
  26. >You pull out your keys and fumble with the lock
  27. "Changes how?"
  28. >You call over your shoulder
  29. >"Well, for one thing..."
  30. >You open the door and are confronted with a huge green eye
  31. >"...He get's a lot bigger"
  32. >You shit a brick. Metaphorically speaking
  33. >Slowly, you back away until you are standing next to Twilight
  34. >She gulps and tries to reason with the monster
  35. >"Now.. uh.. Spike, remember what happened last time you did this?"
  36. >Spike opens his giant maw and screeches at you both
  37. >Okay, that's it
  38. "Spike! Get out of my house and gimme back the gems!"
  39. >This elicits a surprising response
  40. >Th corners of Spikes mouth pull back, almost in a snarling gesture
  41. >But he's smiling
  42. >And you can see why
  43. >On the floor of your hallway, lies the bag
  44. >Spike is at this point too big to grab it himself, but, using that ridiculously mobile tongue of his to great effect, he snakes a gem out of it
  45. >The last gem
  46. >Twilight gasps
  47. >You're both pretty desperate here
  48. "Spike, I swear to god, if you don't put that gem back right now-"
  49. >He swallows it whole
  50. "You fucker!"
  51. >He isn't listening
  52. >That one final act of outrageous greed has pushed him over the edge
  54. >Twilight tugs on your arm
  55. >"Anon, we have to move! Like right now!"
  56. >You nod, and retreat with her to a safe distance
  57. >Looking back at your house, Spike's huge body is visible through your windows
  58. >For a moment, there is silence
  59. >Then, with a great rumbling sound, it begins
  60. >The walls of your home expand, arching out as if the building was filled with water
  61. >Then, Spikes massive head bursts through your roof
  62. >His growth spurt has destroyed your house
  63. >Grim faced, you watch
  64. >Twilight looks more upset than you do
  65. >"I... Anon, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault"
  66. >There are tears in her eyes
  67. >"If I'd been more sensible with the gems, none of this would have ever happened. What do we do?"
  68. >You're still staring at the huge dragon as he tears apart your house
  69. "Twilight, could you do me a favour?"
  70. >She wipes her eyes
  71. >"Anything, Anon"
  72. "Can you coat my body in some sort of magicky barrier? So it won't get burned?"
  73. >She gives you a puzzled look, but does as you ask
  74. "Oh, and one more thing"
  75. >You look back up at the dragon
  76. "Don't judge me for this"
  77. >She looks confused
  78. >"For what?"
  79. >You don't answer
  80. >Instead, you stride towards the beast
  81. >"Anon! What are you doing?!"
  82. >You keep walking
  83. >You're within shouting distance now
  84. "Hey! Spike!"
  85. >He looks at you for a second, then dismisses you
  86. >You hate being ignored
  87. >Winding back your arm, you swing your fist into his scaly foot
  88. >This does nothing
  89. >Without looking at you, Spike deftly flicks his leg into you, sending you sprawling on the grass
  90. >You get up, unperturbed
  91. "I didn't want to have to do this, Spike"
  92. >Still no reaction
  93. "You're really forcing my hand on this one"
  94. >Nothing
  95. "Okay, you asked for it"
  96. >You take a deep breath
  97. >This had better work the way you hope it will
  99. >In the background, you hear Twilight gasp in shock
  100. >Spike, now facing away from you, busy collecting your belongings into what's left of your roof, stops still
  101. >His ear twitches
  102. >It's working
  104. >He turns to you, hatred burning in his eyes
  105. >Oh shit
  106. >He throws his head back and gives a Godzilla roar
  107. "Eat me you big dumb lizard!"
  108. >His massive head swoops down and engulfs you whole
  109. >Phase one of incredibly stupid plan: accomplished
  110. >It sure is warm in here
  111. >You struggle to stand inside Spikes mouth
  112. >His tongue flicks around this way and that
  113. >It catches you by the ankle
  114. >Fuck, abort plan, abort plan!
  115. >You are thrown into Spikes gullet
  116. >Pushing out your arms, your descent is slowed
  117. >You are stuck inside Spikes massive throat
  118. >Now what?
  120. Twilights POV
  121. >You watch in horror as Anon is swallowed by Spike
  122. >"Spike! No!"
