

May 9th, 2018
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  1. [00:13] Silence.
  3. Xoconan's words cut through Lotlhuitl. For a moment, the runescribe had almost crumpled. Her breathing caught in her throat as she regarded her husband. Her love.
  5. Lotlhuitl's will revolted within her.
  7. The Nagual regarded her husband, tension building within her. This wasn't what she expected. This wasn't what she wanted. Genuinely. This wasn't FAIR.
  9. The Nagual's ears had pinned back, her eyes still maintaining that same, aberrant mirror-like shine.
  11. "I.. I don't know anything because YOU keep me in the dark!" Lotlhuitl snarled back, tail bristling. This was hurting her. All of this. She swallowed back a shudder as Haruhi spoke. As she pointed out that Xoconan was speaking down to her. That her beloved was cruel.
  13. "Xoconan, please.. you're breaking my heart."
  14. (Lotlhuitl)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [00:30] His blood boiled. Challenged now, by the Kitsune, by his wife. Eyes glared, blood boiled. The ground upheaved. water pouring into the winds that carved around him. A screaming, violent sensation ran through them all.
  19. His eyes seemed to almost sink into his skull. "I've given you everything you've ever asked for." He spoke, venom dripping into his words.
  21. She doesn't deserve you, she never did. She's only held you back.
  23. "You never asked my plans. Too busy in Ardent, too busy with this, or that. And then you tell me that you went behind my back to Caesar, to plan a rebellion?" A wave of oppressive heat struck out across them both. Enough to boil the water in the swamp as it reached, steam rising around them, the haze discoloring it red.
  25. "Your friend calls me a slave, and you? The one I've loved so dearly? You think to betray me like this. The one who I gave life to. Freedom to." A dark glint came to his sanguine eyes.
  27. "I gave you life.
  29. I can take it."
  30. (Xoconan)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [00:42] Haruhi looks at the man as a patient hunter might look at a frenzied beast. An intense stare, as those crimson eyes lock with his.
  35. "That'd be murder, Warchief. You didn't give this girl life, and even if you did, that wouldn't give you any god-dang right to take it back."
  37. She raises her free hand to the one that grips the spear, before reaching a nail out to slit the free hand's wrist. A stream of blood pours down into her palm, slowly coalescing into something more solid. She allows the implement to hang to her side.
  39. "Watch yourself. Look how yer fury brings you to hate the one you love."
  41. The finger with the bloody nail points at the gauntlets, though her never leave his.
  43. "If you ain't a slave to the onewho owns that collar - if ya ain't a slave to whatever th' hell those gauntlets are - if ya ain't a slave to yer passions, then show it.
  45. All I see is a lack of self-restraint. All I see is a man controlled by everything but himself.
  47. You ain't a king, and it ain't yer chessboard. Your actions, your words, the tone of yer voice... It just shows you're a pawn o' somethin' else.
  49. that's all it says. Over and over and over. And you can feel it, and you hate that it ain't yer chessboard."
  51. She slowly allows her finger to curl back around the shaft of the spear.
  53. "But you just keep lettin' that invisible hand move you around. One more puzzle piece."
  54. (Haruhi Noriega)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [01:06] A soft shudder.
  59. "I.. I asked for nothing and received it in abundance!" Lotlhuitl matched his tone. Her ears still pinned backwards.
  61. Violence. Of course it came to violence. Lotlhuitl gathered her will, her anger. None of this was right. None of this was what she was entitled to.
  63. "You said you would never hurt me. You said that we would rule Agatha together, as equals. You lied. You've never seen me as an equal. Never." Lotlhuitl's voice was low. Quiet. Her gaze narrowed. "You're a liar, Xoconan." Bitter, cold fury, rising up to meet Xoconan's heat.
  65. "You have given me what was convenient. Whatever truly due to me, whenever I wanted something worth effort, you just gave me excuses."
  67. Lotlhuitl levelled her chin at him.
  69. "And that's all this is. An excuse! An excuse to deny me what should be mine!"
  71. A green aura had sprung up around Lotlhuitl. Reflections where no reflections ought to be. The very concept of envy made real, tangible.
  73. "You! I love YOU. You should be mine. Your power should be mine!"
  75. At that, Xoconan would gain a very real sense - a very wrong sense - of an aberrant power reaching out to brush against his soul. To claim a piece of his power, and steal it for her own.
  77. Lotlhuitl, budding sin of envy, lowered her voice. Her tone almost sweet.
  79. "Please, Xoco. I just don't want Kayeliun to control you any more. I can't stand it."
  81. I want to control you.
  82. (Lotlhuitl)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [01:16] Violence.
  87. His eyes practically bulged in rage. "So you throw away all my love and claim it for nothing." His face curled into a facsimile of a man. Too engulfed by corruption and anger, the feeling of screaming wrongness swirling around them.
  89. Chaotic. Burning.
  91. "You even betray your patron, who took to Kayeliun when the Coalition gave her Ezmara." His voice, venomous. Spiteful, before the battle. Shoulders rolling. "So enjoy your rebellion." His eyes closed for a long moment. Taking a deep breath.
  93. "Enjoy it for the last few moments I grant you. I once offered you my life, and you offered me yours. You promised to kneel, and offer me your life if you betrayed me again. I don't see you kneeling." His arms folded. "So I take back my own offer as well."
  95. Plasma engulfed his form as if a switch had been flipped. "Prepare, love."
  96. (Xoconan)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [01:18]
  100. {LOAD GAME}
  102. [01:25] So that's what it comes to, huh?
  104. "Thank you for killin' the beast that killed my mother.
  106. A shame you're about as human as it was. No better than your roots."
  108. The length of blood in her hand at once solidifies into a solid whip crackling with electricity. A blue ball of energy forms at the top of her spear, growing as she pours mana into its center along blue tendrils that snake up the length of the weapon.
  110. "You never knew love. The only emotion a demon feels is hate. And what makes you different?"
  112. She reaches up to don the mask, hiding disgust underneath.
  113. (Haruhi Noriega)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [01:27] You learned the spell Sin Magic: Envy V2.
