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Aug 26th, 2013
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  1. --- Log opened Mon Aug 26 19:12:41 2013
  2. 19:12 -!- Koakuma [Languidiir@EasternStory-eus.o9k.qomdag.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  3. 19:12 -!- Irssi: #meeting_room2: Total of 5 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]
  4. 19:12 -!- Irssi: Join to #meeting_room2 was synced in 0 secs
  5. 19:12 -!- Excelsior_Placidus [Bloodbath@EasternStory-0jf.5ch.mdnfg3.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  6. 19:13 < Akumu_Honda> ((Well it started off as a personal dispute of sorts))
  7. 19:13 <@Sayuno> I'll be listening to a song while we wait for people to fill this place~
  8. 19:13 -!- Masaaki_Kagura [kvirc@EasternStory-335.khl.21lkj8.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  9. 19:13 < Koakuma> I can provide a log if it's needed
  10. 19:13 -!- YamameKurodani [Satomame@spider.of.idle] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  11. 19:14 < Mootsies|Phone> I'll need it, thank you.
  12. 19:14 <@Sayuno> Koakuma is secretly a lumberjack~
  13. 19:14 < Koakuma> my logs folder is actually called "bigheavywood"
  14. 19:14 < Koakuma> 'cause it's log, it's log, etc
  15. 19:15 -!- Nitori_Kawashiro [guyaguya@EasternStory-9qh.f6e.il7m17.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  16. 19:16 <@Sayuno> Eh, whatever, let's go.
  17. 19:16 <@Sayuno> A little while ago, I dropped this beauty here:
  18. 19:16 <@Sayuno>
  19. 19:16 < Koakuma>
  20. 19:16 < Koakuma> yon log
  21. 19:16 < Koakuma> for evidence's sake
  22. 19:17 <@Sayuno> It caused a fair stir amongst the community.
  23. 19:17 < Koakuma> it'd be silly to start laying down rules without seeing the actual incident, so that's what happened from my point of view
  24. 19:17 -!- Ran_Yakumo [chatzilla@EasternStory-tnu.1l1.iu11au.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  25. 19:17 -!- Gennai_Arakida [kvirc@EasternStory-bbq.uv0.tcbfdk.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  26. 19:17 < Koakuma> you should read it before passing judgment
  27. 19:17 < Nitori_Kawashiro> What happened?
  28. 19:17 <@Sayuno> Hmm?
  29. 19:17 < Koakuma> it's everything that happened up to Haiiro muting the channel
  30. 19:17 < Koakuma> the bulk of the incident
  31. 19:17 < Koakuma>
  32. 19:17 <@Sayuno> We're discussing what this community should be.
  33. 19:17 <@Sayuno> But okay.
  34. 19:17 -!- Momiji_Inubashiri [3a6d53dd@EasternStory-ug6.cgi.unr81h.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  35. 19:17 <@Sayuno> AS I WAS SAYING
  36. 19:17 < Momiji_Inubashiri> ok
  37. 19:17 < Koakuma> Yeah, but. You should see what it was that caused this debate
  38. 19:17 <@Sayuno> Yes, yes, that's all good but I'm monologuing.
  39. 19:18 <@Sayuno> If that's how it's spelled.
  40. 19:18 <@Sayuno>
  41. 19:18 <@Sayuno> This beauty right here.
  42. 19:18 * Momiji_Inubashiri doesnt quite get what happened as she was not paying attention at the time, so she will largely remain quiet
  43. 19:18 <@Sayuno> Caused a fair bit of a stir etc.
  44. 19:18 <@Sayuno> --
  45. 19:18 < Koakuma> log, again:
  46. 19:18 < Mootsies|Phone> ...let sayuna talk, people.
  47. 19:18 <@Sayuno> Okay then!
  48. 19:18 < Mootsies|Phone> *sayuno
  49. 19:18 <@Sayuno> So what was important about this here forum post?
  50. 19:19 < Mootsies|Phone> It defines what we want to be as a community.
  51. 19:19 < Akumu_Honda> We made a choice.
  52. 19:19 < Mootsies|Phone> And with the decision comes the responsibility, etc, etc.
  53. 19:20 <@Sayuno> Ehhhh, something like that.
  54. 19:20 < Zuren> That there was a general concensus?
  55. 19:20 <@Sayuno> I was going along the lines of, "People voted for a leader who was being quite a jerk at the time."
  56. 19:21 < Masaaki_Kagura> So that was you not on a good day then, Sayuno?
  57. 19:21 <@Sayuno> In that one letter, I described us as: "a fuck-around-and-do-nothing-particularly-interesting-all-day community"
  58. 19:21 <@Sayuno> No, I was in a pretty good mood while writing this.
  59. 19:21 <@Sayuno> I was just acting mean.
  60. 19:21 <@Sayuno> But unfortunately no-one picked up on it.
  61. 19:22 <@Sayuno> As I was saying.
  62. 19:23 -!- Mootsies|Phone [7ac80199@EasternStory-29p.mn4.1icp28.IP] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  63. 19:23 <@Sayuno> I also talk about forcing people who aren't here to RP to leave, I describe myself as being ruthless, I wont stand for idleness, I will forcibly strip characters from people who can't play them to my standard.
