

Jul 18th, 2014
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  1. My words fall short, colliding with the floor,
  2. tremors beneath my feet.
  3. Their hollow resonation,
  4. a cryptic message deciphered only by those lying below.
  6. In these hallways my once loud voice falls mute.
  7. Strength is gone with tears in my eyes,
  8. failing to reach the wooden door inches from where I stand.
  9. Collapse. This is the end.
  10. This is his end.
  12. The sobs of those who come here to mourn echo..o..o..o -.
  13. Silence ensues, snuffing out whatever utterance was once there;
  14. suffocating you in its silence. Light the blackness of night,
  15. smoke filling your lungs as you fall to sleep beside those that you love most.
  17. I will miss you.
  18. The scars that litter your body - added as if a final touch -
  19. marring the surface of an imperfect, yet flawless, painting.
  20. Where have you hidden the decipher that will tell me your secrets?
  21. those hidden in life, lost in death, destroyed through self mutilation.
  23. In the end, I've come to pay my respects -
  24. to add my last memory.
  25. Living in reverie,
  26. I never had to say goodbye.
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