  117. [01:29] You learned the spell Compression.
  118. [01:46] "Xoconan, no.. nonononono.."
  120. For a brief moment, she STARED at her husband in abject horror. Dmex had done what? Lotlhuitl's rich brown skin briefly took on an ashen tone as she stood in silence.
  122. And then a snarl.
  124. "Liar! I have not betrayed you! You have betrayed me!"
  126. All of this should have gone so much differently. Fate would mess with her no longer: she would take Xoconan back to Ardent by force, if she had to.
  128. Thick, red ichor suddenly bubbled out from between the cracks in Lotlhuitl's bracers. Blood. The liquid dripped onto the ground beneath her with an audible hiss. Soon, the woman stood surrounded by a miasma, a haze, of her own life force.
  130. Tension at her limbs, reflections where no reflections ought to be.
  132. She struck.
  133. (Lotlhuitl)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [02:15] The ground itself boiled with his fury. A maelstrom around him. Swirling, vindictive, the winds screaming with fury. With nature gone wrong, twisted, corrupted. Plasma streaking out, no longer its mere purple. Now corrupted with violent, reddish hues.
  138. The titan, the inspiring figure within, struck out with all the rage he'd ever known. His wife, his love, his soulmate turned against him... "You WORTHLESS WHORE!" His blood, again and again, shocked. Froze him, even as stolen power threw him around. Battered with water, with blood, with electricity.
  140. "ENOUGH!" A wave of chaotic energy roiled from his form, a shockwave. Obliterating the water, turning it to steam. His hands slammed to the ground, a second wave of energy burning through the ground. Crackling the stone, as tendrils of plasma melted through it. Striking at the pair.
  142. Haruhi was the first. His gauntlet snapped out, eyes piercing. The battlefield obscured in steam, in his red fog, in howling, devastating winds. The Jiang would find her very life stolen. Sapped away, torn into by the Warchief. "WHAT A WONDERFUL FRIEND, LOTLHUITL MY DEAR!"
  144. He screamed, mindless. Raging, a man who had lost his restraint. "I HOPE YOU SHOW HER THE SAME LOYALTY YOU SHOWED ME WHEN YOU FUCKED CHOI!" Soaring high, Xoconan realized he couldn't see Lotlhuitl.
  146. His eyes narrowed, body shifting. Like a bolt thrown from the heavens, he struck. The Arcanium gauntlet impacting the cliff with impossible force, the wave of baleful, chaotic energies throwing aside all else. Clearing the field. Revealing Lotlhuitl.
  148. Haruhi was abandoned, as he approached the Nagual. The Wraithcurse sapping her life. Stealing it for his own. "Your life is MINE! NO ONE ELSES! YOU BELONG TO ME!" Dragging her towards him.
  150. Towards certain death.
  151. (Xoconan)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [02:29] So much of this was endlessly, endlessly wrong, despite how righteous Haruhi felt in defending her friend, her -
  156. a maelstrom of energies consume the battlefield, filling her vision with an awful, malevolent haze. She can hardly see through the storm of death and destruction that surrounds the "man," but she does her best to weave her way through the blaze, through -
  158. through whatever hell this demon had conjured up from the depths of his heart.
  160. Above all the rest, above all of the noise, Haruhi hears -
  164. and her own blood boils with a similar fury. She lashes her whip in the voice's direction, cutting through the hurricane of elemental forces, wrapping it around his arm and trying to drag this avatar of destruction to the ground.
  166. As her whip electrifies his form, she points Anaxes's spear into the swirling forces while a blue ball of energy formsat its tip -
  168. but all at once, everything explodes.
  170. Her vision fills with Xoconan's might, with his power, surrounding and surging and burning the surface of her skin. It feels like she's melting inside her armor, like she's seeping out of the gaps...
  172. but all at once, everything returns.
  174. Though her vision is hazy, and though her body barely obeys her, blue tendrils of energy seep from the multitude of burning, bleeding wounds she manages to bear. It all pours into the spear just beyond her reach, just inside her vision, as she crawls to grab it again.
  176. 'YOU BELONG TO ME!'
  178. As her hands wrap around the shaft, the voice calls her attention to Xoconan and Lotlhuitl. She can't escape alone. If Lotlhuitl died -
  180. her body moves of its own volition. In a rush, in a burst of adrenaline, she forces herself to her knees, pressing herself up with the shaft of the spear as the whip of blood lies forgotten on the battlefield.
  182. The ball of energy grows as she centers her aim.
  184. DOOF!!
  186. It impacts Xoconan in his side, carrying him on a rocket of solid mana. The last bit of mana she can muster, as she collapses back down to her knees.
  189. (Haruhi Noriega)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [02:56] nonononononononononononononononono
  194. Lotlhuitl had never faced Xoconan, not like this.
  196. Not like this.
  198. The Nagual had attempted to turn Xoconan's own mastery of gravity against him. There was something almost poetic in the act. How many times had he overwhelmed her, held her in place with such magics? Hadn't their paths been brought together by him manipulating gravity to touch her, oh so long ago?
  200. 'WORTHLESS WHORE!' His words pierced her core.
  202. And Lotlhuitl's command of Xoconan's power broke.
  204. Green energy spilled from within her. Like her soul was an open, shattered wound... except instead of blood, strangely fluid reflections were spilling forth from within her. Her hair was caught in the winds which roared forth from her beloved.
  206. Lotlhuitl had attacked him with all her fury, all her rage. Blood and lightning. And then all that left was her envy - and that made up all of her. She would have given that to him, too.
  208. The Nagual was screaming.. She didn't even know it, screaming as she struggled and fought against the powers which dragged her towards Xoconan.
  210. Her feet slid across the ground. Metal on stone, sparks flying.
  212. And then?
  214. DOOF.
  216. A fraction of a second felt like eternity as Lotlhuitl's green eyes took in the scene in front of her.
  218. Haruhi saved her.
  220. Blink.
  222. Exhale.
  226. ...Haruhi saved her!!!
