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a guest
Oct 18th, 2018
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  1. gameforge.depolish = {}
  2. gameforge.depolish.npc_title = "Aurena"
  3. gameforge.depolish.quest_title = "Refining by shining"
  4. gameforge.depolish.letter_title = "Aurenas arones"
  5. gameforge.depolish.not_enough_level = "This quest is available at level %d. Come back when you are strong enough..."
  6. gameforge.depolish.select_quest_text_1 = "Hello adventurer! I have learned a special ability, which can add an extra Shining and an extra bonus!"
  7. gameforge.depolish.select_quest_text_2 = "You can choose between this items:"
  8. gameforge.depolish.counter_text = "Remaining"
  9. gameforge.depolish.you_dont_have_the_needed_items = "I'm sorry, but you do not have the required items. You are still missing:"
  10. gameforge.depolish.quest_kill_discription = "Your current quest:"
  11. gameforge.depolish.costume_not_equipped_text_1 = "To get Access to the desert warrior quest, you need to prove me that you can get the auron effect."
  12. gameforge.depolish.costume_not_equipped_text_2 = "Wear your costume (%s) and talk to me again!"
  13. gameforge.depolish.actual_quest_discription = Finish your current quest first to %s, please."
  14. gameforge.depolish.last_steps = "You got the Shining already... Alright, then give it to me and I will put it with the desert warrior together."
  15. gameforge.depolish.deliver = "Submit"
  16. gameforge.depolish.quest_done = "The Auronquest was succesfully finished. Talk to Aurena to get your reward."
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