
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 5 – Free Wings

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  3. Ch. 5 – Free Wings
  5. After all the events in Viridian City, and after he was fully healed, Ash decided it was time to leave towards Pewter City. While he was still recovering from Team Rocket's attack, Ash took the time to teach the class of students Nurse Joy wanted him to teach. Ash found very enjoyable teaching the kids about Pokémon battles and raising Pokémon, and was very glad they listened to him. As soon he was fully healed, Ash said goodbye to the class and left for Pewter City.
  7. We find Ash walking through the Viridian Forest on his way to Pewter City. Next to him of course is his friendly and lovely Pikachu, skipping happily on the forest floor. As they walked, Ash kept looking around the forest. "Boy this place sure brings back memories, huh Pikachu?"
  9. "Yep!" Pikachu beamed. "This is where we first found out Misty was scarred of Bug Pokémon."
  11. Ash couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, it was also where I first caught Caterpie, and where it evolved into Butterfree." he replied. Pikachu nodded, both of them missed Butterfree, but knew he was happy. "it was also where we battled that creepy samurai guy," Ash stated out loud.
  13. "HEY!" called a voice. Ash and Pikachu quickly jerked and moved together. Suddenly, from the bushes appeared a 18 year old male wearing samurai armor and a sword. "I'm not creepy," said the male.
  15. Ash was in shock, there before him was the Samurai he had met so many years ago. "It's you!"
  17. The samurai cocked an eyebrow until he got a good look at Ash. He gaped. "Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town?" the samurai asked. Ash nodded, "Well skin me alive!"
  19. "Hey there!" Ash said as he and Pikachu walked over to the samurai. "It's good to see you again, uh… um… you know something? You never did tell me what your name was."
  21. "It's Sam," The samurai replied.
  23. "A samurai named Sam, how original," Ash said sarcastically. "Anyways, how have you been? Still battling Pallet Town trainers?"
  25. "In a way," Sam replied. "I've battled every kind of trainer that has come into the forest. I've also been helping people get around the Beedrill Nest."
  27. "Speaking of which, I haven't seen any Beedrill lately." Ash said as he looked around. "Any reason why?"
  29. "Their all probably sleeping now." Sam replied. "They tend to sleep now during the day."
  31. "Well if that's the case," Ash began with a sneaky smile. "How about a battle?"
  33. Sam smirked. "It would be an honor to battle you again after all these years." Ash nodded.
  35. After only a few minutes, Ash and Sam stood face to face in a clearing, ready to battle. Pikachu decided to sit out and watch.
  37. "So how are we going to do this?" Ash called out.
  39. "Three on three, no substitutions!" Sam replied. "Go Gligar!" He tossed a pokeball and out popped a flying scorpion Pokémon.
  41. "Gligar!" the pink Pokémon cried.
  43. "A Gligar huh?" Ash said in surprise. "Alright! Come on out Heracross!"Ash summoned his bug/fighting type and was astounded by the transformation this Pokémon had gone through.
  45. Heracross now was 5' 2" without counting the 1' horn and had a girlish figure rather than its beetle shape, her legs had become longer, her waist thinned out, she had a short think neck and rounded face and a set of blue G-cups. She still had though the wing coverings but they were smaller.
  47. "You ready Ash Ketchum?" Sam called out.
  49. "Ready!" Ash replied.
  51. "Alright! Gligar attack with Acrobat!" Sam exclaimed.
  53. "Going up!" the flyer exclaimed as it flew up into the sky multiple spins.
  55. "Not gonna work!" Ash exclaimed. "Heracross get up there and use Megahorn!"
  57. "Right!" the bug girl cried as she flew into the air with her glowing horn. She moved so fast Gligar didn't even realize it until it was too late.
  59. "AH!" the flying scorpion cried in pain.
  61. "Now follow up with Close Combat!" Ash called out.
  63. "Take this!" Heracross cried out as she hit Gligar with a multitude of punches, kicks, and chops.