  228. The Nagual scooped Haruhi up. Lotlhuitl was bloodied and hurting in ways that she hadn't even begun to comprehend. No lasting physical injuries, but with the way she was bleeding corruption? Bleeding images which had no right to exist? Bleeding a damnable hole in reality itself.
  230. "AAGGHHHH!" The woman SCREAMED, pushing beyond her physical limits as she drew on the powers of her bloodline. Drew on the powers of Ixchel. As she surged forwards in a flash of lightning, out of Xoconan's reach.
  232. But not out of earshot.
  233. (Lotlhuitl)
  234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. [03:00] Dragging his wife towards him. Towards her execution. It was said the coldest hatred bloomed from the hottest love, and he'd always loved her more than life itself.
  238. The presence around him stank of the unclean. Of a rot to the very core of his soul. A presence that would burn the very beings of those nearby. But that, it seemed...
  240. Was not enough to keep Haruhi away from him.
  242. In his rage, so easily forgotten... And now she blasted him away. His Nyeshk armor, brutally pounded and yet without even a single dent, took the blow fiercely. But the man inside was still moved. Thrown aside. Send crashing into a stone, stunned for the briefest of moments.
  244. Enough for them to escape.
  246. "YOU'RE NOTHING WITHOUT ME! NOTHING!" He roared as she fled. "AND SOON YOU'LL BE LESS THAN NOTHING! YOU WILL RETURN TO ME, OR YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR CHILDREN AGAIN, LOTL DEAREST! YOU HAVE A MONTH!" He spoke as he recovered, watching her flee. Too fast, with his mana reserved drained.
  248. Out of reach.
  249. (Xoconan)
  250. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. [03:20] Worthless.
  254. Xoconan's words were almost all Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati could think about, as she CRASH LANDED back in Ardent.
  256. Lotlhuitl might have kept going, to who knows where, but truly, she could go no further.
  258. She was still carrying Haruhi. A fireman's hold, the weight of the Kitsune's body against her back.
  260. Normally, it would've been almost effortless for Lotlhuitl to scoop the smaller woman up. But now? The effort had proved excruitating.
  262. As while neither she, nor Haruhi, were visibly injured, Lotlhuitl was exhausted.
  264. "Nnng," Lotlhuitl exhaled, releasing Haruhi from her hands before dropping to her hands and knees. Lotlhuitl's bloodied, gauntleted fingers dug into the grass below her.
  266. Her hair fell across her face, concealing it from view.
  268. Though, one could have been forgiven if they thought they saw tears falling, wetting the grass.
  270. "Nng.."
  272. What else could she say.
  274. "I have to go back." Panic. Blind, terrified panic. She felt so weak. Heck, she sounded weak. Frightened. "Ahahah.. I don't know what I was thinking, thinking that I could possibly stand up to him. He's going to kill them. He's going to kill our children."
  275. (Lotlhuitl)
  276. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. [03:33] Rai had spotted them as they had come close to a halt, almost running to their sides, black lightning in the air about himself sundering perceived reality, always a air of something that wasn't, or wasn't supposed to be, the face to be held upon the world, the mask of normalicy.
  280. He slowed his pace as he saw Lotlhuitl's state, the lightning around him ceasing to change, a static image of a cracked world, a proverbial stop in time as he saw.. was that a tear? He came closer as she started to speak, glancing to Haruhi a moment before down to Lotlhuitl.
  282. There were no words for this moment, no plans, no quick thought. His face showed a mix of anger and concern. Kill them?! How dare he threaten to kill a child! How dare he provoke such a powerful emotion.
  284. The illusions shattered around him as he went to kneel slightly, thinking he could do something, anything. But nothing came to him, she was stronger than him.. She was stronger than him!
  286. His mouth opened, his heart hardened, a man who might kill his children didn't deserve them. "We won't let him."
  287. (Rai Yasahiro)
  288. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  290. [03:43] Conscious, if only barely. As her body hit the ground, she's shocked to awareness. Her weapon lies on the ground at her side, and her body is littered with wounds, though they're all superficial. Her gaze scans the area around her as her head drifts side to side. She evidently struggles to keep it steady, but she manages to set her gaze upon Lotlhuitl.
  292. As she does, her eyes struggle to stay open, wanting to flutter closed, but she shakes her head side to side and peels the mask off once more. On her expression, at first -
  294. is a smile, as she looks up to Lotlhuitl's form. Grateful, excited - almost reverent. Ignorant of the sorrow that plagues the woman's face, though she can hear some semblance her tone through the buzzing in her ears.
  296. She claws and crawls just a little bit closer, before wrapping her arms around Lotlhuitl's waist and half-collapsing against her thigh.
  298. A weak voice astutely observes,
  300. "You saved me."
  301. (Haruhi Noriega)
  302. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. [03:56]
  305. {LOAD GAME}
  307. [04:01] Tsing Tao whispers something.
  308. [04:05] Lotlhuitl was crying. Silently. The tall Nagual's willowy form wracked with silent sobs. She was defeated. Weak. Worthless. Her blue black hair hung over her face as she maintained her position.. fingers digging into the ground.
  310. Even as Rai approached her. Even as she felt her green-haired friend kneel beside her. She wanted to stop, to compose herself. But she was exhausted. And she just found herself weeping.
  312. Haruhi was clinging to her.
  314. The Kitsune thought that she had saved her.
  316. Lotlhuitl laughed at the idea. "Ahahaa-" Lotlhuitl breathed in between agonised sobs. "In a way, I guess I did, kit." The woman threatened to slump forward further. Exhausted. Visibly defeated. Her tail between her legs, her ears just pointing down. She was, overwhelmingly, a sad lookin' Nagual.
  318. "You don't know what he's like, Rai. Xoconan doesn't threaten. If I don't just let him kill me, he'll.. he'll do it."
  320. The woman shuddered.
  322. "Life is unfair."
  323. (Lotlhuitl)
  324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. [04:06] Tsing Tao whispers something.
  327. [04:06] Stargazer whispers something.
  328. [04:07] Tsing Tao whispers something.
  329. [04:07] Stargazer whispers something.
