
RC 4, 32/64-bit memory adjusting minecraft server launcher

Mar 22nd, 2013
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # This line is for starting from mac os icon double click
  3. cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
  5. ## V1.5-corrected: 64 bit version, and ** LOTS OF MEMORY ALLOCATION **
  6. # This is to give information for data collection.
  7. # Determine how much your system uses, and then adjust numbers down to avoid waste
  8. #
  9. # Specifically: By making the memory pools large, we see how much is used.
  10. # Then, we can determine what to cut them down to.
  11. #
  12. # This will probably be the last CMS version; G1GC next.
  14. java=/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Commands/java
  16. ## V1.4: Java is now customizable (see the above line), thank you oracle for a
  17. ## java (1.7) that does not support 32 bit servers for reduced memory consumption.
  19. ## V1.3: The -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0 flag got lost! Back in now.
  20. ## This flag defaults to 1000, and can cause memory leaks.
  22. ## V1.2: We now play with -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=n to reduce waste in new, permitting more
  23. ## space to be used
  25. # Configurables:
  26. # -d32 is for heap size up to 2.5gb. (NB: apparently only 1.5 gb on microsoft windows?)
  27. # Change to "-d64 XX:+UseCompressedOops" if you use more.
  28. # ** Mention that flag specifically, do not rely on it being autoset.
  29. # ** Known and documented JVM bug --
  31. #JVM_SIZE="-d32 -server"
  32. JVM_SIZE="-d64 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -server"
  34. # CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction: Determine how frequently to do a full CMS
  35. # Special: New "Most important". This primarily affects long-term growth
  36. # of the heap. The percentage of used space before CMS starts a collection.
  37. # 95 is sufficient for general stuff. 85 is useful for things that suddenly
  38. # need a lot.
  39. # Dynamic maps, in particular, no longer needs 125 MB of survivor -- it can
  40. # get by with 60-75. It can go much lower, but then the garbage collections
  41. # need to be started sooner, or else it will never have enough memory and
  42. # always grow the heap.
  43. #
  44. # To clarify: This is obsolete -- completely -- in G1GC.
  45. # This needs to be low enough that sudden spurts of temporary memory trigger
  46. # garbage collection first.
  47. # This should be re-worked as a "MB safety level" -- for example, if you have
  48. # 300 MB of tenured, and want at least 30 MB free. But Java don't work that way.
  49. # As tenured increases, this will also increase the "keep free" level.
  50. CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80
  52. # Memory tuning:
  53. # Command line controls total heap, and "new". "Tenured" is the difference.
  54. # Bigger "new": Less frequent collections.
  56. # These numbers are in "Megabytes", the java "m" suffix.
  58. # The rule of memory tuning:
  59. # SurvivorSpace * (SurvivorRatio + 2) = New
  60. # ("SurvivorSpace" is twice the actual surviving threshold.)
  61. # SurvivorSpace * SurvivorRatio = Eden.
  62. # Two additional survivor spaces are used to copy surviving objects across minor collections.
  64. # MAX: Maximum heap space used.
  65. # Does not include permanent (byte/compiled code)
  66. # Does not include JVM overhead
  67. MAX=3000   
  69. # Tenured: Desired long-term storage space
  70. # Will vary based on mods, and "loaded chunks"
  71. # -- how many parties of players close to each other.
  72. #
  73. # Starting assumption: 250 for 1 person, plus 50 per group
  74. # of players near each other.
  75. #
  76. # That is a guess. Please report what numbers work for your server.
  77. Tenured=450
  79. # Most important tuning number. Survivor.
  80. # Making this higher: Fewer full collections, but more wasted space.
  81. # During startup, expect this to overflow frequently.
  82. # Dynamic maps wants this at least 100, preferrably 125.
  83. # Actual space allocated is 2 spaces, each one twice this size.
  84. # "waste/overhead" will be two about to three times this number.
  85. # *** Maximum of 1/6rd of "new"
  86. # Pay attention to the tenuring distribution logs.
  87. # *** This should be enough for generation 3 95%+ of the time. ***
  90. ## SurvivorCopySize=26
  91. ## 26 is too small -- memory consumption keeps going up with dynamic maps
  92. #
  93. # To clarify: You can easily use 12 here if you do not use dynamic maps.
  94. # You can even use less, but the memory savings are not significant.
  95. # You can use less if you use lowres maps.
  96. # The big memory consumer is low-angle maps; the 30 degree maps of high res,
  97. # or the 20 degree maps I use on my server are the big memory consumers.
  98. SurvivorCopySize=100
  100. # Survivor target ratio. Java defaults to 50%, which wastes a lot of space. If you know how much
  101. # you need (see below), you can set this value higher; this gives less waste and "better performance".
  103. TargetSurvivorRatio=90
  105. ## Notes on "SurvivorCopySize":
  106. # Flying around in creative mode, in already generated chunks will want
  107. #   at least 30-35, preferrably 40 meg.
  108. # Standing around, single player, can be happy with less than 1.
  109. # Even in Mystcraft, with massive amounts of decay everywhere, 95% of the time 1 meg suffices.
  110. # Moving around a little, doing basic building/digging, about 3.
  111. #
  112. # The rule: You want to see "new threshold 4 (max 4)" most of the time.
  113. # The total value at age three --
  114. # - age   3:      36712 bytes,    5897520 total
  115. # should be less than this 95% of the time.
  116. # 12 meg is more than enough for one person with EBXL, Mystcraft, Twilight Forest,
  117. # and Custom Ore Gen. Even in EBXL's extreme jungle with Mystcraft's decay littering the ground.
  118. #
  119. # The single biggest factor is chunks loaded; that will depend more on parties than on players,
  120. # and the speed at which they move. Adjust to your server, and your mods.