  65. "Finish him with one good Seismic Toss!" Ash exclaimed. Heracross nodded as she wrapped her arms around Gligar and flew straight up. She began to fly in loops, making it seem like she was flying around the world. After she got enough momentum, Heracross flew straight down where she through Gligar into before avoiding a collision herself.
  67. Gligar ended up with swirled eyes. "Oh no Gligar!" Sam exclaimed as he realized his Gligar was defeated.
  69. "Good job Heracross," Ash said as the bug girl flew back to him.
  71. "Thanks Ash," Heracross said before she was recalled.
  73. "Well done Ash Ketchum, you're skills have improved," Sam said as he recalled his flying scorpion. "But you won't defeat my Pinsir!"
  75. "Pinsir!" called out the stag beetle Pokémon as it was released.
  77. "Pinsir, well then, let's go for it Quilava!" Ash exclaimed. Soon his volcano Pokémon appeared, but like the others, she had changed. She now stood on two long slender legs, making her 5' 2". Her fire mane rode from her head to the back making it look like she had hair made of flames, and succulent E-cups.
  79. "Time to fight," the female volcano Pokémon exclaimed.
  81. "I'll go first," Ash said. "Quilava burn things up with Flame Wheel!"
  83. "Rollin'!" the fire type cried as she rolled up into a ball and began to spin in a wheel of flames.
  85. "Stop it your horns!" Sam cried out.
  87. "You shall not pass!" exclaimed the oversized bug as it pointed its horns at the wheel of fire. The two clashed, neither having the advantage over the other, however Quilava was doing more damage as she burned into Pinsir's horns.
  89. 'Time to step it up,' Ash thought. "Alright Quilava, switch from Flame Wheel to Flamethrower!"
  91. "You got it!" Quilava exclaimed as she instantly stopped before the shocked Pinsir and unleashed a massive fire stream in its face.
  93. "AH!" Pinsir cried out in pain.
  95. "Pinsir No!" Sam called out in desperation.
  97. "Now to really shake things up, Quilava use Wild Bolt!" Ash called out.
  99. "If you thought Pikachu had an electric personality, you should see mine!" Quilava cried out as sparks began to cover her body. She ran towards Pinsir as fast as she could before ramming it and sending a massive shock through its body,
  101. "RAH!" cried the stag beetle Pokémon in pain. Pinsir fell to floor with swirls in its eyes.
  103. "You're Pinsir is unable to battle," Ash said proudly. "Your two down, and only one left."
  105. "Yeah, well, let's see if…" Sam stopped talking when a sudden buzzing noise called his ears. "Do you hear that?"
  107. Ash gave him a questioning look before the buzzing became clear to his ears. "You mean the buzzing?"
  109. Sam gave a nervous nod. The two and three Pokémon look the source of the sound. After nearly a minute, thousands of angry Beedrills appear from the bushes and trees. "AAAAH!" the five beings exclaimed.
  111. "Pikachu, Quilava return!" Ash exclaimed as he recalled his Pokémon before running. Sam did the same as he recalled Pinsir.
  113. "This way!" Sam exclaimed as he led Ash through the forest. The duo ran as fast as they could, avoiding the attacks from the Beedrills. As they ran, a pair of glowing blue eyes watched the two run in the darkness, mostly watching Ash.
  115. Ash and Sam ran all the way to a small wooden shack. "Inside!" Sam cried. Ash nodded and the two got inside the shack before closing the doors. The held themselves against the door, preventing any Beedrills from entering. After a few minutes of knocking, the two were left in silence.
  117. "Are they gone?" Ash asked.
  119. "Let me check," Sam replied. He left the door and looked thought a small hole in the wall. "No sign of them, looks like they left." Ash sighed as he slowly landed on the ground.
  121. "That was close," Ash said in exasperation and exhaustion. "I thought you said they were asleep?"
  123. "I thought so too," Sam replied. "They've been acting pretty high strung lately during the night and have slept most of the day. This is the first time in a while that they attacked during the day."