  330. [04:14] Rai Yasahiro whispers: When life is unfair, what do we do? We take up arms and take control. It's -ours-, we -deserve- control.
  331. [04:14] Rai lowered himself down beside Lotlhuitl, the air around him beginning to feel.. off. Illusions ripping and tearing into reality as he placed his hand upon her face, lightly brushing the defeated and tired woman's cheek. He saw his reflection in this moment visibly represented without illusion; complete and utter defeat, without hope.
  333. He leaned down to murmur near his friends, his words hissing with a wild spark of black lightning around the three, challenging existence itself. Life was unfair. It had all the power.
  335. After he murmured he reached up slightly and wiped at Lotlhuitl's tears with a soft smile then glanced over to Haruhi, the smile remaining as he went to lift the both of them with the aid of a daemon.
  337. "Let's get you two to a resting place."
  338. (Rai Yasahiro)
  339. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  341. [04:18] Tao and the hooded woamn watched the tail end of the scene unfold. Well, Tao did (sorry Stargazer). Confusion quickly gave way to concern when he noticed the severity of the injuries - replacing his companion's missing arm was no longer the most pressing issue, it would seem.
  343. He held off on trying to capture Rai's attention for now, guiding the Gehennan shaman out of the way, but still close enough to be called to assist... if either of them could.
  344. (Tsing Tao)
  345. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  347. [04:20] Jun Gao asks, "Well...have you heard the news?"
  348. [04:20] Jun Gao says, "Paladin, Acahualli and JaDrako are all dead..."
  349. [04:20] Lotlhuitl is leaning over Haruhi, in the process of being helped up by Rai
  350. (Lotlhuitl)
  351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. [04:20] Xin says, "Howdy."
  354. [04:20] Lotlhuitl has been - scratch that - still IS weeping.
  355. (Lotlhuitl)
  356. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  358. [04:20] The tanned fox-woman wanders closer to her Scion, and the unfamiliar woman. A gentle, calm smile is offered to either one, before she reaches her hands outward towards both!
  360. If not stopped, the brown-haired fox will lay a hand on either party's shoulder, closing her eyes and channeling soothing, calming energies into them. These energies are touched by holy-magic, but are not intrinsically holy themselves.
  362. It's simply a sense of flowing immersion. Realizing that one is immersed within a current of gold, the beating, vital blood of Eternia.
  364. An energy steeped in benevolence, peace, and selflessness.
  366. Order.
  368. The tanned fox-woman's eyes shoot open at Jun's words, blinking at least a thousand time at him. Her hands on either shoulder tense up, and she goes rigid for a few moments, absolutely shocked.
  369. (Suha Nylla)
  370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. [04:20] Lotlhuitl says, "GET AWAY FROM ME."
  373. [04:21] Rai Yasahiro says, "You were not asked for aid, madam."
  374. [04:22] While wondering around Racimir found a large group of noisy people. What could be possibly going on there ? he decided to aproach them.
  377. " Greetings people." he warmly said.
  378. (Racimir Sobieski)
  379. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  381. [04:22] Xin gives the group a friendly wave, and a grand smile. However they seem to be in the middle of something. Absentmindedly he lowers his hand again.
  382. (Xin)
  383. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  385. [04:22] Lotlhuitl visibly jerked backwards, HISSING at Suha. Teeth bared, face streaked with tears.. She attempted to drag Haruhi with her..
  386. (Lotlhuitl)
  387. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. [04:26] Well I'll be damned, that feels mighty nice. She doesn't recoil at the touch, but ah -
  391. ... well, Lotlhuitl jerking away definitely makes it difficult to stay there, doesn't it? She manages, through some sequence of events, to make it to her feet.
  393. And so, she speaks up with a,
  395. "Where are we going?"
  397. Dragged along by the hand, and willingly at that, but a little groggy.
  398. (Haruhi Noriega)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [04:26] Still wondering what the whole situation is about, Racimir headed toward the chest and sat down. He then began to analyze the strangers. One thing was sure, there was a demon tamer among them, which meant that there could be some troubles!
  402. (Racimir Sobieski)
  403. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. [04:27] Rai's illusionary energy seemed.. all too real for a moment, the lightning made of shadow that went to interject the woman's palms seemed as hard as.. stone? Illusionary stone or real stone made illusionary it was hard to tell. BUt it seemed all three of them did not want the aid, at least upon Lotlhuitl.
  407. "Let's go where we can rest up."
  409. He would follow, or if allowed, Lead the two away from the group upon his basilisk, the land shark was fast as his own power could apply to it.
  410. (Rai Yasahiro)
  411. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  413. [04:28] Lotlhuitl says, "No.. no.. Aca.. dead? "
  414. [04:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Spirits have mercy, no.."
  415. [04:28] Jun Gao says, "Yeah...Tragedy and Sibri."
  416. [04:28] Rai Yasahiro asks, ". . . -And- Sibri?"
  417. [04:29] Lotlhuitl had a rather delayed reaction, but it seemed that Lotlhuitl would permit Rai to assist her..
  418. (Lotlhuitl)
  419. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  421. [04:29] Jun Gao says, "They both captured her...then JaDrako and Paladin, Edge and Ren went to save her..."
  422. [04:30] Racimir Sobieski says, "instead"
  423. [04:30] Jun Gao says, "Edge is beat and Ren lost an arm..."
  424. [04:30] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "She's just a child!"
  425. [04:31] Racimir Sobieski says, "Oshit nigga, it`s Gajel"
  426. [04:31] Racimir Sobieski says, "Some1 call natsu"
  427. [04:31] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I can't take this.."
  428. [04:32] Haruhi Noriega says, "Lotlhuitl, let's go somewhere quiet. Somewhere safe."
  429. [04:32] Rai Yasahiro says, "Come."
  430. [04:32] Lotlhuitl says, "... Tongyishan."
  431. [04:32] Rai nods.
  432. (Rai Yasahiro)
  433. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  435. [04:32] Rai drives the three of them to the mountain peak upon the basilsk
  436. (Rai Yasahiro)
  437. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  439. [04:32] Lotlhuitl leaves, crying out something which sounds an awful lot like Xoconan is going to murder my children..