  121. #
  122. # Single player won't need that much. Really.
  124. # Second most important tuning. Eden.
  125. # Making this bigger means less frequent small collections.
  126. # General rule: Make this as big as your memory can handle.
  127. # Must be at least 2x SurvivorCopySize. Java requires it to be
  128. # an integer multiple of that value.
  130. desiredEden=250
  132. # Summary: Approximately desiredEden, plus 2 times Survivor,
  133. # plus 100, will be used by java to start the heap. Up to a max of MAX.
  134. # Script will attempt to ensure at least Tenured space exist;
  135. # should exit with a message if it cannot.
  136. #
  137. # In theory, Java will allocate extra space to new or tenured as needed.
  138. # In practice, I've never seen it increase "new".
  139. #
  140. # See the bottom of the config section for more.
  142. # If your shell cannot do math, replace these with an appropriate constant
  144. MaxNew=$(($MAX - $Tenured))
  146. ## Survivor=$((2 * $SurvivorCopySize))
  147. ## Working with survivor target. "2" is for 50%. For 90%, it's much closer to 1.
  148. ## What we want is 100 / target percentage, as the ratio instead of 2.
  149. ## For integer only shell math, we re-write as (100 * survivor) / target, which gives us
  150. ## close integer to the desired result -- as close as we can get in the shell.
  152. Survivor=$(( ($SurvivorCopySize * 100 ) / $TargetSurvivorRatio ))
  154. ## Equally, the "3" in sanity test is from 3 bins -- two survivors, one eden.
  155. ## But that does NOT change here -- it's still the sanity test lower limit.
  157. sanityTest=$((3 * $Survivor))
  158. if [ $sanityTest -gt $MaxNew ]
  159. then
  160.     echo Memory config error >& 2
  161.     exit 1
  162. fi
  164. # We cannot use more than MaxNew.
  166. # The idea:
  167. # 1. Find the multiple of Survivor that is bigger than S and less than MN.
  168. # 2. Determine survivor ratio from that. Subtract 2 (java.)
  169. # 3. Specify -Xmn for new, and survivor ratio, to set eden and new.
  171. # "New" will be Eden plus 2* Survivor.
  173. # MaxRatio -- what the ratio is if we use all of maxnew.
  174. MaxRatio=$(( ($MaxNew / $Survivor) - 2 ))
  175. # DesiredRatio -- what the ratio is based on declared eden space
  176. # There is no "-2" here -- this will allocate eden plus 2* survivor.
  177. desiredRatio=$(( ($desiredEden / $Survivor)  ))
  179. # SurvivorSpace * (SurvivorRatio + 2) = New
  181. # Now check for "desired Eden". If survivor is not an exact multiple of DE,
  182. # then we have just rounded down. Test for this, and if so, see if we can
  183. # raise it up (watch out for maxnew)
  185. ## TODO! FIXME! This is a cheap approximation
  186. if ( [ $(( $desiredRatio + 1 )) -le $MaxRatio ] )
  187. then    desiredRatio=$(( $desiredRatio + 1 ))
  188. fi
  190. desiredNew=$(($Survivor * ($desiredRatio + 2) ))
  191. biggerNew=$(($Survivor * ($MaxRatio + 2) ))
  193. echo Debug: Max ratio $MaxRatio, desiredRatio $desiredRatio
  194. echo Debug: biggerNew $biggerNew, should be less than MaxNew $MaxNew
  195. echo Debug: desired eden $desiredEden, survivor $Survivor, actual new $desiredNew
  197. # desiredNew: Gives an eden up to, not bigger, than desiredEden.
  198. # biggerNew: Gives an eden at least as big as desiredEden.
  199. # FIXME: DesiredNew / ratio should be smallest at least as big as desiredEden
  200. # This means, if less, then add 1 to ratio and add to new.
  201. #
  202. # "Bigger" assigns ALL non-tenured memory to new.
  204. # Q: Desired numbers? Bigger/Max numbers?
  206. # Choose one of these pairs
  208. # New space is small -- specified eden.
  209. NEW=$desiredNew
  210. RATIO=$desiredRatio
  212. # Tenured is small -- specified tenured space.
  213. ## Should Not Be Needed -- "NewSize" and "MaxNewSize" specified separately.
  214. # In theory, Java should now adjust new as neeed.
  215. #NEW=$biggerNew
  216. #RATIO=$MaxRatio
  218. START=$(($NEW + 130))
  220. ## TESTME: Does "MaxNewSize" matter if we have adaptive GC boundary? Does it hurt?
  222. # A few more notes ...
  224. # -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -- apparently, adjust the boundary between new and tenured as needed.
  225. # Nice to see; did not know about it before.
  226. # Sadly, it seems to have no effect.
  228. # -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode: Tells the garbage collector to break the job into many small parts.
  229. # May result in better performance. Essential on systems with few cores.
  231. exec $java \
  232.     -d32 -server \
  233.     -Xms${START}m -Xmx${MAX}m \
  234.     -XX:NewSize=${NEW}m -XX:MaxNewSize=${MaxNew}m \
  235.     -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary \
  236.     -XX:SurvivorRatio=$RATIO \
  237.     -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=$TargetSurvivorRatio \
  238.     -XX:CompileThreshold=3000 \
  239.         -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=$CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction \
  240. \
  241.     -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0 \
  242.         -XX:MaxPermSize=150m \
  243.     -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC \
  244.     -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 \
  245.     -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=15 \
  246.     -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=4 \
  247.     -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution \
  248.     -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:GC.log \
  249.     -jar new_server.jar nogui 147MystTest
  251. # The last word of that exec statement -- '147test' -- is just something that shows up in
  252. # the process list, so I can tell which process is which server (each copy of this script
  253. # has a different name in that field).
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