  125. "Do you know why they've been up all night?" Ash asked. "My guess is as well as yours," Sam replied. "Look Ash, I think we should stay here for the night and tomorrow I'll try to help you get out of the forest. Sound good?"
  127. "Yeah," Ash replied.
  129. Later that night,
  131. Ash and Sam rested inside the safety of the wooden cabin. They had eaten dinner and talked about each other's lives. Ash re-summoned Pikachu to tell her what had happened and told her since he would be staying with Sam, they wouldn't have a session. Instead she would be staying in the Poke-Ranch with the others.
  133. Sam was sleeping nicely, but Ash was having a much more interesting dream.
  135. Ash Dream
  137. Ash slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself in the large vastness of space. "Huh?" Ash asked in surprise. He looked around and saw a glowing figure heading towards him.
  139. "Ash!" called out a small Pokémon that resembled a miniature star maiden.
  141. "Jirachi?" Ash asked in surprise. It had been years since he had seen the little star Pokémon, and he expected him to sleep for another thousand years, so it was a surprise to see the little legendary again. "Jirachi is that you?"
  143. "Yeah Ash!" the star Pokémon exclaimed. He quickly flew around the trainer happily. "It is so good to see you again!"
  145. "You too," Ash replied. "But how are you talking to me? I thought you were asleep."
  147. "Oh I still am," Jirachi replied. "But while my body sleeps, I can use my mind to visit the minds of others. I've already visited Max a number of times."
  149. "That's good," Ash said to the star Pokémon. "So what's up?"
  151. "You should know Ash," Jirachi said in return.
  153. "It's about the Lust Stone isn't it?" Ash asked. Jirachi nodded. "Well, what do you want to tell me?"
  155. "Don't worry Ash, Arceus and Ho-oh already covered all the important stuff about your Pokémon and the Lust stone. I'm here to talk to you about something else." Jirachi said. "Tell me Ash, are you in love?"
  157. "Of course I love my Pokémon!" Ash exclaimed.
  159. "I wasn't talking about your Pokémon." Jirachi said. Ash gave a confused expression. "I'm talking about the human girls you're in love with."
  161. Ash did a double take. "W-What? I don't know what you're talking about!"
  163. "Ash, you can play dumb, or we can get some work done." Jirachi said with a smirk.
  165. Ash sighed. "Alright, you got me. I'm in love with someone else."
  167. "Someone or More than one?" Jirachi asked.
  169. Ash sighed again. "Okay Jirachi, you got me again. I-I'm in love with my past female travelling partners. Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, I love them all so much."
  171. "I see," Jirachi replied. "And what of your Pokémon, how do they affect your love for these girls?"
  173. "My mom always said I had a big heart," Ash said. "I suppose that's true, because somehow I'm in love with four girls and all my Pokémon equally. I don't love one of them more or less than the other. It's so confusing!"
  175. "I understand," Jirachi said as he flew next to Ash. "Ash, if you had a chance to show your love for those human girls, would you take it?"
  177. "I don't know," Ash replied. "With what happened to my Pokémon, I don't think I could hide that from them. My Pokémon and the girls are very different, my Pokémon have accepted to share me with each other, but I don't think the girls would be very accepting of me if they knew I was kissing the others while kissing them."
  179. "Ash, I've been around for more than ten millennia, and I have no understanding of what you just said." Jirachi said to the distressed trainer.
  181. Ash sighed. "It's just, I have a strong friendship with these girls. The last thing I want to do is ruin that if they don't return or understand my feelings. I especially don't want them to get mad and hate me if they found out about me and my Pokémon."
  183. "Oh," Jirachi said with understanding. He began to float right in front of Ash's face. "You know Ash, those girls do care for you."
  185. Ash smiled. "Yeah, I know. I wasn't always as dense as I made myself out to be. I can clearly see the signs they left me whenever we travelled, I'm only ashamed it took me that long to realize it. I know those girls care for me and trust me, I just don't want to ruin that."