  440. (Lotlhuitl)
  441. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  443. [04:39] Haruhi probably comes to full cognizance at some point during the trip to Tongyishan. It's quite the fucking ride, after all.
  444. (Haruhi Noriega)
  445. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  447. [04:40] Haruhi Noriega says, "So, all things considered... at least we're safe."
  448. [04:41] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  449. [04:42] Lotlhuitl is quiet. Downcast.
  450. (Lotlhuitl)
  451. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  453. [04:42] Haruhi Noriega says, "That... could have gone a lot worse."
  454. [04:42] Haruhi Noriega says, "A lot. Lot. Worse."
  455. [04:42] Rai seemed to be mostly just there, the many masks he wore in public around different people, as subtle as the differences were, was gone to silence. There were -his- friends. Only -he- should be able to make them feel pain.
  456. (Rai Yasahiro)
  457. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  459. [04:43] Rai Yasahiro says, ". . . Next time.."
  460. [04:43] Rai Yasahiro says, "I'm not leaving your sides."
  461. [04:43] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "<they wave> Hey.."
  462. [04:43] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  463. [04:44] Haruhi raises her left hand and turns it Ikkaku's way, before weakly wiggling her fingers.
  464. (Haruhi Noriega)
  465. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  467. [04:44] Lotlhuitl just stares forward.
  468. (Lotlhuitl)
  469. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  471. [04:44] Rai barely pays attention to anything but the two women, a horrifying image of a demon going to meet Ikkaku for the briefest of moments. An image that could only be interprited as MINE.
  472. (Rai Yasahiro)
  473. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  475. [04:45] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  476. [04:45] Haruhi Noriega asks, "... excuse me?"
  477. [04:46] Ikkaku starts to walk towards the group, only for a demon to appear in front of them. Sky blue eyes blink and dark circles of occultic water are quick to wrap around it and restrain it. Slowly they move pass, swallowing, before bowing to Haruhi.
  479. "I uh.. I've been renting rooms for a bit.. How much.. Do you charge?.. I'll pay.."
  480. (Ikkaku Ukitake)
  481. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  483. [04:47] Haruhi closes her eyes and nods when Ikkaku approaches. As her head dips upward, crimson eyes can be sighted through the eyeslits of the mask.
  484. (Haruhi Noriega)
  485. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  487. [04:48] Haruhi Noriega says, "For customers? Deal with the clerks. For friends? Free."
  488. [04:48] Haruhi Noriega asks, "Who are you renting the rooms out for, though?"
  489. [04:48] Rai glanced over at Ikkaku as the shadow was repressed by the occultic waters, dissipating into nothing. He recognized the man, but he wasn't quite sure who he was.. or he couldn't remember at the time.
  490. (Rai Yasahiro)
  491. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  493. [04:49] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "I've.. Been renting them out for me and a couple friends. One of them did something really really dumb and.. <they lean forwards and whisper>"
  494. [04:49] Lotlhuitl says, "... I need to be alone."
  495. [04:49] Ikkaku Ukitake whispers something.
  496. [04:49] Lotlhuitl says, "This wasn't.. this couldn't have gone worse, Haruhi. I'd rather be dead than my children harmed."
  497. [04:49] Rai nods and holds out a small container to Lotlhuitl. "Eat.'
  498. (Rai Yasahiro)
  499. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  501. [04:49] Haruhi Noriega says, "We'll save your children. Everyone will be safe."
  502. [04:50] Haruhi Noriega says, "... we just need to try haaaaa-----"
  503. [04:50] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "If.. You need help protecting children or innocent people.. I can help."
  504. [04:50] Haruhi allows one of those whispers to process.
  505. (Haruhi Noriega)
  506. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. [04:50] Haruhi Noriega says, "Who-"
  509. [04:50] Haruhi Noriega asks, "Who did you say he killed?"
  510. [04:51] Ikkaku Ukitake whispers something.
  511. [04:52] Haruhi breathes. First in... then out. Slowly.
  512. (Haruhi Noriega)
  513. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  515. [04:53] Haruhi Noriega says, "Well fuck."
  516. [04:53] Rai Yasahiro whispers: I appologize for touching you in this time. Rest, Lotl. You -deserve- it.
  517. [04:53] Haruhi Noriega says, "I'll - I'll deal with that another time. I'll talk to your friend."
  518. [04:53] Haruhi Noriega says, "For now... free rooms."
  519. [04:53] Haruhi Noriega says, "I think I need a drink."
  520. [04:53] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "<They bow to Haruhi> Thank you so much.."
  521. [04:54] Ikkaku Ukitake whispers something.
  522. [04:55] Haruhi Noriega says, "... right."
  523. [04:56] Ikkaku Ukitake asks, "Um.. Rai?.. Could.. I pay you for some runescribing?"
  524. [04:56] Haruhi Noriega says, "Lotlhuitl's a runescribe too, ya know."
  525. [04:57] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "Oh.. Could.. <They swallow> Could I have you both help me with something?.."
  526. [04:57] Haruhi Noriega says, "In any case, ah..."
  527. [04:57] Lotlhuitl folded her arms..
  528. (Lotlhuitl)
  529. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531. [04:57] Haruhi Noriega says, "I dunno if they're quite in the mood for business."
  532. [04:58] Rai waves his hand, he would give Lotl this. But why? "I'm too tired to runescribe at the time."
  533. (Rai Yasahiro)
  534. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  536. [04:58] Lotlhuitl nodded
  537. (Lotlhuitl)
  538. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  540. [04:58] Lotlhuitl says, "Put it in front of me, then.."
  541. [04:59] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "Thank you.."
  542. [04:59] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "<They bow> Magic please.."
  543. [04:59] Lotlhuitl asks, "Runes to enhance magic?"
  544. [04:59] Lotlhuitl says, "Mnn.."
  545. [05:00] Lotlhuitl says, "<*half heartedly splattered the hood with her own blood, marking out runes with blood magic... before proceeding to dance. Metal jostled on metal.. jingle, jingle, jingle.. as she swung her hips.."
