
Enchanting an MP18

Feb 19th, 2019
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  1. Story Started and Finished in Thread #5
  3. What would be a good enchantment for MP-18s? My dwarf friends have really taken a liking to them, much better than their old black powder cannons they used in the tunnels.
  5. Obvious issues are range and stopping power of course.
  7. [Anon1 replying to MP18]:
  8. Infinite storage enchantments for the magazines and cooling enchantments for the barrel are the first two enchantments you should give any gun. Just keep in mind that while the magazines have endless space, you'll still need to put in every single bullet you want to fire and you'll still run out the normal way.
  10. [Anon2 replying to MP18]:
  11. Enchant the guns to be much more durable and resistant to debris like mud and dust, as the latter issue was the reason why they were never adopted for the army in WWI.
  13. As for range/stopping power, enchant the guns to add energy to the rounds fired via accelerating them.
  15. [Anon3 replying to MP18]:
  16. enchant the rounds, not the gun. Make the rounds freezers so that when they hit bad , targets have to deal with immediate frostbite.
  18. But if rounds don't work as well as hoped, have dwarf gun smiths increase the size of magazines and change the material of the barrel to cool faster.
  20. [MP18 replying to all sometime later]:
  21. Hey guys MP18 anon here. The enchantments have worked out pretty well. This is all part of a bigger greentext I might post soon.
  23. >I've taken up a position as a mercenary for the guard of the high elf town of Amuskeet.
  24. >The dwarf blacksmith turned gunsmith here has been a godsend.
  25. >Turns out his name is Cal and he has taken a very strong liking to guns.
  26. >Apparently the concept of guns never really developed beyond shitty black powder designs because of magic.
  27. >Though because dwarfs aren't nearly as proficient in magic as elves they've always kept a couple black powder cannons in the tunnels, but they have been problematic for obvious reasons, especially in tight, cramped mines.
  28. >So I explained basic gun concepts and it seemed like he liked the idea of SMGs the most.
  29. >They've chosen to go with manufacturing MP18s.
  30. >I think the aesthetic fits this fantasy world and it would do well in mine shafts.
  31. >They've buffed up the parts obviously, making it more reliable.
  32. >They added a Garand type safety and improved the "snail drum" magazine so it feeds reliably now.
  33. >Though the fact it's in 9mm did seem to irk them.
  34. >It's a good round, but they wanted more STOPPING POWAH™
  35. >We tried a lot of things, such as improving the 9mm we feed the gun.
  36. >Attempts to increase velocity of the gun with better powders had us running into issues with chamber pressures. The bolts were breaking from continued use.
  37. >An obvious choice was to make the bolts stronger but at that point we could have just rechambered for .45 or something bigger.
  38. >Which was a no go because the 9mm was already being produced in masse. So too late.
  39. >Another issue with changing the ammo's specs was that now other guns couldn't safely fire it.
  40. >We ended up placing velocity runes on the barrel underneath the heat shield.
  41. >It worked for a while but we found the barrels now wore out quicker.
  42. >If you've followed the development of the M855A1 we ran into every problem they did.
  44. >The final idea was to enchant the bullets as they come out like an Anon suggested here.
  45. >The remarkable thing is that instead of drawing mana from the shooter, we just use the heat from the barrel to power the rune. This solved the overheating problem as well.
  46. >Of all the runes we settled on one that added white phosphorus to the bullets.
  47. >9mm is perfect for elemental seals for some reason.
  48. >The seal adds white phosphorus to the projectile and is broken by blood.
  49. >For some reason the phosphorus they use draws oxygen from blood.
  50. >Dwarves are fucked up man.
  51. >Apparently if they needed light inside a tunnel, they'd take the dead body of any cave monster and just dump white phosphorus on it.
  52. >The cool part is that even if the 9mm doesn't stop them the WP burning them from the inside will.
  53. >It also adds a little white tracer sometimes.
  54. >I don't know why the dwarves are so into white phosphorus man, but if it works it works.
  55. >Only issue is the smell.
  56. >I couldn't help but use the MP18s because they are cool as all heck.
  57. >I've taken to wearing an enchanted gas mask and look like a WWI stormtrooper now.
  59. Hey guys MP18 Anon back again.
  61. >Be me.
  62. >I'm working as a mercenary put into the role of an Assault Trooper along other conscripts of KEK.
  63. >The King's Elven Knights.
  64. >Despite the word knight, they aren't using swords and shields anymore. They've converted to the holy church of guns.
  65. >It's a nostalgic title from before the /K/onvergence.