  187. "I understand," Jirachi replied. "However, what would you say if you were able to share your love with the four girls and your Pokémon?"
  189. "I'd say I'd be the happiest and luckiest guy on the entire planet." Ash said in return.
  191. "Well, if you want that to be a reality, you'll just have to trust your instincts and that the love between you and those girls is strong enough to withstand any boundary." Jirachi said to the raven haired teen.
  193. "I don't know if I can." Ash said in return. "I guess I'm just scarred that they'll hate me and never speak to me again. I don't think I could live with myself if that happened."
  195. "You just have to trust that your friendship is much stronger than that, and that your love is strong enough." Jirachi said in return. Ash was shocked at the final part.
  197. "W-What? T-They love me?" Ash asked.
  199. "I can't say," Jirachi said smirking. "I will say that if you want to be happy, you have to trust yourself."
  201. Ash sighed. "Alright Jirachi."
  203. "I have to go know," Jirachi said to the male. "Bye Ash!"
  205. "Goodbye Jirachi," Ash said to the Legendary. "And tell Max I said hi!"
  207. "Will do!" the little legendary called out as everything went white.
  209. Ash Dream End
  211. Ash slowly opened his eyes to be met with sunlight. He slowly got into a sitting position and looked at his surroundings. He was still inside Sam's cabin. Sam was on the upper level. "Hey Sam!" Ash called.
  213. Sam turned to look down at Ash. "Oh, good morning Ash. I'm making food if you want any."
  215. "I'll take you up on that offer," Ash said as he climbed up the stairs. Quickly enough, they had breakfast. "So Sam, do you think it's safe to go out? I was hoping to get to Pewter City before dark."
  217. "We can try," Sam replied. "We can't take my Beedrill net to try to get through, it's ripped."
  219. "Well, do you have any Kebia Berries?" Ash asked.
  221. "Kebia Berries?" Sam asked.
  223. "Bug Pokémon hate Kebia Berries." Ash explained. "Especially bee Pokémon like Beedrill and Combee. All we really need is one and those Beedrill will stay 50 miles away."
  225. "Really, how do you know this?" Sam asked.
  227. "Years of travelling." Ash replied. "Let me check my berry case to see if I have any." Ash quickly went down stairs and into his bag. He took out a small green circular container and opened the lid. Inside there were a number of green, blue, red and other kinds of berries, but no Kebia Berry. "Crap."
  229. "No Kebia Berries?" Sam asked.
  231. "Nope," Ash replied. "Looks like I gotta get there on my own."
  233. "I'll help you Ash," Sam said. "With the combined strength of our Pokémon, We should be able to get through.
  235. "Agreed." Ash replied with a smile.
  237. After packing up and preparing, Ash and Sam exited the cabin. "I'll go first Ash. Pinsir, Gligar time for battle!" Sam called as he threw his two pokeballs, summoning his two Pokémon.
  239. "Gligar/Pinsir!" the two Pokémon called.
  241. "Alright. My turn, Heracross, Quilava, and Pikachu, come on out!" Ash said as he summoned his three Pokémon.
  243. "Hera/Lava/Pika!" the trio cry out.
  245. "Alright Everyone, let's get moving. If you see any signs of the Beedrill, don't hesitate to attack." Ash said to everyone, no one arguing. They began to quickly, but quietly move towards the forest. As they moved, all were keeping their ears open for any buzzing. "Do you girls hear anything yet?" Ash asked his Pokémon.
  247. "I don't hear anything yet, Ash." Pikachu responded with twitching ears.
  249. Ash nodded. They group continued to walk forward slowly and quietly, slowly avoiding any attention, especially from the Beedrill. Things were going smoothly when…
  251. "ATTACK!" Called out a set of voices. Ash turned as saw an entire horde of Beedrill coming in their direction.
  253. "So much for sneaking by," Ash said sarcastically. "Okay girls, battle stations!"