  546. [05:01] Lotlhuitl glanced to the blue haired fellow.
  547. (Lotlhuitl)
  548. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  550. [05:01] Lotlhuitl says, "It's done."
  551. [05:01] Ikkaku Ukitake says, "<They bow> Thank you M'am.. If.. You three need anything that I can help with.. Feel free to ask.."
  552. [05:01] Haruhi looks over to Lotlhuitl, expression hidden behind the mask. In her eyes is a hint of sorrow, but...
  554. She places a hand on the Nagual's shoulder for support. Hopefully a touch that won't be instantly shrugged away, as the woman works on the runes.
  556. "I should really get you to help me out with some of those, one of these days."
  557. (Haruhi Noriega)
  558. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  560. [05:01] Lotlhuitl leant in to Haruhi..
  561. (Lotlhuitl)
  562. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  564. [05:01] Lotlhuitl says, "... mn."
  565. [05:01] Rai watched the unique manner in which the woman danced the power into the runic works. The man admired art, though he seemed to grow a bit hotter as the nagual leaned into the Kitsune, breathing more visible breaths.
  566. (Rai Yasahiro)
  567. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  569. [05:03] Ikkaku swallowed.
  571. A soft music plays in the air, calming for most people hopefully as a soothing feeling would pass over those nearby. Sky blue eyes closed as they focused, trying to spread a feeling of unity and benevolence to the three.
  573. "I.. Don't know what happened.. But.. You three seem like you went through a lot.."
  574. (Ikkaku Ukitake)
  575. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  577. [05:05] Lotlhuitl stared down her nose at Ikkaku, looking through dark eyelashes at Ikkaku..
  578. (Lotlhuitl)
  579. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  581. [05:05] Haruhi keeps her hand on Lotlhuitl's shoulder as the woman leans closer to her. She reciprocates the motion as Ikkaku's music plays. Soothing, relaxing... she bathes in that feeling, and she leans her head over to rest against Lotlhuitl.
  583. Her expression is serene enough, for what it's worth.
  584. (Haruhi Noriega)
  585. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  587. [05:06] Lotlhuitl glared, looking most tsundere and stiff despite allowing Haruhi to encroach on her personal space.
  588. (Lotlhuitl)
  589. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  591. [05:06] Present, he looks over and around the corner. His ears twitch at the sounds of voices that weren't Ikkaku and this brings his attention around. Sou Ma finds himself looking between three people that he has spotted before, yet he has never quite known who they were.
  593. ''. . . Who're you?''
  594. (Sou Ma Li)
  595. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  597. [05:06] Lotlhuitl says, ""
  598. [05:06] Kayn Erudon asks, "..Ikkaku?"
  599. [05:06] Lotlhuitl says, "I want to be alone.."
  600. [08:44]
  601. {LOAD GAME}
  603. [08:50] Haruhi is most definitely sitting at a table drinking tea. That is the activity she is currently partaking in. She does not have her armor on. She is comfortable. She is happy. This is Haruhi Noriega.
  604. (Haruhi Noriega)
  605. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. [08:55] Elizabeth arrived in what was now the tearoom. The young woman took a seat on one of the pillows, inviting herself in. Hopefully this wasn't some kind of private deal. She crossed her legs and placed her hands in her lap, looking towards Haruhi.
  609. "Hello. You own this place, right?" she asked.
  610. (Elizabeth Sharp)
  611. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  613. [08:59] Sip, sip, sip.
  615. Haruhi dons a friendly, inviting smile as she looks over to dear Elizabeth, allowing the little teacup to rest in her fingers just in front of her face.
  617. She dips her head in a little nod, nod, nod.
  619. "I am the woman! Welcome, welcome."
  621. Lotlhuitl is probably there, too. And if she is, you bet Haruhi is scooted up close to her.
  622. (Haruhi Noriega)
  623. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  625. [08:59] Lotlhuitl is sitting next to Haruhi, looking somewhat out of things..
  626. (Lotlhuitl)
  627. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  629. [09:01] {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  630. [09:02] "Even though you didn't really consent to this, and Ikkaku invited us in.. I'm still very grateful to you." she nodded, sparing Lotluitl a glance that was just about as brief as her previous red text. Then it was back to Haruhi. "Thank you for giving me and my friends a place to stay while we're away from Ardent."
  631. (Elizabeth Sharp)
  632. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  634. [09:02] {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  635. [09:02] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  636. [09:05] Haruhi raises her free hand and dismissively waves it all the way down to the table. She wears an expression that says Don't be silly.
  638. "If I didn't want anyone to be here, they wouldn't be here. Not for all too long, anyways. If I had to call in the Fourfold to eject them, well, that'd just be a tragedy."
  639. (Haruhi Noriega)
  640. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  642. [09:05] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  643. [09:05] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  644. [09:05] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  645. [09:05] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  646. [09:06] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  647. [09:07] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  648. [09:09] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  649. [09:09] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  650. [09:11] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  651. [09:11] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  652. [09:12] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  653. [09:12] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  654. [09:13] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  655. [09:14] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  656. [09:14] Rai entered the room and moved off to the side of the tables with a small smile.
  658. "Hey."
  660. The man wasn't good with small talk, typically better silent unless he had a greater purpose to his speaking. His mind wasn't quite occupied yet.
  662. "I'm not intruding am I?"
  663. (Rai Yasahiro)
  664. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  666. [09:16] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Elizabeth Sharp. .
  667. [09:17] {Item} You drop Torch.
  668. [09:17] {Item} You picked up Torch.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  669. [09:17] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  670. [09:18] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  671. [09:20] "I was referring to how we had already made ourselves at home before you arrived. And.. that's a very weird thing to say." she said, on the note of Fourfold soldiers being called. The last she checked, the new Fourfold was in it's infancy. To say that they could throw out their de facto militia was questionable, and even more so to say that it would be a tragedy.
  673. Elizabeth waved towards Rai as he entered the room. "Hello there, Rai! You're not intruding at all. I just got here, myself." she greeted him.
