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Dec 6th, 2018
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  1. import numpy as np
  3. # 2-D points implemented using (x, y) tuples
  4. def X(point): return point[0]
  5. def Y(point): return point[1]
  7. def manhattan_distance(p, q=(0, 0)):
  8. "City block distance between two points."
  9. return abs(X(p) - X(q)) + abs(Y(p) - Y(q))
  10. #day6 part1
  11. #Given a list of coordinates, find largest "area" of coordinates that are only closest to one point.
  13. #If I draw a grid, the area defined by any point on the edge of the grid will be infinite, and therefore, doesn't count
  14. #step 1: Create a grid. Grid boundaries will be the min/max of the x and y values
  15. coordinates = input_lines(6)
  17. def nearest_point(point, coords):
  18. #This function will compute the nearest coord in coords to point by MD
  19. min_dist, min_coord = 9999999, 0
  20. for i,coord in enumerate(coords):
  21. dist = manhattan_distance(point, coord)
  22. if dist<min_dist:
  23. min_dist, min_coord = dist, i+1
  24. elif dist == min_dist:
  25. min_coord = 0
  26. return min_coord
  28. def create_matrix(input_lines):
  29. #Matrix will be filled with the index of the nearest point
  30. #fortran indexed. 0 means two or more coordinates are equidistant
  31. coords = [tuple(map(int, line.strip().split(','))) for line in input_lines]
  32. xs, ys = list(zip(*coords))
  33. #make the matrix smaller by subtracting off minx, miny
  34. minx, maxx, miny, maxy = min(xs), max(xs), min(ys), max(ys)
  35. newcoords = [(c[0]-minx, c[1]-miny) for c in coords]
  36. matrix = np.zeros((maxx-minx+1,maxy-miny+1), dtype=int)
  37. it = np.nditer(matrix, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['readwrite'])
  38. for x in it:
  39. x[...] = nearest_point(it.multi_index, newcoords)
  40. return matrix
  42. def find_largest_area(matrix):
  43. #Find the largest finite area containing one number that isn't zero
  44. #eliminate any area touching the edges...those are infinite and don't count
  45. infs = set()
  46. sh = matrix.shape
  47. it = np.nditer(matrix, flags=['multi_index'])
  48. for x in it:
  49. if it.multi_index[0]==0 or it.multi_index[0]==sh[0]-1 or it.multi_index[1]==0 or it.multi_index[1]==sh[1]-1:
  50. infs.add(int(x))
  51. max_area = 0
  52. for i in range(np.max(matrix)):
  53. if i+1 in infs:
  54. continue
  55. area = np.sum(matrix==i+1)
  56. if area >= max_area:
  57. max_area = area
  58. return max_area
  60. mtx = create_matrix(coordinates)
  61. find_largest_area(mtx) #Answer to part 1
  63. #-----------------------------------
  64. #Day6 part2
  65. #Find size of area with sum of all manhattan distances less than 10000
  67. def total_distance_lt_thresh(point, coords, thresh=10000):
  68. #compute total MD to point from all coords, return True if total < thresh
  69. total_dist = 0
  70. for i,coord in enumerate(coords):
  71. total_dist += manhattan_distance(point, coord)
  72. return total_dist <thresh
  74. def create_matrix2(input_lines):
  75. #Similar to above, but instead of closest point, just give result of total_distance_lt_thresh
  76. #as values of the matrix. I left out the bit about subtracting off the minima, because in principle
  77. #this area could go further than the edges of our matrix, depending on the size of thresh
  78. coords = [tuple(map(int, line.strip().split(','))) for line in input_lines]
  79. xs,ys = list(zip(*coords))
  80. maxx, maxy = max(xs), max(ys)
  81. matrix = np.zeros((maxx+1, maxy+1), dtype=bool)
  82. it = np.nditer(matrix, flags=['multi_index'], op_flags=['readwrite'])
  83. for x in it:
  84. x[...] = total_distance_lt_thresh(it.multi_index, coords)
  85. return matrix
  86. #To compute the answer, just sum the entire matrix
  87. np.sum(create_matrix2(coordinates))
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