  123. >He's too far gone to hear you
  124. >You begin to charge, your horn glowing as you prepare a spell
  125. >It won't stop Spike, he's too big
  126. >But you have to try something
  127. >Suddenly, Spike stops in his tracks
  128. >He scratches at his throat
  129. >It appears he is choking
  130. >Horrible noises are emanating from Spikes mouth
  131. >He sounds like Rarities cat when it coughs up hairballs
  132. >You finally understand Anons plan
  133. >Without warning, Spike looses the entire contents of his stomach onto the floor in front of him
  134. >Out comes Anon, protected from the dragon vomit by his barrier
  135. >Out come the gems, swallowed whole and intact
  136. >Out come carrots, for no reason in particular
  137. >Spike looks at the mess on the floor and begins to shrink
  138. >A look of sadness and guilt washes over his face as the realization of what he had done hit him
  139. >Anon still isn't moving
  141. Anons POV
  142. >You lay still on the ground
  143. >Everything hurts
  144. >That'll be the stomach acid
  145. >Twilights shield worked though, otherwise you'd be extra crispy right now
  146. >You push yourself up onto your elbows
  147. >Spike, back in baby form, is lying next to you
  148. >He groggily sits up and makes eye contact with you
  149. >His eyes widen in shock, remembering all he'd done
  150. >"Anon- I- I'm sorry..."
  151. >You don't say anything
  152. >His eyes tear up
  153. >"I dunno what came over me. I just... You gotta believe me, I never meant for any of this to happen"
  154. >You unsteadily get to your feet
  155. >He kneels before you, head lowered
  156. >"Anything you feel like you have to do to me to make this right, please do it now"
  157. >You look down upon him
  158. >This dragon not only stole from you, but drugged you and now has destroyed your house
  159. >You should open up on him right now
  160. >Really wreck his shit
  161. >But... He's a kid
  162. "Go home, Spike"
  163. >You turn and begin to collect the gems
  164. >"Anon! Don't hurt him!"
  165. >You turn to see Twilight picking her way through the unstained areas of grass
  166. >Nobody wants to get covered in dragon vomit
  167. >Apart from you, apparently
  168. >It's a shame Twilights spell didn't keep off all the stains
  169. "Relax, Twilight. Take him home, he's had a rough day"
  170. >You replace the gems inside the retrieved saddle bag
  171. >Twilight is staring at you with a mixture of relief and exhaustion
  172. >Why is she tired? You're the one who just got puked
  173. >"What now?"
  174. >She asks
  175. >You shoulder the bag
  176. "Now? I've got a delivery to make"
  177. >You walk off towards the direction of the setting sun
  178. >"Anon! The train station is that way! And you're still covered in vomit!"
  179. >Don't ruin this Twilight, you look badass
  181. >One shower/train ride later, you stand before the throneroom in Canterlot Castle
  182. >It's taken you all day, and you are utterly spent
  183. >But you did it
  184. >You made the delivery
  185. >You push the doors of the throneroom open
  186. >Princesses Celestia and Luna stand in the center of the room, surrounded by little shards and fragments of gemstone
  187. >In the corner lay all the tributes from around Equestria
  188. >A pile of gems, all irreplaceable
  189. >What was left of them, anyway
  190. >"Do another one, Cel"
  191. >Celestia levitates a gem over
  192. >Suspending it in mid air, she giggles
  193. >"Okay, go!"
  194. >Luna shoots a beam of energy from her horn, shattering the gem, and creating a firework-esque light show
  195. >"Ten points!"
  196. >Luna shouts in glee
  197. >Well fuck
  198. >After all you've been through to bring these here
  199. >All the ceremony, all the pageantry
  200. >When really you were delivering a fun, albeit expensive, pastime
  202. "Ahem"
  203. >You make your presence known
  204. >Both the princesses visibly jump in surprise
  205. >Celestia regains her composure first
  206. >"We- We were not aware that there were any regional tributes still..."
  207. >You raise a hand
  208. "Save it. I'm going to make this simple. Today, my house got wrecked by a purple behemoth. Fix it, and I'll forget what I saw"
  209. >Luna looks angry
  210. >"You dare try to blackmail-"
  211. >Celestia silences her
  212. >"Anonymous, is it?"
  213. >You nod
  214. >"It's clear that you've been through a lot to bring the annual gem tribute here today. For that service, we shall restore to you your home."
  215. "Thank you princess. Now if you'll excuse me"
  216. >You make your exit
  217. >"Oh, Anonymous?"
  218. >You turn
  219. >"My student, Twilight Sparkle, informs me you have recently acquired a special somepony. Congratulations"
  220. >Her grin could only be described as shit eating
  221. >Your face turns bright red
  222. >You can see Luna stifling laughter
  223. >What did Twilight tell them?
  224. >No, you're done here
  225. >As you walk down the palace steps into the cool night air, you promise yourself
  226. >Never put down your drink
  227. >Fucking Dragon piss
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