  674. (Elizabeth Sharp)
  675. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  677. [09:24] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  678. [09:25] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  679. [09:25] Another dismissive wave, except this time towards Rai.
  681. "Please. You couldn't intrude if you tried. Which is to say, I think you might fear for your life."
  683. She playfully sticks out her tongue, before focusing her attention upon Elizabeth once more.
  685. "People come and go all the time. The clerks handle everything just fine. Have you met Sonja? She's an absolute riot when she's drunk. I think she's from Xuantong!. . ."
  687. That last statement provokes a little bit of empathic sadness. Haruhi ever-so-slightly deflates.
  689. "She might never see her home again. Hmm.
  691. ... I think we'll need to fix that at some point. Give people a way to go back, if they'd like to. Agartha isn't for everyone."
  692. (Haruhi Noriega)
  693. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  695. [09:26] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  696. [09:26] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  697. [09:26] {Item} You drop Large Bow.
  698. [09:27] {Item} You picked up Large Bow.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  699. [09:28] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  700. [09:29] Rai moved then to sit beside Haruhi, his legs bending beneath him as his normal aura of broken reality seemed.. less so. Pacified perhaps, as he brought himself close to the two women that sat across from Elizabeth.
  701. (Rai Yasahiro)
  702. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  704. [09:30] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  705. [09:31] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  706. [09:32] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  707. [09:34] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  708. [09:35] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  709. [09:35] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  710. [09:35] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  711. [09:35] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  712. [09:38] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  713. [09:38] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  714. [09:38] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  715. [09:38] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  716. [09:38] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  717. [09:43] Lotlhuitl was sitting on a cushion next to Haruhi. With the influx of Gehennan refugees into Ardent, the woman had managed to acquire clothing more to her style.
  719. Gone was the armour of the Coalition. Gone was the Coalition cloak. The woman had gone back to wearing, well, very little. She sprawled herself across a cushion, silken hair fanning out behind her.
  721. There was a cup of tea sitting in front of her, but she didn't much feel like drinking.
  723. -THUNK-
  725. Her fist collided with the table, setting the hot liquid spilling everywhere.
  727. Lotlhuitl's fluffy tail twitched, likely batting against Haruhi as the Nagual seemed to fume.
  728. (Lotlhuitl)
  729. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  731. [09:43] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  732. [09:44] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  733. [09:44] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  734. [09:45] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  735. [09:45] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  736. [09:46] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  737. [09:46] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  738. [09:47] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  739. [09:47] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  740. [09:48] The loud THUNK alerts some maids, apparently quite accustomed to serving Gehenn- I mean, angry and angsty guests. The spill is routine and little more than their normal work, so with some apologetic murmurs, they get it all cleaned up really fast.
  742. Haruhi, however, looks over to Lotlhuitl with worry. She half-pouts as part of an otherwise concerned expression as she puts her free hand on the woman's shoulder.
  744. "I'm here for you. You can talk to me when things bother you."
  746. At once a current and continuing offer.
  748. (Haruhi Noriega)
  749. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  751. [09:48] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  752. [09:49] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  753. [09:49] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  754. [09:50] {Item} You drop Sandals.
  755. [09:51] {Item} You picked up Sandals.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  756. [09:54] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  757. [09:55] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  758. [09:55] Rai glances over at the woman angered beyond Haruhi, taking the opportunity to lean closer to Haruhi herself, though he didn't say anything that might portray his understanding, the man's mind worked through what he thought might cheer the woman up. Rai turned slightly, a hand placed on Haruhi's shoulder blade in turn, partly to prop himself up.
  760. Shadows began to dance upon the wall by the door, slowly painting themselves to life. Three figures looking of the three upon the cushions brandishing their weapons against a larger figure bearing a striking resemblance to Xoconan himself. The scene around them was a gladiatorial arena. In the stands stood two servants recently seen holding two bundles. In truth Rai didn't know the ages of the children.
  762. A black spark appeared in each of their right hands if it were looked upon, if squeezed, their shadow figure would strike at the figure of Xoconan.
  763. (Rai Yasahiro)
  764. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  766. [10:03] "I don't want to talk about it." Lotlhuitl's voice was silky. The Nagual's fuffy tail continued to twitch and flick side to side violently, likely continuing to bat against Haruhi (unless the Kitsune moved or otherwise stopped her.)
  768. Languidly, frowning, the Cruxati runescribe had watched shadows creeping up the wall. Her ears had pricked up, her attention drawing to the scene the illusionist was painting.
  770. Lotlhuitl's breath caught in her throat. Her heart immediately beginning to race. That.. sense of wrongness which lingered around the tall woman's willowy form amplified about a hundredfold.
  772. Panic. She had to stop Xoconan before he killed her children.
  774. Fear. If she didn't return to him, Xoconan was going to kill her children.
  776. Envy twisted within her. It all wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. IT WASN'T FAIR!
  778. Lotlhuitl lept to her feet.
  780. "What the HELL, Rai!"
  782. Lotlhuitl's eyes flashed with a certain electric quality as she hid her emotions behind a layer of anger.
  784. "...what the hell.."
  787. (Lotlhuitl)
  788. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  790. [10:08] {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  791. [10:08] {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  792. [10:10] {Item} You drop Green Shawl.
  793. [10:10] {Item} You picked up Green Shawl.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  794. [10:12] When Lotlhuitl quickly rises to her feet, Haruhi's hand, well, can't very well rest on her shoulder anymore, now, can it?
  796. It is unfortunately relegated to resting in Haruhi's lap once more as she looks up to her Nagual. Her gaze pans from her, to the illusion, to Rai, and she remarks,
  798. "As clever a way t' try t' cheer 'er up as that is, I think ya mighta forgot the step with the cheer in it. Sadly..."
  800. She turns back to Lotlhuitl, eyes looking up to try to find another pair to stare into. She places her hand on the outside of Lotlhuitl's thigh - the location more for convenience than for anything else.
  802. "Attempt t'cheer you up that missed the mark aside...