  66. >Since then human technology and magic have done surprisingly well together.
  67. >Nesi is on the frontier of Fantasia.
  68. >The general culture of the region is full of pioneer spirit, and ever since the /K/onvergence. It's taken on a Wild West feel to it all.
  69. >Apparently the style of dress and guns were all that was needed, everything else followed.
  70. >It is quite a sight to see a horde of orcs with bows and arrows fighting elves wearing 10 gallon hats and firing Single Action Armys.
  71. >The reason Nesi is on the frontier is because the magic is so strong here, making it difficult to settle.
  72. >It also so happens that the older a gun is the better enchantments you can get out of it.
  73. >Making lever actions, six shooters, and really any gun up to the World Wars perfect for the area.
  74. >Hence why as an assault trooper I was given an MP18, enchanted with white phosphorus to burn targets out from the inside out.
  75. >Though when we finally get to Nesi.
  76. >Everyone in KEK looks out of place.
  77. >For some reason whoever was in charge of procurement made us all look like German Stormtroopers from the first World War.
  78. >It doesn't help us at all since we're supposed to be restoring order among the locals.
  79. >As well as investigating some of the "Eldritch" horrors of the area.
  80. >The locals seem to be giving us a pretty wide berth.
  81. >The dwarf citizens are giving the elven soldiers bitter glances, and the elf citizens are giving the dwarf soldiers bitter glances too.
  83. >Oh no.
  84. >This is going to be like Yugoslavia isn't it?
  85. >It would explain why the dwarves and elves seem to be sticking to their own half of the town.
  86. >I'm a human though so I'm safe to walk as I please, though the other KEK troops haven't picked up on the situation yet.
  87. >Settling the "local dispute" and restoring order isn't my job though.
  88. >As a human I've been assigned to a "Dead Zone."
  89. >These are areas of magic so strong that most races dare not to even be in.
  90. >The key to clean these regions is to essentially kill whatever powerful magic being(s) that live there. After that most of the other monsters will leave as they no longer can feed upon the background magic and abject safety from the races the eldritch beast brings.
  91. >The very air of the place makes most fantasy races sick. They just can't process the sheer amount of mana in the air.
  92. >As a non magical human though it means nothing. It still does smell bad though.
  93. >I've been assigned a guide to help me make it to the Dead Zone and have since been waiting for the past damn near two hours.
  94. >"Howdy! Are you the human they call Anon"
  95. >I turn to find a cowboy elf with a Winchester 1895 over her shoulder.
  96. >Holy shit her accent is strong. The drawl is practically dripping off her words, cute tho.
  97. >"Mah name is Luoti."
  98. >"You're late."
  99. >"Yeep, yeep, I knoo I am but I had some… uhhh… trouble gettin here."
  100. >Behind her I see some of the gray uniforms of KEK. They have their pistols drawn and seem to be looking for something.
  101. >"Hey uhhh, so Anon I'm your definitely your guide so we should probably get going now."
  102. >She grabs me by the arm and starts pulling me out of town.
  103. >Holy fuck she's stronger than she looks.
  105. >On the way to the Dead Zone she keeps jabbering on and on.
  106. >She talks way too much and is far too joyful about nearly everything.
  107. >The positivity is nice but it gets grating very quickly.
  108. >You could have syphilis and she'd congratulate you.
  109. >She also has a cheeky look on her face at all times that borders on crazy. I can't help but think she's just being very, very sarcastic.
  110. >Elves, and high elves especially are known for being extremely racist, and often think of humans as nothing more than entertaining pets.
  111. >She regals me with stories about the superiority of the Elven race and how high elves should be considered a different kind of race entirely because they are so superior.
  112. >As the sun sets we come across a huge crowd of orcs camping out with teepees in a valley.
  113. >Some of them even have feather headdresses.
  114. >Paging Elizabeth Warren.
  115. >Luoti suddenly pulls her Winchester and sends a shot over the head of one of the orcs.
  117. >There is no way they didn't notice her shot.
  118. >There is also no way we can fight off so fucking many.
  119. >She didn't even hit her shot.
  120. >The orcs start to sound off and start doing their war call.
  122. >Oh jesus we found 9gag.
  123. >They start charging up the hill towards us.
  124. >I fill the air with shots from the white phosphorus MP18, the enchantment that adds the WP to the bullets also gives them a white tracer. Helping me to find my shots a little in the dying light.
  125. >Louti is firing nonstop as well at the orcs.
  126. >Missing. Every. Single. Shot.
  127. >what what the fuck.jontron
  128. >She opens the breach of her rifle to reload as a fucking troll, A TROLL pops out behind her.
