

Sep 30th, 2019
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  1. Bobby enter's via stargate 777!
  2. Bobby: yes, Daniel you go down the dark hallway alone and I'll stay in the darkroom alone, it's not like Ghost's are real...
  4. Bobby: Things will not calm down, Daniel Doud. They will calm up.
  5. Daniel Enters Via stargate 609!
  6. Daniel:Do we or do we not have a Zanax detector?
  8. Daniel: I've heard of a place where Earth women do battle in a ring of Jello.
  10. Bobby: Indeed.
  12. Bobby: SO WTF DANIEL... I'm still trying to understand, how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony
  13. It took us 15 years and three supercomputers to MacGyver a system that worked.
  15. Bobby: Guess I'm going to have to cancel that Oprah interview. Daniel: What is an "Oprah"?
  17. Thomas Schoenberger POPS UP! having hacked the coms unit on screen 1. HE BEGINS TALKING AS DANIEL HACKS HIM BACK OUT THROUGH PORT 3301
  19. Thomas: Had the Wraith attended the Geneva Convention they would have tried to feed on everyone there.
  21. Daniel Yells: Holy Thomas Schlong Dong Gobbler, I swear on all your socked unborn children's souls,
  22. If you once again try to harm me or one of my companions, my patience with you will expire.
  24. Daniel: Undomesticated equines could not move me, yet Many have heard me say that, But you Boby are the first I believe could do it!
  25. Defango enters stargate 666ab731 : Permission to barge in, Sir?
  26. Daniel: Permission access to the vault Lvl 33 Granted, Greetings, Manuel Chavez The third
  28. Defango: Daniel, find me an anthropologist that dresses like this and I will eat this headdress.
  30. Daniel: Well. We're off to see the wizard.
  31. anywho.
  32. Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound...
  33. We came here in peace, and we expect to go in one... piece.
  34. How many pieces is that do you think?
  36. bobby: Why are you whispering?
  37. Daniel: I don't know. It seemed like the right thing to do looking through a microscope at a cell culture and seeing a thousand dancing hamsters!
  38. Daniel: I built an atomic bomb for my grade six science fair exhibit.
  39. Fozzy: They let you do that up in Canada?
  41. Daniel: Now that is one sweet potato camera Leppo. Like "dinosaurs turned into birds" theoretically or "theory of relativity" theoretically?
  43. Daniel: They're politicians, Like Thomas Schoenberger & Leppo .--. they're all creepy.
  45. I'm beaten, tied up, and couldn't order a pizza right now if I wanted to. But if you need it to be, yeah... This is an order.
  46. ADACIC1033, you are an idiot every day of the week. Couldn't you have taken just one day off?
  47. It's a city, not a yo-yo.
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