  255. "Right!" The three poke-girls exclaimed.
  257. "Heracross get in with Close Combat, Quilava and Pikachu keep them back with Flamethrower and Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded.
  259. "Pinsir help out by using Focus Blast and Gligar you help with Acrobat!" Sam exclaimed.
  261. "Yes Sir!" The two insectoid Pokémon (AN: I know Gligar's not a bug type, but he's a flying scorpion).
  263. The five Pokémon proceeded to attack the Beedrills with their own respective attacks. Heracross and Gligar were in the air, fighting with brute power, while Pikachu, Quilava, and Pinsir were battling on the ground, using energy attacks to stop the Beedrill from coming too close. However, they weren't the only ones fighting. There were so many Beedrills, Sam and Ash had to take the fight themselves. Sam was using his sword while still in its scabbard, using it as a bat rather so as not to seriously injure the Beedrill. Ash however was using his speed and strength and many fighting techniques he had learned over the years.
  265. Unknown to most of his friends, Ash had long studied multiple forms of fighting, and was very skilled in each. In fact, the reason he was always so tired and sleepy in the morning was because he would do his exercises at night. After each training session, he would go to bed hungry, so it makes sense why he would only wake up to the mentioning of food, or Pikachu's electric shock.
  267. Back to the battle, Ash and the others were desperately trying to fend off the Beedrill. Ash was so focused on punching, kicking and blocking that he didn't remember he could call out other Pokémon. He was also unaware of any Beedrill behind him, specifically one Beedrill charging up a powerful Toxic.
  269. "GET READY TO DIE HUMAN!" The Beedrill exclaimed as it fired the toxic.
  271. Ash turned just as the Toxic was fired. Normally he would dodge and avoid the attack, but the fact that he was surrounded with nowhere to run, Ash was frozen. He watched as the Attack came close, thinking it would finally be his end.
  273. "ASH!" Called out a new voice. Suddenly a small figure appeared between Ash and the Toxic. "SAFEDAURD!" the figure cried and a large sparkling blue force field appeared. The Toxic disappeared once it struck the force field. Ash stared in shock as the force field disappeared. "TWISTER!" the voice called again, and soon a massive tornado appeared on the field, sucking up several of the Beedrill before spiting them back onto the ground unconscious.
  275. Ash was amazed, in only a few moments he was saved and many of the Beedrill were defeated. Ash then took a good look at the figure that had saved him. It was a small violet bug type Pokémon with large white wings, red eyes, blue paws and feet. The most distinguishing feature was the orange scarf around its neck. Ash stares in shock at the Pokémon.
  277. "Hey Ash!" the little Pokémon said. Ash was snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at the Pokémon.
  279. "B-B-Butterfree?" Ash asked in surprise as he marveled at the Pokémon. Indeed it was a Butterfree, more specifically, HIS Butterfree. The Butterfree that was the first Pokémon he ever caught. "I-Is it really you?"
  281. "Yep!" the little bug type said as it rested itself on Ash's shoulder. "I really missed you Ash,"
  283. "Me too," Ash said smilingly.
  285. "Ash! We need help!" Pikachu cried. Ash then remembered they were still fighting a battle.
  287. "Pikachu!" Ash called out. Pikachu and the others were still fighting of the countless Beedrills. Ash turned to the bug type on his shoulder. "Butterfree, will you give me the honor of battling with you again?"
  289. "I would be the one honored Ash," The bug type exclaimed.
  291. "Alright Butterfree, attack!" Ash exclaimed as he and Butterfree charged into the battle.
  293. The duo was taking down a number of Beedrill. Ash discovered Butterfree also knew Psychic and Bug Buzz other than Twister and Safeguard. The group was beginning to finally gain the advantage over the Beedrill, as many were falling unconscious.
  295. "Looks like we may get out of this alive after all!" Ash said with a smile.
  297. "Where have I heard THAT before?" Pikachu asked sarcastically.