  129. >I pop a slug of 9mm into its head.
  130. >It doesn't stop it obviously, but the pain of WP eating it from the inside does.
  131. >It keels over backwards and screeches
  134. >I think I just shot Jake Paul.
  135. >Louti stands up and readies her Winchester with flourish, aims her shot, AND MISSES.
  137. >The other orcs are still firing at us on the other side of the hill but holy fuck I'm stunned.
  138. >"Hey Anon… you wouldn't happen to have any spare 7.62x54 on you would you?"
  139. >Jesus christ she's a fucking liability. Why did she have to be my guide.
  140. >Toss her my Luger I keep in emergencies.
  141. >Knowing full well she's going to miss every fucking shot.
  142. >Turn back to finish off the orcs.
  143. >Turn back to check Luoti.
  144. >She's gone.
  145. >Look down into the camp and there she is looting the tents.
  146. >Turns out there was absolutely nothing of value in the orc camp.
  147. >We rest for the night and set out the next morning.
  148. >With her still jabbering on, the thing is that she's gotten really clingy and doesn't seem to understand the concept of personal space.
  149. >I've never been happier to make it to a Dead Zone.
  150. >The craziest thing is that you can see exactly where it starts, all the plants inside it are extremely overgrown compared to those outside.
  151. >It's as if the world's biggest lawnmower had just gone by.
  152. >The whole area is devoid of any sensory input besides the sound of your own feet.
  153. >No birds, no wind, no heat, no cold.
  154. >It's as if you were going into a vacuum where the only acknowledgement of your existence is limited to your dulled senses.
  155. >"Well. Luoti this is goodbye thank you for your he---"
  156. >Just as I try to leave into the Dead Zone she grabs my arm. Tight. Painfully tight.
  157. >In any other situation I would have been ecstatic to get attention from a girl, but Luoti seemed way too fucking clingy and eager.
  158. >Every single alarm imaginable was going off.
  159. >If I didn't know better she'd ND into my back when I wasn't looking if I stayed around her.
  161. >"Anon…"
  162. >Her accent and cheery demeanor was gone. Now it's an entirely clear and almost angry voice.
  163. >"Before you go…"
  165. >"You forgot to take your Luger back!"
  166. >"O-o-oh-h-h t-thanks Luoti."
  167. >I was on the verge of pissing myself. Elves can be fucking scary.
  168. >I try grabbing the Luger but she won't let go.
  169. >I pull harder and she takes the occasion to get even closer to me.
  170. >Fucking inches away.
  171. >RAPE.jontron
  172. >Now that I'm up close close I can see she has really pretty blue eyes, but they are way too blue and… glowy?
  173. >I feel like she's going to bite me.
  174. >Notice the Luger is pointed at my chest.
  175. >She has way too strong of a smile right now.
  176. >THIS IS NOT OK.
  177. >"Luoti. You can let go now."
  178. >"Oh did I keep grabbing on to it I'm sorry."
  179. >"Of all the human guns, the Luger is my favourite. Besides my Winchester of course."
  180. >She releases it but still stays way too fucking close.
  181. >"I'm gonna be going now."
  182. >"Alright bai Anon."
  183. >Head into the Dead Zone, look back every so often to see her staring.
  184. >I hike for a while and forget about Luoti's """uniqueness."""
  185. >Take out my binoculars and look back towards where Luoti was standing.
  187. >Fucking take off even deeper into the Dead Zone.
  189. >The issue with Dead Zones is that you just wander until you eventually make contact with something.
  190. >Usually it ends up being some fucking terrifying beast.
  191. >Come across a farmhouse on the side of a lake.
  192. >Come across a windo--- AND THAT'S BLOOD.
  193. >Go inside and find more blood but besides that, nothing.
  194. >The house is pretty dull without any good loot.
  195. >It'll make a good place to shack up though.
  196. >I check the lake and sure enough it's holy water.
  197. >That must have been why the farmhouse was built nearby.
  198. >If I ever get into deep shit it looks like I'm retreating into the lake.
  199. >I bottle some and keep it handy.
  200. >I follow one of the paths from the farmhouse as it goes into the forest.
  201. >I find a calcified dwarf corpse with a silvery pickaxe in his hand. His face is caught in a look of sheer terror.
  202. >Please don't let there be some medusa monster.
  203. >I keep the pickaxe since it's so light and will be handy in an emergency,
  204. >It's tipped a glowing blue at the ends. Probably some mining enchantment.
  205. >It reminds me of Luoti's eyes.