  804. Come on, dear. Let's sit and relax as best we can, okay? Ya need a clear mind."
  805. (Haruhi Noriega)
  806. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  808. [10:14] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuirass.
  809. [10:14] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuirass.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  810. [10:20] Rai sighed a bit as he squeezed his own black spark, his own creation striking at the figure of Xoconan before the illusion began to break apart slowly.
  812. "The calm happens before and after the storm. Anger must be appeased or abated before peace. In this case, one way or another, Xoconan must know defeat. Be it relinquishing Lotlhuitl's children, or death and retrieving them.."
  814. The illusionary mimics of Lotl and Haruhi strike without the squeeze from the two, the larger illusion falling as the two servants began running down the stairs before the illusion completely vanished, his own eyes going a bit hollow.
  816. "I didn't mean to make you angry.. Lotl. I meant to show you that we're both behind you."
  817. (Rai Yasahiro)
  818. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  820. [10:43] "Nngh," Lotlhuitl exhaled sharply, raising her hands to rub at her face. The Nagual still was exhausted. She hadn't slept well, had barely eaten, since she and Haruhi had escaped Xoconan's wrath.
  822. Haruhi's hand at her thigh was not brushed away. No, the Nagual slowly turned her gaze away from the scene Rai had painted, away from the vision of her husband being slain.
  824. By the expression at her face, the wince, gosh, it was almost like the Nagual took no joy at the sight. Gosh, it was almost like her feelings regarding Xoconan were so wildly conflicted that she, herself was struggling to make sense of them.
  826. She looked away from the scene, and down to Haruhi. Soft, delicate hands reaching for Haruhi's. Seeking comfort. Contact.
  828. "You didn't make me angry, Rai."
  830. Her voice was flat, her expression coming about as close to apologetic as, really, either of them would've seen from her. Her gaze briefly flicked over to Rai, her fluffy ears drooping. The woman looked, well. Deflated. Gloomy.
  832. "I made me angry."
  834. She swallowed.
  836. "I apologise. I.. I appreciate the help, really. Even if I, honestly, don't really understand why both of you wish to help me."
  837. (Lotlhuitl)
  838. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  840. [10:43] {Item} You drop Circlet.
  841. [10:47] {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  842. [10:51] Every little twitch, every little tense, every little reaction to everything, Haruhi pays the utmost attention to. If Lotlhuitl's paying any attention to the woman's face at all, she can see just how intently she's being watched and analyzed - and worried about.
  844. If a grip is wanted, it's given, it's returned, it's reciprocated as tight as she can comfortably muster. Savored, hoarded, consumed -
  846. milked for every bit of affection as she looks up to the Nagual with a concerned smile.
  848. "Because you need it, sweetheart. Because you need me. But also because I want to see a smile on your face."
  850. Another little squeeze.
  852. "Sit with me. Please?"
  853. (Haruhi Noriega)
  854. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  856. [11:01] Rai offers a small smile to Lotl, almost like he was about to say something, but he didn't. His own desires and thoughts were slowly pushed off of a ledge. A mask carved in his image.. no, a scar upon his very being. His eyes went from hollow to alive once more as something rose within him.
  858. "You deserve it, Lotlhuitl. The world is unfair to those of us who come from nothing and we have to fight tooth and nail. We can't do it alone, Lotl. We're both here for you, waiting to see you smile."
  860. (Rai Yasahiro)
  861. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  863. [11:11] Lotlhuitl didn't know what to say. The Nagual had parted her lips, a soft "nn" of resistance rumbling from deep in her throat. But soon enough? She gave in. Sat next to Haruhi. Ears twitching as she held the redhead's hand.
  865. The Nagual couldn't look at either of them.
  867. Her friends.
  869. "I don't want to be alone." Lotlhuitl finally said. A plea, perhaps, but also an admission of guilt. It was shameful, her reliance on others. Or at least, she distinctly appeared to find it as such.
  871. "I'm exhausted. I.. I need to sleep."
  873. (Lotlhuitl)
  874. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  876. [11:17] While the confession is probably something quite somber for Lotlhuitl, for Haruhi it's something...
  878. adorable, really.
  880. She leans back against the separator with the Nagual's hand firmly held in her own. She grabs one of the cushions and stuffs it behind her as a pillow, before she raises the same hand to her mouth to stifle a -
  882. yaaaaaawn.
  884. "Me too. I think I might just take a nap right here. The staff are discreet enough not to bother you, if you'd like to."
  886. Bother us, more like.
  887. (Haruhi Noriega)
  888. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  890. [11:23] Rai looked between the two then stood up. He wasn't quite groggy himself as he grabbed the cushion and moved to the other side of Lotlhuitl, setting it down and connecting it to her own and moving to curl upon it next to the nagual, eyes watching the two of them slowly. He wasn't going to be deterred any further.
  892. He murmured with a small yawn, forcing his mind to slow down in mimicry to their own languor.
  893. (Rai Yasahiro)
  894. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  896. [11:25] Lotlhuitl plainly thought about protesting, tail flicking, before letting out one long sigh and giving in. The woman nestled down into the cushions, tail draping over Rai as she snuggled closer to Haruhi. And then she closed her eyes.
  897. (Lotlhuitl)
  898. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  900. [11:25] Rai Yasahiro whispers: She's not the only one who wants your attention. With a word I am your friend, with a touch..
  901. [11:25] Lotlhuitl says, "... I'll keep it in mind, Rai."
  902. [11:27] Rai nestled against the tail as it landed on him, silencing his murmur he enjoyed the softness, the touch. Haruhi had the woman's affections, but the tail was his.
  903. (Rai Yasahiro)
  904. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  906. [11:28] Haruhi wraps her arms around Lotlhuitl - though she doesn't quite squeeze her as she snuggles in. Maybe she's a little afraid to press the limits? Perhaps she's afraid she'll cross one threshold or another...
  908. Either way, she makes sure they get warm, tight, and comfy, before she closes her eyes as well. Little breaths make her chest rise and fall as her heartbeat slows. Approaching what would become sleep, in due time.
  909. (Haruhi Noriega)
  910. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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