  299. Ash smirked and turned to see Butterfree fending off three Beedrill. He then gasps at the sight of a fourth Beedrill flying high above them, ready to strike Butterfree with a dirty blow. "Butterfree watch out!" Ash exclaimed.
  301. But it was too late. "AH!" Butterfree screamed as it was struck with a powerful X-Scissor.
  303. "Butterfree!" Ash cried out as he watched Butterfree plummet. Ash quickly touched his Poke-tector and activated the Capture Mode. "Capture Ball go!" Ash exclaimed as he threw the capture ball. The ball struck Butterfree and it disappeared in a flash of red light. The ball returned to Ash's hand where it shook for a few minutes before stopping. Ash stared at the ball for a second before avoiding another Beedrill strike.
  305. "Ash!" Pikachu called out. She ran right up to Ash. "What happened? Is Butterfree alright?"
  307. "I Suppose," Ash said as he gripped the Capture Ball. He turned back to the battle. Sam's Gligar had been knocked unconscious, and Heracross, Quilava and Pinsir were beginning to get tired. Ash looked back at the Capture Ball. He re-attached it to his Poke-Tector. "Okay Butterfree, time to come out!"
  309. A flash of red light went out and Ash's Butterfree appeared, but she had transformed like all the others of Ash's Pokémon. She was now 4' 6" with long, slender blue arms and legs, bright red eyes, long silver hair with two black antennas sticking out, large black and white wings, an open mouth with blue lips and fangs and D-cup breasts. She still had the orange scarf around her neck.
  311. "Ash?" the female bug asked her master as she looked at her new body.
  313. "Yeah Butterfree, it's kinda a long story. But will you battle with me again?" Ash asked the butterfly.
  315. Butterfree smiled and nodded. "Of course Ash!"
  317. "Awesome!" Ash exclaimed. "Okay Butterfree use Twister to gather up the Beedrill!"
  319. "Twister!" Butterfree cried as she flapped her wings powerfully. A massive tornado formed on the field, but instead of blowing away, it sucked in all of the Beedrill.
  321. "Alright! Pikachu use Thunderbolt and Quilava use Flamethrower!"
  323. "Okay Ash!" the two elemental Pokémon exclaimed before firing their respective attacks at the Twister. The three attacks merged, creating an electric flaming tornado. After a few minutes, the attack ceased, and all the Beedrill fell unconscious.
  325. "Okay everyone! RUN!" Ash exclaimed. The entire group ran away from the unconscious Beedrill, making their way to the end of the forest. After five minutes of running, the group stopped. "Did… we lose… them?" Ash said between pants.
  327. "I… think… so," Sam replied. "I'm surprised we survived that!"
  329. "Well, we had some help," Ash said with a smile. He turned to his Butterfree, who had been talking to Pikachu, Quilava and Heracross and learning about her transformation and everything she's missed.
  331. "I almost forgot you had a Butterfree," Sam said blankly.
  333. 'So did I,' Ash thought. Ash walked over to his four Pokémon, who were all smiling at him. "Thanks Butterfree."
  335. Butterfree smiled. "No problem Ash!"
  337. "I do have one question though, what happened? What happened to your mate and children?" Ash asked.
  339. "Funny thing about Butterfree mating, it only lasts a year." Butterfree did plainly. Ash stared in shock. "You see, Butterfree mating starts at the end of Spring, and lasts only a year. After that we fly off to anywhere we please. For a while I was happy being free and flying, but then, I began to miss you Ash. You, Pikachu, Misty and all the others. I wanted part of that family again. But I couldn't find anyone that knew how to get to Pallet Town, so I decided to wait here. I knew that you would someday return here, so I decided to wait. And here we are and were back together!" Butterfree proceeded to Hug Ash tightly.
  341. Ash blushed lightly while laughing. "He he, it's good to have you back too Butterfree."
  343. "Hey Ash!" Heracross called her master, snapping Ash's and Butterfree's attention. "Look what I found." Heracross brought out her two clawed hands, revealing a small yellow and green Berry.