  206. >Say what you will about her being crazy, she was pretty fucking hot.
  207. >Keep walking along the path as fog rolls in.
  208. >Fog is never good in Dead Zones.
  209. >Notice the path forks ahead.
  210. >Start going up to the sign, and… that's no sign.
  211. >If it is, that's the worst most unsettling shaped sign imaginable.
  212. >It's some figure with arms and legs way out of proportion, they're elongated and bony.
  213. >It's a fucking wendigo.
  214. >Pop a shot into its head and it goes down easy.
  215. >More wendigos start coming out of the treeline, way too many of them.
  216. >Reload the MP18 and start hauling ass away while burning rounds.
  217. >I manage to down a couple of them but the rest of the pack is sprinting at me.
  218. >They shamble from side to side and some of their heads rotate like a gyroscope.
  219. >I'm not gonna be able to outrun them or reload in time.
  221. >Have an idea to use the holy water.
  222. >Throw one of the bottles on the ground
  223. >Throw more of them around me to form a ring of safety.
  224. >Anti sea bear circle engage!
  225. >They hesitate
  226. >More of them are gathering
  227. >WELL FUCK
  228. >Dump the last bottle of holy water onto me soaking my clothing.
  229. >The wendigos all screech in frustration to a deafening crescendo.
  230. >I cover my ears but the pitch and treble is so strong I can feel it in my teeth.
  231. >I wasn't prepared for so many, this was supposed to be a lesser Dead Zone. It is extremely close to Nesi after all.
  232. >They're just going to wait until the holy water dries.
  233. >I grip my MP18 closer, and decide FUCK IT.
  234. >I mag dump into the crowd and they all screech in panic again.
  235. >They're running away!
  236. >But once my mag hits dry, they keep running.
  237. >It isn't from me.
  238. >Turn around and peer into the fog.
  239. >Fuck there's something there.
  240. >Even I can feel it.
  241. >Take off running.
  242. >I'm tunnel visioned and don't see the rope trap beneath my feet.
  243. >I get swept up like a cartoon character
  244. >Nearby at the base are calcified handprints.
  245. >Oh the dwarf must have set it up.
  246. >Try to wiggle and shimmy my way out.
  247. >Something is still out there though.
  248. >At this point I might as well have crawled into a silver platter.
  249. >"Aaaaaanon!"
  250. >what
  251. >"Anon where are you?"
  252. >Holy fuck that's Luoti.
  253. >Did she fucking follow me?
  254. >She could have at least shot the fucking wendigos for me.
  255. >"Anon I need you." She says in a sing song voice.
  256. >That's Luoti alright
  257. >"Anon I'm getting closer."
  258. >My heartrate starts coming down. Jesus christ I've never been so happy to know a hyper clingy elf.
  259. >Luoti is stalking the edge of the clearing.
  260. >There she is, in all her elven beauty someone to help and get me down.
  261. >"Anon what are you doing up there?"
  262. >"Just get me down would you?"
  263. >I don't know if it's because I'm hanging upside down but Luoti seems a lot taller than before. Her eyes are also like god damned LEDs.
  264. >She's still partially concealed by the fog
  266. >"Hey Luoti?"
  267. >"Yes Anon?"
  268. >"How did you find me?"
  269. >"I just knew where you'd be silly."
  270. >"Hey Luoti, what was the name of the pistol you gave me again?"
  271. >"Oh it was a Ruger!"
  272. >"It was a Luger."
  273. >"Luger, Ruger same thing."
  274. >"You said it was your favourite human gun Luoti."
  275. >She's finally come into the clearing and HOLY SHIT SHE'S FUCKING HUGE.
  276. >She's at least 8 feet and has a smile that's more sinister than her usual cheeky.
  277. >"Luoti?"
  278. >"Yes Anon?"
  279. >"Why are you so big?"
  280. >"Oh this just makes it easier Anon. For the both of us."
  281. >The whole time she's been looking at me she hasn't blinked once.
  283. >"Hey L-l-l-uoti?
  284. >"Yeah Anon?"
  285. >"A-a-are you ok?"
  286. >Fuck my voice is getting high pitched and squeaky.
  287. >"I'm perfect Anon, are you scared?"
  288. >I can only eek out a meek whisper of "a little."
  289. >"Good."
  290. >Luoti is licking her lips and is giving a really toothy grin now.
  292. >Remember I have a gun.
  293. >Remember said gun shoots bullets.
  294. >Remember said bullets kill shit.
  295. >Take my MP18 and fucking mag dump into her stomach.
