
Final Fantasy X Lulu Leader Challenge

Dec 14th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Leader challenges already completed: Hope Leader Challenge, Vanille Leader Stage 9 Challenge, Blob Leader Challenge, and most recently Snow Leader Stage 9 Challenge.
  3. The Lulu Leader Challenge will be following in the footsteps of the previous challenges done on my stream.
  5. Rules:
  6. 1) I will be stuck with Lulu every battle possible and I can never swap her out. She is the leader.
  7. 2) If the story progression takes her out of the party for some reason then the first person available to swap her in must do so.
  8. 3) If her HP(or the HP of the substitute leader) hits zero, it counts as a game over.
  9. 4) Summoning is frowned upon or banned because in FFXIII, only the leader summons a helper for the party. Sorry, Yuna!
  10. 5) Yuna by default will become the leader if Lulu is unavailable(canceling out the summoning restriction).
  11. 6) If any character getting the first turn cannot swap in Lulu and cannot swap in Yuna, then they are the substitute leader. This would apply to swimming exploration battles but possibly other times as well.
  12. 7) The Flee command is a leader ability like summoning. Escape is not, but the Leader must be the last to escape.
  14. I'm uncertain how far this challenge may go or if it's even possible but I want to try it, if I feel that I am forced to cheat I will mark it down in this document for each time I did so.
  15. My first goal will be to beat the main story and then do as many super bosses as I can.
  16. The main reason I'm doing this Leader Challenge for Lulu is because she was the one character that I neglected the most during my first play through. I didn't dislike her the most, that award goes to Wakka, but she was very slow and hungry for ability spheres and I had no choice but to use Wakka because there were only 3 swimmers in our party that could fight. For whatever it's worth, the lightning challenge of dodging zaps to Tidus was one of the first 'ultimate weapon side quests' that I completed because 1) it was not hard and because 2) I thought it was for Rikku instead of Lulu.
  18. I only played the PS2 original release version of this game so I haven't fought the new versions of the super bosses or anything else like that, so I'm curious about the expert sphere grid and things like that and depending on how this challenge goes, I might do it(partially or fully) with both grids.
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