
App for Nosferatu

May 1st, 2021
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  1. looked towards Cybil, putting a pause on the conversation going with Zerberus to answer her questions.
  3. "Who are the Mafia? The Mafia is in simple terms an entrepreneurship brotherhood. We are a family composed of many different backgrounds yet all share a common goal. We move as a unit instead of solo and infuriate all levels of society . We own land, fund many operations and have our own military. We are everywhere. The Mafia I am from is known as the Yamizaki. We fund the orphanage that surrounds this tower and many... many other places. There are not too many places that don't have our influence."
  5. Walking around a bit, he continued to explain. "We don't seem like much at first glance because we are so spread but that is only a trick of the mind. As you seen in cases like Senna, as soon as one of the members is in danger, we all gather to destory the threat and anyone related. It is like a city disappearing over night. Senna was just unfortunate. If she has chosen someone not in the mafia, she wouldn't have died. Her death is truly a misfortunate but she bought it on herself as Zerberus said. Long story short, it is Cream's faught she died. Cream set her on me when I was defending King Bejita. I called her a worm and she wanted me in her belly ever since." Grandsten explained yet snickered at the pun towards the end of it.
  7. Looking back towards Zerberus, he got right back to business.
  9. "You want to essentially create a new race. Once they evolve they will no longer be humans. Hmmm. I will help with this. I want to volunteer myself to be one of your experiments. After almost dying to Senna, something began happening within my dead cells. A change happened. For the first time, I sensed something from them... I sensed an Insatiable , dreadful hunger coming from them yet there was no anger or chaos.. It reminded me of Senna herself as she was about to eat me. Calm and silent yet only until furious upon the bite. An Apex predator per say.."
  11. Walking towards Zerberus, he proposed "Perhaps as I act as your double agent you can run experiments on me and see just what is happening to my body. Also.. them soups that you gave Senna, can you give me a few? She was quite troublesome after drinking them "
  13. Unknown to Grandsten, a seal had formed on his body. It was extremely small and not fixed. It crawled around and gave of a similar insatiable hunger to the one his dead cells had. Perhaps having almost died to an Apex predator caused this reaction within him.
  15. (Nosferatu-ism PART-1)
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