
alternate version app demon hunter

May 6th, 2018
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  1. Rank Name: Demon Hunter
  2. Race: All except Demon or Kai
  3. Amount of Those with Rank:0
  4. Rank Alignment Neutral
  5. In game Name: Kai-Lin Kress
  6. In game Key: Tairee
  7. Skills: Generic Skills-Rift Teleport, Custom icon and change of buffs in ssj 3+4, and Choice of Dash Attack, Shield, or Galic Gun admin Edited sword
  8. Restrictions: Icly Can not access ssj3 and 4 due to powers being taken over in those more chaotic forms.. If goes berserk has a chance to turn into a full demon if they themselves do not snap out of their anger. If becomes soul contracted They immediately will explode.
  9. RP Goal: Kai-Lin will use this power to both protect her family and leave behind a legacy alongside forming an order of Demon Hunters to properly combat Demonic or Evil beings.
  11. Backstory for Rank:
  12. Β Kai-Lin having feeling betrayed by those she considered friends and family found herself accepting a deal from Kalze. She would become the demon lord so he could go back home. So as the influx of power began to flow through her she found that her Ki and this demonic energy began to mix. Using the swords Vince had forged for her she began training to bend this mixture to her will. She would continue to train it until she had adequate power. She would still need to take up the spot. Upon entering the battle she soon found herself attacked from behind by a demon who wanted to become the demon lord. The demon had found a way to temporarily wield a holy sword and had stabbed her through her back and had assumed the role as demon lord. She was then thrown out of hell through a portal and returned to arconia. But she didn't forget. She swore that she would find a way to kill the demon that had stopped her from fulfilling her promise to Kalze. She was a woman of her word after all.
  13. RP Example of Rank:
  15. Kai-Lin was currently off training away from her son and the fact of the matter was she did not want her soon to see her train like this. She wielded her two blades as she felt a primal hunger roar within her. She took a breath before she started the hunt of a lower level demon that had just appeared on earth. The first thing she did was use her slightly enhanced senses. She moved swiftly though the planet and stopped sharply as she found herself catching wind of the Demon.
  17. The demon soon turned and fired a charged blast towards where she was standing. Kai-Lin soon dodged and began to engage them in combat. The demon was something of a speed based fighter. In what seemed to be one fluid movement the demon had managed to hit her with several strikes. But she was able to properly counter after the first movement thanks to her natural agility. She did catch a roundhouse to the jaw as she moved to counter attack. She then began to attack rhythmically as she and the demon traded blows.
  19. The demon soon found himself launched back as Kai-Lin began to morph into her half demon form to gain an edge while fighting it. She would then draw the two swords and charge forward to attack the demon again. The demon was expecting that as it moved to fire a barrage of blasts as it gathered more of its energy. She swatted several of the blasts away. She soon found herself closer as her form as quickly as it appeared faded away as her normal form was returned. She was dressed into the standard martial arts gi she had worn a form of for most of her life. She then had the top off to reveal a multitude of tattoos that went seemingly from her waist to just under her neck. The tattoos seemed to glow with a bright blood red aura.. Drawing her sword she stabbed the blade through the fallen demons body to calm the demon side that begged for demonic blood. She then began to remember how this had happened to her.
  21. A year and a half ago she had accepted a deal from Kalze the resident universe hopping demon lord. She found that upon accepting the deal Demonic power was forced through her body. The Demonic power began burning intricate tattoos into her body. The tattoos acted as a conduit but she found that she was dying. So she began to draw her swords and force the power through the swords Vince had given her. The blades began to change into a dark form of themselves as the demonic energy began to twist and warp it into it’s new form. She felt overwhelming power fill her body as she wielded the blade. But as she rose again she found herself sheathing the swords as Kalze watched with mild interest. Kalze then commented that her will seemed to have remolded the energy to better suit her needs. Kalze then let her be as he left but not after reminding her about her half of the promise. It was not until soon after that a demon came and plunged a sword through her back as she was recovering. The Demon gave a wicked smile as he said that they would be taking the throne instead of a filthy half breed. The demon then unceremoniously tossed her through a portal to Arconia. She landed outside of her home and woke up a few days later her swords humming with energy.
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