  296. >Shoot the rope keeping me up and I fall.
  297. >A shadow covers the ground in front of me.
  298. >Look up and Luoti is still there, with the 9mm sitting at the ground before her.
  299. >Though her skin has started to sag and shed.
  301. >Reach past the C4 I keep in my pack for a trump card, an M72 LAW.
  302. >It can only fire once every 24 hours so I only use it in emergencies.
  303. >This is an emergency.
  304. >The backblast is going to be a bitch.
  305. >Fire the rocket into """Luoti""" and send """her""" flying back into the woods.
  306. >Go to untie the trap
  307. >I'm able to free my legs just as """Luoti""" gets back up.
  308. >At this point it's not even Luoti it's just a goddamned skinwalker.
  309. >"That wasn't very nice of you Anon."
  312. >Take off running again back to the farm house.
  313. >Pass a trio of Wendigos just sitting and chilling near the path.
  314. >They give confused glances as I run by.
  315. >I can hear the skinwalker decimating them from its sheer strength behind me.
  316. >It throws an upper half of a Wendigo's body at me
  317. >I manage to make it to the farmhouse and start stripping myself of my gear.
  318. >I can see the blue of its eyes through the fog.
  319. >The sun is setting so the light from its eyes is even stronger now.
  320. >I hop into the lake get soaked down to my waist.
  321. >The skinwalker has come back into view and has its skin as a shawl around it.
  322. >I keep walking backwards into the lake and keep my MP18 trained on it.
  323. >Much to my surprise it steps in the lake.
  324. >Its body burns and hisses as it touches the water.
  325. >"The water won't save you Anon."
  326. >"The holy water spring only goes so far."
  327. >Sure enough as it comes closer and closer its body stops burning.
  328. >FUCK.
  329. >I nope the fuck out of the water and climb back onto shore as the skinwalker laughs behind me
  330. >It sounds so much like Luoti it even has her eyes.
  331. >I hide in the farmhouse and try not to piss myself from fear.
  332. >Take off running again back to the farm house.
  333. >Pass a trio of Wendigos just sitting and chilling near the path.
  334. >They give confused glances as I run by.
  335. >I can hear the skinwalker decimating them from its sheer strength behind me.
  336. >It throws an upper half of a Wendigo's body at me
  337. >I manage to make it to the farmhouse and start stripping myself of my gear.
  338. >I can see the blue of its eyes through the fog.
  340. >I hop into the lake
  341. >The skinwalker has come back into view and has its skin as a shawl around it.
  342. >I keep walking backwards into the lake and keep my MP18 trained on it.
  343. >Much to my surprise it steps in the lake.
  344. >Its body burns and hisses as it touches the water.
  345. >"The water won't save you Anon."
  346. >"The holy water spring only goes so far."
  347. >Sure enough as it comes closer and closer its body stops burning.
  348. >FUCK.
  349. >I nope the fuck out of the water and climb back onto shore as the skinwalker laughs behind me
  350. >It sounds so much like Luoti it even has her eyes.
  351. >I say fuck the farmhouse and just run through.
  352. >I can hear the skinwalker's heavy steps echoing through the building.
  353. >I pray to every single god I know to get me through this safely.
  354. >I have one last hail Mary, I always keep a block of C4 in my pack for utility.
  355. >Toss it into the house and hit the detonator.
  356. >The entire farmhouse goes up.
  357. >If you've ever seen Terminator, you know what happens next.
  358. >The skinwalker pushes its way out of the rubble.
  359. >It's pretty obvious its done toying with me because it's sprinting full speed.
  360. >Aim my MP18, it's empty.
  361. >Draw my Luger, it's empty Luoti or the skinwalker, not sure who, fired all the shots.
  362. >It's funny what adrenaline can do for your thought process.
  363. >It was only then I made the connection between the dwarf's pickaxe and the skinwalker's eyes.
  364. >I chuck the pickaxe into its head and it finally goes down.
  365. >The entire forest is silent now.
  366. >I cautiously go up to it.
  367. >The thing rolls over and I jump back.
  368. >"Anon."
  369. >"Y-y-yeah?"
  370. >"I enjoyed killing the orcs with you even if we didn't find any loot."
  371. >"Sure…"
  372. >"It was fun playing around, even if it was with a dumb human."
  373. >Its eyes finally go dark.
  374. >The craziest thing about skinwalkers is that they only take on the skin or a vague look of their victims.
  375. >It had Luoti's eyes, had her memories, and even her racism.
  376. >What the fuck.
  378. TL:DR - Elf pussy not even once.
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