  64. 19:23 <@Sayuno> AKA, you voted for an asshole to come in to power.
  65. 19:23 <@Sayuno> Had you voted for the other option; the community would not have changed at all.
  66. 19:24 < Koakuma> It would have, though.
  67. 19:24 <@Sayuno> It wouldn't have.
  68. 19:24 < Zuren> And would that have been good?
  69. 19:24 <@Sayuno> I left most large community decisions to be decided by the community.
  70. 19:24 <@Sayuno> I don't know.
  71. 19:24 < Koakuma> You specified that you would stop being our leader, that the vetting process for characters would go away, that the wiki and forums would have been converted to Q&A data-center, that you wouldn't have a part in it
  72. 19:24 <@Sayuno> If you people wanted to fool around in the main channel, you could have.
  73. 19:24 < Koakuma> that'd be a big change
  74. 19:24 -!- Haiiro [Haiiro@of.many.colors] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  75. 19:25 <@Sayuno> If you people wnated to RP freely to your hearts content, you could have.
  76. 19:25 -!- Mootsies [7ac80199@EasternStory-auq.5ov.c3f0mo.IP] has joined #Meeting_Room2
  77. 19:26 <@Sayuno> That would have happened, but who's to say someone couldn't have gone, "Hey, Nazeo, we'd like this, that, and this, is that possible?"
  78. 19:26 <@Sayuno> And he'll probably try hard to make it happen.
  79. 19:26 <@Sayuno> But anywho.
  80. 19:26 <@Sayuno> That's in the past.
  81. 19:26 <@Sayuno> I was voted in to power, and today I am here to lay down the laws.
  82. 19:27 <@Sayuno> Err...
  83. 19:27 <@Sayuno> The laws!
  84. 19:27 <@Sayuno>
  85. 19:27 <@Sayuno> But that's not going to help anything.
  86. 19:28 * Nitori_Kawashiro sighs.
  87. 19:28 <@Sayuno> So instead, I'm going to say this.
  88. 19:28 < Nitori_Kawashiro> This is all going to hell in a handbasket.
  89. 19:28 <@Sayuno> This place is an RP community. There is no other way about it.
  90. 19:28 * Sayuno hangs Nitori out to dry.
  91. 19:28 <@Sayuno> No it's not!
  92. 19:28 < Nitori_Kawashiro> D:
  93. 19:28 * Nitori_Kawashiro is stuck!
  94. 19:29 < Nitori_Kawashiro> I was pretty involved in the recent plot shenanigans with Miko. :>
  95. 19:29 <@Sayuno> Now I'd like to discuss what rights you have when it comes to being here.
  96. 19:30 <@Sayuno> One big problem that comes up is people don't quite understand what is acceptable and unnacceptable in OOC.
  97. 19:30 <@Sayuno> The following is acceptable:
  98. 19:30 <@Sayuno> "Hey, we should RP."
  99. 19:30 <@Sayuno> "Hey, I have some ideas about my character. Who else things that..."
  100. 19:30 <@Sayuno> "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if there was some plot like..."
  101. 19:31 <@Sayuno> "Hey, I've got a fantastic plot idea, lets..."
  102. 19:31 <@Sayuno> The following is unnacceptable:
  103. 19:31 <@Sayuno> "Hey, did you guys watch the latest batman trailer?"
  104. 19:31 <@Sayuno> "Hey, pay attention to me I've had a bad day."
  105. 19:32 <@Sayuno> "Hey, I'm here to complain about X and Y."
  106. 19:32 <@Sayuno> --------
  107. 19:32 <@Sayuno> See a pattern?
  108. 19:32 < Mootsies> (( Don't forget game discussions ))
  109. 19:32 * Akumu_Honda coughs.
  110. 19:32 < Zuren> I see a point to bring up.
  111. 19:32 <@Sayuno> Now, I'm not going to punish people for talking about what they want.
  112. 19:32 <@Sayuno> If anything I'm quite happy for people to discuss their favorite guns, or which bomb could blow up the earth...
  113. 19:32 < Koakuma> sssshhhhh. discussion will be opened after shinacchi finishes the monologue
  114. 19:33 * Masaaki_Kagura nods
  115. 19:33 <@Sayuno> But as soon as it takes priority over RP, then you have the rights to do the following:
  116. 19:33 <@Sayuno> "Hey you! I don't think now is the time to talk about that! These fine folks over here are talking about RP!"
  117. 19:34 <@Sayuno> Simple, yes?
  118. 19:34 * Akumu_Honda raises a hand.
  119. 19:34 <@Sayuno> Yes, the car?
  120. 19:35 < Akumu_Honda> What happens if there are two parralel discussions about RP?
  121. 19:35 < Momiji_Inubashiri> might need to untangle themselves by agreeing thatone moves to another channel
  122. 19:35 <@Sayuno> That's a good question :o!
  123. 19:35 < Momiji_Inubashiri> i can see that getting very tangled
  124. 19:35 <@Sayuno> I'll have to think of an answer to that...
  125. 19:35 -!- Zuren is now known as Zuren|AFK
  126. 19:36 < Excelsior_Placidus> may I have a little say here?
  127. 19:36 < Excelsior_Placidus> Or well, just an observation.
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