
[Verdant] - (Rev1) Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos

Dec 22nd, 2018
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  1. Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos
  3. Nyarlathotep is the god of illusion, magic, invention, dreams, unreality, and veils. He is a talented shapeshifter, but most often prefers to don the look of a handsome xenosapient with tanned skin and bronze eyes. Nyarlathotep delights in confusion and mental anguish--through giving boons to this followers, he ensures that he can, in kind, curse and confuse them, watching them unravel over their lifespan due to his strange blessings. He is accompanied by heavenly flutes and seemingly magical tools and instruments. Simple affairs such as romance and hive life amuse Nyarlathotep, who finds greater pleasure in emotional suffering than immediate death.
  5. Sacrifices:
  6. 1. (Required: Servant) You write a Secret on your inner forearm and have your Servant do the same. You cannot read your Servant’s Secret but your Servant may read yours. After writing the Secret, you visualize reaching out in front of you and pulling back a Curtain. If you succeed, Nyarlathotep will present himself to you. The secrets will vanish from your arm if done successfully. (Roll 1d2. 1-He Hears you, 2-He does not. You must wait 1 IRL Week to try this Sacrifice again but may try the others immediately if criteria is met.)
  8. 2. (Required: Item/Servant) You must fall asleep in a well-lit room, preferably outside of a recooperacoon. You MUST wear your Finest Clothes and the most expensive jewelry you or your Servant has. Once you fall asleep, you must remain asleep for exactly 10 minutes before your Servant wakes you. When you wake, you will be in a different Realm of consciousness where Nyarlathotep is waiting for you, sitting at a Cafe Table. Join him, and he will give you his Boon. You must then decline his drink and your Servant must wake you when they hear you turn it down, otherwise you will sleep for 2 IRL days.
  10. 3. (Required: No Servant) You find a Hand-Mirror and must stand with your back to another Mirror so that you can see the reflection of both your face and your back at the same time. Position your Hand-Mirror so you see and endless chain of reflections and look deep into the cascade. When you begin to hear faint music, you must immediately cut the lights in the room. Nyarlathotep will appear, shattering the larger Mirror. Make sure the smaller stays in-tact to allow him an exit. (Special Curse)
  13. Boons:
  14. 1. The caster becomes incredibly beautiful, and is capable of shifting their form in various means to make themselves more attractive. They can *not* transform themselves into another troll, but *are* capable of changing their hair length, color, body measurements, and biological sex (along with secondary sex characteristics.) They cannot do this with the goal of resembling another troll; consider it gods-approved plastic surgery on command. Their skin is clear and radiant, their eyes full of life, and even their base features become more appealing.
  16. 2. The caster becomes capable of shapeshifting themselves into any other troll, appearing indistinguishable from them. They are not able to shift to the form of a troll that has not happened yet (they cannot shapeshift into an 'elderly' troll when said troll is currently middle-aged), but they may shift themselves to the form of a troll that has already happen (for example, if a troll is seriously disfigured and the caster received this boon prior to their disfigurement, they may mimic the troll's form prior to their disfigurement). Trolls may only take on the forms of trolls that they have been in physical contact with. Trolls may not mimic deceased player characters.
  18. 3. The caster can form, change and strengthen or weaken other's romantic feelings towards them (with character consent) and can do the same to their own feelings. Pre-existing feelings are not necessary. 'Romantic feelings' are defined as pitch feelings, red feelings or pale feelings.
  20. 4. The caster may strengthen or weaken other's romantic feelings for one another (with character consent). Pre-existing feelings are not necessary. 'Romantic feelings' are defined as pitch feelings, red feelings or pale feelings.
  23. Curses:
  24. NOTE: If a character receives a time-sensitive curse, the character will be aware that it will eventually pass. The god has placed in their mind the knowledge that the effect will leave within (time span).
  26. 1. You are unable to perceive anyone as they truly are, and instead see them as near-clones of yourself, with the only variances being their horns and caste color.
  28. 2. You come to hate your matesprit and love your kismesis. This vacillation is unchangeable; (though you if you receive Boon 4, can make yourself -ambivalent- about both parties, this is all you can do). If you attempt to restore feelings to yourself regarding these two parties, you will still hate your matesprit and love your kismesis. (If you have no kismesis or matesprit, instead take Curse 3.)
  30. 3. You fall into sudden, passionate love (d1) or hatred (d2) for a random individual within the server. (Players may speak up and volunteer all, some, or none of their playable characters. This may include characters unknown to your Character, in which they will suddenly know the Name of their target.) This love or hatred can dissipate after 1 IRL week; however, it is not necessary and may be played as long as You wish. Until the 1 IRL week ends, however, the love or hatred will remain and is not able to be modified in any way (including by Boon 4.) (This curse may stack as many times as it is rolled.)
  32. 4. You are incapable of saying the words 'I love you' or 'I hate you' regarding the person you're directly speaking to. You may say 'I hate them' in reference to a second party, or may express your love or hatred of foods, items, concepts, etc. 'Let me show you how I feel' followed by explanatory action is perfectly acceptable, however.
  34. 5. You have the pitch spectrum of emotions entirely removed from your pan. You may feel platonic hatred or contempt, but entirely lose the Troll romantic norm of 'pitch'. You are incapable of returning pitch affection and are not permitted to hold a kismesis, whether or not you currently have one.
  36. 6. You are unable to physically touch anyone for the next IRL week without experiencing excruciating chest pain, as if your pumper itself is aching. All manner of touch applies, including affectionate touch, intimate touch, sparring, medical attention. Everything.
  38. 7. You perceive one of your romantic partners (picked randomly through assigning numbers and rolling) as being incredibly ugly for one IRL week. You are incapable of lying about how ugly they believe your romantic partner is; you do not see your romantic partner as a monster or someone unfamiliar, but rather simply see their features as ugly. What was once seen as a beautiful pair of lips are now 'two fat pink slugs pressed together', for example. If your partner asks you about your feelings on their appearance, you compulsively tells them how you feel regarding said appearance.
  40. 8. You receive the symbol of your greatest enemy on your back, a means of Nyarlathotep souring your beauty with a constant reminder of someone you loathe. This symbol is not removable through any means and will always return. Tattooing over the symbol only results in the symbol showing clearly through the ink and covering it.
  42. (Special Curse)
  43. When Nyarlathotep left, he took your Reflection with him. You can no longer see yourself in Mirrors, Reflections of any kind, or Cameras held by yourself, but will appear in pictures taken by other people. You no longer cast a Shadow under any lighting conditions.
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