  345. Ash's widened. "OF COURSE!" He screamed, grabbing the berry. "Why didn't I think of it before?"
  347. "What are you screaming about!" Sam exclaimed.
  349. "This," Ash said, holding up the berry. "This is a Wacan Berry. This is what's causing the Beedrill to get so aggressive. Wacan Berries have a scent that drive poison type completely insane. That's why none of the other bug types in the forest have been affective, these Wacan berries must be growing in the forest, causing the Beedrill to get killer aggressive."
  351. "Really?" Same asked.
  353. "Yeah!" Ash replied. "Wacan berries don't grow in Kanto forests, their native to Sinnoh. Someone must had planted the seeds here without knowing the consequences. All we need to do is get rid of the berries and bushes and the Beedrill will go back to normal."
  355. "Amazing," Sam replied. He turned his head before returning to Ash. "Ash look."
  357. Ash turned and saw a large clearing. The group walked to the clearing a found a long road and open hills. "The end of the forest."
  359. "Yes," Sam agreed. "Ash, I must thank you for your help."
  361. "It was nothing, you helped me get out of the forest." Ash replied. "I can finally get to Pewter City. But what about you Sam, I can't leave you with those insane Beedrill."
  363. "Do not worry yourself for me Ash," Sam replied. "Thanks to all your information, I can work on getting the Beedrill back to normal. I can convince the forest Pokémon to help me get rid of any Wacan beery plants, right Pinsir?"
  365. "Right!" the stag beetle agreed.
  367. "You should continue, you still have your dream." Sam continued.
  369. "I guess," Ash said chuckling with embarrassment and his hand behind his head.
  371. "You can go on Ash, I'll take care of things here." Sam said smiling.
  373. "Thanks," Ash said with a smile. Ash turned to his four Poke-girls. "You four ready to continue?"
  375. "YEAH!" the four female anthros exclaimed.
  377. "Alright!" Ash replied. "Everyone return." Ash recalled all his Pokémon. Ash returned his attention to Sam and his Pinsir. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?"
  379. "Do not worry," Sam replied. "You have already done much. Go on, Ash Ketchum, and continue your journey."
  381. Ash smiled. "Take care of yourself Sam." Ash reached out his hand.
  383. "You too," Sam replied, taking Ash's hand and shaking it.
  385. The two nodded and Ash waved goodbye. As he walked, Ash thought about his future adventures, wondering what would come next. All he knew now was that he had survived another adventure, and there would be more to come. He also knew that now, he had a new, but familiar friend back on his team to stay. But he also still had to think about what Jirachi told him last night, and if what he said was true, Ash's life could become much more interesting.
  390. ---
  391. Author notes:
  392. Next time – True as Stone
  393. Ash reaches Pewter City, and quickly goes to find his old friend Brock. Brock is like a brother to him, but will Ash reveal his secret? And will he be victorious in his long awaited rematch against the former Gym Leader?
  395. I hoped you guys liked this chapter, I know everyone was anxiously awaiting the return of Butterfree! I enjoyed writing this chapter, especially the part with Jirachi and explaining Ash's sleeping and exercising and his knowledge on berries. I enjoy making Ash smarter than the show gives him credit for. And I know all of you are anxiously waiting for future chapters, and I will continue this story. This story will be updated every week, so to keep you guys in suspense. Now for the Pokémon revealed:
  397. Heracross – Close Combat, Megahorn, Hyper Beam, Sleep Talk, Focus Blast, Rock Tomb, Seismic Toss
  399. Quilava – Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Arial Ace, Eruption, Double Kick, Shadow Claw, Wild Bolt
  401. Butterfree – Bug Buzz, Safeguard, Psychic, Twister, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, Arial Ace
  403. I hope you guys liked this chapter, and I hope you all review. But please keep it nice, Constructive criticism is allowed. See ya next time!
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