
[GargantuGals (@aaronchenart)] WHIIIIIIIRRRRRRRR (Cleo x Anon, anal vore)

Jul 30th, 2020
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  1. >oh god fucking dammit
  2. >Cleo, the big red dickwad, decided that it would be very very funny to sit on top of your car, crushing it into the concrete as she grinds it into the ground
  3. >as if your day wasn't as bad enough as it already was
  4. >motivated by a newfound anger, you storm towards her to give you a piece of your mind
  5. "HEY YOU"
  6. >"Hm? Me?"
  8. >her brow furrows
  9. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO... my... ride..."
  10. >her gigantic face looms over you as the reality of the situation kicks in
  11. >you, a mere mortal, blatantly insulted a crimson giantess to her face
  12. "I... uh...."
  13. >"Not so tough now, aren'tcha?
  14. >a lump of spit travels down your throat
  15. >"Hm... I think a bit of punishment is needed here, wouldn't you think?"
  16. >she turns around, revealing her nice red rear
  17. >"Perhaps you should go out in the same way as your little car..."
  18. >before you could plead, she slams her rear right on top of you
  19. >you find yourself nestled inside of her sweaty crack, so you're not exactly a red splatter yet
  20. >you hear a sadistic giggle as you try to free yourself of this situation
  21. >you try to pull yourself out, but you realize that your feet have managed to stick themselves in somewhere particularly warm
  23. >"AAH! What did...? Oh..."
  24. >'oh' indeed
  25. >"Hmm... this doesn't feel all that bad, actually."
  26. >you feel yourself being sucked into Cleo's greasy hole as you helplessly try to grab onto her cheeks
  27. >your legs become engulfed by her forbidden hole, already sensing the warm and wet flesh that awaits to meet the rest of your body
  28. >you desperately plead for help, but nobody helps you as your body proceeds to sink into her
  29. >you hear Cleo slightly whine at the sensation, but that doesn't make her stop
  30. >your arms have found themselves inside of her moist hole, with only your head and shoulders left sticking out
  31. >you see her big red finger coming down to your puny form, pressing what's left of you inside of her greasy orifice
  32. >fully submerged inside of her humid hole, you try to struggle within the wet slippery flesh that surrounds you
  33. >your environment tightens as you hear her muffled moans, complimented with what sounds like... shlicking
  34. >oh jesus, is she getting off to this?
  35. >light creeps from the exit that you're ever so desperately trying to pull yourself out of
  36. >unfortunately for you, you're simply greeted with her finger again, this time pushing you in even further into her
  37. >your environment has become much more humid and slick, getting harder and harder for you to breath
  38. >at one point you simply give up, realizing that your resistance is useless as you allow yourself to be sucked further into her moist cavern
  39. >as you begin to lose track of time, you accept your fate as you become forever lost within the depths of her rear
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